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1、 简洁2022留学爱尔兰的申请文书 简洁2022留学爱尔兰的申请文书 Dear _, I am applying to study a degree in economics principally because of the diversity of both the subject and its applications, and because I find it fascinating and challenging at the same time. Having studied the subject at A-level, I believe that the possibl

2、e depths to which it may be studied are almost endless, and as such, the number of real-life situations to which it is relevant is similarly vast. For example, the area of economics in which I am most interested is the study of the ways in which monetary and fiscal policies affect society as a whole

3、. For this reason, I found the Public Choice theory particularly engaging. In the future, I hope to gain employment in the banking or financial sector, and I think that a course as flexible as economics would be of great benefit to this. Recently, I have participated in the Bank of Englands Target 2

4、.0 challenge. From this, I not only improved skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication and analytical skills, but also learnt about the consequences that a seemingly small decision, such as the lowering of the interest rate by a quarter of one percent, can have on just about everyone. Anoth

5、er aspect of the project that I enjoyed was the way in which all of our team members research and work came together at the end to form the whole, and enabled us to come to a conclusion. I would very much like to have the opportunity to study this area, among others concerning the interest rate and

6、monetary policy, in greater depth. I am enthusiastic about the subject, and a highly motivated student, and I therefore think that I would be well suited to studying economics at university level. My hobbies mostly centre around music; I sing, play the piano to grade four standard, and have also com

7、posed music for keyboard-based instruments. I have found that the more knowledge of music, and its structures, that I have gained, the more insights into popular music I have acquired, and can then enjoy it on many more levels. I think that this holds true for many subjects: the more understanding y

8、ou have of something, the more you can enjoy it. I also like to get involved in sports, such as swimming, in my spare time, as I find them a great way to unwind and have fun at the same time! In secondary school, I held a position of responsibility as a prefect. I also sang soprano in the school cho

9、ir, which again helped me to hone my skills of teamwork and co-operation. Prior to beginning sixth form, I spent a summer working as a volunteer in a scheme run for children with disabilities, which was both a lot of fun and very rewarding. Although working with some of the children was demanding an

10、d required the ability to adjust and adapt quickly, I would definitely say that it was worth it and would love to do it again. In addition, I currently have a part-time job in a retail environment. Because of this, I believe that I am able to communicate and solve problems more effectively. I have a

11、lso gained understanding of the worlds of business and commerce within the context of a large company. I have put serious consideration into my choice of course applications, and believe that I would be able to contribute both academically and socially to university life. Yours sincerely, 爱尔兰博士留学申请技

12、巧解读 第一、申请博士需要找对导师,并有效地和导师套词。如果导师的研究方向和你期望的研究方向一致,或者你能对导师的研究做支持,那么即使你的成绩一般,老师也有可能给你offer的。 第二、相关导师是否有招生的名额或者计划,否则,你在网上找到相关研究方向的导师套词半天,结果告诉你目前没有招生名额。 第三、博士申请的材料要求得高质量,要有自己的特色,同时能提供研究报告或者发表过的学术文章。 第四、直接用本科申请硕士也有机会的,但是一般理工类(如计算机相关)专业,机会更多一些,商科尤其是金融博士的机会相对中国学生会少一些。 第五、从国内申请博士和从国外申请博士,难易程度相当。如果你申请的专业导师手里的

13、研究项目是缺少人手的,或是不热门,或是很枯燥,那录取就容易很多,因为竞争小。 第六、与导师套词时,表现出对导师的项目有很浓厚的兴趣,有些自己的观点,与导师深度沟通。 以上是爱尔兰留学博士申请技巧,爱尔兰是世界上教育的国家之一,已建立了完善的教育体系。爱尔兰本国居民享有免费的基础教育和中等教育,大学由国家提供部分经费。 爱尔兰留学优秀大学推荐 一、都柏林圣三一学院 都柏林圣三一学院位于爱尔兰首都都柏林,是1592年英国女王伊丽莎白一世下令为“教化”爱尔兰而参照牛津、剑桥大学模式而兴建,至今已有400多年史。 热门专业:计算机、自然科学、人文研究 二、爱尔兰利莫瑞克大学 利莫瑞克大学是爱尔兰七所国

14、立大学之一,隶属于爱尔兰常青藤盟校之称的“爱尔兰国立大学 联盟”。它是爱尔兰独力后所由政府资助而建的综合型独力大学,西欧最美丽的大学之一。作为的西欧,利默瑞克大学以其优秀的教学质量和顶尖的学术研究享誉全球,属于世界一流大学。 热门专业:音乐与舞蹈、金融服务、质量管理、人力资源管理、旅游管理、生物制药、计算机科学、通讯系统、飞机制造、机器人工程、数字媒体设计等 三、阿斯隆理工大学 阿斯隆理工学院是一所成立于1970年的国立高等学府,学校的主要校区坐落在距离阿斯隆市中心1.5英里处,从此处前往首都都柏林特别方便。学院成立以来就取得了飞速的发展,现在学校拥有占地45公顷的校园。 热门专业:制药科学、

15、应用心理学、生物、计算机 四、梅努斯大学 梅努斯建立于1795年,是仅次于三一学院的爱尔兰最古老的大学。在1997年改制成为综合国立性大学。 梅努斯大学目前有在校学生接近11000人,其中8%是国际学生,主要来自于美国与欧洲其它国家。学校坐落在首都都柏林的西边约25公里的地方,是爱尔兰一座大学城。 热门专业:计算机科学、英语文学、地理专业 五、都柏林理工学院 都柏林理工学院成立于19世纪末期,当时主要提供技术培训方面的专业课程。经过100多年的发展,学院现已发展成为爱尔兰的高等学府。其开设的课程从初级的高等职业技术培训类课程直至博士后研究课程。 留学爱尔兰住宿指南 1、Homestay Hom

16、estay是很多出国留学生的首选,家长也会比较放心。Homestay的主人细心的照顾和语言的帮助会让第一次出国的留学生有家的感觉,语言也会晋升的很快。一般来说,homestay都和学校签有合同,学生如果不满意也可以随时提出。不过Homestay包三餐和住宿的价格是最贵的。 2、学生公寓 从安全的角度来说,住学校的学生公寓是最安全的,学生公寓位于学校内或者学校旁边,地理位置优势是谁也比不了的。并且学生公寓都有比较完善的安保制度,住在公寓里面的学生可能来自不同国家,对于消除刚到陌生国度的孤独感和尽快融入当地社会的角度来说,对于刚到爱尔兰的留学生,这确实是的选择。 3、租房 不过学校公寓常常数量有限

17、,并且价格也不便宜。如果申请不到公寓的话,留学生就需要自己出去租房了。不同季节租房,房租也有差异,一般来说,每年的四月或五月租房是最省钱的,因为这时是留学生毕业的时间,很多留学生都退房了,房价就跌了下来。 的就是和别人合租,但是有很明显的缺点,合租一般都是找同一个国家的学生,所以,语言晋升就会很慢。另外住学校附近的公寓,住宿条件不错,也可以和老外合住。学生可以去当地的中介找房子,他们一般会有不少租房信息,并且中介不会从学生手上直接收取费用,一般是将房东的第一月房租钱拿来当作中介费。 不论是合租还是自己租房子,本地的各大房屋中介网站,都会提供丰富的房源。对于在爱尔兰的留学生,需要注意的是, 网站上的很多租赁的房子一定需要仔细察看并研究合同细节,明确一切没有问题再进行租赁。由于要提前缴纳1个月的租金作为押金,让房东提供相应的收据,为自己之后讨


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