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1、Total Quality Management DefinedQuality Specifications and CostsSix Sigma Quality and ToolsExternal BenchmarkingISO 9000Service Quality MeasurementOBJECTIVES Definitions of QualityASC: Product characteristics & features that affect customer satisfactionUser-Based: What consumer says it isManufacturi

2、ng-Based: Degree to which a product conforms to design specificationProduct-Based: Level of measurable product characteristicImportance of QualityCosts & market shareCompanys reputationProduct liabilityInternational implicationsIncreasedProfitsLower CostsProductivityRework/ScrapWarrantyMarket GainsR

3、eputationVolumePriceImprovedQualityWays in Which Quality Can Improve ProductivitySales GainsImproved responseHigher PricesImproved reputationReduced CostsIncreased productivityLower rework and scrap costsLower warranty costsIncreased ProfitsImproved QualityQuality PrinciplesCustomer focusContinuous

4、improvementEmployee empowermentBenchmarkingJust-in-timeTools of TQMYields: How to do what is important and to be accomplishedQuality movementEstablished in 1988 by the U.S. governmentDesigned to promote TQM practicesSome criteriaSenior executive leadership; strategic planning; management. of process

5、 qualityQuality results; customer satisfactionRecent winnersCorning Inc.; GTE; AT&T; Eastman Chemical.Malcom Baldrige National Quality AwardQuality SpecificationsDesign quality: Inherent value of the product in the marketplaceDimensions include: Performance, Features, Reliability, Durability, Servic

6、eability, Response, Aesthetics, and Reputation.Conformance quality: Degree to which the product or service design specifications are met A study found U.S. consumers preferred Sony TVs made in Japan to those made in the U.S. Both factories used the same designs & specifications. The difference in qu

7、ality goals made the difference in consumer preferences.Japanese factory (Target-oriented)U.S. factory (Conformance-oriented)Target Specification ExampleCosts of QualityPrevention costs - reducing the potential for defectsAppraisal costs - evaluating productsInternal failure - of producing defective

8、 parts or serviceExternal costs - occur after deliveryCosts of Quality External Failure Costs Appraisal CostsPrevention CostsInternal FailureCostsCosts ofQualityTotal Quality Management (TQM)Defined Total quality management is defined as managing the entire organization so that it excels on all dime

9、nsions of products and services that are important to the customerTQMEncompasses entire organization, from supplier to customerStresses a commitment by management to have a continuing company-wide drive toward excellence in all aspects of products and services that are important to the customer.Orga

10、nizational PracticesQuality PrinciplesEmployee FulfillmentAttitudes (e.g., Commitment)How to DoWhat to DoEffectiveBusinessCustomerSatisfactionAchieving Total Quality ManagementDemings Fourteen PointsCreate consistency of purposeLead to promote changeBuild quality into the productsBuild long term rel

11、ationshipsContinuously improve product, quality, and serviceStart trainingEmphasize leadershipDemings Points - continuedDrive out fearBreak down barriers between departmentsStop haranguing workersSupport, help, improveRemove barriers to pride in workInstitute a vigorous program of education and self

12、-improvementPut everybody in the company to work on the transformationConcepts of TQMContinuous improvementEmployee empowermentBenchmarkingJust-in-time (JIT)Taguchi conceptsKnowledge of toolsContinuous ImprovementRepresents continual improvement of process & customer satisfactionInvolves all operati

13、ons & work unitsOther namesKaizen (Japanese)Zero-defectsSix sigma 1984-1994 T/Maker Co.Shewharts PDCA Model4.Act1.Plan3.Check2.DoIdentify the improvement and make a planTest the planIs the plan workingImplement the planEmployee EmpowermentGetting employees involved in product & process improvements8

14、5% of quality problems are due to process & material TechniquesSupport workersLet workers make decisionsBuild teams & quality circles 1995 Corel Corp.Quality CirclesGroup of 6-12 employees from same work areaMeet regularly to solve work-related problems4 hours/monthFacilitator trains & helps with me

