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1、第 页陕西西工大某附中2019中考五模试卷-英语(图片版)时间110分钟 满分1如分第I卷其E5分)听力那分(畸1辖试部分111,宽松1空 供Z。小通 计2。分箫一书 阅潴下面耀文按照句子转构的语施性和上下文连贯的罢求,从咎小短跖结的四个 选项中选一个量佳答案便胡文连员究整.AMefnorihng cass notes is a good way to learn Engh帛九 But wrhat is he ?L wBy fqr you io nierrtcre 曰ats notes?12 入 dmi二ult Lo answer because di!他用npeople I岐irn in d

2、ifferent ways and th。m包 rwlly 100 manv wjys. It also hjs 23 o do with the nrratcrriif to be memorized I 24 d 叱ry gocxlWfly to memarize rlmss nares before. I typed the whole 匕曰m,5 hand - written 讣。imoa compuier. 蒲 it to隔君 Wot ofgood -way. it made me; 26 the30口小 Th店岫3y of 而mt)h霜rclass notes could also

3、 make me 伯冒 2T . Medusa i! ws an e$sy way I ivsi needed (o stEin st rhe iiRgjnning of my notes and type? to E he endThere are many other good ways (o merrwviize dass not- 23, can underlinethe importmt p-ins of /our notes using drlfetont ooloiGd p?ns When you 29 thenotes, you will pay more attentKXi

4、to these parts. Ytxi can 30 rrrake an outline (概要) of our noc&, and llicn yau w I nave a 匕E门一,UirdsrUtaiidiDg of each lesson.21 A news$R Che&pt?rC. 59!闻D IM5I22 A problemE questionC phone口 pattern23 A通巾砒h陶艮市中朴岭body口闽MD.24 AB. forgothMD. H近25, A Beraii-wB AlthoughC. UnlitD UM白石.26. A. worry sboulBl t

5、alk aboutG. ihmk dboutG. wre dbo jt27 A rwRflusB luckyC. reFixecID. bored2B. A Fof OMtTipleB So LirC AD in 加D. In (he 4何29. A reportB rewewC returnD rec&iwe30. A. aqciirB alreadyC. aha 产D. al&o第二节 解读下面一K蛹文一密解大意一然后从各小通的四个选项中送由一个佳谷餐.使1 / w痴女连贯完整BNa one 医 bom a winner People make theinsjecs into winner

6、s by the-r own 31.I etnaefl this lesson trn 曰gn; 32 mary yesrs ago i tmis the head coachnq job jt sc卜 ir fiaKley. Georgia. Il a* d snu:l scht?ol with a Fuctball v ograni.It was a radition for ihe school old team to DUwaoainst【he 招 lean 就 ifie end of spring praGtce, The old wam hdd noaMd)h dnd They d

7、idnr oven praoicttto 34 ttie 争rr碑 B&riq 口准通图 3 (he new t?am, Irg版叫话I k晒打 小与were gq?nr| tQ如门,but to 至 _ 般 were defeated I Muldnt 笠 _ 1 Kad gel nto 风匕片 a ituatiori. Thinkmg hard atxxit it I carne to isalize that my tern) rmcjlit not K The number one team h Geotgia, but they tn ere 37 me. I had to chan

8、ge my attitude dbcui 由白 abihty nd poteMM【srand doing anjhina I could 38 Ihafn build a litde pride. Most imports K帆 I tegan q (feat Tiienrt hke 39. That surpmer. wtien the other 1015 eriFoyd iheiFvacations we fnet 皿*ry day and practiced passing and kicking the? foolball. Si* month?, jfter suffering o

9、ui defeat on the spring practice fieM. ive wen cur first game and our srand. and conliniJ-Ki to mprcvE Rn 己 ly. we faced ifte nurnber crip lea in in tte5late. I fell that it m)Lrid g & 50号few U$利?n if加中式he g$ m?From rhr nvperif nc I learned a lef atioul how the attitude of tha tender can aff?rt rhe

10、membefs rf a(am Instead or seeing 40 txjys as lose味 I pushed ihem wnd encaurd ttiEE, Ttie/ bujlc ihtrTtMives into dinnersWirWeTS,4 ffW 酰.ftCtT31.A luckB test&C etroHED nature32.A ?jen I groiv up 4 ; The class looked a fue lrutl- arrived at the frre 42. The 3tar m rarng lor a real tire alter I he cla

