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1、阅读理解10-1+5复习3/5Remember global warming? Back in December, the threat of climate change was thundering and the rich countries agreed to cut their carbon-dioxide and other green-house-related emissions. Since then, interest has cooled markedly, and many European countries are already running away from

2、 the promises they made so loudly a few months ago. But there has been much talk, and a bit of action, to encourage renewable energies such as wind, hydro, solar and all living organisms. These emit no greenhouse gases, but tend to cost more than coal, oil or ga06.全球温室效应的产生, 主要是由于大量使用含碳燃料一46. The be

3、tter, simpler idea is to remember that the easiest way to reduce something is to tax it - in this case, by taxing the carbon content power. 收取一定的税费是减少任何东西的最有效的办法,对于治理威胁气候变化的含碳 燃料来说,这种方法当然也适用。47A.The dirtier the power, the more tax itwould pay.收税的标准是根据能源的碳含量来确定税率,含碳量越高,收税的 税费就越高 o 47B.So dirty coal w

4、ould be more expensive than clean coal,which would see its price rise in relation to oil, which would be moreexpensive compared with gas, 47C. D.which would lose some of its price advantage over renewables.49.Unless a carbon tax was so huge as to be economicaMyippling削弱,it would not remove the price

5、 differential between all renewables and fossil fuels. But it would narrow that gap, by fixing the differing environmental costs into the price - a useful principle in itself. 48B.jt would also give renewable producers a strong incentive to cut costs, and fossil-fuel suppliers the motivation to clea

6、n their products.48A.Precedents suggest strongly that a carbon tax would be effective. But the disadvantage to carbon tax is political. 1兑费应该行之有效: 单由干政治原因: 它并 没有像人们所期待的那样发挥应有的作用。48CAfter almost a decade of trying,the European Union gave up an attempt at a European carbon tax last year.经过近 十年的努力,欧洲联盟

7、去年放弃了欧洲碳排放税的尝试。Germanys rulingcoalition is fighting against a proposed energy tax.德国的执政联盟正与拟议的能 源税作斗争。In America, politicians believe that even mentioning the notion iscertain death.在美国,政客们认为,即使提到这个概念,也是必然白死亡。 But many of the political objections could be met if a carbon tax were made up for the los

8、s elsewhere,但是,如果为其他地方的损失弥补了碳税,许多政治异议就能得 至U满足,for example by lowering payroll or sales taxes.降彳氐工资单或销售税。 There is always suspicion when governments come up with clever new ways to tax, and rightly so. The response to that suspicion should be to win the argument, not to abandon it.5d (此种税收的不理条件是政治原因所

9、导致的:各国政府并没行之有效的推行碳税,因为一些政府通过减少其他税收作为碳税的补偿;一些政府甚至 都不敢提及该税,因为他们害怕招致公众的怀疑。)According to the passage, the easiest way to remove global warming isto encourage people to use renewable energiesto cut down the cost of wind, hydro, solar and all living organismsto force people to pay more tax for the carbon

10、content of powerto talk less but act moreThe standard of paying tax was.that the more carbon content of power it contained, the higher tax one would pay它包含的更多的碳含量,税收就越高。that oil would be more expensive than clean coal石油会比清洁煤更贵。xthat renewables would be most expensive of all可再生能源将是最昂贵的所有in the order

11、that renewables are the most expensive while clean coal the cheapest在可再生能源是最昂贵而清洁煤最便宜的顺序We can infer from the passage that carbon tax.may not be as effective as people expect可能不像人们期望的那样有效has encouraged renewable producers to cut costs鼓励可再生生产者降低成本has reduced consumption of the carbon content energy s

12、uccessfully成功降低了碳含量能量消耗couldnt be that effective if fossil fuels would not be forbidden如果不禁止化石燃料的话,就不会那么有效。We can infer from the passage that carbon tax.A. greatly increasing 大幅上涨 B. seriously weakening严重衰弱C. sharply decliningD. abruptly haltingThe reason why many countries stopped introducing carbo

13、n tax eventually was mainly that.许多国家最终停止开征碳税的原因主要是 governments had tried to put it into effect for many years but with no obvious result各国政府曾试图将其付诸实施多年,但没有明显的结果if one country made up the loss by paying the carbon tax, other countries would follow it如果一个国家通过支付碳税来弥补损失,其他国家就会效仿它。governments were afrai

14、d of being suspected if they adopted the new tax政府害怕被怀疑,如果他们通过了新的税收governments had been discussing what to do with carbon tax for a long time, but they hadnt come to an agreement长期以来,政府一直在讨论如何处理碳排放税,但他们并没有达成协议。Key: CAABC阅读理解15-16+20复习3/3It was 1985, and Rafe Esquith was beginning his third year of t

