1、Supplier Performance Development ProcessTask 15 PPAP.Task DescriptionProduction Part Approval Process (PPAP)Production parts are manufactured at the production site using production tooling, gaging, equipment, operators, etcParts from production run are analyzedTest results and records from APQP are
2、 submitted with Part Submission WarrantPPAP.PurposeFor the supplier to demonstrateall design records and specification requirements are properly understoodthe process has the capability to produce product that meets requirements.SomethingChanged Application AIAG PPAP manual defines when PPAP submiss
3、ion is required New partCorrection to discrepancy in previous submissionDesign or process changeChange in source of subcontracted materials or servicestransfer or rearrangement of tooling & equipment.MethodologyBuyer enters PPAP submission date on purchase orderApprover determines submission levelde
4、fault level 3default level 4 for raw materialSupplier submits PPAPPPAPALL.xls electronic submission recommendedApprover evaluates PPAP packageLevel 5 at supplier site Approver determine part submission status Notify supplier and manufacturing of status.DFMEAControl PlanEarly Production Containment P
5、lan (Pre-Launch Control Plan)Process capability studiesGage Measurement System AnalysisLab Accreditation & scopeRestricted & Reportable Materials formInterim Worksheet, if requiredSupplier Data ReceivedWarrantAppearance Approval Report (AAR), as requiredSample PartsPrint/Design RecordEngineering Cha
6、nge DocumentsCheck fixtures/aidsProcess Flow DiagramPFMEA.PPAP Review ChecklistDelphi checklist to assist with evaluation of PPAP packageAction plan created with use of checklist.Flow ChartLinkage of Product Characteristics from DFMEA to Operational StepsOperation numbers consistent with PFMEA, Cont
7、rol Plan, Operator InstructionsEnsure identification of inspection and reworkUse A-6 Process Flow Chart checklist in APQP manual to evaluate.PFMEALinkage with DFMEA, Process Flow, Control Plan, Operator Instructions, etcDegree to which high RPNs are addressed with preventive strategiesAction Plans a
8、ssigned, implemented, effectiveness assessed and RPN recalculatedUse A-7 Process FMEA checklist in APQP manualRPN = 504.DFMEAAssess feasibility, risk, design intent issuesConfirm manufacturing process capability consideredFocus on Critical CharacteristicsLessons Learned incorporatedUse A-1 Design FM
9、EA checklist in APQP manual to evaluate.Control PlanEnsure Control Plan is aligned to, and correlates with, DFMEA, Process Flow, PFMEAControl Methods appropriate to variation type(s)Incorporates Lessons Learned, Statistical DataUse A-8 Control Plan checklist in APQP manual to evaluate.Pre-Launch Con
10、trol PlanEarly Production Containment requirementsAdditional controls included for proper duration or quantityPFMEA and statistical data used to determine what additional controls necessaryshort term capabilitylong term capability on similar process.Process Capability Studies.MSA StudiesMeasurement
11、uncertainty determinedGage R&R, Bias, Stability, and LinearityGage R & R acceptance guidelines30% unacceptable, measuring system needs improvementVerify study performed correctly.Part Submission StatusFull Production ApprovalInterim ApprovalAuthorize shipment to Delphi without Full Production Approv
12、alCorrective Action Plan is requiredRejectedCorrected submission required before production quantities may be shipped.Interim Part ClassA parts from production tooling and meet specs, not all PPAP requirements have been metB parts from production tooling and require rework to meet specsC parts not f
13、rom production tooling, parts meet specsD parts do not meet specsE parts do not meet specs and vehicles with class E parts require retrofit to make them saleable.SummaryAIAG PPAP manual defines requirementsAPQP Product and Process ValidationSupplier submits PPAP to proper levelPPAP package evaluated and status determinedSupplier and Delphi manufacturing sit
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