



1、2013 九年级上期中复习检测 Unit 3词组中译英..9.10.变得吵闹至少八小时的睡眠目前对来说是很有意义的经历熬夜妨碍学业 对认真努力学习的重要性做决定在一家当地医院【参考】get noisy; haveeast 8 hours sleep; at present a meaningful experience for; stay up; getheway of study; be serious about; the importance of studying; make a deci; at the local hospital单词拼写.

2、.2.13.14.If I had an oto study abroad, Id like to go to Canada. Its not allowed to get our ears pat school.Children should be taught to othe law.They took part in some activities like vduring the 2010 World Expo.Its sto go out All the students should che rain if youve to.their attent

3、ion on their study.Theman wanted to see my lwhen he stopped my car.During the Spring Festival in China, all family musually get together. We all think tshouldnt be allowed to stay at others homes at night.Have you rto his letter?t worry! By hard work you can aanything.He should stop wearingt pair of

4、 strange e.Im busy now would you please go to the meeting iof me?I cant cwhich pair jeans to buy. They both look goome.15.ast, they sin findingt lost boy.【参考】opportunity, pierced, obey, vo achieve, earrings, instead, choose, succeededteering, silly, concentrate, license, members, teenagers, reply,单项

5、选择( ) 1.The phonetic transcription for the word “design” is .A. dzanB. dzanC. dzanD. dzan( ) 2.A. repair ( ) 3.I had my MP4 yesterday. It was broken.B. repairs-Whats the matter?C. repairedD. repairing-They said I wasnt allowed photos here. Theyt allow photoshe museum.A. taking, to takeB. to take, ta

6、keC. to take, takingD. taking, taking( ) 4.-Joan enjoys reading magazines while listening to music.- .A. So does AnnB. Also is AnnC. Ann likes tooD. So Ann does( ) 5.My parents are very strict me and they are also strict their work.A. with, atB. with, withC. at, atD. with, in( ) 6.Wang Feng was ill

7、and his teacher has her .A. three-days o. three days offC. three days offD. three days off( ) 7.-How do you like the two pairs of trousers?-Theyt fit me well. They are too bigtoo small.A. not only; but alsoC. neither; norB. both; andD. either; or( ) 8.I didnt see , for there was not .A. enough clear

8、ly, light enoughC. enough clearly, enough lightB. clearly enough, enough lightD. clearly enough; light enough( ) 9.Li Ming hasnt tasted French food. .A. So have IB. So I haveC. Neither have ID. Nor I have( ) 10.-was your day off, Mary?-You mean yesterday? Oh, really good. I went to the Hangzhou Amus

9、ement Park.A. WhenB. WhereC. WhatD. Hownews every night?( ) 11.-How long does your father watchin-Lessn an hour.B. costA. spendC. takeD. pay o the river.To make our environment more beautiful, trash A. may not throwB. cant throwC. mus ( ) 12.be thrownD. neednt be thrown-Helen, why are you still here

10、? The meeting has already begun.-Im sorry, but I when to have it.A. didnt ( ) 13.lB. havent toldC. wasnt toldD.tl-Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?-.A. Sure, I wouldB. Yes, pleaseD. Yes, bothC. Neither,nk you( ) 14.-I failed the English exam again. It know what to do.-. Hope is always arou

11、nd you.A. Never give upB.t be serious C.t be relaxed D. Nevut down【参考】CCCADBDBCDACCDA按课文填空The other day, my friends andtalked about the 1t we have in school. at our school, we have towear uniforms every day. The 2ist all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. We think youngpeople should look 3an

12、d so we would like to wear our 4. We would feel more 5andt is good for 6. If we 7dot, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms.t would be a good way to 8both teachers and students happy.At our school, we sometimes have a 9day to help others. Last year we went to an old10home and sang songs an

13、d performed a 11for them. We should be allowed to take time todo things liket 12often. For exle, we should visit primary schools and help teach 13students. On Friday afternoons, many students are 14after a longk of classes. Some students shouldbe allowed to have Friday afternoons 15to voteer and hel

14、p others.【参考】rules; problem; smart; own clothes; comfortable; study; cant; keep; spel; peoples; play; more;young; sleepy; off完形填空 (改编自魔方格)The family had just moved. The young woman was feeling a little 1 . It was Mothers Day- and shewas 800away from harents.She had 2themt morning, and her mother had

