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1、Wild China(Tasting Notes)美丽中国品鉴第三集 神奇高原 Magic PlateauPart II. A Picture Show布达拉宫纳木错雅鲁藏布大峡谷珠穆朗玛峰唐古拉山大昭寺I. A Picture ShowI. A Picture ShowII. Reading materials Tibet lies on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau of the southwest border of China. The average height of the whole region is more than 4000 mtetres abo

2、ve sea level. The worlds lowest valley lies in east Tibet. Tibet is to the south of Xinjiang Uyger Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province, to the east of Sichuan, to the northwest of Yunnan and to the north of India and Nepal. Its population of 2.3 million people come from a variety of ethnic groups

3、 including Tibetan, Han, Monba. Its capital city is Lhasa.Reading materialsBackground InformationCultural tips I. Tibetan Buddhism II. Argali III. ShamanismI. Tibetan Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism is a form of Mahayana Buddhism大乘佛教 that developed in Tibet and spread to neighboring countries of the Himal

4、ayas. Tibetan Buddhism is known for its rich mythology神话and iconography造像and for the practice of identifying the reincarnations重生of deceased spiritual masters. Tibetan Buddhism has exerted发挥extensive and profound influence on the Tibetan race. Buddhism spread into Tibet in the 7th century, and gradu

5、ally infiltrates浸润Tibets history, politics, economics, culture, exchanges and habits and customs to become the most extensively广泛worshipped religion of Tibetans.II. Argali The argali, or the mountain sheep (species Ovis ammon) is a wild sheep that roams漫步the highlands of Central Asia (Himalaya, Tibe

6、t, Altay). Argali are considered an endangered or threatened species throughout their entire range, due largely to habitat栖息地loss from overgrazing过度放牧of domestic sheep and hunting.III. Shamanism Shamanism involves a practitioner术士reaching altered换形states of consciousness in order to encounter and in

7、teract with the spirit world and channel these transcendental超自然的energies into this world. A shaman is a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of benevolent 仁慈的and malevolent恶毒的spirits, who typically enters into a trance state恍惚状态during a ritual, and practices divination占卜

8、and healing.Language StudyLanguage StudyWord studyPhrases and expressionsGrammar Word studyWord list1.inhospitable 2.formidable 3.windswept 4.incredible 5.archaic 6.enlightened7.fragile 8. imperative9. barren10. hive11. pilgrim12. congregate13. worship14. elaborate15. intimately16. glacier 17. hazar

9、dous18. evaporation19.cormorant20. hybrid21. extraordinary22. reverberate23. pacify24. replenish25. auspicious26. retrieve27. thermal28. turmoil29. sulphurous30. thrive Word study1.inhospitable ,nhsptb()ladj. 荒凉的;冷淡的,不好客的;不适居留的adv. inhospitably 冷淡地;荒凉地 inhospitality 冷淡;不好客inhospitable Ground荒凉之地inho

10、spitable terrain不适合人居住的地带inhospitable place不适合居住的地方e.g. I like long journeys to inhospitable parts of the world.我喜欢长途跋涉去世界上荒凉的地方。Word study2.formidable f:mdbl adj.难以对付的;令人敬畏的adv. formidably强大地;难对付地;可怕地同义词:awesome;frighteninge.g. Theres no formidable obstacles in the world.世上没有无法逾越的障碍Word study3.wind

11、swept wndsweptadj.风刮的,被风吹扫的,暴露在风中的同义词:windye.g. Thelandscapewaswindsweptandbare.那片土地被风吹得光秃秃的。Word study4.incredible nkredbladj.不可思议的;惊人的;难以置信的;未必可能的incredibly难以置信地;非常地n.incredibility不能相信;不可信的事物e.g. Itsoundedincrediblein common.乍一听来,简直不可思议。Their father was incredibly good-looking.他们的父亲十分英俊。Word study

12、5.archaic :kekadj.古代的;过时的,陈旧的;古体的;古色古香的archaic word古词 ; 古英语词 ; 古语词同义词:ancient,olde.g. Butthisarchaicsystemmaybepoisedtochange.但这个古老的系统有可能被改变。Word study6.enlightened nlatndadj.开明的;有知识的;有见识的;进步的v.启发;开导adj.enlightening使人领悟的;有启发作用的n.enlightenment启迪;启蒙运动;教化vt.enlighten启发,启蒙;教导,开导;照耀an enlightened policy.

