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1、 PAGE 86 建筑设计建筑设计是在总体规划的前提下,根据任务书的要求综合考虑基地环境,使用功能,结构施工,材料设备,建筑经济及建筑艺术等问题。着重解决建筑物内部各种使用功能和使用空间的合理安排,建筑与周围环境,与各种外部条件的协调配合,内部和外表的艺术效果。各个细部的构造方式等。创造出既符合科学性又具有艺术的生产和生活环境。建筑设计在整个工程设计中起着主导和先行的作用,除考虑上述各种要求以外,还应考虑建筑与结构,建筑与各种设备等相关技术的综合协调,以及如何以更少的材料,劳动力,投资和时间来实现各种要求,使建筑物做到适用,经济,坚固,美观,这要求建筑师认真学习和贯彻建筑方针政策,正确学习掌握

2、建筑标准,同时要具有广泛的科学技术知识。建筑设计包括总体设计和个体设计两部分。1 设计任务本设计的主要内容是,设计上航国际酒店客房部分,客房属于居住类建筑。作为一个居住空间设计,要在平面规划中自始至终遵循实用、功能需求和人性化管理充分结合的原则。在设计中,既结合客房需求和酒店管理流程,科学合理的划分职能区域,。材料运用简洁,大方,耐磨,环保的现代材料,在照明采光上使用全局照明,能满足酒店客房功能的需要.经过精心设计,在满足各种客房需要的同时,又简洁,大方,美观,能充分体现出企业的形象与现代感.2 设计要求建筑法规、规范和一些相应的建筑标准是对该行业行为和经验的不断总结,具有指导意义,尤其是一些

3、强制性规范和标准,具有法定意义。建筑设计除了应满足相关的建筑标准、规范等要求之外,原则上还应符合以下要求:(1) 满足建筑功能要求:(2) 符合所在地规划发展的要求并具有良好的视觉效果;(3) 采用合理的技术措施;(4) 提供在投资计划所允许的经济范畴内运作的可行性。3 气象条件建设地区的温度、湿度、日照、雨雪、风向、风速等是建筑设计的重要依据,例如:炎热地区的建筑应考虑隔热、通风、遮阳、建筑处理较为开敞;在确定建筑物间距及朝向时,应考虑当地日照情况及主要风向等因素。4 地形、地质及地震烈度基地的地形,地质及地震烈度直接影响到房屋的平面组织结构选型、建筑构造处理及建筑体型设计等。地震烈度,表示

4、当发生地震时,地面及建筑物遭受破坏的程度。烈度在6度以下时,地震对建筑物影响较小,一般可不做抗震计算,9度以上地区,地震破坏力很大,一般应尺量避免在该地区建筑房屋,建筑物抗震设防的重点时7、8、9度地震烈度的地区。5 水文水文条件是指地下水位的高低及地下水的性质,直接影响到建筑物基础及地下室。一般应根据地下水位的高低及底下水位性质确定是否在该地区建筑房屋或采用相应的防水和防腐措施。6建筑设计文件的内容及要求建筑初步设计内容:绘制“3平2立1剖”:“3平”即1个底层平面图,1个楼层平面图,加1个屋顶平面图;“2立”指1个南侧或北侧立面图,加1个东侧或西侧立面图;“1剖”必须剖到楼梯。 建筑设计文

5、件要求:以上图纸均需达到施工图深度,弄清建筑平面、立面和剖面之间的关系,熟悉建筑施工图的表达方式及深度要求,掌握常用的建筑构造措施等。建议用2号图绘制,绘图比例、布局和张数自定,以表达清楚且符合制图习惯为原则。 结构设计第一章基本设计资料11 设计资料工程名称:上杭客家缘国际酒店客房A1区设计建设地点:福建上杭市工程概况:共4层,底层高6.05m,其余层高4.4m。室内外高差为0.45mm,底层室内设计标高0.000。基本风压:0.13kN/m2基本雪压:0.45kN/m2抗震设防:按7度抗震设防烈度进行抗震设计,第一设计分组,地震加速度0.1g。12 结构设计的一般原则121 结构设计目的工