15、 mentioned how colorful their backyard was nowtspring had arrived. Later, she told her 3how she missed those lilacs (百合花) in hwhere we can find some, he said. Get the kids and come on.arents yard. I knowSome time later, they stopped at a 4and there were lilacs all round. The young woman 5up to thene

16、arest bush and buried her facehe flowers. 6 , shcked some. Finally, they returned to their car for thetrip home. The woman sat smiling, surrounded by her flowers.When they were near home, she shouted Stop, 7quickly and hurried to a nearby nursing home. Shewent toof the hallway, 8an elderly patient w

17、as sitting in her wheelchair and put the flowerso herlap. The two 9 , breakingo laughter now and then. Later the young woman turned and walked back to herfamily. 10 the car pulled away, the womanhe wheelchair waved wis, and held the lilacs tightly.Mom, the kids asked, 11did you give her our flowers?

18、 It is Mothers Day, and she seems so 12while I have all of you. And anyould be cheered by flowers.This pleased the kids, but not the husband. The next day he 13some young lilacs around their yard.I was the husband. Now, every 14 , our yard is full of lilacs. Every Mothers Day our kids gathurplelilac

19、s. And every year I remembert stouching memory of my life.of the lonely 15woman. Andse a forever() 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.A. greenA. visitedA. husbandA. doorA. movedA. ProudlyA. gave upA. whereA. ateA. AsA. whyA. quietA. pickedA. JanuaryA. beautiful】DCABBB. r

20、edB. askedB. friendB. gardenB. rushedB. CarefullyB. turned overB. whichB. dancedB. BecauseB. whenB. confusedB. driedB. MayB. fatACCBCC. yellowC. calledC. childrenC. yardC. walkedC. QuicklyC. woke upD. blueD. helpedD. motherD. hillD. flewD. SadlyD. got offD. whenD. chattedD. Since D whereD. patientD.

21、 hidD. SeptemberD. YoungC.tC. playedC. SoC. howC. aloneC. plantedC. JulyC. old【参考B阅读理解(改编自魔方格)I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1994, but I can remember my mothers words asit were yesterday. Kerrel, Iwhen you are around him.t want you to take food from your father, because

22、 he has AIDS. Be very carefulAIDS wasnt something we talked abouty country when I was growing up. From then on, I knewtthis would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, hecould take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My

23、 fathers other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him.We couldnt afford all the nesary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had nomoney for schools and often couldnt even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling compley lost,the teachers words muffl

24、ed as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.I did not share my burden(负担) winyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed atclassmates who harents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to thehospital, the nurses would leave his foothe bedsi

25、de table even though he was too weak to feed himself.I had knownt he was going to die, but after so many years of keng his condition a secret. I wascompley unprepared when he reached his final days. Sad and hopeless. I called a woman at the nonprofit (非盈利的)National AIDpport.t day, she kept me on the

26、 phone for hours. I was so lucky to find somehocared. She saved my life.I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didnt want to call attention to AIDS. I do.( ) 1.What does Kerrell us about her father?A. He had stayedhe hosp

27、ital since he fell ill.B. He dependethe nurses in his final days.C. He worked hard to pay for his medication.D. He told no one about his disease.( ) 2.What can we learn from the underlined sentence in paragraph 3?A. Kerrel couldnt understand her teacher.B. Kerrel had spel difficulty in hearing.C. Ke

28、rrel was too troubled to focus on the lesson.D. Kerrel was too tired to hear her teachers words.( ) 3.Why did Kerrel keep her fathers disease a secret?She was afraid of being looked down upon.She thought it was shameful to have AIDS.C. She found noilling to listen to her.D. She wanted to obey her mo

29、ther.( ) 4.Whats the meaning of the word “cruel” in paragraph 4?A. 惨淡的B. 无情的C. 粗鲁的D. 痛苦的( ) 5.Why did Kerrel write the passage?A. Tol people about the sufferings of her father.To show how little people knew about AIDS.To draw peoples attention to AIDS.To remember her father.【参考】DCABC选词填空(2013 杭州中考)To: Christin Hi Christine,Date: 23th MarchSubject: The Riding for the Disabled AssotionSorry I havent tion.ed lay-Ive been very busy sinceing a voteer for the DisabledAssoEvery Saturday, I h


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