13、开明政策e.g. Moreenlightenedofficialsknowthat.一些较为开明的中国官员明白这一点。Word study7.fragile frdal adj.易碎的,脆的;虚弱的The fragile environment 脆弱的环境fragile goods易碎货物 ; 易碎商品 ; 易碎品 ; 属于易碎品e.g. Theyarefragileandneedtenderlovingcare.它脆弱易碎,需要精心温柔的呵护n. Fragility 脆弱;力 易碎性;虚弱Word study8. imperative mpertvadj.必要的,不可避免的;命令的,专横的

14、n.必要的事;命令;规则imperatively命令式地n.imperativeness命令式之事e.g.Itisimperativethatwequantifyandvaluetheecosystemservicesprovidedbytheocean.我们对海洋所提供的生态系统服务的量化和评价是非常必要的。Word study9. barren brnadj.贫瘠的;不结果实的;不孕的n.荒原,不毛之地barren rock无油气的岩层 ; 无矿岩 ; 废石 ; 空白岩石barren land不毛之地 ; 瘠地 ; 荒地 ; 棒球同义词:fruitless; sterile反义词: ric

15、h; fertileWhenEuropeansarrivedin1722,theyfoundtheislandmostlybarren. 当欧洲人1722年到达该岛时,发现它已经相当贫瘠.Word study10. hive havn.蜂箱;蜂巢;蜂群;喧闹地区vi.(蜂)进入蜂箱;聚居hive off 从团体中分离出来e.g.Amarkedbeefeditselffromthedishandreturnedtothehive.一只做了标记的蜜蜂从盘中喂饱自己以后就飞回蜂箱了。Word study11. pilgrim plrmn.香客,朝圣者;旅行者;追寻者;v.朝圣,参拜圣地;流浪n.pi

16、lgrimage漫游;朝圣之行vi.pilgrimage朝拜;漫游同义词:worshipper; newcomerJohnworriedaboutthepilgrimfamily.约翰担心朝圣者一家Word study12. congregate kretvt.& vi.使集合,聚集n. congregation 集会;集合;圣会同义词:assemble, meetPeoplecongregateoutsidethestores.人们聚集在商店外面。Word study13. worship w:pvt.崇拜,尊崇;爱慕worshipful崇拜的,虔诚的;尊贵的;尊敬的n.worshipper

17、崇拜者;礼拜者;爱慕者worshiper崇拜者;礼拜者(等于worshipper)同义词:honor;admire;反义词:contemptTheremustbenoworshipofthemasses.但不能对群众有丝毫膜拜之意。Word study14. elaborate lbretvt.详细制定;详尽阐述;elaborate plan细密的计划 ; 细密的打算 ; 细密的 ;adv.elaborately精巧地;苦心经营地n.elaboration苦心经营,精巧;详细阐述elaborateness尽心竭力Canyouelaborateonthat?您能详细阐述一下吗elaboratel

18、yIt was clearly an elaborately planned operation.那显然是一次精心策划的行动Word study15. intimately ntmtladv.熟悉地;亲密地;私下地;谙熟地Intimately yours亲密爱人n. Intimacy adj. intimateGoddeeplydesiresthatweknowhimintimately.神深切地想要我们亲密地认识它。Word study16. glacier ls(r) n.冰河,冰川同义词: icebergadj.glacial冰的;冰冷的;冰河时代的adv.glacially冰川地n.g

19、laciation地质 冰川作用;冻结成冰vt.glaciate使冰冻;被冰冻盖;使受冰川作用Thisisarockglacierratherthananicefield.这是一个岩石冰川而并非是一个冰原。Word study17. hazardous hzdsadj.冒险的;有危险的;碰运气的n.hazard危险,冒险;冒险的事hazardous area危险区;危险场地hazardous goods危险品Myotherjobwaslesshazardousbutmoreinteresting.我另外的那个工作不像这个工作这么冒险,但更加有趣。Word study18. evaporatio

20、n vprenn.蒸发,发散;消失;汽化;蒸发法v. Evaporateevaporative蒸发的,成为蒸气的evaporable易蒸发性的;易挥发的High temperatures also result in high evaporation from the plants.高温也导致了植物水分的大量蒸发。Word study19.cormorant k:mrntn.鸬鹚,贪婪的人adj.贪婪的Thefishermantaughtustheartofcormorantfishing.渔夫教导我们鸬鹚捕鱼的艺术。 Word study20. hybrid habrdn.杂种;杂交生成的生

21、物体;混合物;adj.混合的;杂种的hybridize使杂交;混合生成hybrid rice杂交稻;杂种稻a hybrid of solid and liquid fuel.固体和液体燃料的混合物Word study21. extraordinary kstrdnriadj.非凡的,特别的;意外的,离奇的;临时的,特派的;不寻常adv.extraordinarily非常;格外地;非凡地n.extraordinariness格外Filmisanextraordinarymedium.电影是不同寻常的媒介Word study22. reverberate rv:bretvi.回响;弹回;反射n.

