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1、笫一局部听力(30分)一听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)()1.A. featureB. ferrj,C. feel()2. A. shouldB. shallC.share()3. A. (oinorrowB. tonightC. today()4. A. turnB. tellC. together()5. A. seaB. stayC. street二听录音,根据所听内容给以下图片排序。(5分)& a()() ()()三听录音,根据所听内容选择适当的答句。(10分)()I. Its next to the restaurant on Xinghua Street.Turn right

2、 at the traffic lights.Its far from here.()2. A. I often go (here by bus.Im reading a book.Im going to take a trip.()3. A. He usually docs word puzzles.He likes going swimming.He goes to work by car.()4. A. She works at a factory.She is a post woman.She walks to work.)5. A. Lets go.I dont feel well.

3、 Im ill.Please take a deep breath.四听录音,根据所听内容在表格正确位置填写单词或短语。(10分)WhatWhereHowHobbiesLindastudentschool1. bydrawing picturesFather2.gym3. by4._Mother5.6.7. bywatching TVbrother8.office9. by10. _第二局部笔试(70分)五读一读,将以下单词填入正确的类别中。(5分)museum hot train evening bike businessman park morning happy fisherman1.

4、There is a restaurani near my home. 2. Do you often go to school by bus? rm3. Tom wants to be a sports Have: 4. Were going to have.a big family dinner toniuht.5.1 feel very warm now.六读一读,猜一猜,写出单词,并匹配恰当的图片。(10分))2. It goes under the ground. It looks like a train. Its the.)3. We send i( to our family

5、or friends on a holiday, hs a.)4. He always helps the people who need help. He catches bad men. He is()5. He can drive a plane. He is a.七读一读,选一选。(5分)()I. Is there a library near here?A. OK. Lets go. B. Yes, there is.C. Its next to (he bookstore.()2. What are you going to do this weekend?A. /B. onC.

6、at()3. You can to the new nature park.A. by No. 15 busB. take the No. 15 bus C. by bus()4. John likes TV. but he must his homework first.A. watch: do B. watching; doing C. watching; do()5. Dont angry the little baby. He is too young.A. be; with B. are; with C. be; of1.)5.()We go straight and then tu

7、m left at the crossing. We can get there.Its red. Lets slow down. Then stop and wait.Dick often goes to the bookstore to buy a comic book.They dont like playing sports. They should do more exercise.This is our coach. He is very strict.九读一读,按要求完成以下句子。(10分)_is the?(根据答句补全问句)一The museum is beside the p

8、ost office.You can get to Tianjin by ship.(对画线局部提问)His uncle often lakes a trip on Sundays.(将 on Sundays 改为 next Sunday) 4.1 study English on Saturday morning.(将 I 改为 He)5. we pay must io lights attention the traffic(.)(连词成句)十读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。(10分)What arc you going to do this afternoon?Where are you

9、 going?Where does your pen pal live?Is it near here?What arc you going to buy?Hi. Linda. Nice to meet you. I.1in going to the new science museum.2.Yes. So I go there on foot. 3.Im going to buy a book in the bookstore.Thats good_ 4.I will write an email to my pen pal.B:5.He lives in Wuhan. China.That

10、 is a great city!A: Yes.十一阅读短文,完成任务。(10分)Hello. Im Rose. Its Friday evening. On Friday evening . I usually play the piano. My father likes reading books. My mother often cleans the rooms. But today my mother is not cleaning the rooms. She is in bed. She is not well. She is ill. So my father must do

11、the housework. He is doing ihc dishes now. What am I doing? Im cleaning the rooms. Tomorrow, we will take my mother to see a doctor. She will be better soon. Then on Sunday, we are going to visit my grandparents. Have a good rest. Mum. I wish you can be well soon.(一)回答以下问题。What does Rose usually do

12、on Friday evening?What is her fathers hobby?What is Rose doing now?(:)根据短文判断以下句子正误在“Yes”或“No上打“LRoses mother often reads books on Friday evening. (Yes No)Roses family is going to visit her grandparents on Sunday. (Yes No) 十二书面表达。(10分)武汉有位九岁的女孩Lily想要交一个笔友。请你根据以下信息给她写 一封电子邮件。资料:你的名字叫Lucy,是个女孩,住在香港。你经常

13、乘坐公共汽车去上 学。你喜欢画画、读书、唱歌。你知道武汉是个非常漂亮的城市,希望有一 大,可以去拜访Lily.跟她一起逛武汉。要求:注意格式,语句通顺,书写规范,正文不少于5句话。Tb: lily email, coinFrom: lucy cmail. comDear lily.How arcyouYours,参考答案听力材料:一、I. Some children have to go to school by ferry.You should do it now.What are you going io do tonight?My family will get together eve

14、ry Friday evening.We must do exercise every day and stay heahhy.On Childrens Day. lots of children go to see a film.There is a big hospital near my home.Take a deep breath, and then you wont be so angry.Ever) morning, lots of people take the subway to work.Scientists are very important lor our count

15、ry.三、I. How can I get (o the restaurant?Whai are you going io do this Sunday?What is your brothers hobby?Where does your aunt work?Whats wrong?四,Hello, lin Linda. Im a student. I go to school by bike. I like drawing pictures.This is my father. He is a coach. He works in a gym. He goes to work by car

16、. He likes going hiking. This is my mother. She is a worker. She works at a factory. She goes (o work by bus. She likes watching TV. This is my brother. He is abusinessman. He goes to work by car. He works in his office. He likes doing wordpuzzles.答案:一、l.B 2. A 3. B 4.C 5. B二、2 4 I 5 3三、l.B 2.C 3. B

17、 4. A 5. B四、1. bike 2. coach 3. car4. going hiking 5. worker 6. factory7. bus 8. businessman 9. car10. doing word puzzles五、1. museum: park 2. train: bikebusinessman: fishermanevening: morning 5. hoi: happy六、LB: cinema 2. D: subway3. A; postcard 4. E: policemanC: pilot七、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A八、l.F

18、2.T 3.T 4.F 5,T九、1. Where: museumHow can I get to Tianjin?His uncle is going io take a trip next Sunday.He studies English on Saturday morning.We must pay attention to the traffic lights.十、l.B 2. D 3.E 4. A 5. C十 、( )1. She usually plays the piano.He likes reading books.She is cleaning the rooms.(-)4. No 5. Yes十二、范文Dear Lily.How are you? Im Lucy. Im a girl.


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