1、3. Inake dinner = PrePare dinner7Aan instruction book3. introduce sb. to5. greet your Partner7. have One COUSin9. Wear glassesat the WeCkend13.The InOre EngIiSh you SPeak in class, the faster you Will IeanL牛津初中英语知识点汇总2. a SeCOndarr SChOOl4. Start SChOOl6. be CleVer at8. have black hair in a POnytail
2、10. football field/PitCh12. kick/SCOre a goalhave PrOblemStroubledifficulty Withtoo + adj/adv34. have PrOblenstroubledifficulty doingPraCtiSe doingtalk On the PhOne1& have breakfast/IUnClI/dinnerhave fun doing Sthdo after-class activitiesgo to assemblyin doing sth.too much +不可数名词muchWin the first Pr
3、iZemeet IlP With sb.IOOk forward to a great day33.dark browna COmPUter PrOgrammerhave a WOnderfUl dinnerkeep a diarrat IUnCh timeSPend + 时间/钱 + On Sth25 on a schl dayall the timego On a SChOOl tripIOOk forward doing35 dress UP as a ghost37. give US CandieS as a treat36. Celebrate HallOWeen in many W
4、ayS3& Play a trick On39. CUt OUtmake.out of.41. at ChriStnasOn ChriStmaS Day43. give sb.a hint45. join an e-club47. get tired49 a top StUdent51. an Online interview53. keep fit and Stay healthy55. take in57. Tllere,s a discount On sth.59. Prefer doing to doing61. Wait for one,s turn63. Call sb.on 55
5、5165. a fun PlaCe to go67. raise money for PrOjeCt HOPe69. in the 20th CentUry71. an interesting talk oil.73. have fun doing75 go to/attend assembly77. CUt sth. into the ShaPe Of79. be tired OUtOn holidaydream of/about doingtake turns to do48 between meals50. Iog OntO the WebSite52. GoOd IuCk With y
6、our report54. full Of energy56. a ShOPPing mall58. Prefer to do rather than do60. They InatCh her T-shirt.62. help With my homework64. They fit Very Well66. 10 more minutes = another 10 minutes68. join in the fashion ShOW70. m the 1970s1970,s72. Wear my hair in a 1990s Style74. end in tV76. Write St
7、h in IhC COrreCt Order78. be made Of80. invite sb.to do7B2. a SmaIl WOOden house1. IOOk OUt at the bench4. I IiVe With my family in a flat On a busy street.5. Share (in) sth. With sb.6. Print OUt7. The WindOW is OPPOSite the door&数字表达法9. read OUt10. have a free day11. take a IneSSage12. at IeaSt13.
8、on the ground floor14. at the Same time15. OrdCr a PiZZa16. exchange StUdCntS17. PrePare.for18. be/get PrePared forIt is 40minutes from the Centre Of BCijing by UndergrOUndClOSe to21. Lets try the ChiileSe IeStalIrallt22 tear sth. UP by mistakeInake a ShOPPing IiSt24. hold a Party25 have a good time
9、26. There are IOtS Of fun and interesting things to See and do.27. make SOme notes take notes29. ShOW sb. around31 invite Sb to dinner33. go UP2& fine WOrkS Of art30. PraCtiSe doing32. follow Ine34. go On an OUting35. The ZOO is north Of Beijing SUnShine school.36. a IUCky escape37. at IUnChtime38.
10、rob sb. Of Sth 39. three men in POliCe40. drive away42. take different routes44. be SUrPriZed to do46. make srebe SIlreWOrk on/work OUtUnifOrmIt worked.at the traffic IightSin the endtake the SeCOnd turning On the rightthe best time Of yearBelOW are kinds Of PrOgramS StUdentS USUalIy watch.the front
11、 COVer51. Walk On tiptoeas USUal53. run intoSearCh/search for53. Say to OneSelfthe following SUnday55. be CraZy aboutbe fond Of57. at birthbelong to sb.59. PUSh Offtake turns to read OUt the fact SheetS61. the tallest man in historybe/get mixed UP63. happen to sb.happen to do65 TllaFS the WeIght Of
12、SiX elephants.in the daytime67. be CarefUl/take care/look OUttake a Seat69. get OUtCIean up/clear UP71. a home for the elderly6.6&7.89.91.help her neighbour OUt Of firePUt OUt the fire74. be in hospitalFire Can be dangerous It is Very important
13、 to be CarefUl With fire.Call sb. for help77. ICaVC the StOVe Onkeep .away &om79. think OfTheres Only a SInaIl ChanCe tlat.82. IOSe the gameIts IlIghly POSSIble that.84. tell the differencestake a PhOtO Of86. build me CamPS OUt Of StiCkSTllere is SOmethmg wrong Witll-.88. There is SOmething the matt
14、erA golsfish WeighS about 4 kilos90. bark at PeOPle.Abe familiar With2. be divided intoShare SimiIar CharaCteriStiCS 4. at timeskeep SeCretS 6. forgive sb. for their faultsSenSe Of humor 8. She is StUbbOrn at times though.make SUCh a mess
15、10. COme UP With new ideasagree With sb. 12. WOUld you mind doing extra work?WOUId rather do thando14 BIUe IOOkS good On you.be in a good mood16. Im feeling bluefeel relaxed/StreSSed18 a COntented feelingCheer sb. UP20. remind sb. Of Sththe COIOr Of nature22. PhySiCaI Strengthhave difficulty making
16、a decisionfigure OUt25. get good marks in testsmake PhOne CalIS to sb.27. PrOmiZe sb SUCCeSSmake an appointment29. be good for sb. / do good to sb.COmmOn PrOblemS teenages have achieve a balance between the twofocus On33. Stay OU Iatefrom time to time33. Offer sb. SOme SUggeStiOnSgive sb. an idea Of
