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1、Unit 1Laugh out loud!Free talk1 Whats the people around you like?Useful words: humorous sensitive sophisticated energetic friendly caring2 What will you do if your friends are in the low mood?Useful expressions:comfort hang out do magic tricks tell stories tell jokes go on a ride 3 Do you like comed

2、ies? Why?Useful expressions:entertain humorous funnyburst into laughter / burst out laughinglift up ease Do you feel happier?Are you fun to be with?重点词汇:explore invite complain dramatic重点短语:sense of humorwalk off stay positivelift the moodget back upAre you fun to be with?You tell a joke , which non

3、e of your friends find funny. How do you react?a Laugh anyway and apologise for your sense of humor.b Tell the joke again , but louder and more slowly.c Criticise your friends sense of humor and walk off.Are you fun to be with?2 Its a Saturday afternoon and youre not doing much. A friend calls and i

4、nvites you on an adventure to explore a new town. What do you say?a “Of course! Ill be ready in fifteen minutes!”b “Sounds interesting. Tell me more about it.”c “No, thanks. Maybe next time.”Are you fun to be with?You and some friends get lost in an area youve never been to before. What do you do?a

5、Lift the mood with a joke and explore the area.b Stay positive and try to laugh about it.c Show everyone youre worried and complain.Are you fun to be with?You receive a birthday present from a friend, but when you open the box its empty. How do you feel?a Think it is a good joke and laugh about it.b

6、 Feel hurt, but try to laugh about it.c Get angry and tell your friend it is a silly joke.Are you fun to be with?youre skateboarding with a friend and he falls over in a dramatic way. What do you do?a Laugh loudly non-stop because its so funny!b Check if hes OK and make him feel better with a joke.c

7、 Help him get back up and avoid mentioning his fall.Results of the questionnaire Mostly “a” Youre fun to be with, which means most people like you. However, make sure youre not the type of person who does things only to please other people. Its also important to make time for the things that you enj

8、oy, otherwise you might end up feeling miserable.Results of the questionnaire Mostly “b” Your close friends probably think youre fun to be with, which is great, but what about other people? Try making an effort to understand others and accept that not everyone has the same sense of humor or fun.Resu

9、lts of the questionnaire Mostly “c” Youre probably really happy to spend time by yourself, but try sharing your time and interests with others. Finding people you can laugh with and have adventures with is what lifelong friendships are all about.A clown is someone who wears funny clothes, a red nose

10、, bright make-up on their face etc, and does silly things to make people laugh, especially at a circus.Hospital clowningGuess and prepare人生终有许多选择。每一步都要慎重。但是一次选择不能决定一切。不要犹豫,作出选择就不要后悔。只要我们能不屈不挠地奋斗,胜利就在前方。相信就是强大,怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰就是力量。不要拿我跟任何人比,我不是谁的影子,更不是谁的替代品,我不知道年少轻狂,我只懂得胜者为。君子赠人以言,庶人赠人以财。荀况希望,只有和勤奋作伴,才能如虎添翼。只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线。你的选择是做或不做,做不一定会成功,但不做就永远不会有机会。不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要停止。成功的信念在人脑中的作用就如闹钟,会在你需要时将你唤醒。如果敌人让你生气,那说明你没有胜他的把握。跌倒,撞墙,一败涂地,都不用害怕,年轻叫你勇敢。你要结交敢于指责你缺点,当面批评你的人,远离恭维你缺点,一直对你嘻嘻哈哈的人!天气影响身体,身体决定思想,思想左右心情。稗子


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