11、ss saev tlw fi 电 alarm 43 Uncle Fr(trk rmally took class ro inside rhe* 即Tion44 iLislin le!l awful abotii h哈 trip to ttie fire sia tion4S Justin learned a Ini 口nly about life prev&iHian第二节:蠲谑下面三篇蚯文.柩杏小改所给的四个选项中选也能网答腑I间窟邂完庇斯能旬 子的一今最佳箸案,供1口中题 计15分)BXia 6070 69 皓i+MihmoD of MountttefiQht mdntiri the w凸

12、ridqh Mwy M. 201 阻 He bec3rw (he second dcxRi恒 amputee (双龌者j to n. Mdrk IngHs of Nevr川】。H原“o&t 12m Ifg$, ,“5【忸 如31 43山恒 iimpv*日【口 s伯。qiiiq the roo! MIhc world m 2006 ”所 ihe Tibet Side.出二975 并为 Id丸 hr5 加削:aftpr gurng hi?日鹿口m bag 10 a 专曲 TmmaiE?料出件口 g firaT tried lo climb Qorricijngnct. Fhen in 19%, h

13、is leg与were arnputciied 金口ave th.c kne* a5 he gught 叫piri【ai|k佗鸨Bur none of ihat stopped Xia from iryinq ro chmh Qomolnngma ,gau and ajjain “。田山】门。Mount Qcynolanruna is mydr领m徒 wtd i to realize il R “ho represents person(,tuisenge, a chaMene of faiflj / 10After the 1975 chmt?.为a tried three more ume

14、in 2014 2015 and Z016. The 2016 was slmoH 9 和g- He wadjust 共 由函 100 meie$ finom iM gp when & suMn snowornn forced htm to turn* back n the end. * took him over HO years to rf?G?e his dream, Qomo单ngn甲 accepted him. frnail 蛇 WHO is llic first double iimpuLcie (a reach the tap of Mount Qomotarmd?A Xia &

15、yv.B Mark 对小花 Qi N附 Z赖切M,C. Mark Pnqlts of FranceD. Mark I照住 from the Nepal side*17. Whz【庄 M e me iji ific of (H! urlcJdJlM!电日 口hia-t: d chaMecig;它 of b八豺算的桃战日白程接版C荣誉的挑转口命运的樵城48 Huw many Umes h噩 加之 &)yu climbed QomH adQFiid?A Th TimeB, Fxr omes C: Five limes D, Sb timescIf yiw m使 3 truit gf&Juer or

16、would likto become 由。也tke adgbQgc X Day to see whats around. Its caM Apple Da/ but in practice its moreApple htonth. Theday its|-r is on Octobf il, but shwe * caught qm v&nu now spread out ewer most of Octcbeir around Britain.Vtsiling an 即* event is a god chance to see. and ofien 0a wid&varietv of 3

17、ges. To people who are useij 汩 ihlimited ttiotoe of apples such 否 Gofden Dchcc js an t?esi vrwtis kn eatiny quMty is OjIkips Remele but youll iveetl a warm, Jiolwied plac电 81Hl pertett soil ;a grow i. w if & a pipe dre5m for mast a口内户loverswtia fall For ii用 the events you 8rl meet expert growers anr

18、i rir?icus5 wtuch ones ,比 tresi 写u yciiK eondit2rLM and because thse jre hniily affdirs. cHikken jre w臼I tJiered for with apple thtrmMi fun 白痴 gmm的Apple D剪 过 bang hefd al HI sorts of 曲 with an interest in fruit, including stately gdrOens and cornrrwewt orchards l集曲I If /ou want io Haw real orchard 电

19、口甥iefKetry wrsitmg Ihe Nah on H Fnjit Collectton at Fl nogdale, rr.ir r aversham in Kent A9 What can p(?ofile rifl at the apple evnis?Aitend oeperib tKtuiM.B. Visct huiMcumg famHies.C固右E Fryit仃/in m orchard0 T辨限irury始门由oi君ppi的trO. What csr mu Imam abexjt Deci。?苒Ir诘色new 咕ry6 It has a靠后叩启IgkC. h is ra