15、etings 1995 Corel Corp.BenchmarkingSelecting best practices to use as a standard for performanceDetermine what to benchmarkForm a benchmark teamIdentify benchmarking partnersCollect and analyze benchmarking informationTake action to match or exceed the benchmarkResolving Customer ComplaintsBest Prac

16、ticesMake it easy for clients to complainRespond quickly to complaintsResolve complaints on the first contactUse computers to manage complaintsRecruit the best for customer service jobsTools for TQMQuality Function DeploymentHouse of QualityTaguchi techniqueQuality loss functionPareto chartsProcess

17、chartsCause-and-effect diagramsStatistical process controlSix Sigma QualityA philosophy and set of methods companies use to eliminate defects in their products and processesSeeks to reduce variation in the processes that lead to product defectsThe name, “six sigma” refers to the variation that exist

18、s within plus or minus three standard deviations of the process outputs標準差績效層級6 Sigma六標準差基本原則 徹底的顧客導向。COPQ與CTQ是6 Sigma的指導原則。重視流程。以6 Sigma品質水準為目標。以平均值與變異來評價流程。共同語言就是統計手法。DMAIC是6 Sigma活動的改革戰略。Six Sigma Quality (Continued)Six Sigma allows managers to readily describe process performance using a common

19、metric: Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)Six Sigma Quality (Continued)Example of Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) calculation. Suppose we observe 200 letters delivered incorrectly to the wrong addresses in a small city during a single day when a total of 200,000 letters were delivered

20、. What is the DPMO in this situation?So, for every one million letters delivered this citys postal managers can expect to have 1,000 letters incorrectly sent to the wrong address.Cost of Quality: What might that DPMO mean in terms of over-time employment to correct the errors?Six Sigma Quality: DMAI

21、C CycleDefine, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) Developed by General Electric as a means of focusing effort on quality using a methodological approachOverall focus of the methodology is to understand and achieve what the customer wantsDMAIC consists of five steps.Six Sigma Quality: DMA

22、IC Cycle (Continued) 1. Define (D)2. Measure (M)3. Analyze (A)4. Improve (I)5. Control (C)Customers and their prioritiesProcess and its performanceCauses of defectsRemove causes of defectsMaintain qualityExample to illustrate the processWe are the maker of this cereal. Consumer Reports has just publ

23、ished an article that shows that we frequently have less than 15 ounces of cereal in a box.What should we do?Step 1 - DefineWhat is the critical-to-quality characteristic?The CTQ (critical-to-quality) characteristic in this case is the weight of the cereal in the box.Define 工具【SIPOC圖】通常在DMAIC界定開始成形綜

24、觀需改善流程所劃出,用以找出品質關鍵環節(Critical-To-Quality,CTQ),SIPOC分別代表:Supplier:供應者,提供流程所需的人、流程或公司。Input:投入,提供之物料或資訊。Process:流程,內部流程步驟。Output:產出,交給顧客的產品、服務、資訊。Customer:顧客,流程的下個步驟或終端客戶。2 - MeasureHow would we measure to evaluate the extent of the problem?What are acceptable limits on this measure?找出CTQ(Critical to

25、Quality)比較公司內部的實際情況與與CTQ中間所發生的缺陷2 Measure (continued)Lets assume that the government says that we must be within 5 percent of the weight advertised on the box.Upper Tolerance Limit = 16 + .05(16) = 16.8 ouncesLower Tolerance Limit = 16 .05(16) = 15.2 ounces2. Measure (continued) We go out and buy 1,

26、000 boxes of cereal and find that they weight an average of 15.875 ounces with a standard deviation of .529 ounces.What percentage of boxes are outside the tolerance limits?Upper Tolerance = 16.8Lower Tolerance = 15.2ProcessMean = 15.875Std. Dev. = .529What percentage of boxes are defective (i.e. le

