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1、高考语法专题七动词的时态和语态 语法训练语法归纳 对应学生用书P192 语法归纳归纳语法 分类详解一、动词的基本形式动词有五种基本形式:动词原形、第三人称单数、现在分词、过去式及过去分词,它们单独或与助动词一起构成各种时态和语态。二、动词的时态英语中表示不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,需用不同的时态。时态是动作在不同情况下发生或存在状态的表现形式,从时间上分别有现在、过去、将来和过去将来等几种时态;从动作上分别有一般、进行、完成和完成进行等几种时态。各种时态的谓语构成列表如下:(以write为例)下面就常见的十一种时态进行介绍:1一般现在时:实义动词谓语由动词原形或第三人称单数构成(1)表示现

2、在经常性、习惯性的动作I often go to work by bus.我经常乘公交车上班。She usually reads English after supper.通常情况下,她晚饭后读英语。(2)现在的特征或状态I am a teacher and I teach English.我是老师,教英语。We all love sports.我们都热爱运动。(3)普遍真理Light travels faster than sound.光速比声速快。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。2一般过去时:实义动词谓语由动词过去

3、式构成(1)表示在过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态He bought a new bike last week.上周他买了辆新自行车。They lived in the village for half a year.他们在那个村里住过半年。(2)表示过去经常或反复发生的动作When I was a small child,I often went to that park and played football there.我小的时候经常去那个公园里踢足球。When he was at college,he often went to the English corner and talke

4、d with native English speakers.他上大学时经常去英语角与来自英语国家的人聊天。(3)表示发生在过去的一系列动作He entered the room,sat down,turned on his recorder and began to listen to English.他进入房间,坐下,打开录音机,开始听英语。She went to the shop,bought some flowers and sent them to her teacher.她到商店买了一些花送给了她的老师。(4)used to do和would do可以表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的

5、状态He used to swim in that river in winter.以前,他经常冬天到河里去游泳。She would walk to the town when she was young.她年轻时经常步行去镇上。used to do(be)表示“过去常常”而现在已不would do也表示“过去常常”但不涉及现在(5)Its(high)time.,I would rather.后的从句谓语一般用过去时Its time we had a rest.我们该休息一会儿了。I would rather you went there tomorrow.我希望明天你去那里。(6)暗含在语境

6、中,“原本”Im sorry.I didnt know you were here.很抱歉,我不知道你在这儿。I never thought he would give me a birthday present.我从没想到他会给我生日礼物。(7)be about to do.when.,正要做某事,突然I was about to go out when the telephone rang.我正要出门时突然电话响了。We were about to play football when it began to rain.我们正要踢足球,突然下起雨来。3一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或存在的状

7、态(1)will/shall动词原形I will go to Tibet by bike some day.有朝一日我将骑自行车去西藏。He will be busy tonight.今天晚上他会很忙。(2)be going to动词原形打算、计划做某事I am going to buy a dictionary tomorrow.我打算明天去买一本词典。There is going to be a wonderful film in our school tonight.今天晚上学校有一场精彩的电影。即将、眼看要发生Look at the dark clouds.It is going to

8、 rain.看天上的乌云,眼看就要下雨。(3)be to动词原形:安排好的事We are to study physics next term.我们下学期将开物理课。(4)be about to动词原形:即将发生的事The train is about to start.火车马上出发。(5)按时刻表进行的动作,可用现在时表示将来The plane takes off at a quarter past nine.飞机九点一刻起飞。Class begins at ten past eight.八点十分上课。(6)用进行时表示将来They are leaving for Washington to

9、morrow.他们明天去华盛顿。常用动词:come,leave,go,move,start,arrive,stay等(7)主句是将来时,状语从句用现在时We will go to the park if it doesnt rain tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。We will give it to him when he arrives.他一到我们就会把东西给他。One will not learn English well unless he studies hard.如果不努力,就学不好英语。I will tell her the news as soon as she

10、 comes back.她一回来我就会告诉她这个消息。但:If she will make friends with him,I will tell him.如果她愿意与他交朋友,我会告诉他。If they will try it again,we will help them.如果他们愿意再试一次,我会帮助他们。“will”表示愿意4现在进行时:am/is/are现在分词(1)表示此时此刻正在进行的动作I am talking and you are listening to me.我在说,你们在听我说。(2)表示目前这段时间内正在进行的动作He is writing a book this

11、 week.这周他一直在写书。Is my daughter working hard this term?我女儿这学期学习努力吗?(3)与always连用表示赞扬、不满等情绪The girl is always smiling happily.这个女孩总是面带微笑。You are always making the same mistake.你怎么总犯同样的错误。(4)现在进行时表示将来Hurry up,Tom!汤姆,快点。Im coming.我马上来。(5)用进行时表示变化过程It is getting warmer and warmer in spring.春天天气越来越暖和。She is

12、 finding that chemistry is much more difficult than biology.他逐渐感到化学比生物难学。(6)有些动词不用现在进行时,它们是:感官动词see,hear,smell,taste,notice,feel等;表态度的动词believe,want,agree,like,hate,think等;另外还有have,belong to,consist,seem,depend,possess等5过去进行时:was/were现在分词表示过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作He was watching TV when I came in.当我进来时他正