20、rely seen rnwD II has a special tatte,51 What g die authors pur pogo m writing 由e tert?A To show how 窿 qmapmesB To irktroduce an apple festival.C; To heCp peopfe seleu apples.D prcnnote tipple pes?日rdi,DTeens want strudure in Weir r门式 wt(祀ti muns ihey warn their |iv weH planneti. To 力的i rt budding s

21、irucnjre. E姮笺 tQve ana tgt Ty need g Know m划r para将自庠 theve tu give tlk.m needed ioue arvd Support. I tens v.-. nt la be sure that noth mg can pih_vtnt 02通,百 frewn glwuld肺m iheir re$pon$it)iliry for them - notther gracing maHrity (成熟I mi5tieJiauior. nor enger 贰 50Hl曰hi 四 ihe;外启 ve ci one.want parent

22、s Eo Keep control即,帖别55网 由ar tp旧书如 wme收口学qmThere are som。ways you can h-rlp- your iwns create reaEonabic siructure anef remain close Orw tospsnri tm:p iocicm-er P;3renTSoftn maicp Fhcriee increassci inrerstt in friends lor d diainttrtst in the Idinily.Twm$ would I kero挈jend more tim domg things.tEh

23、then parf:ni$, but webkhin-g TV is ioi counted a0 perdirq timp looetneF ?cur eens mature it imporCant for yj and yyr teens sperwl time aore together cwre la one. Your leensned (mie to tdlk la you alone without any other fan il member present.Tilk ith ynbf tc-rrts 4tboui rhfrera cd concern* Mte- sure

24、 you raalMinterest ;n &h乱 is hw口睥nng /hen ulkincj 川由 your 定已侬 gue lull altention 3rd do rot swihemThe w.iy t* help your Teens hecome adul悍 俗 hj IrS ycur teens in(o yOur vrurCd. Sharing your emotions and cotiee-ms widi voui teens 由 important Avoid eaus-mg needless wrn/Tru+1 your teens. Dont expect di

25、e woist. Hope for thi? best H something should go wrong, b 制你q eh ar&中门$ ddmt do it cr purposeEt 拈 v&y important (hat yau treaT your tec-nsv/ith rwcect Teeas hmjc theese已 respect 31kli需 shrxv for g| 定口心氏 Dont wik down io yourteemf uu ned o brt2出(hin to0由电曲匕则口他 均限woth yourgn,但峰e m th&r谓/皿e出 and offer

26、 suggestions wtien needed. This will help ywi&e% to live a weii-CHgaiied life.5 / ID52 AcCOnJmg to Paragrsph i. teens A can control cheinewpecL direction 占nd freckimC don x knosv how io make deepenD cfon T have neapnnybility for the fam y1he underline- pari counted *5+ m Parsgrajih 3 ptabbly mewns *

27、A compart withB us&d mC. connected withD. regarded 不Ta filp lecns organiz-e iheir Irves, parents shouldA theif thefts hOrYifrR leflve hf?ir Ipsos problern aloneshare thei; fengs with cher teenspay Lttle at.tenton Io their Item daily lives训 hw is rho tx?s.T mIe of The passageA. Training Teen# la Bcta

28、me Responsible- AduIt5& Hoping Tns K窜瓶 制.酬砧* -UttMHC Jmnrwtrg FM Retaiionship with YourTwn;D. StepjjinQ nto7oi: Teens Seccei 7ifcrcl第II卷供S5分】V一完成句子.据席所给汉语意忠.用单词密短诣完域下列英宜何子.(共1口小期 计卬分.除了土莫和熠3&外我由还需塞更多的酸奶“W电 need more yogurt and eggs.司机开车型JM 簿上出的事故就会越少.Thte mofe drivers 映 the accidems tiwie willg on t

29、hew58我不知道驰的率话号码是付幺 i dorft know what ,.当1的的看到所发生的一切,地啥怵地站在那里iMieo Linda Sfl*-what had hiappned, she stood.6fl我总最不雌理解汤姆的英语口话.I n-i always urtjefsianri Tcwns 761这是他箫E3次帮我搏脱困举.This isl tme to ieip me cut of (rouble.62为了在徐均考试中取神好成缩.他里特在周二戏上做过动He k比蹄 on doing 印口ns lagei good grades n (he PE ex&m.63.我进来的时

