1、 美国工科研究生留学申请书2022 美国工科研究生留学申请书 Dear _, Basic research has played a key role in the evolutionary process of the human race since the dawn of history. Though it may not produce temporary profit sometime, it does bring about profound influence to our life in the long term. Obsessed in the beauty of Nat
2、ure sine my childhood, I decided to devote all my energy to explore the secrets of Nature . When I was a high school student, I borrowed the book Atoms in the Family written by Laura Fermi. I was deeply moved by the research life of Enrico Fermi and his friends. They actively worked together with co
3、mmon interests, hitting on significant discoveries through mutual suggestion and stimulation. How I wish I could experience such cooperative and original life someday. I have devoted most of my time to learn Physics, Mathematics and Biology, cultivated my intuition and imagination. Some problems wer
4、e every difficult to solve, they always haunted in my mind for days, but when after unremitting thought, finally the inspiration flashed up. I felt that was one of the most exciting and joyful moment of life thought, finally the inspiration flashed up, I felt that was one of the most exciting and jo
5、yful moment of life . My grades in the courses of Physics and Mathematics are the best in my class To facilitate further study in Physics I selected the courses Applied Modern Algebra focusing on the theory of group, ring, field and The Principle of Real Analysis concerning the Lebesgue Measure and
6、Calculus. In the course of Lab of Modern Physics, I did many interesting experiments such as Laser Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction studies, Mossbauer effect, Optical pumping magnetic resonance. Besides, through research work after class. I learned what had not been taught before, e.g. how to m
7、odel the real world, how to apply the theory to practice and got more understanding about the projects. As a student major in Optoelectronics at the Department of Electronic Engineering, I am also versed in Electronics, Computer Science, Communication System and Laser Technology through firm and a l
8、arge quantity of practical training. For example, I have made the computer simulations of electronic circuits, programmed optimum algorithm for rapid search, designed and composited a simple CPU project, In our Lab of Lasers and Optoelectronics, I completed many experiments about tunable dye lasers,
9、 static properties of solid lasers and Q-switched dyes, second harmonic lasers, holography and optical modulators. These are all useful means for basic research. Your graduate school has the marvelous academic environment and the high quality of Ph. D. Education I have expected. I hope I could join
10、you to learn to be an independent researcher with broad base of natural sciences. I also hope to combine the Chinese Ancient Philosophy with Modern Science in the United States. Upon completion of the study, I shall return to my motherland and further my research to do more contribution for the comm
11、on benefit of society. I shall return to my motherland graduate status endowed by Tsinghua University, so if I can not get your admission. I have to study by myself while making a living. The unforgettable song often sounds in my mind. Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow ti
12、ll you till you find your dream. A dream that will need all the love you can give, every day of your life for as long as you live. I am sure that someday my dream of research life will come true. Yours sincerely, 美国工科研究生留学条件与费用 一、美国工科研究生留学条件 1、申请时大四在读,到美国入学注册时有学士学位 2、大学平均成绩80分,211大学可以申请好学校 3、年龄30岁以下
13、为宜 4、英语要求:托福80或雅思6.5,部分要求托福不低于90或雅思7.0分以上,旧GRE不低于1200,新GRE达到300以上,部分学校可以提供无语言或低语言双录取 5、经济担保:60万人民币(根据学校选择和学费来定) 6、学制:1-2年 二、美国工科研究生留学材料 1、中英文在读证明(大四在读) 2、中英文毕业证,学位 3、中英文大学成绩单(成绩越高越能申请好的学校) 4、TOEFL、IELTS、GRE成绩 5、留学美国研究生推荐信 6、个人陈述或Essay 7、留学美国研究生个人简历 8、其它学校要求的材料 三、美国工科留学费用 读理工科的学费会比文科的贵些,2-5万1年,这要视学校和
14、当地的水平而定,因为美国的教育是由下面各个州负责的。至于半年的话,有的学校是按学分来算的,这就不存在半年的问题了,就按你半年修多少学分来计算。有的学校是按每学期来收学费的。这个你一定要看清楚学校里面的规定。美国申请到奖学金的机会还是挺高的,这个要看你在专业方面的能力,奖学金也分很多种的啦。有全额的,有部分减免的;美国学校学费从1万多到4、5万美金一年的都有。学费都是遵照学分算的,看你选了多少学分,再乘以每个学分的价格。奖学金申请机会较文科高。 留学美国奖学金的申请材料 一、奖学金的申请材料 1、本科阶段的GPA及Rank GPA (Grade Point Average),平均成绩点数,也就是
15、我们常说的大学积点。美国留学学校特别看重学生的平时成绩,一般来说,3.0以上才能申请到Top 100的学校。GPA不高但排名高的话,可以在提供成绩单的时候,附加一张Rank列表,列明这样的成绩在全班、是全系学生中的名次,并加盖大学公章,大部分美国学校都能够认可。 2、标准考试成绩 美国奖学金申请,通常来说需要提供语言成绩(TOEFL)、能力测试成绩(GRE、GMAT、LSAT、MCAT等)。有不少学校都设有考试分数最低限,如TOEFL必须高于80,GRE高于1100(前两项高于1000),GMAT高于550,LSAT高于170分等等。当然,分数越高成功申请美国留学奖学金的可能性越大。 3、个人
16、成就 不同于大学本科的申请,在研究生的申请中,个人成就特别为教授所看重。根据不同专业,有些材料是必须提供的,比如建筑设计要求申请人必须提供相关的设计作品、美术专业也需要美术作品。有些专业未必需要,但是在材料中夹带这些证明-尤其是足够分量的个人成就,将大大增加你获得录取和美国大学申请奖学金的机会。 4、工作或实习经验 美国人的教育观念与我国有区别,大部分美国人愿意在工作多年后再申请研究生院就读。有些专业就是开设给已经有相关工作经验的申请人进行深造和系统培训的。有些专业虽然没有明确要求,但是如果已经有一段时间的相关工作经验(或者实习经验),则可成为你的亮点。 5、申请文书 往往听到许多考试高分的学
17、生却没有得到奖学金,而成绩并非那么突出的人却得到许多资金赞助,造成这种情况的原因很大程度上就是个人申请文书的优劣而成。在文书中有效挖掘自己的优势,甚至升华自己的优势,可以在现有硬件基础上大大加强竞争力。对于美国留学奖学金申请的文书,更需要花大力气来论证你的学习和科研、工作能力,这是决定是否可以得到资助的关键。 二、奖学金的申请要点 1、申请学生的学习成绩 申请人的学习成绩,无论是高中成绩还是大学成绩,采用两种形式来表现,一种是GPA(GradePointAverage)即“平均成绩点数”,另一种是“Rank”,即“毕业名次”。这两种形式是美国大多数学校采用的衡量申请人学业成绩的标准,通过了解申请人以前的学习成绩和学习名次来了解其学术能力和学业潜力。 2、申请学生的平均成绩点数(GPA) 美国的大学一般对于申请学生的GPA都是有着最低的规定的,对于达不到要求的是不会予以考虑的。所以学生在申请时尽量要提升自己的平时成绩,然后在在申请材料里面注明自己成绩在年级和班级里面所排的名字和百分比,这样才能确认带给申请大学一个比较直观的印象。 3、申请人提供的标准考试成绩 其实大家一般都知道语言是敲开美国大学申请的关键,而在申请奖学金时,一个优异的标准考试
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