



1、优质资料-欢迎下载Unit 5 Humans and NatureLesson 1A Sea Story 教学设计教材分析本节课是高中英语第二册Unit 5 Humans and Nature的第一课ASeaStory,课型是阅读课。本节 课主要内容是了解人类与大海的惊险故事。通过学习本课,使学生们了解人类与海洋的关系,了解 大自然带给人类的福与祸,从而引导学生如何保护海洋环境。此外,学生还将学到限制性定语从句 的关系副词。教学目标与核心素养.语言技能目标(1)学生能够借助关键词,在理解文章大意的基础上,找出段落主题句,完成读前问题;(2)用所学的词汇和语言的对课文进行复述;(3)能够读懂细节

2、信息并能理解阅读中生词含义。.语言知识目标(1)能够正确运用一下单词和短语:whirlpool, survive, risk doing sth, horrible, rapidly, extent, tube, float, tie to sth 等。(2)能掌握限制性定语从句关系副词的使用;(3)能够区别和理解限制性定语从句关系代词和关系副词。.文化意识目标(1)了解海洋、大自然相关话题;了解如何处理人与自然的关系。.情感态度目标正确认识大自然的福与祸,妥善处理人类与大自然的关系、人类与海洋的关系。教学重难点.重点(1)如何理解“涡流”术语;(2)正确理解并运用限制性定语从句关系副词;(3

3、)能够运用所学对“涡流whirlpool”进行介绍。.难点(1)能用得体的用英语表述人与自然、海洋的关;(2)能正确掌握和使用限制性定语从句的关系副词;(3)能够区别关系代词和关系副词的不同。教学过程教学步骤教学活动设计意图时间Step-1Warming UpTeachers will write “sea” on the blackboard and the same while show some pictures about sea on the screen. And then ask students to tell stories about the sea, people who

4、 live by the sea. As students are talking, write the key words they mention on the blackboard and then let students use these words to describe the pictures on the screen.任务型活动:采用引导的方 式引入本单元话题,拓宽学 生眼界的同时也锻炼学生 整合能力,并激发同学们热 情和参与课堂的积极性。5分钟Step-2 Lead-inThis step is to lead the students to the topica st

5、ory about sea.ACTIVATE AND SHAREDo you know any stories about people and the sea? Look at the pictures below. Use the words and phrases below to describe the pictures.紧扣上一环节的讨论,教师 引导学生在阅读课文前进 行一些与海洋相关的表达, 并鼓励学生与同学提供观 点,激发学生的兴趣。此外, 通过训练描述图片,可以锻 炼学生口语能力和思维灵 活性,更好地导入课题。5分钟Step-3Pre-readingREAD AND EXPL

6、ORE1. You are going to read a text adapted from the short story “A Descent into the Maelstrom”. Read the fact file on the right. Answer the questions.(l)What is a “Moskoe-storm”?通过读前头脑风暴,有助于 学生对文章主旨大意的掌 握,让学生带着问题进行阅 读,进而帮助学生更好理解 文章而进入泛读和精读环 节。5分钟(2)Who wrote the story?(3)What do you think will happe

7、n in the story?Step-4Fast-readingRead the text and discuss the questions.Who are the main characters in the story?Who is telling the story?When and where did the story happen?What effect did the terrible experience have on the storyteller?通过泛读,能够让学生对文 章每个局部有初步了解,锻 炼学生对文章表层含义理 解,养成良好的阅读习惯, 提高阅读技能。并且帮

8、助学 生组织语言回答读前问题。10分钟Step-5Careful-readingRead the story again. Complete the information in the boxes. Then add the storyteller feelings during each situation.Complete the illustration about how the storyteller overcame his fear and struggled to survive from the whirlpool. Then use the time words(when

9、, suddenly, then, finally) to tell the story.有助于学生深层次把握文 章细书内容,似学生建立起 上下文关联的能力。并且通 过小组合作的方式,有助于 提高学生团队合作和交流 能力。15分钟Step-6Post-reading1. Group work: think and share(l)What were the three observations the storyteller made?(2)Why did the storyteller survive while his elder brother didnt?(3)What does th

10、e storyteller mean by it took only six hours to break my body and soul”?(4)What lessons have you learnt from the story? Give your reasons.(5)What is the story trying to say about the relationship between humans and充分发挥学生主观能动性, 调动学生创造性思维,开发 学生潜能,使学生主动参与 深层次阅读,以检测学生是 否对文章掌握透彻。此外, 通过课后练习更进一步掌 握过去将来时的使用

11、。5分钟nature?Pair work. In English you get words with similar meanings (synonyms) orwords with oppositemeanings(antonyms). Find morepairs ofsynonyms and antonyms inthe story.Discuss why such words are used.Complete the summary with the information from the story.FOCUS ON THE LANGUAGERead the sentences from the text. Underline the words that introduce relative clauses and circle the words that the relative clauses refer to.Read the sentences below and compare them. Which choice (a or b) do you think is better? Why?Complete the


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