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1、 经济学留学申请书2022年 出国留学首先要考虑的是交流问题。至于考雅思还是托福要取决于自己申请的学校经受哪一种成绩。如果你是申请英联邦国家留学,那么需要考雅思,而美国的一些学校更承认托福成绩。这里给大家分享一些经济学留学申请书2022年,欢迎阅读! 经济学留学申请书2022年 Dear _, Marketing experts like to classify people into different generation groups, believing that people of the same age share similar value and attitudes. I a

2、gree with those experts theory in that it emphasizes the connection between the circumstances of ones upbringing and ones later outlook on life. My personality, talents, values, even career choice have been profoundly influenced by my family life and upbringing in Taiwan. My name is Peter Huang and

3、Ive grown up in Ten-Mou, a multicultural neighborhood in suburban Taipei. During the early years of my childhood, my parents exerted a profound influence over my development. Though neither of them was involved in business, by watching their integrity and hard work, I learned more about the true mea

4、ning of success than I would ever have in any classroom. My father is an Air Force colonel. He joined the R.O.C Air Force at the age of 14, struggling to achieve his personal best as the supply division chief of the R.O.C. Air Force Academy. Unlike some officers in the military, who depended on fami

5、ly relationship and privilege to get promoted, my father gained his position by hard work and assiduity. He thus emphasized the importance of industriousness when it came to my education. When I was 10, I attended a speech contest. During the week before the contest, my father and I spent two hours

6、a day together, organizing the lecture content, adjust my rhythm, and rehearsing. I was a shy, soft-spoken child, and found speaking in public difficult at first. But through my fathers patient efforts and his believe in the rewards of hard work, I gradually became an excellent public speaker and wo

7、n many of the contests that followed. As a result of the experiences such as this, I learned a very strong work ethic and emulated some of my fathers best characteristics - perseverance and dedication. These qualities served me well as I entered mandatory military service in Taiwan and faced many di

8、fficult situations. I once led a squad to enact the typhoon disaster relief action in Nan-tou. We had one week in which to salvage a factory that was half-buried in mud. As the squad commander, I not only supervised, but also participated in the demanding and seemly endless digging work. And each ni

9、ght, after an exhausting work when all other soldiers were asleep, I spent extra hours checking if there were sufficient supplies and making plans for the next days relief action. When I finally laid down to sleep, I could not help but reflect on how much I had developed, as both a person and a lead

10、er, since that first speech contest. My mother has a warm and kind personality, and has always reached out to the expatriates in our neighborhood. She organized a language exchange club with the American students in local colleges, hoping to increase understanding of Taiwanese and American cultures

11、through the exchange of language. I took part in the club when I was still in elementary school. This childhood multi-cultural experience instilled in me an active personality and willingness to interact with people of different cultures. In particularly, it strengthened my interest in American and

12、my desire to work and live there one day. My mothers emphasis on international exchange and cooperation has led me to work for the Fulbright Foundation in Taipei as a research assistant. This position allows me to interact with educational associations in the United States and to take part in intern

13、ational conferences. I once participated in a venture capital seminar in Hsin-Chu, working on the issue of graduate level technology management education with representatives of major high-tech companies and academic institutions. Last November, I represented the Foundation in an international Tele-

14、conference in Taipei. The conference was conducted both in English and in Chinese and was hosted by the Prime of Ministry of Education. My work has also given me the opportunity to know and become friends with exceptional Fulbright scholars from the United States. While my childhood years shaped my

15、character, it was my high school and college years which led to my interest in business. 1988 was both a determining year to my career choices and a turning point in Taiwans economy. As people familiar with Taiwans modern economic history know, the exchange rate of the New Taiwan Dollar to U.S. Doll

16、ars moved from 40:1 to 25:1 in that year under the overwhelming pressure of American government. Thus meant that the traditional advantage of Taiwans economy, low labor costs, was no longer our strength. People everywhere were talking about the future of Taiwans economy. Out of a young mans passion,

17、 I wanted to contribute my talent and effort to my country. That was the time at which I made up my mind that someday, I will make Taiwan-made products famous world-widely, like those produced by IBM, Intel, or Microsoft. This teenage naive patriotic dream transformed into an interest in business ad

18、ministration and economics after I graduated from Taipei First Senior High School. I focused my college study on manufacturing administration and economics. From four years of lectures, seminars, and in-factory study in the department of Industrial Engineering at National Formosa University, I acqui

19、red skills in quality insurance, manufacturing planning and control, and factory improvement and diagnostic methods. In my economic class, I learned how prices, preferences, and incomes affect peoples demand of goods from the microeconomic. I also acquired knowledge of how various factors - governme

20、nt policies, currency exchange rate, and balance of international trade - affect a countrys economics growth. My interest in business, however, is not limited to industrial engineering and economics. In my junior year, I also took 6 credits of accounting courses and learned the knowledge of basic ac

21、counting principles, financial statements, and managerial accounting. To acquire a more thorough understand of management information systems, I chose Alumni Association Database Management System for Department of Industrial Engineering as my graduate activity project. From each step of developing

22、the database system, I learned solid skills in FoxPro programming and enterprise demand analysis. I am thankful that my parents provided me with an environment that encouraged me to develop my personality and an intellect for which I am remembered. With a deeply-instilled work ethic, strong interper

23、sonal skills, and a high level of motivation, I believe I will enrich the professional and social environment at your esteemed Buchman School and continue to grow as a expert in high-tech industry. Yours sincerely, 出国留学生活用品清单 1、文件证件 身份相关的证明,囊括自己的护照、签证等材料,需要大家带好原件,而且准备至少三份复印件,才可以保证自己在遇到需要使用的时候不需要额外再花

24、时间,万一试试也可以尽快补上。 还需要将现金和银行卡带好,出国留学落地后,就需要花钱,建议大家将现金换成小面额的纸币,欧元是通行的;当然银行卡也是需要带好的,在搬家拿到本地卡之前,他可以作为备用。 2、服饰鞋包 还需要购买平时要穿的衣服,为了节省行李箱的空间,大家一般都不会带很多衣服,看准抵达意大利的时候本地的天气情况,加起来也就两三天的样子,在这里买新衣服也不贵。 不过在读的学生经常需要参加一些比较正规的活动,囊括迎新会和排队等,这个时候就需要穿正装或者礼服,这些从国内定制价格会便宜很多,带过去是很值得的。 3、日常用品 洗漱和床品等东西,大家是需要从国内带过去的,因为抵达后的第一天就需要安置住宿,如果自己备好了基础用品,那么就不需要再花时间进行采购,可以有更多时间安置其他事情。 此外药品也需要认真的准备,大家初到留学国,购买的保险生效是需要时间的,而这个阶段是最容易生病的时候,带上常用的基础药品,可以解决大部分的不适应问题。 电子


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