27、ss than 15.2 oz)?Z = (x Mean)/Std. Dev. = (15.2 15.875)/.529 = -1.276NORMSDIST(Z) = NORMSDIST(-1.276) = .100978Approximately, 10 percent of the boxes have less than 15.2 Ounces of cereal in them!FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)Step 3 - Analyze - How can we improve the capability of our cerea

28、l box filling process?Decrease VariationCenter ProcessIncrease SpecificationsStep 4 Improve How good is good enough?Motorolas “Six Sigma”6s minimum from process center to nearest specMotorolas “Six Sigma”Implies 2 ppB “bad” with no process shiftWith 1.5s shift in either direction from center (proces

29、s will move), implies 3.4 ppm “bad”.Step 5 ControlStatistical Process Control (SPC)Use data from the actual processEstimate distributionsLook at capability - is good quality possibleStatistically monitor the process over timeAnalytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement: Flow Chart No, C

30、ontinueMaterial Received from SupplierInspect Material for DefectsDefects found?Return to Supplier for CreditYesCan be used to find quality problemsToolsTools for generating ideasCheck sheetScatter diagramCause and effect diagramTools to organize dataPareto chartsProcess charts (Flow diagrams)Tools

31、for identifying problemsHistogramsStatistical process control chartAnalytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement: Run ChartCan be used to identify when equipment or processes are not behaving according to specifications0.440.460.480.50.520.540.560.58123456789101112Time (Hours)DiameterAna

32、lytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement: Pareto AnalysisCan be used to find when 80% of the problems may be attributed to 20% of thecausesAssy.Instruct.FrequencyDesignPurch.TrainingOther80%Analytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement: ChecksheetBilling ErrorsWrong Account

33、 Wrong AmountA/R ErrorsWrong Account Wrong AmountMondayCan be used to keep track of defects or used to make sure people collect data in a correct mannerAnalytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement: HistogramNumber of LotsData RangesDefectsin lot01234Can be used to identify the frequency

34、 of quality defect occurrence and display quality performanceAnalytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement: Cause & Effect DiagramEffectManMachineMaterialMethodEnvironmentPossible causes:The results or effectCan be used to systematically track backwards to find a possible cause of a qual

35、ity problem (or effect)Too many defectsProblemCause and Effect Diagram ExampleMethodManpowerMaterialMachineryToo many defectsMain CauseMain CauseCause and Effect Diagram ExampleMethodManpowerMaterialMachineryDrillOverTimeSteelWoodLatheToo many defectsSub-CauseCause and Effect Diagram ExampleMethodMa

36、npowerMaterialMachineryDrillOverTimeSteelWoodLatheToo many defectsTiredOldSlowCause and Effect Diagram ExampleAnalytical Tools for Six Sigma and Continuous Improvement: Control ChartsCan be used to monitor ongoing production process quality and quality conformance to stated standards of quality97098

37、09901000101010200123456789101112131415LCLUCLOther Six Sigma ToolsOpportunity Flow Diagram used to graphically show those activities that add value from those that are performed (and maybe could be reduced or removed) that do not add value to the finished productFailure Mode and Effect Analysis (DMEA

38、) is a structured approach to identify, estimate, prioritize, and evaluate risk of possible failures at each stage in the processDesign of Experiments (DOE) a statistical test to determine cause-and-effect relationships between process variables and outputSix Sigma Roles and ResponsibilitiesExecutiv

39、e leaders must champion the process of improvementCorporation-wide training in Six Sigma concepts and toolsSetting stretch objectives for improvementContinuous reinforcement and rewards五標準差障礙 (Five Sigma Wall) DAMIC的改善手法最多只能做到五標準差,Design for Six Sigma(DFSS)則是從研發及重新設計流程著手,所以可以獲得大幅的改善,同時可以有系統地防止錯誤的發生。