6、程设计是工程建设的首要环节,是整个工程的灵魂。先进合理的设计对于改建、扩建、新建项目缩短工期、节约投资、提高经济效益起着关键作用,使项目达到安全、适用、经济、美观的要求。因而建筑结构设计的基本目的就是要在一定经济条件下赋予结构以适当的可靠度,使结构在预定的基准期内能满足设计所预期的各种功能要求。122 结构设计的一般原则为了达到建筑设计的基本目的,结构设计中应符合以下一般原则:符合设计规范;选择合理的结构设计方案;减轻结构自重;采用先进技术。13 结构选型131 结构体系选型对于一般多层民用建筑,根据使用和工艺要求、材料供应情况和施工技术条件,常选用的结构形式有混合结构、钢筋混凝土框架结构和框

7、架剪力墙结构等结构体系。由于混合结构整体性差,难于满足大空间的使用要求,而框架剪力墙结构多用于1025层的高层建筑。而框架结构强度高、结构自重轻,可以承受较大楼面荷载,在水平作用下具有较大的延性。此外框架结构平面布置灵活,能设置大空间,易于满足建筑功能要求。故该五层办公楼选用框架结构。132 框架施工方法钢筋混凝土框架结构按施工方法不同,有现浇式、装配式和整体装配式三种。现浇式框架的全部构件都在现场整体浇筑,其整体性和抗震性能好,能较好的满足使用要求。故框架采用现浇施工方法。133 其他结构选型1. 屋面结构:采用现浇钢筋混凝土肋形屋盖,屋面板厚120mm。2. 楼面结构:采用现浇钢筋混凝土肋

8、形楼盖,露面板厚120mm。3. 楼梯结构:采用钢筋混凝土板式楼梯。4. 过梁:门窗过梁均采用钢筋混凝土梁。5. 墙基础:因持力层不太深,承载力高,采用自乘墙基大放脚。6. 基础:因基础持力层不太深,地基承载力高,采用钢筋混凝土柱下独立基础。结构布置及计算简图 21 简化假定建筑物是复杂的空间结构体系,要精确地按照三维空间结构来进行内力和位移分析十分困难。为简化计算,对结构体系引入以下基本假定:(1) 在正常设计、正常施工和正常使用的条件下,结构物在设计基准期内处于弹性工作阶段,其内力和位移均按弹性方法计算;(2) 楼面(或屋面)在自身平面内的刚度无限大,在平面外的刚度很小,可忽略不计。22

9、计算单元多层框架结构是由纵、横向框架结构组成的空间结构体系,在竖向荷载作用下,各个框架之间的受力影响较小。本设计中取KJ2作为计算单元 ,如图21所示:23 计算简图现浇多层框架结构设计计算模型是以梁、柱截面几何轴线来确定,并认为框架柱在基础顶面为固接,框架各节点纵、横向均为刚接。一般情况下,取框架梁、柱截面几何轴线之间的距离作为框架的跨度和柱高度。底层柱高从基础顶面算至二层楼面,基础顶面标高根据地质条件、室内外高差定为0.45m,二层楼面标高为4.4m,故底层柱高为7m。其余各层柱高为楼层高4.4m。由此可绘出框架计算简图,如图22所示: 图22 框架结构计算简图24 梁柱截面尺寸及惯性矩多

10、层框架结构是超静定结构,在计算内力前必须先确定杆件的截面形状、尺寸和惯性矩。1 初估构件截面尺寸及线刚度(1)梁截面尺寸 AB梁 l=9000mm, 取h=800mm 取b=300mm 则取AB梁截面尺寸为:hb=300mm800mmBC梁l=2100mm, 考虑刚度因素,取为方便施工,取 则取BC梁截面尺寸为:hb=300mm500mm CD梁 l=5000mm, 取h=600mm 取b=300mm 则取CD梁截面尺寸为:hb=300mm600mm 横向次梁 l=9000mm 取h=700mm 取b=30mm 则取横向次梁截面尺寸为: hb=300mm700mm (2). 柱截面尺寸 底层柱