15、eaching in Los Angeles public schools. 71. He faced a class of 40 sixth-graders from low-income homes where English rarely was spoken, and the best reader among them was two years below grade level.RE勺六年级班里共有40名来自低收入家庭的学生.他们在家里很少说 英语,其中最好的学生阅读能力也只能达到低于两个年级的水平.因此可以判断这些学生大多来自移民家庭。学生的阅读水平较低并不等同于智力水平低。B

16、ut to everyones surprise, he decided to teach them Shakespeare.学牛们对学习莎士比亚的兴趣,参加的人数越来越多。 Five families agreed to let their children play Macbeth for two hours after school. This proved to be so much fun that, within weeks, Esquith had 28 kids happily soaking up the drama of blood and betrayal in medi

17、eval Scotland. They were learning many words they had never heard before.But when Esquith asked a school district supervisor for official approval, he received this note: 72.Mr. Esquith, it is not appropriate that you stay after school to teach Shakespeare. It would be better if you did something wi

18、th the children that is academic.It would not be the last time that the narrow thinking of big-city school administration got in Esquiths way. Yet the bearded, 6-foot-tall cyclone has proved that 73.a teacher who thinks very big-much harder lessons,larger projects, extra class time-can help disadvan

19、taged children in ways most educators never imagine. 增加课程的难度和课后的时间会对处于劣势的学生大有帮助,而这一点大多数教育专家没有意识到This was difficult at first, until he stumbled upon a concept of teaching that is at the core of his success. 74.American children, even those from hardworking immigrant cultures, have in Esquiths view be

20、en wrongly taught that learning should always be fun, by teachers who think hard lessons are bad for kids from low-income homes. When faced with something difficult, such students dont know what to do.The Declaration of Independence says Americans are entitled to the pursuit of happiness, but the em

21、phasis in public schooling has been on the happiness, he believes. What happened to pursuit? 74.Esquith said. So he has created an entirely new universe in his classroom, cherishing effort and the slogan, There Are No Shortcuts.美国的教育一直提倡学习是有趣的。但RE认为汶星一种误导。他的观点是学习必须付出努力,学习是没有捷径的。As for their own dram

22、atic performances, Esquith got around the original ban on his after-school Macbeth rehearsals by switching to Thornton Wilders Our Town. When that class finally performed the Shakespeare play, a school district supervisor showed up. The high-ranking district administrator came up afterwards and shoo

23、k his hand. Rafe, she said, Ive never seen Shakespeare done better.75本文。要介绍一位具有创新思路的老师Rafe Esquith以及他在教学中的思路和新做法It can be learned from the passage that Esquiths students.liked the traditional teaching better 更喜欢传统教学were relatively poor in intelligence 智力相对较差were mainly from immigrant families 主要来自移

24、民家庭refused to cooperate with the new teacher 拒绝与新老师合作At first, Esquiths Shakespeare-teaching.won the support of the school authoritygot slow response from the school authoritydid not draw attention from the school authoritywas not allowed by the school authohtyIt is implied that most educators.fail

25、to realize the potential of disadvantaged students无法认识弱势学生的潜能fail to introduce fun into the learning of disadvantaged students对弱势学生的学习不引入乐趣are reluctant to admit the unfair treatment to disadvantaged students不愿承认对弱势学生的不公平待遇are unaware of the difficulty faced by disadvantaged students不知道处境不利的学生面临的困难E

26、squiths principle of teaching is different from the general one in thatEsquith的教学原则不同于一般人,即he insists on giving harder lessons to more advanced students他坚持要给更多的高级学生更多的教训。he places greater emphasis on hard work in students learning他更加重视学生学习中的勤奋工作。he pays less attention to students academic performanc

27、es 他对学生的学习成绩 不太重视。he dismisses the concept of extra homework for students他放弃了 学生额外作业 的概念。What is the main idea of the passage?An inspiring teacher wins the love and respect of his students.An experienced teacher contributes to the school and the students.An innovative teacher makes changes in the st

28、udents.An optimistic teacher helps build confidence in the students.Key: CDABC阅读理解11-26+30复习2/3Youre trying to control my life, says my nine-year-old son. I dont know why you think you can do that, but you cant. I received this bit of information after I asked Gabriele to put his dirty socks in the

29、basket. And I get no sympathy from my mother, who says, You let him have his way from the beginning.Its true. I have always asked Gabrieles opinion, found out how he felt about things - treated him as my peer发现他对事情的感觉-把他当作我的同伴,not my child. And what have I got from my troubles? A lot of back talk. 5

