1、 2022海外日本留学申请文书 2022海外日本留学申请文书范本 Dear _, Knowing where is heading during navigation brings assured happiness. As a student majoring in Biochemistry, I began my odyssey five years ago, when our class had a new biology teacher, who was young and energetic. He taught us in an entertaining way and commu
2、nicated with us quite well. I liked him very much and was impressed by the knowledge of Biological Sciences. He opened new doors to the realm of Biology in my life. And with time being, I feel more and more sure about my destination. Although the trail of navigation has not always been definitely st
3、raight, I believe it leads me to my dream. Because of my excellent performance in the National Olympic Mathematics Contest of High School Students in 1994 and my outstanding academic record in senior high school, I had the opportunity to be admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University, two m
4、ost selective universities in China, waived of the Admission Examination. But if I took the chance, I couldnt select biological sciences as my major. So I gave up the precious chance and took the Admission Examination. I succeeded and was admitted by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biol
5、ogy in Peking University, which ranks first in biological science education and research in China and has raised many scholars including members of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the first three years in university, my curriculum has a broad range, covering both natural and humanity sciences, as we
6、ll as putting emphasis not only on biological sciences but also on closely related courses. I have dedicated my energy to my study and have received a complete, profound and strict training in biological sciences with the combined strength of individual and professors help. Playing basketball is als
7、o a solid part of my campus life. I am an active member in the basketball team of the College of Life Sciences in Peking University. As a point guard, the organizer of the teams attack, I have learned to make the five players to be a strong group in a game. Last year, we ranked the third in Peking U
8、niversity Cup among the thirty-six teams. This experience endows me a strong sense of responsibility, confidence and team-working spirit. To be a successful scientific researcher requires not only academic potential but also independent research ability. A student will develop capability for indepen
9、dent research by working closely with a scholar. For this reason, I entered the National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering and participated the Group of Protein Structure and Function. Now I cooperate with two graduate students, one of whom will go to the Harvard Medica
10、l School to continue his research work. Our ultimate goal is to develop a new thrombolysis drug, which is supported by the National 863 Hi-Tech Planning. (Please check Research Experience for detail.) By the three months here, I have been able to do many experiments independently and have obtained s
11、erious attitude and cooperation in scientific work. I have a sublime dream to be one equipped with exceptional experiment skills in addition to advanced scientific and technological knowledge. In my mind Pennsylvania State University is an ideal place to purse the graduate study, which is intellectu
12、ally exhilarating and challenging. I respect your rigorous scientific approach, original idea and outstanding achievements. I am eager to join a group in which I can make the best use of my capabilities and combine my personal intelligence with group cooperation to full-fill the groups benefit as we
13、ll as to make my dream come true. The Department of Pharmacology is definitely this type. With the fast development in the field of life sciences, human is getting more and more interested in probing into the nature of life itself and every great achievement in the study of life is sure to put light
14、 to our understanding of ourselves and to benefit our people and society as a whole. The field of Pharmacology has particular importance to serve mans purpose above. A scientist of Pharmacology is not only a researcher, but also the creator of the future world. I think the challenging Pharmacology i
15、s the most suitable field for me to begin my graduate study, which is more than a continuation of undergraduate study and is of not only a matter of greater knowledge. The aim of it is to prepare students to enter a profession in which the knowledge is put into daily use. I am interested in the fiel
16、d of signal pathway in tumor formation. Several professors research impressed me, including Dr. Mulder and some other professors. After obtaining my Ph.D., I plan to do research work in an institution either domestically or overseas. I believe that such a position provides the largest room in which
17、I can make the most enthusiastic dedication to the world of sciences. I believe the advanced courses, distinguished faculty and the best-equipped laboratories of your group will help me make the desired achievements. With the conviction that I can sustain me through the intense graduate study, I hav
18、e made the decision to apply for Pennsylvania State University and hope your serious consideration. Yours sincerely, 申请日本留学福利政策一览 1、奖学金福利政策 根据学校的性质和学科、专业的不同,留学生的年平均学费只有3万元7万元,日本大学的奖学金制度也在逐步丰富和完善。除了日本政府文部省教育文化省的奖学金等国家助学金外,还有许多企业集团设立的学校和非政府奖学金,可以说,在日本留学的学费特别低廉。 2、勤工俭学福利政策 日本留学的学费不仅低,并且还有特别不错的勤工俭学福利政策!
19、因为,虽然在日本留学的学费低,但生活成本略高,所以日本规定:日本的兼职对留学生是薪水最低约800日元小时,所以对于家庭条件一般的中国留学生而言,在填写资料申请的时候,完全可以将每周打工的收入作为生活费的来源之一。 3、全民医保福利政策 日本是一个全民参与医保的国家。所有居住在日本的居民,囊括外国人,都有义务参加。外国留学生或者是低收入人群的医疗保险费将大幅度的降低或减免。这些人如果生病,日本政府将承担医疗费用的70%至80%,而参保的人只需承担医疗费用的20%至30%。在美国,只有16左右的人参加政府的医疗保险计划,看医生的平均费用是日本的两倍,救护车出动也要收费(日本救护车出动不收费)。 即使在日本看医生每月需要花费一千万日元,而实际付款的部分也只有四万日元左右。 4、移民福利政策 近年来,日本的移民政策越来越宽松,在“30万留学生政策”中规定:申请居留日本的外国人,若达到日本政府规定的日语程度,居留期限可从目前的3年期限延长到5年。这一项规定,对于已经在日本留学的大学生而言,特别有利! 日本留
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