13、在看电视。He was reading an English novel in the library this morning.今天上午他一直在图书馆读英文小说。Pardon? I wasnt listening just now.对不起请再讲一遍,我刚才没听。6现在完成时:has/have过去分词(1)表示动作已经完成(强调发生在过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果)I have finished my work.我已做完了工作。He has found his lost key.他已经找到了所丢失的钥匙。(2)表示从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态They have worked in

14、 that factory for ten years.他们已在那家工厂工作了十年。He has made a lot of friends since he came to Beijing.自从来到北京他已交了很多朋友。(3)have been与have gone的区别He has been to Washington twice.他已去过华盛顿两次。(去过)He has gone to Washington.他去了华盛顿。(去了,现在不在这里)(4)Its the first/the second/the third/the last time that从句中用现在完成时Its the f

15、irst time that I have been here.这是我第一次来这里。Its the third time that he has made the same mistake.这已是他第三次犯同样的错误。注意:延续性动词与非延续性动词延续性动词:表示动作可以持续一段时间live,learn,watch,walk,teach,work,rain非延续性动词:表示动作瞬间即完成buy,come,arrive,open,close,join,see,leave延续性动词可以和时间段连用My grandparents have lived in the village for seven

16、ty years.我的祖父母已在这个小村庄住了七十年。He has worked in that office since last summer.去年夏天以来他一直在这里工作。非延续性动词不与时间段连用他已经来了半个小时了。He has come here for half an hour.(错)He has been here for half an hour.他已经去世15年了。He has died for fifteen years.(错)He has been dead for fifteen years.He died fifteen years ago.非延续动词的否定式可以与

17、时间段连用注意:一般过去时与现在完成时的联系与区别:联系:动作均发生在过去区别:一般过去时只强调动作本身;现在完成时强调对现在的影响He came here yesterday.他昨天来到这里。(强调他昨天来过这里)He has come here.他已经来了。(强调他现在还在这里)I bought a computer last month.我上个月买了一台电脑。(强调我上月买了电脑)I have bought a computer我买了台电脑。(强调已买了电脑)7过去完成时:had过去分词(1)表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作或存在的状态When I arrived ther

18、e,the film had been on for ten minutes.当我到那里时电影已开演十分钟了。They had learned Chinese for a year before they came to China.他们在来中国之前学过一年汉语。(2)表示愿望、打算的词,如hope,expect,mean,suppose,want,intend等,过去完成时表示过去没能实现I had hoped to go to Iraq.我本希望去伊拉克。She had meant to help you,but she had no time to spare then.她当时本想帮助你

19、们但腾不出时间。特殊句式:Hardly had we begun when we were told to stop.我们刚一开始就被叫停。No sooner had the murderer come back home than he was arrested.杀人犯刚一进家门就被抓了。Hardly.when.;No sooner.than.“一就”。前一时态用过去完成时,后一时态用过去时8过去将来时:would动词原形表示在过去某一时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态He said he would visit the Palace Museum the next week.他说下周去参观

20、故宫。He told me he would take me to the US the next month.他告诉我下月带我去美国。They said they would not allow any reporter to enter their factory.他们说不允许任何记者进入他们工厂。9现在完成进行时:has/have been现在分词从过去开始的动作不间断地延续到现在,有可能继续持续下去。We have been waiting for him for three hours.我们已在此等了他3个小时了。It has been raining since this Mond

21、ay.本周一以来一直在下雨。10将来完成时:will have过去分词到将来某一时刻为止,某一动作将完成We will have completed the building by the end of next year.我们将在明年年底前把楼房建好。11将来进行时:will be现在分词在将来的某一时刻或某个时间段内,某个动作正在进行Please ask him not to phone me when he comes,I will be having a meeting.他来的时候告诉他别给我打电话,那时我正在开会。三、动词的语态在英语当中,动词有两种语态,主动语态和被动语态。主动语态

22、表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。1被动语态的构成:助动词be及物动词的过去分词2各种常用时态的被动语态一般现在时:am/is/are过去分词一般过去时:was/were过去分词一般将来时:will be过去分词现在进行时:am/is/arebeing过去分词过去进行时:was/werebeing过去分词现在完成时:have/hasbeen过去分词过去完成时:hadbeen过去分词情态动词:must/can/maybe过去分词3被动语态的用法(1)不知道或没必要知道动作的执行者The book was first published in 1932.此书是1932年出版的

23、。He was asked many questions at the meeting.在会上有很多人向他提出问题。(2)不便说出动作的执行者The plan is considered impractical.此计划被认为不符合实际。(3)汉语中的一些无主句Smoking is not allowed in public places.公共场合不准吸烟。The books in the readingroom mustnt be taken away.书不准带出阅览室。Some measures must be taken to stop pollution.必须采取措施来防止污染。(4)强调动作的承受者She is loved by all her students.她受到所有学生的爱戴。Tom,you are wanted on the phone.汤姆,你的电话。(5)为了主语一致She walked to the stage and was warmly applaude


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