1、Part BReadandwrite & Lets check & Lets wrap it up & Story timeUnit 5 There is a big bedPEP版英语五年级(上)Lets sayWhats this?Its a mouse.mouse 老鼠0Warming up0mousemiceWho is he?He is Mr Jones. Where is he?He is infront of anoldhouse.ListenandanswerWhat didMr Jones say?He just movedinto anoldhouse.move 搬家mov
2、ed(过去式)ListenandanswerMr Jones is unhappy. Guess why?Because the rooms are too dirty.dirty 肮脏的Look andanswer What do you see?The rooms are dirty. There are pictures and photos everywhere.everywhere 处处,到处Watch andanswerWho cancleanthe room for Mr Jones?An email to RobinTo: From: Look at the email. Wh
3、at do they mean?An email to RobinTo: robin From: Dec. 20thDear Robin,收件人寄件人日期称呼I am Binbins art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no! I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me
4、. I live near the nature park. Please hurry!Mr Jones. 落款正文标题Task 1: Which is Mr Jones room? Listen andtick.ReadandwritePresentationAn email to RobinTo: robin From: Dear Robin,I am Binbins art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. Th
5、ere are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no!I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry!Mr Jones.Task 2: Underline the words you dont know.live 住;居住nature 自然界;大自然Dec. 20thTask 3 Listenandfollowthe tape.An email to RobinTo: robin From: Dec. 20thDear
6、Robin,I am Binbins art teacher. I just moved into an old house. The rooms are dirty. There are pencils and crayons on the floor. There are pictures and photos everywhere. Oh, no!I see a mouse behind my computer! Please help me. I live near the nature park. Please hurry!Mr Jones.Dec. 20thmy computer!
7、An email to Robin_T_o_: _F_r_om: Dear Robin,I am Binbins art teacher. I just _m_o_ve_d in_t_o_ an old house.The rooms are d_ir_t_y . There are p_e_n_c_ils a_n_d_c_r_a_y_on_son the floor. There are p_i_ct_u_r_e_s_a_n_d_p_h_o_t_o_s everywhere.Oh, no! I see a mouse b_e_hi_n_dPlease help me. I live ne_a
8、_rthe nature park. Please hurry!Mr Jones.Task 3 :Fill inthe blanks!Task 4 Readandanswer the questions.What are onthe floor?There are pencils andcrayons onthe floor.Where is the mouse?The mouse is behindthe computer!Where does Mr Jones live?He lives near the nature park.Lets writeWhat is inyour room?
9、 Write three sentences.There is _a b_ig b_edb_e_s_id_e th_e w_in_d_o_w.There are _th_r_e_e p_ho_t_o_s_o_nth_e w_a_ll. 3.Th_er_e is a_p_l_an_t a_ndt_w_o_c_h_a_i_rs_u_nd_e_r th_e d_e_s_k.Look andsayWhats inthe picture?There is /areThere are two photos inthe picture.There is a bedinthe picture.There is
10、 a desk inthe picture.There is a dog inthe picture.There is a plant inthe picture.What is inthe room? Listenandtick or cross.Lets checkListenagainandwrite.There is a p_l_a_ntonthe desk.There are two ph_o_t_o_sabove the desk.Listenandrepeat.Wu Binbin:Inmy room there is a desk. Onthe desk there is a p
11、lant. Above the desk there are two photos. Beside the desk there is a bed.Match andwriteThere isThere isinfront ofabovebehindbesidethe tableLets wrap it upComplete the sentences.T_h_e_r_e is_a c_a_t_i_n_f_r_o_nt o_f_t_h_e_t_a_b_le_.There is a w_a_t_e_r_b_o_t_tl_e_be_s_ide_t_h_e_t_a_b_le_. 3.There ar
12、e _t_w_o_p_h_o_t_o_s _a_b_o_ve t_h_e_t_a_b_le_._Lets learnThere is a/an+可数名词单数(+其他). There is +不可数名词(+其他).There are+可数名词复数(+其他).isareamThere isanapple inthe fridge.isTheresome flowers onthe desk.areama_r_ecan (名词)Look!What is it?Why is he sad(伤心)?What happened?story timeWatch andanswerWhy dont Monke
13、y andRabbit help the can?Because they are late for school.Who helps the canat last? Zoom.Readandanswer易拉罐Thereisacanbesidethe river.Heissad.Can: Canyou help me?I want to go home. 繁忙的Bird: Sorry. Im busy.Anaughtybearkicksthecan.Bear: Haha! Can: Oh, no!淘气的踢ThecanfliesoverRabbitandMonkey.飞;飞翔Monkey: Lo
14、ok at that poor can. 可怜的Rabbit: Come on! Were late for school.The canfalls between two fish.Zoom catches the can. Zoom: Let me help you.Can: Thank you.Home, sweet home.Where is the cans home?Trash bin.a naughty bearkickrabbit and monkeyfly overgive it to Zoombetween two fishZoomtrash bincatcha birdI
15、t is busyon the grass want to homelate for schoolsweet homeRetell the storyLets thinkWhat will you do if you see a can in the street?Practice读短文,圈出描述物品位置的句子。lt is raining,but Little Monkey does not have a house. There is a big tree in front of him. He sleeps inthe tree. He feels coldandhungry. l nee
16、da house. There is a big bedinmy house. There are Many bananas inmy house. There are. . . he thinks.The next day is Sunday. Its Sunday today , he thinks. I shouldnt work .“Onthe thirdday ,he goes to a park.There is a swing(秋千). I want to play onit today , he says to his friend Little Rabbit. Little Monkey plays every day.On the sixth day ,it is raining again.Oh no! Little Monkey cries. Im going to build my house tomorrow ! “You should build you
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