11、尺寸 按轴压比要求计算,由公式 : 式中: 轴压比取0.9;轴压比增大系数,本设计取=1.2; F柱的荷载面积; 单位建筑面积上重力荷载值,近似取12-15 kN/m2; n验算截面以上楼层层数。 对于顶层中柱: 如取柱截面为正方形,则其边长为510.69。 根据以上计算结果,并考虑其他因素,本设计中所有柱子截面尺寸都取600mm600mm。 非计算单元的内梁截面尺寸初估方法如上,计算从略。2. 框架梁、柱线刚度计算 由于现浇楼面可以作为梁的有效翼缘,增大梁的有效刚度,减少框架侧移。考虑这一有利因素,边框架梁取,对中框架梁取。(为梁矩形截面惯性矩) AB梁: BC梁: CD梁: 柱: 底层 中

12、间层 相对线刚度:取则其余各杆件相对线刚度为: 梁: AB梁 BC梁 CD梁 底层柱 框架梁、柱的相对线刚度如图23所示,将作为计算节点杆端弯矩分配系数的依据。 图23 梁柱相对线刚度图第三章 重力荷载代表值的计算31 恒载标准值计算1. 屋面防水层(刚性):30mm厚C20细石混凝土防水 1.00kN/m2 防水层(柔性):三毡四油铺小石子 0.40kN/m2找平层:15mm厚水泥砂浆 0.01520 kN/m3=0.30kN/m2找坡层:平均40mm厚水泥焦渣找坡 0.04014 kN/m3=0.56kN/m2保温层:60mm厚1:10水泥膨胀珍珠岩 0.06012 kN/m3=0.72k

13、N/m2结构层:120mm厚现浇钢筋混凝土板 0.12025 kN/m3=3.00kN/m2抹灰层:10mm厚混合砂浆 0.01017 kN/m3=0.17 kN/m2合计 6.15kN/m22. 各层楼面(含走廊)水磨石地面(10mm厚面层,20mm厚水泥砂浆打底) 0.65kN/m2结构层:120mm厚现浇钢筋混凝土板 0.12025 kN/m3=3.00kN/m2抹灰层:10mm厚混合砂浆 0.01017 kN/m3=0.17kN/m2合计 3.82kN/m2 3. 各梁自重 AB梁hb=300mm800mm梁自重: 0.3(0.8-0.12)25 kN/m3=5.1kN/m抹灰层:10

14、mm厚混合砂浆 0.01(0.8-0.12+0.3/2) 217 kN/m3=0.28kN/m 合计 4.60kN/m 横向次梁hb=300mm700mm梁自重: 0.3(0.7-0.12)25 kN/m3=4.35kN/m抹灰层:10mm厚混合砂浆 0.01(0.7-0.12+0.25/2) 217 kN/m3=0.25kN/m 合计 4.60kN/m BC梁hb=300mm500mm梁自重: 0.3(0.5-0.12)25 kN/m3=2.85kN/m抹灰层:10mm厚混合砂浆 0.01(0.5-0.12+0.3/2) 217 kN/m3=0.18kN/m 合计 3.03kN/m CD梁h

15、b=300mm600mm梁自重: 0.3(0.6-0.12)25 kN/m3=3.0kN/m抹灰层:10mm厚混合砂浆 0.01(0.6-0.12+0.3/2) 217 kN/m3=0.21kN/m 合计 3.21kN/m 4. 柱自重 hb=600mm600mm柱自重: 0.60.625 kN/m3=9kN/m抹灰层:10mm厚混合砂浆 0.01(0.6+0.6) 217 kN/m3=0.41kN/m 合计 9.41kN/m 5. 外纵墙自重 标准层纵墙: (4.4-0.8)(9-0.5)-32.12 0.248 kN=33.86kN铝合金窗(32.1): 32.120.35 kN=4.41

16、kN贴瓷砖外墙面: 4.4(9-0.6)-32.12 0.5 kN=12.18kN水泥粉刷内墙面: 4.4(9-0.6)-32.12 0.36 kN=8.77kN 合计 59.85kN 底层纵墙: (6.05-0.8)(9-0.6)-32.12 0.248 kN=60.48kN铝合金窗(1.51.5): 32.120.35 kN=4.41kN贴瓷砖外墙面: 6.05(9-0.6)-32.12 0.5 kN=19.11kN水泥粉刷内墙面: 6.05(9-0.6)-32.12 0.36 kN=13.76kN 合计 84.00kN6. 内纵墙自重 标准层纵墙: (4.4-0.8)(9-0.6)-0.

