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1、教材同步复习第一部分 Grade 8Book 2Units9101精选ppt中考考点 精讲22精选ppt33精选ppt 活学巧练1My father _ Beijing.(去了)2I _ America twice. (去过)3May I speak to David, please?Sorry, he _ the gym.Ahas been toBhas gone toChas been in Dhave gone to4I _ Paris twice and it is really an amazing city.Ahave been toBhave been inChave gone

2、toDhas been inhas gone to have been to B A 44精选ppt55精选ppt 活学巧练5You have not answered my question _ I can join in the party tonight or not.AwhetherBifCalthoughDbecause6Are you going camping this afternoon?A typhoon is ing. Im not sure _ the road to the mountains will be closed.Awhether BwhatCwhich Dw

3、hyA A 66精选ppt77精选ppt 活学巧练7. Lily and Lucy are twins. But there are many differences _ them.AonBamongCaboutDbetween8It is easy to find my brother _ a group of students because he is the tallest one.AfromBwithCbetweenDamongD D 88精选ppt99精选ppteg.Im considering going abroad some day.我一直考虑有一天出国。(接动名词)At f

4、irst, they consider me a teacher.起初,他们以为我是一名教师。(接复合宾语)We must consider what to do next.我们必须考虑下一步做什么。(接“疑问词不定式”)We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。(接宾语补足语)1010精选ppt 活学巧练9Why not consider _ Paris? It is the most fascinating city in the world.(visit)10Have you considered _ the job

5、as a teacher?(take)Yes. I like it because a teacher is often considered _ a gardener.(be)11We all consider Mr. Liu _ a good teacher. He is friendly to us all the time.AwithBinCasDforvisiting taking to be C 1111精选ppt12We all _ this article is very important and useful.AconsiderBwriteCargueDcatch13I c

6、onsider Jim _ the best football player in my class.Ato beBbeingChas beenDwill be14We are considering how _ Hainan tomorrow.Agetting toBto get toCget to Dgot toA B B 1212精选ppt分析云南省近四年的中考真题,书面表达涉及假期旅行相关话题的共七次,主要涵盖以下几方面:去了什么地方,做了什么事情。主体时态:一般过去时主要人称:第一人称话题写作 指导假期旅行(2018年1次; 2017年3次; 2016年1次; 2015年2次)131

7、3精选ppt1I had a wonderful vacation last summer.2Let me tell you about my last trip.3I couldnt think of another better vacation than this.4I went to an amazing place last year.1414精选ppt我想不出更好的经历了。I couldnt think of a better experience. 1515精选ppt1I was very excited when we arrived there.2My friend and

8、I played beach volleyball.3The scenes were amazing.4We tried many different local foods.5The hotel was clean and fortable.1616精选ppt1我们尝试了许多不同的运动。We tried many different sports. 2当地小吃很好吃。Local snacks were delicious. 1717精选ppt1East or west, home is the best.2It is surely a beautiful place. I will visi

9、t it again.3This vacation has a lot to remember.4This is my best trip ever.5What an amazing vacation it was!6Would someone not fall in love with this lovely place?1818精选ppt这食物太好吃了!How delicious the food tastes! 1919精选ppt请根据以下信息写一段话进行描述:三亚很热,有美丽的沙滩,夜晚的风很凉爽。我爸爸妈妈和我买了很多当地的特色小吃,我们还在礼品店买了很多漂亮的东西,价格有些贵。It

10、 was very hot in Sanya. We saw beautiful beaches there. When it was evening, cool wind blew. My parents and I bought a lot of local snacks. We also bought some beautiful things in a gift shop. They werent cheap.2020精选ppt请根据以下信息将短文补充完整:Last Saturday I went camping with my _(某人). We had a _(形容词) _(出行方

11、式)before we reached the _(地点). The air was _(形容词) and we saw many/much _(名词)We brought some _(食物)with us. We ate them in our tent. At night, it got a bit colder. Luckily, we brought some _(衣服/毯子) as well, and also we made a fire to keep us warm.The camping was _(形容词).2121精选ppt(2017曲靖)提示:生活中不缺乏美,也不缺乏

12、发现美的眼睛。美,无处不在; 有人的美,事的美,景的美,物的美你发现了什么美呢?请以“The Beauty of _”为题,写一篇英语短文,如:The Beauty of My Mother/Reading/Qujing/Music要求:1补全并抄写题目,短文词数80左右。2语言流畅,内容连贯,书写规范,卷面整洁。3文中不能使用你的真实姓名和校名,否则以零分计。2222精选ppt1文体:本文题目是“The Beauty of _”,要求考生描述某人/物/地的美,属于说明文。2人称:介绍人、物,谈论地点应该采用第_人称,阐述自己的观点应该使用第_人称。3时态:谈论目前的事应该采用_,谈论过去的事

13、情必须采用_。4写作要点:描述人/物/地点; 说明为什么很美。2323精选ppt2424精选pptThe Beauty of HawaiiHawaii attracts millions of tourists because of its clear blue sea and beautiful views.When my family and I arrived there last summer, we were very shocked at how beautiful sky and ocean could be.2525精选pptWe played volleyball on th

14、e beach and built castles with sand. We were so excited! At last, we were so tired, so we lay ourselves on the beach.The beautiful sound of tides washed away all my worries. If heaven is for real, then, Hawaii shall be the nearest place to it.用sothat升格2626精选pptThe Beauty of HawaiiHawaii attracts mil

15、lions of tourists because of its clear blue sea and beautiful views.When my family and I arrived there last summer, we were very shocked at how beautiful sky and ocean could be.We were so excited that we played volleyball on the beach and built castles with sand. At last, we were so tired, so we lay

16、 ourselves on the beach.The beautiful sound of tides washed away all my worries. If heaven is for real, then, Hawaii shall be the nearest place to it.2727精选ppt提示:亲爱的同学们,在你之前的生活中,一定去过不少地方,什么样的地方曾给你留下深刻的印象?它有哪些特点使你流连忘返呢?把题目“_ Is the Best Place”补充完整,然后用英语写一篇短文。要求:1.补全并抄写所给题目,短文词数不少于60; 2.语言流畅,内容连贯,书写规范

17、,卷面整洁; 3.文中不能使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。2828精选ppt_ Is the Best PlaceIve traveled to many places. But Kunming is the best place in my heart. Kunming is a city which connects China to South Asia. It is playing a very important role in the development of our country.People in Kunming are friendly. They wele tourists from every part of the world with their big smiles. The


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