1、会议发言.常用套话1. 我仅代表,Let me begin by/please allow me to begin by, on behalf of sb,2. 对表示欢迎,对表示感谢,对表示祝贺extend my welcome to sb, expressing my thanks to sb for sth and offering my congratulations to sb on sth.3. 各位领导Your Excellencies4. 各位老师Dear Faculty Members5. 各位代表Fellow Delegates/ Repersentatives / Dep
2、uties6. 专家和学Friends from the academia7. 主席先生Mr. President(有的时候也可以说Chairman)8. 亲爱的总统/主席Your Excelelency Mr. President9. 国内外的来宾guests from home and abroad10. 各位同事Dear Colleagues11. 各位员工Fellow Staff Members12. 盛情款待和精心周到的安排gracious hospitality and thoughtful arrangements13. 现在我宣布*会议现在开幕May I hereby decl
3、are open *meeting.14. 请允许我对*会议取得成功表示热烈的祝贺First of all, please allow me to offer warm congratulations on the success of the *meeting.15. 让我们共同举杯Lets raise our glasses to16. 我提议I would like to propose a toast to 17. 请允许我Please allow me to 18. 我提议为我们之间的友谊干杯Allow me to raise the glass to our friendship1
4、9. 祝愿您健康To your good health20. 愿您年年有今日,岁岁有今朝 Wish every morning you wake up like this day and happiness come along to you in the following years.21. 让我们为本届会议的圆满成功结束而共同努力Lets work together for a successful conclusion of this meeting.22. 我相信,在各位朋友的努力下,我们的研讨会一定能取得丰硕的成果I believe that our symposium is bo
5、und for abundant accomplishment through your hard work.23. 让我们在这年终岁末之际,祝贺这喜庆佳节Id like to toast with you to this happy occasion at the end of the year.24. 达成共识 reach common ground25. 代表全体委员 on behalf of all the committee members26. 防患于未然 take preventative measures27. 随意聊聊 chat freely28. 担起责任 shoulder
6、 the responsibility29.高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue30. 相比;比得上;敌得过 stack up (against with)31. 唤起舆论的注意 call out the media hounds32. 交换意见 exchange views33. 揭开序幕;开始 get the show started34. 聚集一堂 get together35. 口头详细说明 lay sth. out36. 盲目尝试 shoot in the dark37. 冒失行动 jump the gun38. 扭转乾
7、坤 turn things around39. 破产;倒闭 go bankrupt; go belly up40. 欺骗 pull the wool over sb.s eyes41. 全力投入 be all in for42. 伤害控制 damage control43. 使上涨;提高 jack up44. 损失惨重 suffer a heavy loss45. 特别提到 make a special mention of46. 向法院控诉 take sb. to court47. 消除误解 clear up misunderstandings48. 心安理得 live in peace w
8、ith oneself49. 咬紧牙关硬撑 bite the bullet50. 以非官方身份 in an unofficial capacity51. 以个人名义 in ones own name52. 以私人身份 in a private capacity53. 与时俱进 advance with times54. 杂项;其它事项 miscellaneous55. 逐字记录 verbatim record56. 做简要报告/介绍 make a brief report/account of.会议种类1. 部长级会议 ministerial meeting2. 电视会议 video conf
9、erence3. 高官会 Senior Officials Meeting (SOM)4. 价格听证会 public price hearings5. 论坛 forum6. 年会 annual conference7. 洽谈会 fair8. 庆典 celebration9. 全体会议 plenary meeting10. 首脑会议 summit (meeting).会议文件1. 白皮书 white paper; white book2. 备忘录 aide-memoire; memorandum3. 补编 supplement4. 补充报告 supplementative report5. 补遗
10、;增编 addendum6. 初步报告 preliminary report7. 主题/基调发言 keynote speech8. 法案 act9. 法典;准则 code10. 法规 bill11. 法令 laws and decrees; decree; order; statutes12. 附加议定书 additional protocol13. 附属文件 appended document14. 概览 survey15. 工作进展报告 progress report16. 工作文件 working document17. 公告 bulletin18. 公函 official letters19. 公约 convention20. 规则;规定 regulations21. 汇编 repertory22. 会议纪要 minutes23. 活动报告 report on the activity24. 机密文件 confidential document25. 季报 quarterly report26. 简要记录 sum
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