17、92.12 0.248 kN=.49.7kN门(hb=0.92.1): 5 kN=0.65kN粉刷墙面: (4.4-0.8)(9-0.6)-0.92.12 0.362 kN=18.63kN 合计 68.99kN/m 底层 纵墙: (6.05-0.8)(9-0.6)-0.92.12 0.248 kN=77.41kN门(hb=0.92.1): 5 kN=0.65kN粉刷墙面: (6.05-0.8)(9-0.5)-0.92.12 0.362 kN=27.17kN 合计 105.23kN/m 7. 内隔墙自重AB跨标准层墙重: (4.4-0.7)(9-0.6)0

18、.28 kN=50.32kN粉刷墙面: (4.4-0.7)(9-0.6) 0.362 kN=22.6kN 合计 72.92kN 底层墙重: (7-0.7)(9-0.6)0.28 kN=72.76kN粉刷墙面: (6.05-0.7)(9-0.6) 0.362 kN=32.74kN 合计 105.50kN CD跨 标准层墙重: (4.4-0.6)(5-0.6)0.28 kN=26.75kN粉刷墙面: (4.4-0.7)(9-0.6) 0.362 kN=12.04kN 合计 38.79kN 底层墙重: (7-0.-0.6)(5-0.6)0.28 kN=45.06kN粉刷墙面: (6.05-0.6)(

19、5-0.6) 0.362 kN=17.27kN 合计 62.33kN 3.2 活荷载标准值计算1. 屋面和楼面活荷载标准值上人屋面:2.0kN/m2楼面:办公室:2.0kN/m2 ;走廊:2.0kN/m22.雪荷载:基本雪压:0.45kN/m2雪荷载标准值:屋面活荷载和雪荷载不同时考虑,二者中取大值。33 竖向荷载下框架受荷总图板传至梁上的三角形或梯形荷载为均布荷载,荷载的传递示意图,如图31所示:图3-1 荷载传递示意图屋面板传荷载:1. A-B轴间框架梁恒载: 活载: 楼面板传荷载:荷载传递示意图如图24所示恒载: 活载: 梁自重: 5.38 kN/m AB轴间框架梁均布荷载为:屋面梁:恒

20、载=梁自重+板传荷载 = 5.38+23.7=29.04kN/m 活载=板传荷载 =7.7kN/m楼面梁:恒载=梁自重+板传荷载 =5.38+14.72=20.1 活载=板传荷载 =7.7kN/m2. BC轴间框架梁均布荷载为:梁自重: 3.03kN/m屋面梁:恒载=梁自重 =3.03kN/m 活载=0楼面梁:恒载=梁自重 =3.03kN/m 活载=0CD轴间框架梁均布荷载为:屋面板传荷载恒载: 活载: 楼面板传荷载:恒载: 活载: 梁自重: 3.21kN/m CD轴间框架梁均布荷载为:屋面梁:恒载=梁自重+板传荷载 = 3.21+19.2=22.41kN/m 活载=板传荷载 =6.25kN/

21、m楼面梁:恒载=梁自重+板传荷载 =3.21+11.9=15.11kN/m 活载=板传荷载 =6.25kN/m4.A轴柱纵向集中荷载的计算顶层柱:女儿墙自重(做法:墙高1100mm,混凝土压顶100mm)顶层柱恒载=女儿墙+纵梁自重+板传荷载 顶层柱活载=板传荷载 标准层柱恒载=外纵墙自重+纵梁自重+板传荷载+横隔墙 顶层柱活载=板传荷载 5. B轴柱纵向集中荷载的计算顶层柱恒载=纵梁自重+板传荷载 顶层柱活载=板传荷载 标准层柱恒载=内纵墙自重+纵梁自重+板传荷载+横隔墙标准层柱活载=板传荷载 6、C轴柱纵向集中荷载的计算 顶层柱恒载=纵梁自重+板传荷载 顶层柱活载=板传荷载 标准层柱恒载=

