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1、Dongguan Hanlin Experimental School Bilingual Primary Classes Unit Of Inquiry 1-3 Report2017-2018 东莞市翰林实验学校小学双语班 1-3 单元单校长寄语IB Learnrofile学习者培养目标InquirersWe nurture our curiosity, develoskills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. Welearn with enthusiasm and s

2、ustain our love of learning throughout life.Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptuaderstanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines.ngage with iesand ideasve local and global significance.ThinkersWe use critical and creative thinking skills toyse and take responsible action on compl

3、ex problems.xercise initiativeaking reasoned, ethical decis.Communicatorsxpress ourselves confidently and creativelyoren one language andany ways. We collaborate effectively,listening carefully to thes of other individuals and groups.PrincipledWe act withegrity and honesty, wistrong sense oirness an

4、d justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights ofpeople everywhere. We take respons bility for our actions and their consequen.We critically apprete our own cultures andal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. Weseek andevaluate a range of po s of view, and we are willin

5、g to grow from the experience.CaringWe show empathy, compasand respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make aitive difference inthe lives of others andhe world around us.Risk-takers (Courageous)We approaccerta y with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperativ

6、ely to explore new ideasand innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resi nthe face of challenges and change.BalancedWe understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives ellectual, physical, (spiritual) and emotional to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recogni

7、se ourerdependence with oth which we live.eople and with the world inReOectiveWe thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknessesin order to support our learning andal development.UOI 1是谁 Who we are中心Central Idea: 个人选择影响与他人的关系以及自身的健

8、康 Choi affect relationships with others and an individuals well-being探究线索 Lines of Inquiry:individuals make1.个人行为影响他人以及个人的情感和社交健康 Behaviours impact others and an individualsemotional and sol health人们通过各种关系连接在一起 People are connected through relationships个人对身边的人有必要的责任 Individuals have certain responsi

9、bilities to those around them教师评语 Comments:在是谁这个探究单元中,王子轩和首先了解了人的多种情感,其次针对人与人之间的关系着重探究了家庭关系和同学关系,最后明白了个人对于家庭成员,对于同学都有遵守规则并互相关爱的责任。探究过程着重培养了孩子的坚持原则,交流和关心他人的品质。家庭关系的探究让他懂得了在家庭中不仅仅可以得到亲人的关爱,更有一份责任。小朋友也要他懂得了如何让关心家人,适当承担力所能及的家务,关心家中成员。在同学关系的探究中,一个帮助他人“填桶”就能给自己“填桶”的和谐友爱环境中,更懂得了在学校应该遵守的规则。在总结性评估活动中,他能用英语跟家

10、长,其他班老师和介绍自己的家庭树。概 念 理 解 Understanding the concepts联系 connection 清楚地了解自己和自己家庭成员之间的关系。杰出Outstanding形式 Form 制作家庭树,阐述家庭成员关系。不错Satisfactory责任 responsibility-每个家庭成员在家庭中承担的责任。好 Good超 学 科 技 能 Transdisciplinar y Skills社交技能 so l skill-能够 他人的话语、尊重他人、懂得在具体的情景中怎样的行为举止是适当的。适当地承担责任。杰出Outstanding自我管理技能 self-manage

11、ment - 能够有效合理的利用时间,能够制定计划,能够营养均衡,适当锻炼。不错SatisfactoryUOI 2世界如何How the world works中心Central Idea: 地球的自然循环往复影响生物的活动。The natural cycles of the earffect the activities of living things.探究线索 Lines of Inquiry:自然循环往复(如昼夜、天气模式、季节等) Natural cycles(eg. night and day, weather patterns, seasons.)自然循环使生物产生不同反应 Th

12、e responses of living things are different (function)生物的习性依赖自然循环 Patterns in living things are dependent on natural cycles (connection)教师评语 Comments:概 念 理 解 Understanding the concepts功能 Function - 各个季节能够为人类提供些什么?不同气候为农作物提供了什么?杰出Outstanding形式 Form -四个季节的样子。昼夜如何的交替。不错Satisfactory连系 connection-四季和植物、动物

13、、人类之间的关系、昼夜的形成、天气的变化。好 Good超 学 科 技 能 Transdisciplinar y Skills研究 Research - 清楚自己想要或需要知道的东西,能够提出引人注目 ,并会收集、 、整理、解读数据资料,有效地展示自己所学内容。杰出Outstanding思考 thinking skills - 以实用、新颖的方式学习,能够独立思考不同的观点,分析自己和他人的思考过程,认识到别人也会有自己的观点。不错SatisfactoryUOI 3如何组织自己How do weanize ourselves中心Central Idea: 人们对规则的认识影响社区的探究线索 Li

14、nes of Inquiry:1.所处的社区Various communities we belong to(form)2.社区中的规则及作用Rules in communities and their functions(function)3.人们对规则达成共识并承担责任People have responsibilities to follow the rules of thecommunity().教师评语 Comments:概 念 理 解 Understanding the concepts形式 Form - 阐述社区。杰出Outstanding功能 Function - 清楚地理解社

15、区中的规则及作用。不错Satisfactory观点-表达人们对规则的认识并承担责任。好 Good超 学 科 技 能 Transdisciplinar y Skills社交 Sol - 承担自己在小组合作中的责任并完成任务,尊重他人,懂得认真他人的话语,进行有效的团队合作,化解,集体做决定,能在小组中担当各种角色。杰出Outstanding沟通 Communication - 能够聆听指令、 他人 、听取信息,并能清晰地表达观点和见解,还能阅读多种来源的材料以获取信息并获得愉悦。不错Satisfactory学科 Subjects:语文Mandarin英语EnglishMathematics数学V

16、isual Arts美术书法Calligraphy体育Physical Education音乐 Music舞蹈 Dance杰出 Outstanding不错 Satisfactory好 Good杰出 Outstanding不错 Satisfactory好 Good杰出 Outstanding不错 Satisfactory好 Good杰出 Outstanding不错 Satisfactory好 Good数据处理 Data handling杰出 Outstanding测量 Measure不错 Satisfactory形状与空间 Shand space好 Good模式与函数 Pattern and function杰出 Outstanding算术 Number杰出 Outstanding口头语言Oral language 听与说 listening and speaking杰出 Outstanding视觉语言 Visual language 视看与演示 viewing and presenting不错 Satisfactory语言 Written language 阅读 reading好 Good语言 Written langua


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