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1、中考英语书面表达1教学ppt第一部分写作综述2教学ppt一、考试说明:能简单描述人物、场所、活动、事件。就常见话题表述事实、表达观点、情感和态度。能用连词表示顺序和逻辑顺序根据图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。3教学ppt二、评分标准说明:先根据文章整体内容和语言表达确定档次,然后在该档次内评出分数。4教学ppt二、评分标准第一档 13-15分完全符合题目要求,表达思想清楚,内容丰富。使用多种语法结构和丰富的词汇,语言通顺,语意连贯,具有逻辑性。允许有个别语言错误。5教学ppt二、评分标准第二档 9-12分符合题目要求,表达思想基本清楚,内容基本完整。语法结构和词汇满足文章需要,语言基本通顺

2、,语意基本连贯。有一些语言错误,但不影响整体理解。6教学ppt二、评分标准第三档 5-8分部分内容符合题目要求,表达思想不清楚,内容不完整。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不通顺,影响整体理解。7教学ppt二、评分标准第四档 0-4分与题目有关的内容不多,不能表达出自己的思想。只能简单拼凑影响词语,所写内容难以理解。8教学ppt三、写作流程1. 思考素材- 哪些素材适合本文写作?- 哪些素材能满足写作要点?- 在合适的素材里,哪些是我擅长表达的?9教学ppt三、写作流程2. 组织材料 用写作提纲的方式组织好写作材料- 开头:根据写作目的和内容要求选择恰当的开头方式。10教学ppt三、写作流程2.

3、组织材料 用写作提纲的方式组织好写作材料- 中间:根据写作中心和要点,按逻辑顺序列出具体素材和细节等。在要点中间列出需要的连词和过渡词,体现文章层次。11教学ppt三、写作流程2. 组织材料 用写作提纲的方式组织好写作材料- 结尾:根据写作目的和内容要求思考恰当的结束语。12教学ppt三、写作流程3. 写作成文根据写作提纲,选用自己擅长的英语表达方式,把想要表达的内容完整地写出来。注意遣词造句方面应推敲打磨,力求行文流畅,语言地道,并使用多种语法结构和丰富的词汇。13教学ppt三、写作流程4. 检查修改- 文章中心明确、要点齐全吗?- 文章表达清晰、有逻辑性吗?- 文中的时态正确吗?(重点检查

4、第三人称单数,动词过去式等)- 文章的语法表达、拼写和标点正确吗?14教学ppt四、注意事项1. 列好提纲打好草稿把握词数,注意表达的完整性。避免结构失调2. 使用书面语,避免“中式英语”。3. 书写工整,卷面整洁。4. 把握时间,认真检查。5. 练就基本功。(词汇的积累、常用写作句型、全面准确的语法知识、语言的流畅性、逻辑性等)15教学ppt第二部分获得技巧 快速提高16教学ppt针对中考真题,呈现优秀、良好、合格三档范文,供不同层次学生学习并借鉴17教学ppt2009年北京市中考试题 某英文报纸就“家务劳动(housework)”话题征文,请你投稿。 每个家庭都有许多家务,人人都应该学做一

5、些。谈谈你经常帮父母做哪些家务,有什么体会,并打算在暑假为家里做什么。 提示词:every family, lots of housework, learn to do, help, parents, be/feel proud of18教学ppt优秀范文15分19教学ppt With some housework to do, every family member is assigned some tasks to finish every day. For me, instead of a bothersome matter, doing housework for my family

6、is actually what adds some spice to my life. 在第一段中,作者简明扼要地点明写作主题20教学ppt After getting up every morning, I constantly help my mum prepare for breakfast, from which I obtain some valuable skills in cooking. Also, thanks to the housework, I have some good opportunities to spend time talking and laughin

7、g with my mum, so that I can refresh my mind in fast-paced life and get ready to face whatever comes in the day with enthusiasm. Its truly meaningful and important for me!21教学ppt 在第二段中,作者用生动形象的语言记述了做家务一方面是一种技能的学习,另一方面提供了作者与父母沟通交流的平台。22教学ppt In a word, even if doing housework is just a little deed, i

8、t contributes to making me become an all-round student by helping me know more about life. 在第三段中作者总结了做家务的体会,升华了文章主题。23教学ppt As my summer vacation is coming, I cant wait to do everything within my capability for my family. 在第四段中,作者用简短的语言谈论了自己的暑假打算。24教学ppt总体点评 本文内容完整,结构合理,有条不紊,详略得当,衔接自然,并且使用了多种句型结构,使文