40、DFSS強調在產品設計時便設計正確的產品,讓產品開發一次就做對,因此便可避免事後修改的成本。DFSS能跨越Five Sigma Wall的理由非常明顯,因為DFSS考慮到了DMAIC沒有的產品設計 DMAIC及DFSS 改善成效的比較 六個準差與傳統品質管理之比較QC(Quality Control,品質管理),乃是以工程為對象,並以作業改善及工程設計為導向。 TQC(Total Quality Control,全公司品質管理),它是將現場的工程改善之流程圖化的手法,應用到間接部門。 TQM(Total Quality Management,綜合性的品質管理),是為了結束自己職場上不合效益的事

41、項,而成立的小組活動 。ISO9000將我們的工作品質書面化,但是對改善產品或流程品質並無太大助益。 六標準差成功的關鍵因素 提高客戶滿意/增加利潤是由上到下的推動歷程六標準差的組織架構專案負責人/黑帶人員能力的訓練DMAIC(發音為Deh-maik)有效降低成本小結、決定六標準差成功的重要條件決定六標準差成功的重要條件(一)領導者的支持與參與 (二)必須持之以恆 (三)要有全職的架構 (四)要有願景 The Shingo System: Fail-Safe DesignShingos argument:SQC methods do not prevent defectsDefects ari

42、se when people make errorsDefects can be prevented by providing workers with feedback on errorsPoka-Yoke includes:ChecklistsSpecial tooling that prevents workers from making errorsISO 9000Series of standards agreed upon by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)Adopted in 1987More t

43、han 100 countriesA prerequisite for global competition?ISO 9000 directs you to document what you do and then do as you documented ISO 簡介ISO為International Organization for Standardization之簡稱,係由世界各國標準機構參加為會員所組成,為制定與發行國際標準的機準。ISO 9000系列係該機構針對品質保證制度所制定之標準。於1987年3月份公佈,並於1994年7月1日修訂第二版。由於ISO 9000系列品質保證標準的

44、產生,在世界各國之間對品質保證制度有了共同的語言,因此世界各國紛紛將它列為國家標準。我國亦於1990年3月16日將它列為中國國家標準CNS 12680系列。對廠商而言,以推動ISO 9000制度來達成及維持顧客的要求。而ISO9000制度的實施使其本 身對品質達成情形具有信心。再者藉由第三者認證來展現其本身對滿足顧客要求方面的能力,使顧客亦深具信心。 ISO 簡介ISO 9000系列共包含9000, 9001, 9002, 9003及9004五部份。其中ISO9000及ISO 9004為標準之選擇、應用及實施方面的指導綱要,ISO 9001,ISO 9002及ISO 9003則是三種提供廠商選

45、用之品質保證模式。其說明如下:ISO 9001 設計、開發、生產、安裝與服務之品質保證模式ISO 9002 生產、安裝及服務之品質保證模式ISO 9003 最終檢驗與測試之品質保證模式 如何建立ISO 9000文件系統? 在ISO 9000的4.2項品質制度中有規定,廠商應備有品質手冊,以涵蓋ISO 9000之各項要求。此手冊應包含或對照連接至品質制度中之各項書面程序,因此一般而言均依下述架構整合一完整的文件系統。 內容標題編號頁次目的範圍權責定義相關文件流程圖作業內容附件工具與方法魚骨圖、關連圖及冰山圖 步驟一:根據現場觀察,以及與人員訪談,分析出所有的要因。步驟二:經由小組討論,圈選出幾項