30、1.At least Im not alone; its a complaint heard among parents across the country.52B.Its not just that were confused by the contradictory advice offered in parenting books.这不仅仅是因为我们对育儿书中提出的矛盾建议感到困惑。52CThe factis, in an effort to break away from how we were raised - to try something more liberal than

31、our parents do it because I say so approach - our generation has gone too far.事实是,许多家长在摆脱自己的小时候的成长模式希望以更加自由的态度对待自己的孩子,而这些家长成长时受到的教育是“家长说什么就是什么,我们这一代人走得太远了。 152A.Todays parents want to be young, so they try to be friends with their children, says Kathy Lynn, a parenting educator.When it comes to disc

32、ipline our society has gone from one extreme to the other, says Ron Moorish, a behavior specialist. We used to use the strap 打,to intimidate 恐吓.Then we had permissiveness, and now its about giving children choices and allowing them to learn from their own experiences.53.Real discipline, says Moorish

33、, is about teaching. By correcting our children when they do something wrong, we teach them how to behave properly, he says. But this only works, he emphasizes, if parents regain their position of authority. Children will always be children. The key is for parents to choose to take the time to guide

34、 and teach their kids.Rita Munday, a mother of four children, couldnt believe the dramas that played out in the childrens shoe store she operated. She often saw children insist on having the high-priced, brand-name shoes. And even when the mother didnt want to spend the money, she would give in when

35、 the kid started acting up and throwing shoes around. Rhonda Radice, Mundays younger colleague, is one parent who has bucked the trend and is proud of it. 54.I dont negotiate with them. You cant. Ive seen parents come into the store and bribe their children to behave. You shouldnt have to buy love a

36、nd respect.我不与他彳门谈判。 你不能。我见*寸父母来店里贿赂孩子彳门的行 为。你不应该买爱和尊重。55一本文。要介绍现代父母与子女的关系从过去的家长式变成朋友式以及由此产 生的问题。The authors way of treating her sonA: is shared by many parents 被许多父母分享is encouraged by her mother 受到母亲的鼓励proves to be quite successful 证明是相当成功的shows little concern for the child 对孩子没有什么关心It can be infer

37、red from the passage that W以从段落推断出,A: parents should learn to make friends with their children父母应该学会和孩子交朋友。parents need to follow the advice of parenting books父母需要听从育儿书的建议todays children enjoy more freedom than the previous generation今天的孩子比上一代人享有更多的自由。todays parents are better at raising children th

38、an previous generation 今天的父母比上一代人更善于养育孩子。According to the passage, to have discipline means that parents shouldA: adopt the do it because I say so approach:用”做,因为我这么说的方法teach their children to understand the rules 教孩子理解规贝Unegotiate with their children for a decision 与子女协商作出决定never allow their childr

39、en to have their ways永远不要让他们的孩子有他们的方If Ronda Radice is the parent who has bucked the trend, which of the following can also be cited a皴弓 I 用 the example for bucking the trend?A: Parents buy whatever their children want.父母买孩子想要的东西。Parents treat their children as their equals.父母视子女为平等Parents make deci

40、sions for their children.父母为孩子做决定。Parents maintain authohty over their children. 父母对子女保持权威。The main point of the passage is to.A: compare different ways of raising childrenanalyze the problems faced by todays parentsexplain the importance of understanding childrenpoint out the mistakes made by the o

41、lder generationKey: ACBDB阅读理解5-21+25复习1/3.Regular child care provided outside home or by someone other than the mother does not in itself undermine healthy emotional connections between mothers and their 15-month-old infants, according to a long-term national study. The finding holds even if care be

42、gins during the first 3 months after birth and runs for 30 hours or more per week.Among infants who receive unkind and unresponsive care from their mothers, however, the mother-child relationship may be damaged. This research helps us put apart complexities regarding child care that 33.have not prev

43、iously been studied in detail, “ contends Jay Belsky, a psychologist.The investigation consists of 1,153 children and their families living in or near Boston. The youngsters, no more than 1 month old when they entered the study in 1991, 35A.will be tracked until the age of 7. 35B.Experimenters admin

44、istered questionnaires to mothers in their homes and 35D.videotaped baby caretakers interacting with the kids at ages 1, 6 and 15 months. 35Cndependent observers rated the quality of each child care efforts and noted infant nervousness. Unlike most previous studies, 34.this one allows researchers to

45、 observe each caretakers personalty at child nursing, and kids emotional reactions by the equipment.From the first paragraph we know that .判断题,浏览四个选项,谈论的是母亲抚养孩子与其他人抚养孩子之间的关系, 先浏览第一段把握大意,再进行判断做题,第一段:根据研究,经常由家庭以外 的其他人照顾孩子,这种情况本身并不会破坏母子关系,该结论甚至认为,即便这种情况从孩子出生的最初3个月就开始,每周持续30多个小时,也不会对母 子关系有影响。mother care

