



1、0813 精品班第三节课公屏2015.08.19 19:00-22:00顾家北(389522376) 19:04:29a variety of顾家北(389522376) 19:30:09contribute to顾家北(389522376) 19:30:14attributed to .顾家北(389522376) 19:33:41voteer work顾家北(389522376) 19:33:50unpaid work顾家北(389522376) 19:33:56votary work顾家北(389522376) 19:34:01community servi顾家北(389522376)

2、19:34:08charity work顾家北(389522376) 19:34:19work for charities顾家北(389522376) 19:34:29work for charitableanisations without being paid顾家北(389522376) 19:35:17美丽顾家北(389522376) 19:35:25漂亮顾家北(389522376) 19:35:39艳丽顾家北(389522376) 19:35:45美美丽丽顾家北(389522376) 19:48:57the host community顾家北(389522376) 19:49:06lo

3、cal customs顾家北(389522376) 19:54:18many people argue agree or disagree?ternments should ban fast food advertisements. do you顾家北(389522376) 19:55:46many people argueternments should ban fast food advertisements, so childrenobesity can be eliminated. do you agree or disagree?顾家北(389522376) 19:58:31支持的话

4、, 确定A 和C顾家北(389522376) 19:58:38A如果的话,可以顾家北(389522376) 19:58:49就是A 即便做了,还是会导致C,肥胖顾家北(389522376) 19:58:57也可以C顾家北(389522376) 19:59:07如果的话,可以A顾家北(389522376) 19:59:25快餐,但是不做其他的事情, 最后还是导致肥胖顾家北(389522376) 20:00:52language skills顾家北(389522376) 20:06:47many people arguet the only way to reduce obesity among

5、children is to ban fastfood advertisements. do you agree or disagree?顾家北(389522376) 20:11:07Some people thinkt people moving to a new country should accept a new culturehe foreign country rathern living as a separate minority group widifferentlifestyle. Do you agree or disagree?顾家北(389522376) 20:12:

6、00支持 接受好处顾家北(389522376) 20:12:13minority GROUP顾家北(389522376) 20:32:10Migrate to, relocate to, travel to, live in, settle in, reside in顾家北(389522376) 20:33:06A foreign country, another country, otharts of the world, the rest of the world, go overseas.顾家北(389522376) 20:34:28Adapt to the local culture,

7、 fito the local community,egrateothelocalcommunity, assimilateo the new culture, follow local customs,顾家北(389522376) 20:54:11opt顾家北(389522376) 20:54:18opt for顾家北(389522376) 20:54:28adopt顾家北(389522376) 20:54:48adapt to the local culture顾家北(389522376) 20:55:44(A)Immigrants can make an effort to fit顾家北

8、(389522376) 20:58:52o the host community.They can make friends with locals and build up a network of contacts. (explanation)顾家北(389522376) 21:00:32They can deepen their understanding of local customs, traditions and values. (B)顾家北(389522376) 21:03:25They may learn to cook local dishes and change the

9、ir dietary habits.顾家北(389522376) 21:04:31They may even attend some religious ritual their local friends. (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:05:32ch as going to church regularly withThey can ask these new friends for help whenever they have difficulties (T)顾家北(389522376) 21:15:44heir lives.are able to顾家北(389522376) 21:15:48have the potenti


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