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1、Course of WritingUnit 10PunctuationTeaching objective todayUnderstand the functions of punctuationKnow how to end a sentence, how to join sentences and how to punctuate a sentenceWriting: write a conclusion for a short compositionTeaching focusthe functions of punctuationhow to end a sentence, how t

2、o join sentences and how to punctuate a sentenceWriting: a conclusion for a short composition10.1 Punctuation Introduction: Punctuation MarksFull stop /period .Question mark ?Exclamation mark !Comma , Colon :Semicolon ;Quotation marks “” Apostrophe Dashes Hyphen -Brackets/Parentheses () Elliptical p

3、eriods Slash /solidus /ItalicCapitalizationAbbreviation WTO10.1 Punctuation 1. Functions of punctuation1)warm-up activities: p 156-file1-22) Summary of Functions of punctuation : (1)Punctuation marks are symbols that indicate the structure and organization of written language, as well as intonation

4、and pauses to be observed when reading aloud. (2)Punctuation can facilitate comprehension. Punctuation marks offer the reader the hesitations, pauses, whispers, and shouts that are common to speech. More importantly, they show the relationships between ideas and emphasize those ideas that are import

5、ant.10.1 Punctuation In written English, punctuation is vital to disambiguate(消除的歧义) the meaning of sentences. e.g. woman without her man is nothing woman, without her man, is nothing.” woman: without her, man is nothing.“ eats shoots and leaves eats shoots and leaves eats, shoots and leaves.10.1 Pu

6、nctuation As a writer, we should keep in mind that our primary goal of using punctuation is for clarity. A smooth, uncluttered sentence containing just the necessary punctuation is what every writer should strive for.10.1 Punctuation 2. How to end a sentenceReference for the Classroom Activities 1 o

7、n p158 Three kinds of punctuation marks can be at the end of sentences. Period (. ) used to end a statement I have finished my breakfast . Question mark (?) - used to end a direct question Do you know when the train for Liverpool leaves? Exclamation mark (! ) used to end an emphatic or strongly word

8、ed statement What a man! Youre lying! 2) Follow-up activities: the Classroom Activities 2 on p158 10.1 Punctuation 3.How to join sentences of equal weight10.1 Punctuation warm-up activities:p159 classroom activitiesSummary of knowledge points:Comma (, ) (1)joins short and closely related parallel se

9、ntences;(2)joins sentences with a coordinator like and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so; (3)very short independent clauses need not be separated by a comma if their meanings are closely connected.8.1 Punctuation Semicolon ( ; )(1) does not slow readers down as a period does, but adds a forceful conne

10、ction between sentences;(2) When you use words like however, as a result, therefore, meanwhile, accordingly, in fact, similarly, at the same time, Likewise, still, besides, consequently, moreover, thus, then, hence, nevertheless, furthermore to begin a second clause, use a semicolon before it and a

11、comma after it: (3)joins sentences especially when there are commas in them.10.1 Punctuation 4.How to punctuate within sentencesIn a sentence, the beginner and the parentheses may be punctuated by punctuation marks.A. Sentence beginners1) separated by comma (1) warm-up activities: p16010.1 Punctuati

12、on (2) Summary: Rules of setting off sentence beginners with comma When a word, phrase, or dependent clause precedes the main clause of a sentence, a comma is often used to separate it from the main clause. For example: Sentence: I usually skip breakfast. Introductory word: Well, I usually skip brea

13、kfast. Introductory phrase. In fact, I usually skip breakfast. Introductory clause: As I often sleep in, I usually skip breakfast.10.1 Punctuation However, modern usage is moving away from using a comma after the introductory part as long as there is no chance for misunderstanding. For example: On H

14、uaihai Road there is a museum in honor of Madam Song Qingling.2) separated by Colon (1) warm-up activities: p160 -2(2) Summary: Rules of setting off sentence beginners with Colon used to formally introduce a list, a long quotation, or an explanatory statement;used after a complete statement when int

15、roducing a list.10.1 Punctuation B. ParenthesisA parentheses interrupts the flow of a sentence; therefore, it must be sealed off both ends by pair of comma, dashes or brackets.(1) warm-up activities: p16110.1 Punctuation(2) Summary : rules of the punctuation marks for parentheses : 1) Commas: We use

16、 commas to set off an inserted part that interrupts the sentence only slightly. Note: we have to use commas to set off non-restrictive clauses as in Sentence c.2) Dashes: We use dashes when we want to emphasize the insertion or when we want to set off a series used as an appositive with commas in it

17、.3) Brackets: We use brackets when we want to add inessential information that often goes to a footnote.10.2 Grammar: The Use of punctuation marks The Use of punctuation marks: Read p 167-17810.3 Writing: short composition (III) - conclusion1) warm-up activities: p162Reference for the Classroom Acti

18、vities 1. Reference version: Therefore, if you want to gain weight, you must do either of the two things: take in more calories (units of heat, therefore energy) , or use less through inactivity, If you want to lose weight, you do the reverse: decrease your input of calories or increase the amount o

19、f energy you spend. There is no other way. Gaining or losing weight is always a relation between intake and output of potential energy.10.3 Writing: short composition (III) - conclusion2) Summary of knowledge points:Reference for the Classroom Activities p162-163:2 2. The following ways can be adopt

20、ed in the conclusion. include a brief summary of the main points; ask a thought-provoking question; use a quotation; evoke a vivid image; call for action: end with a warning; universalize - compare to other situations; suggest possible results or consequences.10.4 Review of the unit by Follow-up act

21、ivitiesP163-165: 1-4Reference answer to Ex.4 on p164a. Quotation marks should be used honestly and sparingly, when there is a genuine quotation at hand, and it is necessary to be very rigorous about the words enclosed by the marks. If something is to be quoted, the exact words must be used. If part

22、of it must be left out because of space limitations, it is good manners to insert three dots to indicate the omission, but it is unethical to do this if it means connecting two thoughts which the original author did not intend to have tied together.10.4 Review of the unit by Follow-up activitiesP163

23、-165: 1-4Reference answer to Ex.4 on p164b. The old man was thrown into confusion. One eye? How am I to know? He tried to recall what his wife Zeinab looked like, with her long grown and black headdress, the veil, and sometimes the black covering enveloping her face and sometimes removed and lying on her neck. He could picture her as she walked and sat, chewing a morsel and then taking it out of her mouth so as to place it


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