22、reverberation混响;反射;反响;回响adj.reverberant回响的;反射的;起回声的A womans shrill laughter reverberated in the courtyard.一个女人的尖笑声在院子里回荡Word study23. pacify psfa vt.使(某人)安静;息怒;抚慰pacification.the pacification of the country.对国家的平定Ifonlytheydhadtheinternettopacifythem.如果他们要是有互联网就会让他们平静下来。Word study24. replenish rplen

23、 vt.补充;重新装满;把装满;replenish with再装满replenishment补充,补给Wehavetodependonthefishtoreplenishthemselves.我们需要依靠鱼本身繁殖来补充鱼的数量反义词exhaust同义词vt.提供;供给provideWord study25. auspicious :sps adj.有前途的;有希望的;有利的;吉利的auspicious day好日子;吉日良辰;黄道吉日Dragonyearsaretraditionallypowerfulandauspicious.龙年在传统意义上是蓬勃而吉利的。同义词adj.1.好兆头的;幸

24、运的promisingWord study26. retrieve rtri:vvt.取回;恢复;计检索;重新得到adj.retrievable可取回的;可补偿的;可检索的n.retrieval检索;恢复;取回;拯救He is the one man who could retrieve that situation.他是唯一能挽回局面的人Word study27. thermal :mladj.热的,保热的;温热的n.上升的暖气流adj.thermic热的;由热造成的;热量的Thermals保暖衣;防寒服Have you got your thermals on?你穿保暖衣了吗?Word s

25、tudy28. turmoil t:mln.混乱;焦虑Your mind is in such a turmoil you do not know what you are saying.你心烦意乱,根本不知道自己在说什么。同义词:turbulenceWord study29. sulphurous slfrsadj.硫磺的,含有硫磺的adj.sulphuric硫磺的;含多量硫磺的n.sulphur硫磺;硫磺色a sulphurous spring.硫黄泉Word study30. thrive ravvi.兴盛,兴隆;长得健壮;茁壮成长adj.thriving繁荣的;蒸蒸日上的;旺盛的Giv

26、entheopportunitytheycanthrivejustlikeanyoneelse.只要有机会,他们也可以像其他人一样成功。Phrases and expressions List:1.a tuft of 2.descend from3.track down4.be studded with5.be imbued withPhrases and expressions a tuft of一簇a tuft of grass一丛草地a tuft of beard一撮胡子Wesawarabbitonatuftofgrass.我们看见在一簇草中有一只兔子。 Phrases and expr

27、essions 2. descend from 从下来;由传留下来Becarefulwhenyoudescendfromtheladder.从梯子上下来时一定要小心。Accordingtothebible,weisalldescendfromadam.据圣经所载,我们全是亚当的后裔。Phrases and expressions 3. track down追捕到;追寻;查获She had spent years trying to track down her parents.她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父母的下落I dont know where that old story came fr

28、om, Ive never been able to track it down.我不知道这则旧传闻的出处,我从来没能考证出结果。Phrases and expressions 4. be studded with点缀着Inthefuture,artificialskincouldbestuddedwithsensorsthatrespondtochemicals,biologicalagents,temperature,humidity,radioactivityorpollutants.在未来,人造皮肤将会被镶上针对化学、生物制剂、温度、适度、放射性、污染物等刺激的感知器。Phrases

29、and expressions 5. be imbued with v.充满;满怀Leadershouldbeselflessandbeimbuedwiththespiritofsacrifice.领导者放弃私心并怀持牺牲精神。Onewhowishestoattainawholepersonalityoughttobehonest,faithful,sincereandtobeimbuedwithotherfinevirtues.一个人要达成完美品格的人,必须具备忠厚、忠信、忠直以及诚心、诚意的品格。They comprise the largest area of ice outside t

30、he polar regions, and nearly a sixth of the worlds total. 西藏地区是极圈之外最大的冰原区域,约占全球的六分之一。分数是由基数词和序数词一起组成。三分之一 one third三分之二 two thirdsBut its not just wildlife that values Tibets lakes and seas. Their life-giving waters are also important to people.不止野生动物受惠于这些湖泊和内海,这些赋予生命的水对人们也很重要。强调句结构:it is +强调成分+that

