



1、 澳大利亚2022年留学入学申请书 澳大利亚2022年留学入学申请书 Dear _, Ever since I have had the ability to understand it, I have been fascinated by the English language. As a child, I would either be writing, reading or telling stories and ever sine then, have read a wide variety of both fiction and non-fiction texts from a v

2、ariety of genres and eras. This passion for language has led me to many different extra-curricular activities. For the past four years, I have attended a Youth Theatre each week where we concentrate very much on both improvised and scripted drama but also have done work on stage management, stage ma

3、ke-up, singing, and signed singing (an interest which begun with my learning of both violin and double bass to grade 4 standard). With this same organisation, I have volunteered for the past three years at one of the childrens groups where I work helping with drama, music and art. It was with this s

4、ame organisation that I decided to learn Sign Language.I have recently gained my British Sign Language Level 1 certificate and am now beginning a Level 2 course. I began learning Sign Language at the same time as starting my A-Level in English Language and Literature, a course I have found extremely

5、 interesting. Taking these two courses concurrently was very exciting for me as learning more about the linguistics of the English Language enabled me to make comparisons between the two languages. These interests have led me to this course which I not only feel suits my needs and interests aptly, b

6、ut also excites me in its course content. Although Ive enjoyed all of my A-Level English Language and Literature course but have found a few parts of it particularly interesting. I specifically enjoyed our coursework tasks for our AS Level as it included writing a piece of original fiction, an aspec

7、t of English which I have always enjoyed. I also enjoyed the task of performing a monologue as I have missed not being able to study drama as a subject. I try to follow my interests outside of school and so attend a wide variety of theatre productions, art exhibitions, musical performances and subje

8、ct related lectures. When studying psychology last year, I attended a large psychology conference with a variety of speakers which was both helpful and interesting. Last year I also attended an art master class organised with Middlesex University and with nine other students, it gave more opportunit

9、y for more detailed and involved discussions. I have not yet had the opportunity to attend an English related lecture but look forward to a study day in March which will aid me with my study of Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra. Alongside this and my voluntary work with the drama organisation, I hav

10、e worked in a variety of jobs which have all helped to develop my sense of responsibility as they were dependent on both teamwork and co-operation but also my use of initiative.I have chosen to defer my entry to 2022 as I plan to complete a voluntary teaching placement in Africa. The prospect of thi

11、s placement excites me as it will give me the opportunity to travel, to meet new people, to experience new cultures, and, above all, help out where much help is needed. I feel that taking a gap year is going to benefit me greatly as it will enable me to gain valuable life skills that will benefit me

12、 both at university but also in whatever I choose to do following university whether it be a postgraduate course or work. Yours sincerely, 澳大利亚留学办理签证要注意的事项 一、担保金一定要准备充分 澳大利亚使馆确定了担保金的计算公式: (生活费+学费+健康保险)x读书年数x汇率+国际差旅x汇率=担保金。如有配偶或小孩的话需要再计算他们的生活费用。 二、材料不能照搬照抄 每一位澳洲申请者的情况都是不同的,在递交澳洲签证申请的时候,一定不能模仿别人的签证材料来

13、申请,每个学生所在的家庭经济条件都是不同的,因此澳洲签证的申请一定要根据自己的实际情况来准备材料。 三、需要符合澳大利亚各类签证规定 针对不同学历的学生,都有其所对应的澳大利亚签证类别和具体规定,不要小看也不要忽视这个签证类别,因为签证成败的第一步就是这么迈出的。比如,572类学生签证所配语言最长不能超过20周。如果超过了规定的语言周数,会出现以下两种情况,一种是直接拒签,还有一种是只能拿到语言课程时间的签证,结束语言后还要回国续签。澳大利亚签证政策不仅条款多,并且还会时时更新。建议学生在不了解这些政策的时候,不要盲目自己递交申请。 四、递签时间要合理安排 澳大利亚签证现在有两种方式:普签和电

14、签。以这两种方式递交的签证评审时间和过程都不一样。所以在递交签证之前,一定要考虑清楚,学生还考不考雅思了-5分怎么递、6分怎么递-如学生还有两个月就开学了,就需要选用电签的方式。 澳大利亚留学选专业要考虑的因素 1、就业机会 很大一部分人留学动机是希望能找到更好的工作以及更大的回报。首先要考虑的是你对何种职业更感兴趣。其次,由于澳洲和中国对于不同职业的就业需求以及就业前景完全不同。所以你应该了解澳洲和中国对于不同职业的就业需求数据,以此明确未来的发展方向。如果你想有更多的选择,你同时关注中国和澳洲的就业市场。 专家建议学生考虑到就业机会的时候,应该考虑一下你的文凭是否具有独特性。在选择专业时,

15、你当选择一个独特新颖的领域,这样会让你与众不同。其实,有很多专业可供选择,例如保险精算学,酒店管理,电子商务,创新管理或者工程管理。 2、兴趣及强项 在选择专业时,你也应该多少考虑到未来30年里你会做什么样的工作。要想拥有成功的事业,你必须选择你喜爱的以及擅长的工作。因此,选择你感兴趣的以及适合你的专业尤为重要。大家切记不可选择一个你根本就不喜欢的专业。 3、专才和通才教育的不同选择 赴澳洲留学选择专业的另一个重要因素就是你该考虑到你所经受教育的特殊性。也就是说:专才专业。 专才教育的优势在于它可以使你具备从事特殊职业的资格,因此在就业的时候,会有很多选择。然而,如果你不愿从事那些领域的工作,专才教育同时也会在某种程度上限制你的选择。 而通才文凭将会使你在明确职业方向时难上加难,因为你没有任何专门培训及技术知识。反之,你将会有更广阔选择工作范畴。 4、语言环境 赴澳洲留学语言环境是选择专业时应考虑的重要因素。大部分中国大陆学生选择在澳洲学习商科,工科以及IT领域。这主要是因为他


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