9、章形式多样。精心选材,用优美的语言记述了做家务这一日常话题。最难能可贵的是文章立意深刻,作者不仅将做家务看作是一种生活技能的学习,更重要的是他认为做家务是一个可以和父母沟通的桥梁,因此中心思想得到了充分的升华,即文章的可读性及思想性较强。25教学ppt良好范文11分26教学ppt Every family is filled with different kinds of housework. Mom cleans the floor every other day, and does the laundry and all the other housework on weekends. S

10、ometimes I help in the kitchen, doing some cutting, cooking or washing. 在第一段中,作者点明写作主题,讲述了自己在家帮助父母所做的一些家务活,但是仅停留在列举上,语言描述不够饱满。27教学ppt Housework is tiring as well as boring, so it must be much harder for the parents coming home after a whole days busy work. Therefore, I think its time for me to learn

11、 to do more things for our family. 在第二段中,作者说明做家务活很辛苦,但是如果能结合自身,谈谈帮父母做家务活后的感受就更好了。28教学ppt Im planning to clean the plates after each meal and water the flowers in the summer vacation. I hope Ill make my parents feel proud of me. 在第三段中,作者清楚具体地表述了自己在暑假中打算为父母做哪些家务活。29教学ppt总体点评 本文要点齐全,结构紧凑合理,使用了较为丰富的词汇,是

12、一篇较好的习作。30教学ppt合格范文9分31教学ppt Every family has lots of housework, and we should learn to do it. At home, I usually help my parents to do some housework, such as washing clothes, sweeping the floor and watering the flowers.32教学ppt I think doing housework is interesting. For example, one day I made bre

13、akfast for my parents, they were happy. 33教学ppt The summer vacation is coming soon. Im going to learn how to cook. I think my parents will be proud of their daughter me.34教学ppt总体点评 这篇习作内容不够充实,在句型的使用方面几乎均为简单句(只有一处运用了and并列句,两处使用了I think ),同时词汇量有限,直接导致文章整体不够丰富精彩。35教学ppt第三部分精打细磨,百炼成钢36教学ppt三类作文有一些典型错误,修

14、改并加工提升;二类作文基本无语言错误,从内容、层次、礼仪、语言等方面提升成一类作文。37教学ppt2008北京海淀一模 还记得发生在你身上最难忘的一次经历吗?某英文报纸正在以“An Unforgettable Experience”为题进行征文活动。请你写一篇短文,描述一次难忘的经历,并谈谈你的感想。提示词:remember, help, wonderful, feel, think38教学ppt三类作文提升到二类作文8分Everyone has some unforgettable experiences.39教学ppt Last summer I went to Guilin. Its b

15、eautiful. We went there by plane. We sit boat in the river, and I can see the grass and fish in it. We were exciting to see many special hills and holes, and we took a lot of photo. Then we went to buy some gift for my friends. We eat some food in a restaurant. At the end of the trip, I was sad and

16、say goodbye to the beautiful city.40教学ppt I will never forget that trip.41教学ppt修改后的文章 Last summer I went to Guilin with my parents by plane. On the first day, we took a boat down the Li River. The scenery impressed me a lot. The water was so clean that I could see the grass and fish in it. Besides,

17、Ive never seen those kinds of special hills and holes, so I couldnt help taking photos.42教学ppt During the next two days, we not only enjoyed the wonderful view of the nature there, but also tried some traditional food in the local restaurants. At the end of the trip, I bought some gifts for my frien

18、ds and felt hard to say goodbye to the city.43教学ppt Now when I see the photos, all the beautiful memories come back to my mind. It is indeed a very memorable trip.44教学ppt提升亮点1. 要点齐全,突出中心 It is indeed a very memorable trip.45教学ppt提升亮点2. 加强层次 Besides, so, During the next two days At the end of the tri

19、p46教学ppt提升亮点3. 丰富了句式The scenery impressed me a lot.I couldnt help taking photos.47教学ppt提升亮点4. 丰富内容The water was so clean that I could see the grass and fish in it.Besides, Ive never seen those kinds of special hills and holes, so I couldnt help taking photos.48教学ppt提升亮点4. 丰富内容During the next two day

20、s, we not only enjoyed the wonderful view of the nature there, but also tried some traditional food in the local restaurants.Now when I see the photos, all the beautiful memories come back to my mind. It is indeed a very memorable trip.49教学ppt二类作文提升到一类作文11分(注意黄色字体的好词好句) I had an unusual talk and it

