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1、Session 12语体与语域1语体(Style/Linguistic Style) “同一语言品种(标准语、方言、社会方言等)使用者在不同的场合中典型地使用该语言品种的变体。”(程雨民, 英语语体学,1989) 2语域(Register) A style associated with a language communication occasion; it is a form of language used in a specific language environment and taking certain features.3情景因素(Ghadessy, 1993) 1)话语范

2、围 (field of discourse) nature, content and functions of communication2)话语方式 (mode of discourse) internal organization, cohesion and coherence of discourse3)话语基调 (tenor of discourse) permanent or temporary relations between the speakers4语言功能 (Halliday, 1985)1)语意功能(ideational function) organises peopl

3、e, things, behaviour, incidents, conditions, etc.2)人际功能( interpersonal function ) establishes social relations, eg. titles, modes3)篇章功能(textual function) forms coherent written or oral paragraphs that match a certain occasion5变体(Varieties)1Regional Varieties (地域变体,指按地域划分的同一种语言的方言形式);2Social Varietie

4、s (社会变体,指由于使用人群不同而出现的术语、行话等形式);3Written Varieties (书面变体,指根据场合不同而表现出来的口语和书面语形式);4Stylistic Varieties (风格变体,指由于语域差异而区分的不同风格语体,如公文、科技、法律等)。6Varieties Make Things Complex 讲起今时今日香港商业的表现,确是不尽如人意。好像我们这些饮食生意,都是好难做的。没办法啦,世道艰难,现在香港人个个都过得比较辛苦,冇钱都是去茶餐厅吃,好少帮衬我们这些大酒楼。不过我对香港还是好有信心的。真正热爱香港的香港人绝对不会希望唱衰香港。返观特区政府,其实都俾

5、足心机重振香港经济。中央政府对我们也非常关心,好像自由行啦,CEPA啦,都刺激了香港的商业。现在好多来酒楼吃饭的都是大陆客,我都好想他们多点来香港走动,帮我们把生意做大做旺。 7Varieties Make Things Complex Indonesia China bilateral trade has experienced a moderate deficit between the year of 2000 and 2001, while it has rebounced in the year of 2002 with growth recorded at 17.5% from 2

6、001 to 2002. In 2002, although the balance of trade of Indonesia and China is in favour of Indonesia, but its changes shows a negative trend. Indonesian main non-oil and gas export to China are pulp and vegetable oil, meanwhile Chinas main non-oil and gas export to Indonesia are corn, chemicals and

7、fruits. By looking at a glance to our export and import activities, we should discuss other opportunities that could be benefited both countries. It is our obligation to find a way to increase trade and develop better cooperation in all sectors for the better future of our nations. 8Functions of sty

8、le/register in interpretation:1) It helps the interpreter anticipate coming discourse2) It confines the interpreter in organising his/her own discourse9Examples Analysis 非常感谢您能邀请敝人参加这次招待会, 敝人的确过得愉快。 It was extremely gracious of you to have invited me to the reception, and I had bags of fun there .10

9、 现在,请举杯,为我们的成功合作和双方长期的友谊,干杯! Now allow me to propose a toast to our successful cooperation and to our long-standing friendship, bottoms up! 11 坚持一个中国的原则是实现和平统一的基础和前提。中国的主权和领土决不容许分割。 Adherence to the principle of one China is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification. Chinas sovereignty and te

10、rritory must never be allowed to suffer division.12 在这里,我愿重申:中国将坚定不移地高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,走和平发展道路。中国将始终不渝地把自身的发展与人类共同进步联系在一起。 I wish to reiterate here that China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, unswervingly follow the road of peaceful development. We will, and a

11、lways, integrate our development with the common progress of mankind. 13Five Linguistic Styles:庄严 (frozen)正式(formal)商议 (consultative)随意 (casual)亲密 (intimate)14Examples Analysis The defendant wishes to inform the court that he is innocent. He wants to tell you he didnt do it. 15Examples Analysis The

12、company cannot ascertain why this has happened. We are not in a position to explain the decline in price, but we do not reckon that the trend will continue. Well, as I told them at the meeting this morning, you cant tell why thats happened. Now, you just cant explain this drop in price, but I dont t

13、hink its going to go on.16 The company cannot ascertain why this has happened. We are not in a position to explain the decline in price, but we do not reckon that the trend will continue.我公司尚难确定事情发生的原因。对于价格下跌我方不能做出解释, 但我方认为此趋势将不会继续。 Well, as I told them at the meeting this morning, you cant tell why

14、 thats happened. Now, you just cant explain this drop in price, but I dont think its going to go on.(啊),就像今天上午我告诉他们的那样, 你们不能说清为什么发生那事。(这个), 你们不能解释价格下跌的原因, 不过我想它不会继续下跌。 17Examples Analysis We might acquire some sodium chloride. (正式的、专业的) We can get some sodium chloride. (非正式的、专业的) We may obtain some

15、salt. (正式的、非专业的) We can get some salt. (非正式的、非专业的)18Examples Analysis现在北京人特别有这种感觉,一到过年过节啦,保姆都要回家,就不得了了,家里面没有人管孩子,就成了很大的问题。People in Beijing often have such an experience: When the housekeeper leaves to spend the Chinese New Year or festivals with her family, they will feel very inconvenient because

16、no one will take care of the child. 19Examples Analysis所以有些个地方官员确实不重视农业,确实是口号农业,口头讲得很响亮,实际并不那么干,实际上还是挖农业、损害农业。Therefore, some local officials talk loudly about agriculture, but their actions do not match their words. In fact, they are undermining agriculture.20Examples Analysis为什么呢?美国它今天说你对我出口太多,进口太

17、少,造成了我的外贸收支不平衡,明天又说另外一套,你,对我外贸也是造成了不平衡。Because at some point, the United States will accuse one country of exporting too much and importing too little, and therefore causing its trade imbalance; at another point, it may accuse another country of causing its trade imbalance. 21Examples Analysis墨西哥本来在汽车的贸易上它的限制非常严格,进口一台汽车的话要出口2.7部,墨西哥的车,那是非常严格的。Mexico once had a very strict control over the trade of automobiles. For each car imported, 2.7 cars need to be exported. 22Examples Analysis美国外贸进出口的统计办法是用的产品原产地原则。也就是说,这个产品生产在哪个国家里头,然后出口到美国去,就算这个国家对美国的出口,而不管这家工厂是属于谁的,赚的钱给谁,不去管这个


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