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1、Lesson 38Stay Healthy! 冀教版七年级下UNIT 7 Sports and Good Health123467891051112答案呈现131415informationkeptrememberbrainsexerciseCCBADisgoingto eatthinkingPlaying提示:点击 进入习题答案呈现1617181920CACBB212223BB2425CAC262728CB2930CDC313233BA34C35BD. 根据句意及所给提示填空。1. You can look up the useful i on the Internet.2.【中考安顺】 S

2、andy borrowed the novel from the library last week and _(保留)it for 5 days.3. Im sorry I cant _ (记住)your phone number.4. Eggs and fish can help our _ (头脑)work faster.5. We need lots of _ (锻炼)and healthy food.nformationkeptrememberbrainsexercise. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. This piece of information _(be) from th

3、e report.is7. What about _ (go) for a walk?going8. Please remember _ (eat) more vegetables every day.to eat9. Walking can improve our _ (think) skills.thinking10. _(play) football is my favourite hobby.Playing. 单项选择。11. Do you have _ ping-pong bat? Lets play _ ping-pong.A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D.

4、the; /C12.【中考大庆】Can I help you?Please give me _ about the trains to Daqing.A. a few informations B. a little informations C. a little information D. a few informationC【点拨】考查名词的数。句意:我能帮忙吗?请给我一些去大庆的火车的信息。information意为“信息”,属于不可数名词,后面不能加s,所以排除A和B。a few意为“几个”,修饰可数名词复数,表示肯定,所以排除D。故选C。13. Please stop _ and

5、 go out for a walk. Remember _ warm clothes.A. to study; wearing B. studying; to wear C. to study; to wear D. studying; wearingB【点拨】stop doing sth. 停止(一直)在做的事情;remember to do sth. 记住去做(事情还未做)。句意:请先别学习了,去外面走走。记住穿上暖和的衣服。故选B。14. A healthy body is a healthy _.A. life B. mind C. habit D. exerciseA15. The

6、 old man needs _ some exercise every day.A. got B. gets C. get D. to getD16. Doing exercise _ good for your health.A. be B. am C. is D. areC17. Tom, dont throw the rubbish on the floor. You should keep the classroom _.Oh, sorry, Miss Wang.A. clean B. quiet C. dirty D. warmA18.【中考凉山州】Whats in the pic

7、ture on the wall?There _ a teacher and some students playing soccer on the playground.A. has B. are C. is D. haveC19. What does Lucy like doing when she is free?She likes singing songs and she also likes _ music.A. listen to B. listening to C. hear D. sellB20. _There are many wayseating good food, p

8、laying sports and doing exercise!A. Do you want to keep healthy? B. How can we stay healthy?C. What kinds of ways do you have? D. What is your favourite food?B.完形填空。Do you know how to keep healthy?Firstly, good _21 habits are very important.21. A. studying B. eating C. drinking D. livingB【点拨】考查语境理解。

9、由下文中“eating junk food”,“a balanced diet ”等内容可知讲的是饮食习惯,故选B。Many students _ 22 eating junk food. Maybe it tastes good, but its _ 23 for their health.22. A. hope B. try C. like D. dislike23. A. good B. bad C. well D. niceBCAnd many students only eat their favourite food. Its bad for their health, _ 24.

10、24. A. also B. either C. too D. neitherCIts good to eat _ 25 fruit and vegetables because they can _ 26 us keep healthy.25. A. more B. less C. little D. few26. A. give B. tell C. help D. askACAnd we should have a balanced diet(均衡的饮食). It can give us lots of energy(能量) and keep our body _ 27.27. A. b

11、ad B. unhealthy C. strong D. beautifulC_ 28, we should exercise often. A strong and healthy body comes from enough exercise. We can do our _ 29 sports for some time every day.28. A. Firstly B. Secondly C. Thirdly D. Finally29. A. easy B. awful C. favourite D. famousBC【点拨】考查上下文逻辑关系。由上文中的“Firstly”和下文中

12、的“ Finally”,可知此处用“ Secondly”。Finally, we should have good living habits, _ 30, early to bed and early to rise.30. A. at first B. in fact C. as for D. for exampleD.阅读理解。31. What did Peter do first after he got up?A. He made the bed. B. He took a shower. C. He washed his face. D. He brushed his teeth.

13、B【点拨】根据原文第二段中句子I was sleepy but I got up and took a quick shower.可知答案。32. From the passage, we know Peter ate _ for breakfast that morning.A. fruit salad B. bread C. fish D. cakeA【点拨】根据原文第二段中句子I ate the fruit salad, drank a glass of milk but I didnt want to have the porridge. When my mom went out of

14、 the kitchen, I quickly opened the window and poured(倒) the porridge out of the window.可知答案。33. Why did the woman knock at the door?A. She came to visit Peters mom. B. She wanted to have porridge.C. She wanted to clean her hair in Peters home. D. She wanted to find out who poured porridge on her head.D【点拨】根据原文第三段中句子When my mom opened the door, she saw a woman with porridge on her head.可知答案。34. What did Peters mother do according to the passage?A. She opened the window. B. She asked Peter to open the window.C. She helped the woman clean her hair. D. She threw the porridge out of the


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