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1、 出国西班牙本科留学申请书格式 出国西班牙本科留学申请书 Dear _, People once asked me: “Why did you choose architecture?” I couldnt give a simple answer for that. Maybe it was because I like painting and construction since childhood. I also earnestly yearn to create beautiful things on my own and architecture can satisfy my im

2、agination in space, materials, and color. My born interest in this sector is also because of my parents, who are both structural engineer and electrical engineer, influencing me gradually and unconsciously since I was a kid and giving me perceptual knowledge in the field. After my five-year study in

3、 the Department of Architecture, and one-year work experience in architectural design, I ask myself this same question. The result is that aside from the factors mentioned above, what really makes me choose architecture is its intrinsic appeal, which is just like the maxim written inside the buildin

4、g of the Department of Architecture: “Architecture is the combination of art and technology.” Perhaps when a person is engaged in what his keen interest blossoms, he will never feel tired, instead he would feel motivated and have an enriching experience. Five years academic study in the School of Ar

5、chitecture and Arts of University of _ transformed my instinctive excitement and imagination about architecture into systematic knowledge and comprehensive understanding. This transformation, first of all, lies in my skills in the fine arts. Differing from my previous mere interest in fine arts, the

6、 study of architecture makes me begin to ponder on how to draw using aesthetic elements from fine arts such as color, lighting and composition to apply to architecture. I was so dedicated to such brainstorming and imagination that I would always work around the clock in the studio for days on end. S

7、econdly, the study of basic architectural courses, such as architectural structure, mechanics and materials science, makes me realize that architecture not only gives importance on aesthetics, but also on the more essential functionality and practicality. In that process, I realized that architectur

8、e is not only an art, but also more importantly a sort of technology. Five years of college study gives me a deeper comprehension of architecture, that is, architecture is also part of other cultures - it is subject to other cultures influence, and at the same time it influences other cultures. Beca

9、use of my childhood architectural background, coupled with my lasting keen interest in architecture, I gained excellent achievements in the major courses of my college study, ranked top three in the class, and also received first prize scholarships and many other scholarships for five consecutive ye

10、ars. Besides, owing to my understanding of architecture, I am not satisfied with mere textbook knowledge. I believe architecture is not only a skill but also, more importantly, a combination of creativity and imagination. An excellent architecture designer needs not only solid architectural skills a

11、nd knowledge, but also needs nourishment from fine arts, materials science, engineering and culture. For that purpose, I read quite extensively, understood the architectural history of different countries - especially European architectural history, learnt from works of modern and contemporary archi

12、tectural masterpieces, and gained insights on their design conceptions that are full of creativity and connotation. The knowledge I have gained from these efforts heightens my interests and my desire for creation. I had the opportunity to put to practice this desire for creation during the last stag

13、e of my college study. During the second semester of my fourth year, I interned with _ for half a year where I participated in the environmental design of the _ astronomical station and the conceptual design of the Phoenix Residential Complex in _. These experiences gave me insights into the relatio

14、nship between a buildings space and its functionality, as well as architectural designs feasibility, which is an important factor to consider when designing. After graduating in 2002, I worked with an excellent architectural design institute, engaging in architectural design. In the meantime, I part

15、icipated in the conceptual design and design drafts of the janitors room, the main machine hall of _ Company Ltd. I was also responsible for the design of the drafts of the multi-purpose hall in _ , _ and the renovation design of the _ Archives of the _. Because of my prominent achievements, I was q

16、uickly promoted as an exception from draftsmen to designer, and I later got the assistant engineer certificate in a short period of time. The design experiences from these projects made me very interested in creatively applying materials in projects. Meanwhile, I also continuously learned new ideas

17、in architecture from different countries, and especially saw a lot of design drawings of overseas architectural masters. All these experiences have a great impact on me, sparking my intention of studying abroad to learn more in-depth contemporary international architectural conceptions. I especially

18、 aspire to get to know in more detail modern western architectural history in the hopes of forming my own architectural conceptions. Besides this, another intense desire of mine is to comprehensively learn the relationship between architecture and culture, and through the study of western architectu

19、re, to determine Chinas own architectural style. China once boasted of a developed ancient architecture, while its modern architecture loses the characteristics of its indigenous culture, a great deal of architecture lingers merely on the stage of rough and superficial imitation of western architect

20、ure. I hope to form a sort of architectural design conception with characteristics of Chinas traditional culture after extensively absorbing modern architectural theories and technologies. That is what I yearn to do and also what I believe I can make. Yours sincerely, 西班牙留学奖学金类型 一、院校奖学金 大家接触得比较多的,和申

21、请的难度比较小的,自然就是学校发放的奖项,有全校范畴的、有学院、有专业的,含金量一般不会很高,但是可以直接补贴大家的留学生活。 一般来说,这些奖学金只会考核学生的成绩排名和专业实力,在进行准备的时候,大家不需要额外进行,只要确认自己能够完成而且通过考核,有比较不错的成绩和排名,就有机会获奖。 二、政府奖学金 主要是指西班牙的相关政府机构或者下属机构开设的项目,这些奖学金会有比较高的含金量,并且考核的是来自全国的学生,大家会面临比较的竞争压力,但同样的奖金会更多一些。 一般申请需要两轮,第一轮上向学校申请推荐资格,要准备学术能力相关的材料和辅助材料,通过考核以后还要在进行材料的完善,由学校向相关部门提交正式的奖学金申请,会有面试的过程。 三、组织奖学金 1.官方 各类全球性的机构提供的奖学金项目,主要就是联合国的组织提供的奖学金,比较知名的就是ERASMUS奖学金,在不少国家都设置有相关的项目,获奖的经历是可以写进简历加分的。 同样对申请者会进行严格的考核,大家必须要同时满足学术、能力、技能、品质等不同方面的要求,考核会有笔试和面试,需要大家提前做好足够的准备。 2.社会 还有一类不可忽视的部分,就是有各个社会组织准备的奖学金,可以区分出有条件和无条件,一般公益性的奖学金,奖金不会很多,更主要的是起到鼓励的作用,大家可以尝试申请。 而奖金比


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