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1、 PAGE 页码 16 / NUMPAGES 总页数 16六年级下学期英语期末复习教学知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 拼写单词1. 根据句意填写出下面的单词。(1)Thanksgivingismyfavourite_(节日)(2)Wealwayshavea_(特别的)meal.Itsabig_(家庭)dinner.(3)Mymothermakesmoon_(饼)onMid-autumnFestival.(4)AllChineseeatjiaoziat_(春节).2. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Hi, Im Bill. Im from_.2The_from the factory makes the

2、air dirty.3Dont litter. You should put the_in the bin.4The queen wanted to_Snow White.5My uncle is a policeman. He is brave. He_the bad people.6My aunt has a s_. He is a taxi driver.7Some_are in danger now. We must protect(保护)them.3. 根据首字母提示及上下文完成填空。1.There w_ a parrot s_ in the zoo yesterday. We s_

3、 many interesting birds. We h_ lunch in the zoo. We b_ some bread and honey and some drinks. But there w_ ants on t_. We could not eat them. Then it rained. We were h_ and wet. W_ a day!2.Many years ago, there w_ not many cars in the city. I c_ only ride to school. Now I t_ the metro to school. I al

4、so have a c_. I can read an w_ news on the Internet.4. 根据英文解释及所给的首字母写出单词。a small bag with money in it(w_)a room for cooking(k_)the first day of the working week(M_)your uncles son or daughter(c_)5. 写出下列动词的过去式。catch_ ask_let_ bite_help_ can_wake_ become_eat_ get_6. 根据首字母和上下文提示,填入所缺单词,使短文完整。Dear Allen

5、,How are you? Im very h_because Chinese New Year is coming soon. Its the most important festival in C_. We also c_it “Spring Festival”. It usually comes in January or F_. Usually, we go shopping and c_our houses before Chinese New Year. On Chinese New Years Eve, we h_a big dinner with our families.

6、On Chinese New Years Day, people go to v_their friends in new c_. Children usually g_red packets from their parents or grandparents. This year, my relatives(亲戚) from other cities a_going to spend the holiday at my home. We will have great fun. Would you like to come and join us?LoveWang Bing7. 单词拼写(

7、词汇运用)。1He uses_to take photos.2It is cold and s_today.3My favourite sport is b_.8. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I_(visit)theUKlastyear.2.It_(rain)tomorrow.3.Lily_(buy)somesnacksfromtheshopyesterday.4._you_(go)tothecinematomorrow?Yes.5.TheEnglishlessonoften_(begin)atnineoclock.填空题9. 请用be动词的正确形式填空。1The boys_playing

8、a game on the playground.2I_listening to music in my bedroom.3Tony and Peter_singing an English song in the classroom.4What_the children doing now?5_the little dog running after the cat?6The sun_getting lower and lower.10. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1Dont climb the tree._2We can read books and borrow (借)books in a

9、l_.3This is the biggest_in our city.4What do you know about Xu Beihong?He was Chinese. He was an_(画家). He was good at_(用颜料画) horses.11. 词汇运用。1They_(fly)kites in the playground(操场) last Sunday.2Do you want_(stay)at home today?3It was a_(rain)day.4Jack_(sing) three songs at the party yesterday evening

10、.5Excuse_(I), where is the park?12. 用括号中所给单词的恰当形式补全句子。1My hobby is_(collect) stamps.2I_(buy) two storybooks last Sunday.3Disneyland is the_(one) and the most famous theme park in the world.4Singapore Flyer is the worlds_(large) flyer.5There_(be) many interesting places there.13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Where_y

11、ou_(go) yesterday?2John_(hurt) his foot last weekend.3I often_(go) to a forest park with my friends.4Look! Mike_(ride) a horse now.5Come and look at my_(photo).14. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1My grandparents_(go) to Shanghai last week.2We are playing_(happy).3Danny never_(go) to school late.4Sam_(not brush) his

12、 teeth every day.5You should close the window and the door to_(keep) your room warm.6Wang Bing_(not) always put books on the desk.7Mike is brushing his_(tooth) in the bathroom.8Lets_(be) friends.9Mike is brushing his_(tooth) in the bathroom.10The little girl never_(brush) her teeth before bedtime.15

13、. 写出动词的过去式。1go 2buy3eat 4take5ride16. 根据图片提示补全句子。1I want a_and two_for lunch.2She wants a_of_.3It will be_tomorrow.4The girl is_because she is sad.5Helen Keller wrote a book about_.6Shenzhou V flew into space in_2013.选择题17. Betty is sad these days. Lets go and _. ( )A.cheer on her B.cheer her on C.c

14、heer up her D.cheer her up18. I come to school _ subway. ( )A.in B.at C.by19. There _ a shopping centre near my home. ( )A.am B.is C.are20. While we _ at the Magic Hotel, my dad _ sea horses for the first time. ( )A.were staying; sawB.were staying; was seeingC.stayed; sawD.stayed; was seeing21. The

15、teacher is talking _ her students. ( )A.at B.to C.from22. Where are you from? ( )I come from _.A.Australian B.Japanese C.England D.Chinese23. I am a student. You _ a teacher. ( )A.is B.was C.are24. 选出下列每组词中不同类的一项。1A.happy B.sad C.swim D.exciting( )2A.slept B.gift C.went D.hurt( )3A.jacket B.dress C.