46、 is the best according to a national study根据研究,母亲照顾孩子是最好的child care outside home is the best in accordance with the study根据研究,由家庭以外的其他人照顾孩子是最好的regular child care outside home does not in itself do harm to mother-child relationship经常由家庭以外的其他人照顾孩子,这本身不会破坏母子关系connections between mothers and infants are

47、 damaged by outside care母亲与婴儿之间的关系会被其他外来照顾者伤害According to the passage, unresponsive care from a mother may.A. ruin a kids growthB. harm the mother-child tieC. hurt a babys emotional reactionD. spoil a childs personalityJay Belsky implies that the study of child care.was never carried out in the past

48、was not done much in detail in the pastwas greatly ignored by psychologists and researcherswas interesting but very difficult to make discoveryThe main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that .the researchers started with only one month old infantsthe observers could rate

49、the quality of child care efforts and analyzed them soon C. the researchers were able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homes D. video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening directly 35. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the investigation?It will last at least 7

50、 yearsCooperation from the mothers is also necessary.Some independent observers play a part.Researcherspaid site visits to see a caretakers personality and kids emotional reactions.研究人 员只是.岸期寻访,不是一百期,察Key: CBBDD调查包括居住在波士顿或附近的1153儿童及具家庭o这些青少年在1991年进 入研兖期不超过1月,将被追踪至了生。实蛉者对家里的母亲迸行了问卷调查. 笄在 L 和15月的时间里录制

51、了婴儿看护者与孩子们的互动。独立欢察员评 价了每个儿童护理工作的庙里,井注意到婴儿的紧张情绪。不像以前的大多独 研究,这一I页允许研究人员观察每个看守者在儿童护理方面的个性,以及孩子 们在设苗上的情绪反应。阅读理解-56+60 复习 1/3In 1985, the Coca-cola Company made the decision to change the formula of its leading soft drink. 36.The change was based on the findings of many market studies. These studies had

52、shown the general response to the new product was good. However, the change of the traditional Coca-cola by New Coke was rejected by the majority of drinkers. In fact, the company had to step back and restart production of the old formula of Coca-cola.The most important reason why New Coke was rejec

53、ted was the emotional relationship that existed between drinkers and the soft drink formula. Drinking 37:Coca-cola had become a tradition for many people over Is 99 years of existence. The change made by the company was not only in Coke formula 38.but also in the traditional values and memories that

54、 it represented to the drinkers. “We had taken away more than the product Coc01a. We had taken away a little part of them and their past. The drinkers rejected thisimprovement ” , because “they believed that Coke stood for traditional value so they felt betrayed when the product changed completely o

55、vernight39B.Although a 10t of research was done by Coca-cola Company, it didn ,t show the depth of drinkers emotion for the product. The studies took many forms, 39A.but none of the tests was able to measure the degree of personal and emotional reactions caused by the disappearance of the old, tradi

56、tional Coca-cola. 39C.DThe weakness of the research was that it was mainly quantitative in form. The result was only numbers that could not show the deep meaning the product had for many people. 40.A more extensive study focusing on the qualitative aspects of the change would perhaps have been able

57、to demonstrate the close relationship existing between drinkers and product. 一个 更广泛的研究集中在质量方面的变化,也许能够证明饮酒者和产品之间存在 密切关系。Coca-cola Company changed the formula in 1985 because.it led the soft drink industry in the marketits market studies supported the change in the formulait carried out market researc

58、h for expansionIt simply felt the need to make the changeAccording to the passage, the drinkers rejected New Coke because of. A. the late response to the market by coca-cola company 可口可乐公司对市场的后期反应the reproduction of Coca-cola s old drink formula可口可乐旧饮料配方的复制a strong dislike by Cocaola s regular drink

59、ers可口可乐的普通饮酒者强烈厌恶the emotional relationship between the drinkers and the 01d soft drink饮者与老软饮料的情感关系The product Coca-cola was believed to stand for.traditional values and good memories 传统价值观与美好回忆traditional customs and happy days 传统风俗与快乐时光past honors and efficient management 过去的荣誉和高效的管理top quality an

60、d wonderful taste 一流的品质和美妙的品味Which of the following statements is true?Research by Coca-cola considered emotional factors.可口可乐的研究考虑了情绪因素。Coca-cola did little research before they made the change.可口可乐在做出这种改变之前做了很少的研究。Research by Coca-cola was quantitative rather than qualitative.可口可乐的研究是定量而不是定性的。Rese


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