17、37. SUSan PreferS her drink hotDO you Want your COffee black?HiS COmPUter broke down suddenly..4.40.be in the WrOng Order41. read Sth through42.SOIUtiOnS to StreSS43. deal With44.be Weak in45.Mr WU SUggeSted that his StUdentS Write to their Pen
18、friendS about the CaUSeS Of their StreSs,keep the WOrrieS to yourself 47. WiSh forI m far too busy to go ShOOPinga WeekIy round-up Of What is happening in SPOrt up-to-date informationthe PrOgram COVerS Clifferent SPOrtSa bit boringThiS year* S Beijing MUSiC AWardS WilI be COVered live.Send text mess
19、ages55. Win free ticketsa horron film37. A doctor is found dead in his house.get SCared59. take a CIOSe IOOkthe ASian Tiger inits natural habitWin an award62. refer toPUt away64. enter the Writing COmPetitiOnthe remote COntrOI66. WOrk On the PIanIt is you WhO makeOUr StOry SO PerfeCtStOP daydreaming
20、! Be more realistic!Stand by70. join the film industryPUt all her effort into ballet trainingPIay the Iead role in the PIay73. ShOrtIy afterWin an OSCar for BeSt ACtreSS114. drop to -5115 make an excuse76. remember sb as75. PrOteCt the environment77. devoteto78 WOrk CIOSeIy With UNlCEFearn sb. Illan
21、y awardsThe PreSident PreSented her With the MedaIS81.PaSS away82.rushinto the Cinema83.action films84.fallin IOVe With85.Star in mant films86.keepdoingThe PerSOn is Wanted for murder!He WaS IaSt Seen IeaVing his OffiCe at 7p. Inbleed to deathDeteCtiVe LU added that the POliCe are CheCking the SCene
22、 for fin gerprints and Other CIUeS112 Stay alive113. in a great hurry91. be guilty Of92. be Charged With93. break into94. COmPUter SyStemS95. offer a reward Of96. for a ShOrt Stay97. the endangered birds98. the ChangeS in their numbers99. SOrt OUtIo0 a radio PrOgram On birdIo1. email sb at102 mop th
23、e floor UP103 A COaCh CraShed into a tree.104. WaSh away105 SUrViVe the earthquake106 happen to sb107. IOOk at each Other in fear108 run in all directions109 run OUt OfIl0 CaIm down111. A moment Of fear Went through my mind.40. different WayS Of raising moneyto raise money77. health Care78. PreVelIt
24、 .from domg41. give OUt 42. Will it be a success?donate money to ProjeCt HOPe45 make money by doing SthI WiSh (that) I Were YaO Ming.I hope (that) you Will Iike it.47. Set UPhave SOme POCket InOney Ieft51 PerfOrm OPeratiOnS On sb.= OPeratiOn Onbe grateful to sb. for sth.= be thankfulbe PrOUd of.54.
25、All We need55 improve the IiVeS Of ChildrenICaVC a book at your PlaCe59 Care about Other PeOPle61 a helping hand63 be known as = be famous asgive SOmething to PeOPle in need46. I WiSh (that) I COUld fly.We WiSh you good IUCkI hope to PaSS all my exams.4& VOlumCCr to do sth.Tlle good bad IlewS is tha
26、t.sb.to sb. for sth.is enough money to Carry On With OUr work.56. treat them With kindnessSUPPOrt ones family60. finish SChOOl62. train for a Charity Walk64.be famous/ known for.65 group themselves into a team Of four PeOPIe= form groups Of tour66. team SPirit67. ThiS WiIl be68 ItS aim/ goal is to r
27、aise money for.69.first-aid70.71.Pay attention to sth.72.73.be WilIing to do sth.74.75.remote COntrOl76.an expcrience.(that) you Will never forgetgive SeatS to the elderly (= OId PeOPle)fill in the formtheme Parkall-time favorite CD-ROMbe familiar With2. be divided into9A.1.
28、5.Share SinliIar CharaCteriStiCS 4. at timeskeep SeCretS6. forgive sb for their faultsSenSe Of humor8. She is StUbbOrn at times thoughmake SUCh a mess10. COme UP With new ideasagree With sb12. WOUId you mind doing extra work?WOUld rather do than do 14. BIUe IOOkS
29、 good On you.be in a good mood16. Im feeling bluefeel relaxed/StreSSed18. a COntented feelingCheer sb. UP20. remind sb Of Sththe COIOr Of nature22. PhySiCaI Strengthhave difficulty making adecisionfigure OUt25. get good marks in testsmake PhOne CalIS to sb.27. PrOmiSe sb SUCCeSSmake an appointment29
30、. be good for sb. / do good to sb.COnIinOn PrObIemS teenagers haveachieve a balance between the two32. focus OnStay UP Iate34. from time to timeOffer sb. SOme SUggeStiOnS 36. give sb. an idea OfSUSan PreferS her drink hot. 38. DO you Want your COffee black?HiS COmPUter broke down suddenly. 40. be in
31、 the WrOng Orderread Sth ThrOUgh42 SOIUtiOnS to StreSSdeal With44. be Weak inMr WU SUggeSted that his StUdentS Write to their PenfriendS aboutthe CaUSeS Of their StreSskeep the WOrrieS to yourselfI m far too busy to go ShOOPing.47. WiSh fora WeekIy round-up Of What is happening in sport.up-to-date informationthe PrOgram COVerS Clifferent SPOrtSa bit boringThiS year* S Beijing MUSiC AWardS WilI be COVered live.Send text messages55. Win free ticketsa horron film57. A doctor is found dead in his house.get SCared59. take a CIOSe IOOkthe ASian Tiger inits natural habitWin an award62. re
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