22、内纵墙自重+纵梁自重+板传荷载+横隔墙标准层柱活载=板传荷载 D轴柱纵向集中荷载计算 顶层柱恒载=女儿墙自重+外纵梁自重+板传荷载顶层柱活载=板传荷载 标准层柱恒载=外纵墙自重+纵梁自重+板传荷载+横隔墙标准层柱活载=板传荷载由上可作出框架在竖向荷载作用下的受荷总图,如图32所示:图32 竖向荷载作用下受荷总图 第四章 风荷载计算4.1荷载计算作用在屋面梁和搂面梁节点处的集中风荷载标准值:为了简化计算,通常将计算单元范围内外墙面的分布荷载化为等量的作用于楼面的集中风荷载。式中:基本风压 风压高度变化系数。因建设地点处于大城市郊区,地面粗糙程度为B类; 风荷载体型系数,查表取=1.3; 风振系数

23、。由于结构高度小于30m,且高宽比19.25/32.2=0.591.5,则取=1.0; 下层柱高; 上层柱高,顶层取女儿墙高度的两倍; B计算单元迎风面宽度(B=9m)计算过程见表31表41 风荷载标准值计算层数离地高度419.251.0 1.3 0.825 0.134.4 2.44.27 314.851.0 1.3 0.7 4.95210.451.0 1.3 0.740.134.4 4.4 4.95 16.051.0 1.3 0.740.136.05 4.4 5.88 荷载作用如图4-1所示 图4-1 风荷载作用示意图4.2 风荷载侧验算4.2.1. 侧移刚度见表32和

24、表33表42 横向24层D值的计算构件名称A轴柱0.36716724B轴柱0.54224725C轴柱0.51123311D轴柱0.30613960表43 横向底层D值的计算构件名称A轴柱0.6099244B轴柱0.74011232C轴柱0.71810899D轴柱0.55984854.2.2 风荷载下框架位移计算水平荷载作用下框架的层间侧移可按下式计算:式中: 第j层的剪力; 第j层所有柱的抗侧刚度之和; 第j层的层间位移。第一层的层间位移值求出以后,就可以计算各楼板标高处的侧移值的顶点侧移值,各层楼板标高处的侧移值应该是该层以下各层层间侧移之和,顶点侧移是所有各层层间侧移之和。j层侧移 顶点侧

25、移 框架在风荷载下侧移的计算见表24,如下:表24 框架在风荷载下侧移计算层号44.274.27787200.0000570.00001334.959.22787200.0001230.000027924.9514.17787200.0001890.000042915.8820.05398600.0005010.0000828=0.00087侧移验算:层间最大侧移值为: 0.00008281/550,满足要求顶点侧移 =0.00087m且 u/H=1/7832 750 m/s, 360m/s to 750 m/s, 180 m/s to 360 m/s, and 180 m/s, respec

26、tively. The ground motion data are chosen from different destructive earthquakes around the world earthquake name, date of earthquake, data source, record name, peak ground accelerations (pga) for the components, effective durations and fault types for each data are presented in the Table1., respect

27、ively.The peak ground accelerations are in the range 0.046 to 0.395g, where g is acceleration due to gravity. All ground motion data are recorded in near-field region as in maximum 20 km distance.DESCRIPTION OF THE FRAME STRUCTURES3, 5, 8 and 15-story RC frame structures with typical cross-sections

28、and steel reinforcements are shown in Figure 1. The reinforced concrete frame structures have been designed according to the rules of the Turkish Code. The structures have been considered as an important class 1 with subsoil type of Z1 and in seismic region 1. The dead, live and seismic loads have b