21、made me so impressed.50教学ppt One day I had a quarrel with one of my classmates because I thought she was unfair and it made me annoyed. Then I was asked to my head teacher, Ms. Zhangs office. She didnt blame me. She gave me a lesson with reasonable words. 51教学ppt She said, “You should respect others

22、. Keep calm and think on the side of others.” Then she told me some examples. She didnt stop talking until it was late. At the end of the talk, she encouraged me to do better in future. I got quite moved.52教学ppt Thats really an unforgettable experience for me to learn to forgive others.53教学ppt总体点评优点

23、:语言准确,表达基本清楚不足:内容比较简单,描写不够细致 表达不够流畅,关联词使用较少54教学ppt修改后的文章 Ive never had such an unusual experience which made me quite impressed.改前: I had an unusual talk and it made me so impressed.55教学ppt One day I had a quarrel with one of my classmates. I was really driven mad and I yelled back to each word of h

24、ers. Heading to my head teacher, Ms. Zhangs office, I still felt misunderstood and annoyed.56教学ppt To my surprise, Ms. Zhang didnt blame me. Instead, she gave me a lesson with reasonable words. She also shared some lively examples of hers. She kept talking patiently until it was late. It was then th

25、at I realized we were supposed to respect others and wed better keep calm to listen to others comments. 57教学ppt It was then that I realized we were supposed to respect others and wed better keep calm to listen to others comments. At the end of the talk, I appreciated Ms. Zhang for her help and promi

26、sed to be a more open-minded person in the future.58教学ppt I was quite moved by the impressive talk, which taught me that forgiving was a necessary virtue and we should learn to “look before you leap”.59教学ppt提升亮点1. 非限制性定语从句的使用,补充说明相关信息(, which/who )I was quite moved by the impressive talk, which taug

27、ht me that forgiving was a necessary virtue.注意:没有十分的把握,千万别用此句型,否则反而因语法错丢分。60教学ppt提升亮点2. 为了突出强调某一部分,使用强调句(It is/was that/who)It was then that I realized we were supposed to respect others.61教学ppt提升亮点3. 被动语态的灵活运用 we were supposed to respect others62教学ppt提升亮点4. 现在分词表示伴随动作,修饰细节Heading to my head teacher

28、, Ms. Zhangs office, I still felt misunderstood and annoyed.63教学ppt提升亮点5. 习语或相关谚语的使用,为突出主题服务Look before you leap.三思而后行。64教学ppt如何替换?总结时:I think.I am greatly convinced/ assured that.我深信It goes without saying that. 不用说,。It goes without saying that home is the warmest place in the world.There is no doub

29、t that.毫无疑问的是.It is obvious/apparent that . 显然的是.It is obvious that knowlege palys an important role in our life.65教学pptIn my opinion, .As far as I am concerned, .引用谚语总结时As an old saying says, “.”Try hard to doSpare no effort to do.We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.66教学pptGet int

30、o the habit of.Make it a rule to do. 养成。的习惯We should get into the habbit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯We should make it a rule to keep good hours.Because of.+nThanks to +n/ doingThanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.67教学ppt第四部分写作常用句式结构训练68教学ppt 1.as soon as一就引导时间状语从句,注意“主将从现

31、”Lucy will tell Tony the message as soon as she sees him.69教学ppt 2.(not) as/so as as as 和一样比较句式,用来比较两件东西,并表示它们的程度一样。I think English is as important as math. not as/so as 不像那样I am not as/so careful as Tom.70教学ppt 3.as as possible 尽可能 We should speak English as much as possible in the English class.Pl

32、ease finish the task as soon as possible.In order to catch up with the bus, he ran as fast as possible.71教学ppt 5. ask/tell sb how to do sth 请求、告诉某人如何做某事Many students often ask their teacher how to learn English well.Let me tell you how to send an email.72教学ppt 6. ask/tell sb (not) to do sth 请求、告诉某人(

33、不)做某事Tom asked me to play basketball with him.The teacher often tells me to study harder.The teacher told us not to be late for school.73教学ppt7. be afraid of doing sth/be afraid that 做某事感到害怕 be afraid后面既可以接动词-ing形式作宾语,也可以接that引导的宾语从句。She is afraid of going out at night.I am afraid that you have to g