46、比較重要的問題,並依問題畫出關連圖。關連圖是要將錯綜複雜的原因-結果,以論理方法找出其關係,並以箭頭方式相連起來,箭頭代表”結果”是正一分,箭尾代表”原因”是負一分,並累計每一項的分數。步驟三:經由每一項問題的分數,畫出冰山圖。分數愈大,排在愈上面,分數愈小,排在愈下面。在最低層的為主要的真因,上層則為結果。步驟四:取下層的真因,並針對這些作改善並提出對策QS 9000 美國三大汽車廠福特、通用、克萊斯勒將其各自之品保標準在1994年9月整合為QS9000品保標準,通用於三大汽車廠。對象:第一層供應商(TIER ONE SUPPLIERS)被要求取得QS 9000。三大車廠在美國國內、外之直接

47、供應商或其OEM工廠。美國重型貨車製造廠之直接供應商或其OEM工廠。第二層供應商(TIER TWO SUPPLIERS OR SUB-CONTRACTORS)鼓勵取得QS 9000。範圍:負有直接設計責任,並提供生產用及或服務用之物料、零組件以及服務之所有供應商或其OEM工廠。僅參與製造上述物料、零組件及服務之所有供應商或其OEM工廠。供熱處理、鈑金、噴漆或其它處理加工服務之供應商或其OEM工廠。 ISO 14000 SO 14000系列包含有指導和計劃兩方面文件,可幫助各個組織發展及維護其環境管理系統中明確規定的環境政策與目標。ISO 14001是此系列中目前唯一流通的計劃標準,包含些許客觀

48、性稽核要求。它引導關於公司運作上的基本要素,包括系統規定和目標、文件化、訓練、溝通、操作控制、緊急應變準備、監督與衡量、矯正與預防措施、記錄以及稽核。ISO 14001則是目前唯一針對環境管理系統所制定的標準 由於ISO 14001和ISO 9000具有共同的管理原則,您可選擇現有的ISO 9000系統作為環境管理系統之基礎。整合您目前的管理系統,使其功能加倍 TL-9000品保系統驗證 全球通訊業包括通訊服務提供者(Amertech, AT&t, Bell Atlantic, SBC.ies.)及硬、軟體供應商(Siemens,3COM, 3M Telcom, Cisco, Fujitsu,

49、 ADC, Lucent, Motorola, NEC, Ericsson, Nokia,Unisys .more than 60 company)在1996年組成QuEST Forum,所發展之通訊電子業品質系統標準TL- 9000。 TL-9000ISO-9001全球通訊業共通性要求標準 內容ISO 9000: 一般來說,ISO9000指的是一個品保系統的一系列條款,台灣的相對應條文是CNS12680ISO 9001(1994): 品質制度-設計,開發,生產,安裝與服務之品質保證模式。它是一個從設計到安裝到售後服務,幾乎一個組織內(可能是公司,工廠,或財團法人甚至是商店)所有經營的項目都列

50、入管制。目前的最新版本是1994年版。(台灣是83年版)。申請9001是不是就比9002要強?其實不見得,有些組織內有能力做9001(包括設計管制)但卻申請9002,因為不願讓外人接觸開發設計的業務機密。反過來說,有人沒有設計部門卻也申請9001,只是認為1比2要好,這是錯誤的觀念,申請9001把設計列入管制,有時反而會造成設計工程師的反彈,認為綁死了創意也說不定。ISO9001共有20條款。台灣的相對應條文叫 CNS 12681.內容ISO 9002(1994):品質制度-生產,安裝與服務之品質保證模式。ISO9002共有19個條款,注意,與ISO9001相比較,少了一個4.4,和9001的

51、差別在於把設計管制排除在外,管制起點從接單,製造到銷售,售後服務等。ISO 9003(1994):最終檢查與試驗之品質保證模式。與ISO9001相較,少了4.4設計管制,4.6採購管制,4.9製程管制,4.19服務,只偏重在售後服務的管制措施,9003的系統只有在端末管制,較不能符合預防措施的精神,一般極少申請此種驗證。台灣相對應的條款是CNS12683.ISO 9004-1(1994): 品質管理與品質保證系統基礎第一部分:ISO9000家族使用的入門指導綱要。台灣相對應的條款是CNS12684-1。 現有國際標準系統一、ISO 9000品質管理系統二、ISO 14000環境管理系統三、IS