29、een taken account during design.All reinforced concrete frame structures consist three-bay frame, spaced at 800 cm. The story height is 300 cm. The columns are assumed as fixed on the ground. Yield strength of the steel reinforcements is 22 kN/cm2 and compressive strength of concrete is 1.6kN/cm2.Th

30、e first natural period of the 3-story frame structure is computed 0.54 s. The cross-section of all beams in this frame is rectangular-shapes with 25cm width and 50cm height. The cross-section of all columns is 30cmx30cm. The first natural period of 5-story frame structure is 0.72 s and the cross-sec

31、tion of beams is 25cm width and 50cm height similar to 3-story frame. Cross-section of columns at the first three stories is 40cmx40cm and at the last two stories, it is 30cmx30cm. The eight-story and 15-story frame structures have natural period of 0.90 s and 1.20 s. The cross section of beams for

32、both frame structures is 25cmx55cm. The 8-story frame structure has 50cmx50cm columns for the first five stories and 40cmx40cm for the last three stories. The cross section of columns for first eight stories in the 15-story frame structures is 80cmx80cm and at the last seven stories, it is 60cmx60cm

33、.NONLINEAR STATIC PUSHOVER ANALYSIS OF FRAME STRUCTURESFor low performance levels, to estimate the demands, it is required to consider inelastic behavior of the structure. Pushover analysis is used to identify the seismic hazards, selection of the performance levels and design performance objectives

34、. In Pushover analysis, applying lateral loads in patterns that represent approximately the relative inertial forces generated at each floor level and pushing the structure under lateral loads to displacements that are larger than the maximum displacements expected in design earthquakes (Li, Y.R., 1

35、996). The pushover analysis provides a shear vs. displacement relationship and indicates the inelastic limit as well as lateral load capacity of the structure. The changes in slope of this curve give an indication of yielding of various structural elements. The main aim of the pushover analysis is t

36、o determine member forces and global and local deformation capacity of a structure. The information can be used to assess the integrity of the structure.After designing and detailing the reinforced concrete frame structures, a nonlinear pushover analysis is carried out for evaluating the structural

37、seismic response. For this purpose the computer program Drain 2D has been used. Three simplified loading patterns; triangular, (IBC, k=1), (IBC, k=2) and rectangular, where k is an exponent related to the structure period to define vertical distribution factor, are used in the nonlinear static pusho

38、ver analysis of 3, 5, 8 and 15-story RC frame structures.Load criteria are based on the distribution of inertial forces of design parameters. The simplified loading patterns as uniform distribution, triangular distribution and IBC distribution, these loading patterns are the most common loading para

39、meters.Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces: (1) (2)where:Cvx= Vertical distribution factorV = Total design lateral force or shear at the base of structurewi and wx = The portion of the total gravity load of the structurehi and hx = The height from the basek = An exponent related to the structure

40、 periodIn addition these lateral loadings, frames are subjected live loads and dead weights. P- effects have been taken into the account during the pushover analyses. The lateral force is increased for 3, 5 and 8-story frames until the roof displacement reached 50 cm and 100cm for15-story frame. Bea

41、m and column elements are used to analyze the frames. The beams are assumed to be rigid in the horizontal plane. Inelastic effects are assigned to plastic hinges at member ends. Strain-hardening is neglected in all elements. Bilinear moment-rotation relationship is assumed for both beam and column m

42、embers. Axial load-Moment, P-M, interaction relation, suggested by ACI 318-89, is used as yielding surface of column elements. Inertial moment of cracked section, Icr, is used for both column and beam members during analyses. Icr is computed as half of the gross moment of inertia, Ig.The results of

43、the pushover analyses are presented in Figures 2 to 5. The pushover curves are shown for three distributions, and for each frame structures. The curves represent base shear-weight ratio versus story level displacements for uniform, triangular and IBC load distribution. Shear V was calculated by summ

44、ing all applied lateral loads above the ground level, and the weight of the building W is the summation of the weights of all floors. Beside these, these curves represent the lost of lateral load resisting capacity and shear failures of a column at the displacement level. The changes in slope of the