31、原句:not just wildlife values tibets lakes and seas.Video Show & Exercises1.Can you give a general introduction of Tibet?2.What is the highest freshwater lake in the world?3.Whats Qinghai Lake like?4. What will people do if they are in Shamanic belief?5. Why the snake can live in so hot waters?6. What

32、 makes the Himalayas?7. Who is the highest living animal on the planet?8. Why can the jumping spider jump so high?I. Answer the following questions according to the passage.crash, terrain, spider, maze, evaporation, Buddhism, magical, plateau ,mantras1.can you give a general introduction of Tibet? T

33、ibet has been a province of China for more than 50 years, yet it has a unique character, shaped by over 1,000 years of Tibetan_. This obscure生僻and archaic古代的looking religion has produced one of the most enlightened文明的cultures on Earth.Buddhism2.What is the highest freshwater lake in the world? Lake

34、Manasarovar玛旁雍措湖.3.Whats Qinghai Lake like? This is Qinghai Lake, Chinas largest. Millions of years of _have concentrated the minerals in the lake, turning the water salty. Rich in fish, its waters attract thousands of cormorants. But its not just wildlife that values Tibets lakes and seas.evaporati

35、oncrash, terrain, spider, maze, evaporation, Buddhism, magical, plateau ,mantras4. What will people do if they are in Shamanic belief? In Shamanic belief, the land is imbued with _properties内容which aid communication with the spirit world. Here animal skulls are decorated, and rocks are carved with s

36、acred mantras祷文, groups of syllables that are considered to have spiritual power. The reciting of the _is believed to create a magical sound that reverberates回响through the universe. magical mantrascrash, terrain, spider, maze, evaporation, Buddhism, magical, plateau ,mantras5. Why the snake can live

37、 in so hot waters? The hot spring snake is unique to Tibet and is believed to have survived the inhospitable不适合居住的conditions up on the _ principally主要地thanks to this natural central heating.plateau crash, terrain, spider, maze, evaporation, Buddhism, magical, plateau ,mantras6. What makes the Himala

38、yas? The slow-motion _between Asia and India has been going on for 30 million years. The Himalayas are the crumple褶皱-zone created by these two colliding landmasses, a bewildering令人困惑的_of mountains and valleys, home to elusive神出鬼没wild creatures.crash maze crash, terrain, spider, maze, evaporation, Bu

39、ddhism, magical, plateau ,mantras7. Who is the highest living animal on the planet? The jumping_.8. Why can the jumping spider jump so high? They use hydraulic液压pressure to work their legs like pistons活塞, catapulting up弹射to 30 times their own body length. The ideal way to get around in rocky _地形.ter

40、rainspidercrash, terrain, spider, maze, evaporation, Buddhism, magical, plateau ,mantrasII. Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions you have heard.bewildering, reduced, altitudes, hazardous, glaciers, chilly, extraordinary, productive, Fed, forbiddingbewildering, reduced, altitudes, hazard

41、ous, glaciers, chilly, extraordinary, productive, Fed, forbidding1. Out here, life is _to a single imperative必要的事- survival.2. Descending from the hilltops to lower_, the argali band together for safety.3. Although this winter landscape looks barren and_可怕的, Tibets remote grasslands support a surpri

42、sing variety of creatures.reducedaltitudesforbidding4. The Tibetan region contains over 35,000 _that cover over 100,000 square kilometres.5. In late spring, the _lake waters are a magnet磁铁for breeding繁殖birds. 6. Having spent the winter south of the Himalayas, bar-headed geese斑头雁make the _mountain cr

43、ossing each spring to breed on the plateaus lakes.7._by the mountain glaciers, the Tibetan plateau even has its own inland sea.glaciers chillyhazardousFedbewildering, reduced, altitudes, hazardous, glaciers, chilly, extraordinary, productive, Fed, forbidding8. This hybrid religion forms the basis of

44、 an _relationship with nature. 9. These cold-blooded snakes hang out in streams and rivers which are fed by the hot springs, where they enjoy a surprisingly _lifestyle.10. The Himalayas are the crumple-zone created by these two colliding landmasses, a _maze of mountains and valleys, home to elusive难捉摸的wild creatures. bewildering, reduced, altitudes, hazardous, glaciers, chilly, extraordinary, productive, Fed, forbiddingextraordinaryproductivebewilderingIII.


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