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1、In some countries,you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person2. He lay on the bench with his eyes fixed on the sky. 3. With so much homework to do, I cant go to the party tomorrow. 4.He usually sleeps with the windows open in the summer. 5. He slept with the lights on. 1. The girl sto

2、od there silently, with tears in her eyes. 2. With a face all smiles he told us that he had passed the exam.Read the following sentences and notice the underlined part.With复合结构是一种由 介词with或without+宾语+宾语补足语构成的一种复合结构。宾语由名词或代词充当,宾语补足语由形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式,现在分词,或过去分词充当。由此我们可以得出: with + 宾语 +形容词副词名词介词短语v-ingv

3、-edto do主谓、进行动宾、完成主谓 将要发生“with复合结构”的构成标志:做状语用逗号隔开,with结构放句子前后都可; 做方式、伴随状语和定语时,不用逗号隔开,放在 句子后面表示状态She left,她走了_(门开着)_(灯亮着)_(孩子在哭)_(钱包被偷了)(有许多工作要做)_(手里拿着一本书)with the door openwith the ligtht onwith the boy cryingwith her wallet stolenwith lots of work to dowith a book in her hand尝试一下吧!1. with+宾语+形容词他常常

4、开着窗子睡觉。He often sleeps with the windows open.2.with+宾语+副词那位女孩睡着了,灯还亮着。The girl fell asleep with the light on 3. with + 宾语+名词 他死的时候,他的女儿还是个学生。He died with his daughter yet a pupil.4.with+宾语+ 介词短语老师进来了,手里拿着本书。The teacher came in with a book in his hand.5.with+宾语+现在分词由于有机器的帮助,我们能按时完成任务。With the machine

5、 helping us, we could finish the work on time.6. with+宾语+ 过去分词做完一切事情以后,她回家了。With everything done, she went home.7.with+宾语+不定式(表示要干的事情)因为这些衣服要洗,我不能出去。I cant go out, with these clothes to wash.我没有事可做,只好睡觉。I had to go to bed, with nothing to do.Thank you for your attention with 复合结构,在句中表状态或说明背景情况,该结构常做

6、伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语。eg. With machinery to do all the work, they will soon have got in the crops. 由于所有的工作都是由机器进行,他们将很快收完 庄稼。(原因状语) With winter coming on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south.= When winter comes on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south. With the key lost, she could not

7、enter the room. =As/Because the key had been lost, she could not enter the room. With time permitting, well visit the Summer Palace.=If time permits, well visit the Summer Palace. The children came running towards us with some flowers in their hands. =The children came running towards us and held so

8、me flowers in their hands. The battle ended with the enemy defeated. =The battle ended, causing the defeat of the enemy.She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides.她看到一条两岸长着红花、绿草的小溪。The city lies in a valley with high mountains around it.这个城市位于一个由高山环抱的山谷中。抱着小孩的那位妇女是汤姆的姑姑。The woman

9、 with a baby in her arms is Toms aunt.= The woman who has a baby in her arms is Toms aunt.1、那个手指间夹着一根香烟的人是我们的数学老师。2、那个两颗门牙front teeth缺失的小男孩跑进了房子。The man with a cigarette between his fingers is our maths teacher.The littleboywithtwoofhisfrontteethmissingranintothehouse. with复合结构中的省略主要是指在“with + 名词 +

10、介词短语”结构中的省略,其特点是省去with及介词短语中的名词修饰词,也就是:“名词 + 介词 + 名词”。 eg. She ran to the hero, flowers in hand. 她手里拿着鲜花跑向这位英雄。 The art teacher walked into the classroom, book in hand. 艺术老师手里拿着一本书走进了教室。guiding usto dowas4.The street looks more beautiful with all the lights on.5.With our problem to settle, we all fe

11、lt happy.6.She left the offices with tears in her eyes.wassettledbeing with结构不是句子,它在句中作定语或状语,故with结构中不会有谓语动词形式。 with复合结构中宾语补足语用ing还是ed要根据动作与宾语的关系来确定,如果宾语发出动作则用ing,如果宾语承受动作则用ed1.With the boy _(lead) the way,we found he house easily.2. With the boy _ (lead) the way,we will find the house easily tomorr

12、ow.3. He lay on the bed with the bedroom door_. (shut )leadingto leadshut这里shut 是shut 的过去分词,door与shut 是被动关系所以用过去分词。4. With the boy_us the way, we got there easily. A. showed B. showing C. to show D. show 5. With everything_, she made her way home. A. done B. being done C. to do D. doing 6. With Mr.

13、Frank_us, Im sure we will succeed. A. help B. helped C. to help D. helps 根据图片提示及部分翻译补充适当语句写 “The little match girl” 卖火柴的小女孩的故事梗概。要求前后语句通顺使用with 的复合结构 图片顺序可以颠倒OnChristmas Eve, it was snowing fast.小女孩光着脚bare在街上走,她又饿又冷,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走着。雪花(Snow-flakes)落在她那金黄色fair的头发上,她蹲在墙角里,把一双小脚卷缩在身下坐了下来。她坐在那里,火柴放在腿上。她擦(lighten/strike)着了火柴,火焰冒出(shootup),她看到非常美丽的圣诞树。Hundredsofcandleslightedupthegreenbranches, thengentleandlovinggrandmotherappeared.她把小姑娘抱起来,搂在怀里,一起飞走了,飞到既


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