52、O 18000工業安全衛生管理系統四、ISO DIS 17799-1資訊安全管理系統五、QS 9000ISO 16949 凡承製汽車零配件者均需參照此標準交貨六、EN 46000ISO 9000ISO 13485凡醫療器材業者均應遵守此標準七、HACCPISO 9000ISO 15161凡食品、餐飲業視此為榮耀八、AS 9000凡航空相關產業,均應遵遁此標準九、TL 9000凡通訊相關產業,均應遵遁此標準ISO9000系列標準的修訂過程根據ISO協定其所推行的標準至少每五年應修訂或確認一次。ISO9000系列在1994年7月1日完成第一次的修訂工作。ISO 9000:1994的ISO 9001

53、/2/3明顯的著重於硬體產品上,因而造成軟體、服務等其他行業應用上的困難。現行標準則是於2000年12月15日所頒佈的ISO9000:2000。 ISO 9000 新舊Family關聯ISO9000系列標準的內容簡介 ISO9000系列標準的特色ISO9000:2000強調持續改善的觀念PlanDoCheckAction加值活動加值活動資訊流資訊流ISO 9001:2000內容主要改變1.以流程導向之敘述方式。2.以P-D-C-A模式應用於整個流程。(參閱9001:2000)3.強調與ISO 14000相容4.持續改善。5.通用單一標準。6.採用供應鏈辭彙。7.直接指出高階管理階層責任。(參閱

54、5.15.6)8.可量測的品質目標。(參閱5.4.1)9.有效的執行內外部溝通。(參閱 7.2.3)10.指明教育訓練要點與預期水準(參閱6.2.1, 6.2.2)ISO 9001:2000 與 ISO 9001:1994之對照表參考 /iso/iso-4.htmISO 9001:2000內容主要改變11.對基礎設施與工作環有明確要求。(參閱6.3, 6.4)12.量測不只對產品亦含客戶、系統、量儀 。(參閱8.2)13.主動對客戶滿意作量測(參閱8.2.1, 7.2.1)14.依公司產品性質、客戶與法規要求、流程要求界定品質管理系統的範圍。(參閱7.1, 7.2, 7.3)15.明確指出了文

55、件系統與品質管理系統的關聯性。(參閱4.1, 4.2)Three Forms of ISO Certification1. First party: A firm audits itself against ISO 9000 standards2. Second party: A customer audits its supplier3. Third party: A qualified national or international standards or certifying agency serves as auditorExternal Benchmarking Steps1.

56、 Identify those processes needing improvement 2. Identify a firm that is the world leader in performing the process3. Contact the managers of that company and make a personal visit to interview managers and workers4. Analyze dataService quality is more difficult to measure than for goodsService qual

57、ity perceptions depend on Expectations versus realityProcess and outcomeTypes of service qualityNormal: Routine service deliveryExceptional: How problems are handledServices industriesGoods versus ServicesCan be resoldCan be inventoriedSome aspects of quality measurableSelling is distinct from produ

58、ctionReselling unusualDifficult to inventoryQuality difficult to measureSelling is part of service Good ServiceGoods versus Services - continuedProduct is transportableSite of facility important for costOften easy to automateRevenue generated primarily from tangible productProvider, not product is t

59、ransportableSite of facility important for customer contactOften difficult to automateRevenue generated primarily from intangible service. Good ServiceUnder-standingTangiblesReliabilityCommunicationCredibilitySecurityResponsivenessCompetenceCourtesyAccess 1995 Corel Corp.Service Quality AttributesSe

60、rvice Quality Measurement:ServqualA perceived service quality questionnaire survey methodology Examines “Dimensions of Service Quality” including: Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Tangibles (e.g., appearance of physical facilities, equipment, etc.)服務品質的構面 (PZB; Parasuram, Zeitham


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