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1、Psycholinguistics心理语言学心理语言学参考书目1. (美)考勒斯主编,张瑞岭等译.心理语言学. 北京:人民卫生出版社,2012心理语言学参考书目 2.David W. Carroll. Psychology of Language . Publisher:Cengage Learning; 5 edition ,March 29, 20073.(美)Timothy B. Jay著. The Psychology of Language . 北京:北京大学出版社.2004年.4.桂诗春著.新编心理语言学.上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年.心理语言学参考书目5、德约翰内斯恩格尔

2、坎普 著. 陈国鹏译.心理语言学. 上海:上海译文出版社,1997年.6、朱曼殊著 心理语言学.上海:华东师范大学出版社.1990 年.Chapter 1 An introduction to psycholinguisticsWhat is Psycholinguistics?What is Human Language?Components of LanguageThe Scope of psycholinguistic ResearchThe Historical Context of Psycholinguistics (Antecedents of Psycholinguistics

3、)Introductory DefinitionsLinguistics: The academic discipline that studies language.Psycholinguistics: The study of language as it is used and learned by people.Language: A shared, symbolic system for communication.BRANCHES OF LINGUISTICS 1. STUDY OF SOUNDSPhonetics(语音学)What sounds do languages use?

4、What sounds “make a difference”?Phonology(音韵学)How do sounds fit together in particular languagesBRANCHES OF LINGUISTICS2. STUDY OF MEANINGSemantics(语义学)What do words mean?What do sentences/passages literally mean?Pragmatics(语用学)What messages are actually conveyed?BRANCHES OF LINGUISTICS3. RULES FOR

5、RELATING SOUNDS AND MEANINGSMorphology(形态学)Principles for constructing complex words (inflexional and derivational)Syntax(句法规则)How do words get put together into larger groups?What is psycholinguistics?Psycholinguistics studies the relationship between linguistic structure and cognitive processing.

6、Psycholinguistics is concerned with the cognitive processes during language processing (perception and production)What is psycholinguistics?study of mental processes and structures that underlie our ability to produce and comprehend languageWhat is psycholinguistics?Psycholinguistics is a branch of

7、linguistics (and psychology) concerned with the study of the cognitive or psychological processes involved in using language.Psycholinguists borrow aspects of linguistic theory and apply it to the representation and processing of language in the brainLinguists study linguistic competence(语言能力)Psycho

8、logists study linguistic performance(语言行为)What is psycholinguistics?The study of the representations, mechanisms, and processes that underlie our ability to acquire and use language.What is Human Language?Human Language is a structured system for combining words that makes it possible for us to comm

9、unicate to others ,to think about our immediate environment ,or to imagine.语言是以词为基本结构单位,以语法为构造规则的符号系统。它是一种社会历史现象,是音义统一的人类交际工具。Language is a system of pairing of forms (often sounds) and meanings which is used to (formulate) and transfer information.Language manipulation appears to be a rule-governed

10、 activity involving symbol manipulation(符号处理)involving the pairing of symbols and meaningProperties of Human LanguageLanguage is communicative Language is arbitraryLanguage is structuredLanguage is multilayered: sounds ,units of meaning, words , phrases, sentencesLanguage is productiveLanguage is ev

11、olutionaryThe Components of LanguageFormThe structure of languageContentThe meaning of languageUseThe goal or purpose of languageFormSyntaxRules for combining words into sentencesMorphologyRules for combining speech sounds into meaningful unitsPhonologyRules for combining speech sounds to make words

12、ContentSemanticsRules for combining words and meaning of wordsUsePragmaticsRules for conversationThe Components of LanguageHierarchical structurephonemes - sound units of our languageinfants are born with ability to hear all phonemes in all languages, but as they learn the prototypes for a given lan

13、guage they lose the ability to distinguish phonemes in other languagesmorphemes - smallest units that change word meanings (semantics)e.g. house, houses, housed, housing learn, learning, relearn, learned, relearninggrammar - rules for producing sentencesboth explicit and implicit rulesExplicit rules

14、 (grammar) is taught in schoolsentence diagrammingImplicit rules are picked up informally by listening to others speakExamples of linguistic intuitions1) Grammaticality - word ordere.g. all politicians kiss babies kiss politicians babies allwe can even judge the grammaticality of meaningless sentenc

15、ese.g. colorless green ideas sleep furiouslyLinguistic Intuitions2) grammatical relations - we can detect subject, object, verb, and modifiers In the following example the word order remains constant but the grammatical relations change:John is eager to pleaseJohn is easy to pleaseLinguistic intuiti