16、sweater D.ride( )4A.read B.newspaper C.book D.magazine( )5A.my B.her C.your D.she( )连词成句25. want, go, to, to, restaurant, they, the (.)26. got, I ve, stamp, a, Australia, from (.) 27. got, toys, you, what, have (?)28. is, there, rubbish, the, in, water (.)29. at turn bookstore left the (.)30. will I

17、 be nurse a (.)31. week, to, you, next, are, swim, going, (?)32. factory, in, She, a, car, works, (.)阅读理解33. 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案,将其序号填入题前括号里。Hello! Im May. It was rainy last weekend. My family and I stayed at home all day. In the morning, my mother cleaned the room. And my father read the newspaper. My m

18、other cooked food at noon and I helped her wash the vegetables. After lunch, I did my homework. In the evening, we watched TV together. We had a happy weekend.( )(1)What was the weather hike last weekend?It was _.A. cloudy B. sunny C. rainy( )(2)Did May go outside that day?_.A. No, she didnt B. Yes,

19、 she did C. No, she doesnt( )(3)_ read the newspaper in the morning.A. Mum B. Dad C. May( )(4)At noon, Mays mother _.A. cleaned the room B. cooked food C. watched TV( )(5)May did her homework _.A. in the morning B. in the evening C. after lunch34. 根据短文内容,判断。正确的用“”表示,错误的用“”表示。Name: David BlackHome: N

20、ew York Age: 14Subjects: English, French, Maths, Computer Studies, Science, Art, PEHobbies: Play football, make model planes and collect stampsFamily: father, mother, two sistersNear the house: some shops and a zoo with many animalsE-mail:David newyork.Com Telephone: 849338331David studies Social Sc

21、ience at school.(_)2David likes playing basketball.(_)3There is a zoo near Davids house.(_)4There are four people in Davids family.(_)5David is an American boy.(_)35. 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的在题前括号内写T,错误的在题前括号内写F.Jack is from San Francisco. He lives in China with his parents now. He likes China and Chinese fo

22、od. From Monday to Friday he goes to school. He has no time to go home for lunch. So he has it at school. The lunch at school is very good. He can eat rice, noodles and meat at home with his parents. But sometimes they go out to have dinner with their friends. They eat fish, meat, vegetables, fruit

23、and many other delicious things. Jiaozi is Jacks favourite food. He thinks its very nice.( )1. Jack is from San Francisco.( )2. Jack lives in China.( )3. Jack doesnt like Chinese food.( )4. Jack has lunch at school from Monday to Friday.( )5. Jacks favourite food is jiaozi.36. 根据短文内容,判断对错。Miss Smart

24、 is our English teacher. She is a nice teacher. She is forty years old. She is from New York. New York is a big city in the east of America. Now she lives in Haikou. She likes pop music and she can play the guitar. In the evening she likes watching TV and playing computer games. Her favourite sport

25、is running. She likes running in the morning after she gets up. Every day she goes to school by bus and gets to school at 7:30.She likes us and we all like her, too( )(1)Miss Smart is from America.( )(2)Miss Smart is a nice teacher.( )(3)Miss Smart likes musi C. But she cant play the guitar.( )(4)Mi

26、ss Smart gets up at half past seven every day.( )(5)Miss Smart likes playing computer games.37. 根据短文判断句子对错。Dinosaurs lived long ago. One kind of dinosaurs lived in a desert (沙漠). One of these dinosaurs wanted to lay eggs. It made a hole in the sand (沙子) and put the eggs inside. It covered them with

27、sand. A strong wind started to blow. It blew and blew. More sand blew over the eggs. Soon the eggs were buried (埋) in the sand.A long, long time went by. There were no more dinosaurs. But there was still a desert. And the eggs were still there. But they changed. They turned to stones!Some people cam

28、e to the desert. They were looking for old things. They found the stone eggs. Before that, no one knew how dinosaurs were born. But now we know that.( )(1)All the dinosaurs lived in the desert long ago.( )(2)One kind of dinosaurs lived in the desert. They covered their eggs with sand.( )(3)The stron

29、g wind blew and blew. Then the eggs were buried in the stones( )(4)Some people came to the desert to look for old things.( )(5)According to the passage, we know that dinosaurs came from the stones.38. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。Hello, Im Li Ping. Im a student. Im in Class 2, Grade 6. There is a new library in my s

30、chool. There are many books in it. But there wasnt a library three years ago. My classroom is big and clean. There is a computer on the teachers desk. There is a map of China on the wall. But there wasnt a computer or a map in my classroom two years ago. Five years ago there were one thousand studen

31、ts in my school. But now there are two thousand students. My school is beautiful. I love it.( )(1)Li Ping is a student.( )(2)There isnt a library in Li Pings school.( )(3)There was a computer in Li Pings classroom five years ago.( )(4)There is a map on the wall now.( )(5)There were 1000 students in

32、Li Pings school five years ago.39. 阅读理解。One day an old man is selling(卖) a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “A

33、ll right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you found the elephants bad ears?” “I didnt find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The

34、 young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”1_ the elephant. ( )A.The young man sells B.The old man sellsC.The two men sell D.The old man buys2The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out _.( )A.which foot of the

35、elephant is bad B.how heavy it isC.which ear of the elephant is bad D.what it looks like3The young man _.( )A.knows the elephant has bad ears B.wants to buy the elephantC.looks after the elephant D.gets some money from the old man4The young man _.( )A.is not interested in elephants.B.knows what an elephant looks likeC.has seen some elephants beforeD.has never seen an elephant before40. 阅读短文,根据短文内容连线。Christmas comes i


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