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1、新概念英语第1册Lesson81-82课件Revisionwriting paperenvelopegluestationery n. 文具newspapermagazinebreadcakeschemist 药剂师pillsmedicine药片Chinese medicine 中药New words and expressionsbath/b:/ n.洗澡 take/have a bath 洗澡 e.g. Tony has a bath everyday.2.nearly/nIlI/adv.几乎,将近e.g. Its nearly one oclock.近义词:almost/:lmust/a

2、dv.几乎,差不多区别:nearly与almost都表示“几乎、差不多”,但是当要表示“接近”或“就要到了”时多用nearly;当想表达“不足”或“尚差一点时”最好用almost。 e.g. The car nearly ran over the dog. I almost fall down.肯定句中,两词常可以互换使用;否定句中,almost常和never,no, none, nobody等连用:almost never几乎从未; Nearly常与not连用:not nearly远不及near prep.在附近nearly adv.几乎,将近hard adj./adv.坚硬的, 刻苦的(地

3、)hardly adv.几乎不3. ready/redI/adj. 准备好的,完好的(1)be/get ready for做好的准备Were ready for school trip.(2)be/get ready to do 乐于做;已准备好做The children get ready to fight.4. dinner/dIn/ n.正餐,晚餐e.g. Its time for dinner.常见词组:dinner party;宴会 give a dinner;设宴6.roast/rust/adj.烤的 v. 烧烤n.烤肉常见词组:a roast chicken 烤鸡Beijing

4、Roast Duck 北京烤鸭e.g. I like roast beef and roast pork.The beef is roasting nicely in the oven.Here are some roasts for you.roastupstairsbathnearlyreadycigarettewhiskyNotes on the text课文注释一,热身导入What kind of food do you like best?What kind of food do you like best?A B C DWhat kind of food do you like b

5、est?水煮鲶鱼,石锅拌饭,三文鱼寿司,芝心披萨Chinese food, Western foodFrench cuisine, Sichuan cuisine土豆烧牛肉烤土豆牛肉一样吗?呃当然不一样中国的土豆烧牛肉roast beef and potatoes 二,听力理解Listen and then answer these questions:Answer the following questions.Is Tom downstairs?Where is Tom?Whats he doing?Who is going to have dinner with Carol and To

6、m tonight?Is dinner ready?When is dinner going to be ready?What did Sam and Tom do today?What did they have for lunch?Is Carol disappointed?What are they going to have for dinner?三,篇章学习1. Where is Tom? where 为特殊疑问代词,引导特殊疑问句e.g. Where is he from? Where does Cheryl live? SAM: Hi, Carol! Wheres Tom? CA

7、ROL: Hes upstairsHes having a bath.have a hot bath / take a cold bathbath-tub = tub 澡盆;浴缸bathing-cap 泳帽bathrobe = robe 浴 衣(Br.) dressing gown (U.S.)翻译一下?go/walk/run upstairs猜一猜?stairs, upstairs, downstairsbe ready 做好的准备nearly在此处修饰ready ,表示“快好了”e.g. Its nearly dead.CAROL: Tom!TOM:Yes?CAROL: Sams here

8、.TOM: Im nearly ready.be ready to do sth. / for sth.be too ready with excuses 很会找借口make ready for sth. = prepare ready and waiting 做好充足准备以进行Shes nearly twenty.Its nearly 2 oclock.nearly empty / full / finishedTOM: Hello, Sam. Have a cigarette. SAM :No, thanks, Tom. TOM :Have a glass of whisky then.S

9、AM: OK, Thanks.cigarette和cigar?TOM: Is dinner ready, Carol?CAROL: Its nearly ready. We can have dinner at seven oclock.TOM: Sam and I had lunch together today. We went to a restaurant. CAROL: What did you have? TOM: We had roast beef and potatoes.Its nearly ready.Im nearly ready.CAROL: Oh!TOM: Whats

10、 the matter, Carol? CAROL: Well, youre going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!be going to do something(1)用于指人时,表示正 打算做某事,计划做某事I am going to paint the bookcase pink.(2)用于指物时,表示可能 性或必然性Look, it is going to rain. 瞧,快下雨了。小插曲be going to 如何翻译好,来连一连:What are you going to do tomorrow?The wall i

11、s going to collapse!Im not going to have this.My sister is going to have a baby.Its going to rain.Now you are going to hurry.即将打算肯定决心命令口气可能Listen and then fill in the blanks.Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes SAM: Hi, Carol! Wheres Tom?CAROL: Hes upstairs. Hes _.CAROL: Tom!TOM: Yes?CAROL: Sams here.T

12、OM: Im nearly ready.TOM: Hello, Sam. _.SAM: No, thanks, Tom.TOM: _.SAM: OK. Thanks.having a bathHave a cigarette.Have a glass of whisky then.TOM: Is dinner ready, Carol?CAROL: Its nearly ready. We can _ at seven oclock.TOM: Sam and I _ together today. We went to a restaurant.CAROL: What did you have

13、?TOM: We _.CAROL: Oh!TOM: Whats the matter, Carol?CAROL: Well, youre going to _ again tonight!have dinnerhad lunchhad roast beef and potatoeshave roast beef and potatoesRetell the story.Lesson 82I had我吃(喝,从事)了。New words and expressions1. haircut/hkt/n.理发 hair+cut; hair+brush;hair+dresser; hair+style

14、e.g.I had a haircut yesterday afternoon.2. breakfast/brekfst/ n.早饭 at breakfast早餐时,正在进早餐3. party/p:tI/ n.聚会;政党(1)join the party入党(2)a party member党员(3)a party of一群,一伙4. holiday/hDldI/ /hDlIdI/ n.假日summer holidaywinter holidaymake holiday度假be on holiday在度假go on holiday去度假take a holiday休假英语小贴士holiday

15、& vacationholiday 指节日,纪念日等,有时用复数表示假期;vacation指学校或机关正式规定的假期,一般较长,不能只某个假日。She is away on holiday at present. 她正在休假,不在这儿。What is your plan for summer vacation?英语小贴士bath & showerbath “洗澡”,比较正式;shower “沐浴,冲凉”,比较随意。She likes warm bath.People take showers very often in the summer.Grammar in use语法点 have 用法

16、1.have译为“有,拥有”时,它的疑问和否定形式有两种:(1)用助动词引导 (2)由have本身引导e.g. I have a house in town.I havent (got) a house in town.I dont have a house in town.2.have译为“进行,从事”时,和名词或名词短语构成短语。它的疑问和否定形式只能由助动词引导。可以代替常用动词如:eat,enjoy,drink , take等e.g. have a bath洗澡 have a drink喝酒 have a holiday度假have a look看一下have a cigarette抽

17、支烟have a try试一下have a break休息一下have a talk谈一谈 3.have也可以直接作助词 (现在完成时)e.g. I have been to Beijing for three years.Has Sam gone to New York?havebreakfast早餐lunch午餐brunch早中餐supper晚饭dinner晚餐(较丰盛)have构成的词组have的一些重要用法:1. have a _ 吃一顿饭2. have a _ 度假3. have a _ 游泳4. have a _ 休息5. have a _ 高兴6. have a _ 抽一支烟7.

18、 have a _ 洗澡8. have _ 不得不mealholidayswimrest /have a breakgood time /have fun cigarettebath /have a showerto做做选择题1. -How was your weekend?-Great! We _ a picnic by the lake.A. have B. are having C. had D. will have2. -What are you doing, Carol?-I _ dinner with my friends.A. have B. had C. was having D. am having3. -What did you have for lunch at the restaurant with your uncl


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