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1、 Module One Unit One School Life What does high school mean in your eyes?High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!Do you enjoy your school life?When we speak of school life, which words can you think of ?joyssorrowsdreamsdiscoveriesfailurestearslaughtersuccesseschallengesexcitement

2、school life WordsSay the proper forms of the given words.1. n流利 adj. adv.2. n./vt.挑战 adj.3. vt. & vi. 批准,赞成 n4. vt. 准/筹备 adj. nfluencyfluentfluentlychallengechallengingapproveapprovalpreparepreparedpreparation5. vt.选择,挑选 n.6. vt.致力于;献身 adj. n.7. n./v.尊敬 adj.可敬的 adj.表示尊敬的 n./vt. 经历;体验 adj. selectsele

3、ctiondevotedevoteddevotionrespectrespectableexperiencerespectfulexperiencedu.n.c.n.inexperienced Important words devote devote oneself to (doing) sth.献身/致力于(做)某事 devote ones life/time/money/energy to (doing) sth. 把某人的一生/时间/金钱/精力奉献于(做)某事 be devoted to (doing) sth. 专心于/奉献于(做)某事 My earliest memories of

4、 my mother are a capable woman to her family. A. devotes B. devoted C. devoting D. to devote respect 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _have/show respect forearn/gain/win the respect ofout of respect for sb.give/send ones respects to sb.in every respect in all respectsPractice: The students showed their for th

5、e teacher who had taught them for three years. respectfulrespectrespectablerespected experience learn by/ from experience _ have experience in sth._从经验中学习在方面有经验Practice:He is an officer with who has many unusual .That is, no one is more than him.experienceexperiencesexperiencedPhrases. Find as many

6、phrases you have learnt in Unit One as possible.Phrases. Find as many phrases you have learnt in Unit One as possible.attend an assembly, earn respect,devoteto, be happy with, than usual, used to, look back on, refer to,achieve high grades, for free,be fond of, all year round, make sure,develop an i

7、nterest in, make use of,leave out, in charge of, more than,come up with, during the lunch break,inform sb. of sth., start a school club,require sb. to do, donateto,for one thing for another (thing). Complete the sentences using the proper forms of the phrases in the table on the screen. for free mak

8、e use of be fond of look back on in charge of make sure come up with refer to1.I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.仿写中国不再是过去的中国了。China is not what it used to be.Sentences2.Whether students want to exercise or just want some fun, they can use our gym.仿写:3

9、.Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.仿写:Can you use them freely ? What other expressions have the same meaning? (1) as soon as(2) immediately / directly / instantly(3) the moment / the minute / the second / the instant(4) no sooner .than . (5) hardly . when .满分作文佳句欣赏On arrivin

10、g there, they were shocked by the deteriorated(恶化的) living situation of the old.2. You are expected to call her back as soon as you come back.3. We started to work the moment we arrived.4. Li Yue and Zhang Hua carried out volunteer activity the instant they arrived. 根据汉英提示,写一篇巩固性短文。 玛丽是一位大学生。为了挣(earn)些额外(extra)的钱和培养她的生活技能,最近她在图书馆找到了一份工作。她过去常很懒惰,工作对她来说是件难事。然而,回顾这些天专心于其中的工作,她却对这种具有挑战性的(challenging)经历(experience)非常满意。 在最近的一次集会 (assembly)上,她作了一次演讲,宣称一毕业(graduation)后她将开办(run)一家公司,向那些面临辍学的学生捐款(donate )来帮


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