34、o to school by bus.74教学ppt 8. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事相当于“be busy with + n.”He is busy doing his homework.He is busy with his homework.75教学ppt 9. be famous/late/ready/sorry for以而出名,因迟到,为做准备,对表示歉意Beijing is famous for the Great Wall.I have never been late for school.We are ready for the exam.Im sorry

35、for my rudeness.76教学ppt 10. be glad that 乐于I am glad that you have passed the exam.I am glad that you have stopped smoking.77教学ppt 11. bothand 和都Both Tom and Jack are good at math.Its a good way to make both teachers and students happy.78教学ppt 12. either or 不是就是用eitheror连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应跟与其距离最近的主语在人称和数

36、上保持一致,即 “就近原则”Either you or I am going there tomorrow.When he is at home, he will either watch TV or play computer games.79教学ppt 14. get + 比较级 越来越Dont worry. He will get better.The weather is getting warmer and warmer.The houses are getting more and more expensive.80教学ppt 15. get on with 相处,进展I can

37、get on well with my new classmates.Can you tell me how to get on with others?81教学ppt 16. get ready for/get sth ready为做好准备; 准备好某事、某物They are busy getting ready for the meeting.We have to get our books ready before class.82教学ppt 17. had better (not) do sth 最好(不)做Youd better write down all your ideas.Y

38、oud better not tell her about it.83教学ppt 18. help sb (to) do/help sb with 帮助做At weekends, I often help my parents with the housework.At weekends, I often help my mother (to) do the housework.84教学ppt 19. I dont think that 我认为不当think后的宾语从句是否定句,而主句的主语是第一人称时,习惯上否定词not转移到主句中,形式上否定主句谓语,实际上否定的是从句谓语,即“否定前移”

39、I dont think it is a good idea to go to school by bike.85教学ppt 20. Its bad/good for 对不好,对有好处Drinking more water is good for your health.Watching too much TV is bad for your eyes.86教学ppt 21. enjoy/finish/mind/keep/go on doing sth 喜爱/完成/介意/保持/继续做某事He doesnt enjoy going to school.Have you finished read

40、ing the book?I dont mind being poor.The telephone kept ringing until I answered.He went on working without taking a rest.87教学ppt 22. It takes sb some time to do sth花费某人一些时间做某事It took him four hours to get there yesterday.The math problem was so difficult that it took me two hours to work it out.88教学

41、ppt 23. give/show/bring/lend/send/pass sth to sb给/出示/带来/借给/寄给/传递某人某物另一种形式是give/show/bring/lend/send/pass sb sthCould you pass the book to me?Please show your passport to me.89教学ppt 24. Its time for /to do sth该做某事的时候了Its time for exercise.Its time to do some exercise.90教学ppt 25. keep sb doing sth 使某人

42、持续做某事He kept me waiting for two hours.His parents always keep him playing the piano.91教学ppt 26. keep/make sth/sb + adj. 使保持/处于某种状态Will you please keep the door open?What he said made me very angry.92教学ppt 28. make/let sb (not) do sth 使某人(不)做某事Its a fine day today. Lets go out for a walk.To learn Eng

43、lish well, the teacher always makes us read aloud in the morning.93教学ppt 29. neither nor 既不也不此短语用来连接两个并列成分,如果连接的是并列主语,则谓语动词采取就近原则Neither he nor you are wrong.He is neither too clever nor too stupid, but good enough at this work.94教学ppt 30. not at all根本不The movie is not interesting at all.He is not a

44、fraid of making the same mistake at all.95教学ppt 31. not only but also 不但而且连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应跟与其距离最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致,即 “就近原则”Not only the students but also the teacher was invited.He is not only our teacher but also our friend.96教学ppt 32. not until 直到才The students didnt stop talking until the teacher came i

45、nto the classroom.He didnt go home until it stopped raining.97教学ppt 33. so that 如此以致 so + adj./adv. + that引导结果状语从句,so的后面跟形容词或副词,that后跟从句He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.The math problem is so difficult that I cant work it out.98教学ppt 34. spend on sth/(in) doing sth 花费(时间或金钱)做某事使用sp

46、end时,主语只能是表示人的名词或代词。I spent a lot of money on books.I spent a lot of money (in) buying books.He spent two hours on his homework.He spent two hours (in) doing his homework.99教学ppt 35. stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事I think we should stop people from smoking in public places.The serious traffic jam stopped him from catching the last train.100教学ppt 36. stop to do/stop doing sth 停下原来的事去做(另一件事) 停止做某事The students stopped talking when the teacher came in.Lets stop to have some coffee.101教学ppt 38. too to 太而不能 too +


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