45、se curves give an indication of yielding of various structural elements, first yielding of beam, first yielding of column and shear failure in the members. By the increase in the height of the frame structures, first yielding and shear failure of the columns is experienced at a larger roof displacem

46、ents (Figures 2-5.) and rectangular distribution always give the higher base shear-weight ratio comparing to other load distributions for the corresponding story displacement (horizontal displacement).NONLINEAR DYNAMIC TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS OF FRAME STRUCTURESAfter performing pushover analyses, nonl

47、inear dynamic time history analyses have been employed to the four different story frame structures. These frames are subjected live and dead weights. Also P- effects are under consideration as in pushover analysis. For time history analysis P- effects have been taken into the account. Finite elemen

48、t procedure is employed for the modeling of the structures during the nonlinear dynamic time history analyses. Drain 2D has been used for nonlinear time history analysis and modeling. The model described for pushover analyses has been used for the time history analyses. Mass is assumed to be lumped

49、at the joints.The frames are subjected to 50 earthquake ground motions, which are recorded during Anza (Horse Cany), Parkfield, Morgan Hill, Kocaeli, Coyota Lake, N. Palm Springs, Northridge, Santa Barbara, Imperial Valley, Cape Mendocino, Kobe, Central California, Lytle Creek, Whittier Narrows, Hol

50、lister Westmoreland, Landers, Livermor and Cape Mendocino earthquakes, for the nonlinear dynamic time history analyses. These data are from different site classes as A, B, C and D.The selected earthquake ground motions have different frequency contents and peak ground accelerations.The ground motion

51、 data are chosen from near-field region to evaluate the response of the frame structures in this region and comparison of them with pushover analyses results. The results of nonlinear time history analysis for 3, 5, 8 and15-story frame structures are presented in Figure 6. Pushover and nonlinear tim

52、e history analyses results are compared to for specific natural period for four different frame structure and for each load distributions; rectangular, triangular and IBC (k=2).CONCLUSIONSAfter designing and detailing the reinforced concrete frame structures, a nonlinear pushover analysis and nonlin

53、ear dynamic time history analysis are carried out for evaluating the structural seismic response for the acceptance of load distribution for inelastic behavior. It is assumed for pushover analysis that seismic demands at the target displacement are approximately maximum seismic demands during the ea

54、rthquake.According to Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5, for higher story frame structures, first yielding and shear failure of the columns is experienced at the larger story displacements and rectangular distribution always give the higher base shear-weight ratio comparing to other load distributions for the c

55、orresponding story displacement.As it is presented in Figure 6, nonlinear static pushover analyses for IBC (k=2), rectangular, and triangular load distribution and nonlinear time history analyses results for the chosen ground motion data (all of them are near-field data) are compared. Pushover curve

56、s do not match with nonlinear dynamic time history analysis results especially for higher story reinforced pushover analyses results for rectangular load distribution estimate maximum seismic demands during the given earthquakes more reasonable than the other load distributions, IBC (k=2), and trian

57、gular.REFERENCES1. ATC-40 (1996), “Seismic evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings”, Vol.1, Applied Technology Council, Redwood City, CA.2. FEMA 273 (1997). “NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, Federal Emergency Management Agency”, Washington D.C.3. IBC (2000) “Intern

58、ational Building Code”.4. Prakash, V., Powell, G., Campbell, S. (1993), DRAIN 2D User Guide V 1.10, University of California at Berkeley, CA.5. Li, Y.R. (1996), “Non-Linear Time History And Pushover Analyses for Seismic Design and Evaluation” PhD Thesis, University of Texas, Austin, TX.6. Vision 200

59、0 Committee (1995). Structural Engineering Association of California, CA.静力弹塑性分析法在侧向荷载分布方式下的评估研究Armagan KORKMAZ1, Ali SARI21访问学者,土木工程学院, 得克萨斯大学, 奥斯汀, TX 78712, PH: 512-232-9216; 2博士, 土木工程学院, 得克萨斯大学, 奥斯汀, TX 78712, PH: 512-232-9216; ali_摘要:这项研究的目的是通过弹塑性分析法和非线性



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