16、ons3) sentence relations - many difference sentences can express the same idea and we can have difference sentences forms (types of sentences)The gorilla chased the orangutanThe orangutan was chased by the gorillaThe gorilla did not chase the orangutanThe orangutan was not chased by the gorillaDid t

17、he gorilla chase the orangutan?What chased the orangutan?The Scope of psycholinguistic ResearchTraditionally, psycholinguistics is divided into language acquisition, language comprehend and language production. Language AcquisitionEarly theories based on behaviorismparents reinforce correct language

18、 useimitation and reinforcementPrior to 1950s: Behavioral theoriesB. F. SkinnerIdea: language is reinforced or punishedProblem: children are always creating things they have never heard before.Children misapply the rules of language.Current theories (1950: Chomsky) suggest that babies are born with

19、at least some innate knowledge of languagenot random and rule usageLanguage is prewired in a babys brain.There is a universal language that gets inherited through our DNA.The language acquisition device (LAD)Metaphor: a seed language gets inherited through the genes. Out of this seed language would

20、blossom all past, present, and future languages of the world.Evidence for the innate aspects of languagechildren deal with novel sequences in a systematic waye.g. the pluralization of non-wordsThis is a wug. If I had one I will have two _Language AcquisitionEvidence continuedOver-regularization and

21、over-generalizationchildren often learn correct forms such as came and went , but after exposure to many examples of past tenses start to use comed, goed, doed. This is not regression this is application of the rule - even if parents try to correct this.In all languages children make a similar patte

22、rn of errorsnegation - children start by adding “no” as the first or last word n the sentenceImitation is not progressive when children try to repeat after an adult, they do not mimic exactly, change the utterance to fit their current level of developmentexamples Language AcquisitionEvidence continu

23、edParents tend to reinforce the truth value of the utterance rather than the correct grammar. exampleCriticism of Chomskys theoryChildren do learn by rewards and punishment.Is this only unique to humans? What about trained chimps, gorillas, etc.Where is the LAD?Research Problem Areas (Subfields)Expe

24、rimental PsycholinguisticsDevelopmental PsycholinguisticsNeurolinguisticsSociolinguisticsExperimental PsycholinguisticsLanguage comprehensionLanguage productionDevelopmental PsycholinguisticsStudy of language acquisitionLAD (Chomsky)What linguistic universals are innate?Cross-linguistic studiesCross

25、-species studiesNeurolinguisticsNeurophysiological studies of the brain and the impact on language processingMethodsBrain DamageBrain ImagingSociolinguisticsStudy of effects of social context, expectations, and interpersonal dynamics on language production and comprehensionThe Historical Context of

26、PsycholinguisticsAntecedents of PsycholinguisticsHistorical AntecedentsEarly Experimental Psychology (1800s) - Wundt, Ebbinghaus, BuhlerEmpiricist/Associationist TraditionKnowledge derived from sensory experienceWe are blank slatesLink together sensory impressions in an associationist mannerIntrospe

27、ction technique dominant Wundts Views on LanguageSentence is the primary unit of languageProduction and comprehension are transformations of a thought process into sequentially organized speech segments and vice-versaProduction is a word-by-word process that begins with a whole sentenceOthers Doing

28、Language ResearchWatt (1905)Mayer and Orth (1901)Buhler (1907)Huey (1908) - developed t-scope recognition task and eye-voice-span techniqueBehaviorism And Neobehaviorism Mental internal events not studied from the 20s to 50s “Verbal behavior,” or verbal stimuli and verbal responses, are studiedVerba

29、l BehaviorProduction and comprehension treated as stimulus-response pairingsWords were the basic unitsSentences were associative chains of S-R responsesClassical Conditioning ViewOsgood (1953) Method and Theory in Experimental PsychologyVerbal behavior (word meanings) were learned by classical condi

30、tioningOperant Conditioning ViewSkinner (1957) Verbal BehaviorVerbal behavior conditioned by reinforcementParents shape childrens utterances by reinforcement and error correctionPeople reinforce each others verbal responsesVerplanch (1955) studyCriticisms Of Verbal Behaviorists ViewLashley (1951) - The problem of serial order in behavior“Miller (1956) “The magical number seven +/- two”Chomsky (1959) Review of B.F. Skinners Verbal Behavior Fodor (1965) - Could meaning be an Rm?Chomskys CriticismsBehavioristic terms were vagueCouldnt explain syntactically ac


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