30、候.爱观他正好造地屏在沙袋上9 lound him an the sofa when i caine in. 64,前无湎爵收到了一例请柬Tom the day before yesterday.65自从他伤上次见面督斯再也没有收到圈友的来信Rose her Incnd since flnry met 幅量文博空。用方榷中所结单同衲送告搭式埴空.使炳大完挖正确二1每个埠调廉用一次, 净空只填一个西机)t共10小题.计1口分卜chara crer knife eal 口 rsdu 才 develop much creative second sse hasin mMhE Asi为的陋dUylbc

31、 3。胃11国 “如皿闻 cuKurc or Glna. Jdpn Kord, arc 5期m附Jgl用u5Lall/66. virh的心朗比心.ChOfKtrcks are umu&Hy 67long, thm pieck of wood or bairiboo. They can麻。Be made 8 pl蜘喝 enmnai bone w meul Someiim的 tfi邮sidte a金 聃g an喇仁 TMy c:f?ganc chcpsbcs nig hl iae made of gold 币 nd si er with Chinese 63 Skilledworkers also

32、 eomhirw various h即dwoccter arwJ 箱区口 心 69. special design!;The Chinese 70 useci dTopsticks for five thousand years. People praUabEy 曲申(f(wi in 只酬 pots. 71,ewi第 2i. Ovw 6m. when tbpO0uldtia grftwP 口eopl月 began cutung faftd into sml pce&so it-wthjid cook 72. quiddy. its easy for people io eel food in

33、small pieces wltti twigs, which T3.turned into cM中 口二心Son1白 people th nk tMt 由臼“呼商 C times* scho-lar Confucius, Aho :ived Iron rough ly 551 to dig BC. inlljt?nced t归 了of chopSLKks. ConFucaus bdieved 75 would remrnd m口ie ot killings dnci were too vioienT fo: u$e rn the w削巳Chops zks re not uied e/ery.

34、iiere in 也61a. In India, for examp-e mast people traditionary 蒯! with their hands.VI任务立倒浦*阅读下面起文,根裾短文内容,完威下冽誉, 共5小值计10分,Tre/日叫imponant旧 g They provide g wuh化8.内必 and 网刃的 丫叫印后卸腕 What 匐烫7 型)业! Am&nun cmj坦白点ne Cook arwl Len 推m国 can t agre rrMte. The couple am twofamou$ phoogr)pherK They spent oum two 巧

35、声喃ingground 期xEd j take piciures of d ilfeie nl ttrfis for Their bonk Wise I rsThey sad (h/got the td&aoi the book rr: 2012 When(hey ere phaicgraplung chsj:y blosson jn Japan. Caok got a call sayuig he; father in the US Mas ding They watched nico fJoai down inihe vdnd a nd started 由切抬ng Jboui i hr w

36、; dorn ihai I hey rpt from 仃七? / inWse trees shows reader pictures ci 59 unusual trees from 12 coun(hes. Meet of frie frets art nnong the woifds fitosi beautiful Okies; and titcigest trees. Take ihe Mortejunna cypress (星西哥柏朝)as an exdHiptfl. f 1 3d lo be the widest Mid eldest trees of 期 kiruf The 必s

37、! gg4rri聃电m srtd 伊gl* 梆n prwd oftM tE tnd lock 3ftr it wll Marty Mevicsn Mildren often go on sctioal lied t:n-ps to admire Lhe ir, roo.Trees un live without us. but we cant live wtthoui Then. id the cou口旭.My twve shaped cur !jvcs, cur tridrlionii and oof ft?c1irigs mbout iuilure.75 Whai do tree 心,ct

38、口 u$ M窗口They turowde us77 Wh(n did rhe couple have rhe 7 of the bgk1They had * _一78 Why dedth勃 s收af 也丫。惘匍$ travel ng round :he wof!d5To ,79 Wh* waitd Epp朴n to Kr 馅内/ when ike ;叫旧心 goi 中 call in 耳。4口今H fafhr wm Id b.80 What中n阳由旭由rn from lie口青梏的电7We houU 值补量对话(提ID,卜题.计ID分)2限噩时比内容 将方格内将禽对话情景的句子抄写和对话空白处,使对话恢亶完整.选 项中有两班是蓄余的.A; Hi 3用.congratu aliens!B TMnkyou. John. ai_A Dont yw know you gat ihe htghe?t score an rhi mflthB: Hi)gtiest score? FuQ marks? 62. A f met the ma


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