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1、非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝:点睛英语PART 2: GRE阅读20185-6月新增部分及详细4.短篇阅读Whittle scholarship has existed on Ernest Hemingway-considering hissurehas focused on trying to unmask the man behind the bravura.Ultimay, most of these works have done little moren to showt Hemingway the mynd Hemingway the man were not too di

2、ssimilar(Hemingway lived tot big game so should we be surprised at his virility,not to mentiont of many of the authors-chiefly male-protagonists). Inthe last few years, several biographies have reversed this trend, focusing onHemingway near imagined theof his life: isolated and paranoid, the authora

3、s not compleernment was chasing himy wrongon this account). Ironically, theter hade theted, andhatsense, these latest biographers have provid most human portrait of the writer yet.1. It can be inferred from the passageperhaps unwittinglythet the author considers thelatest Hemingway biographies a dep

4、arture from traditional biographies hat these latest biographiesfocus on a much overlooked aspect of the writers body of workdct Hemingway in a mannert is at odds with the myth of Hemingwayclaimhis bookssuggestdo not Hemingway was siilar to several of his chief protagonists int Hemingway lacked the

5、virility many assoted with himtempt to explore the link betn Hemingway the man andHemingway the myth:A:题干问作者认为最新的传记相对于传统传记的同点。根据文章第三话,生活。知道,过去几一些最新传记反传统,开始专注 由此推出,最新传记专注传统传记忽视的地方,对应选项A中:focusoverlooked aspectwriterswork.2. With which of the following would the author of the passage agree?A. The prev

6、alence of scholarship on Hemingway is commensurate with his renown as a writer.B. The latest Hemingway biographies consciouslyended to showHemingways vulnerabilities.C. Until recently, Hemingway biographies had shown a similar trend.:B页码:1/22非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝:点睛英语知道,由此推:题干问文章作者会同意的事实是么。根据文章第三话,在最新传

7、记中,生活孤独多疑,也可能在他。出,最新传记表现的弱点,对应选项B中:latestHemingway biographiesshowvulnerabilities.5.长篇阅读The work of English writer Aphra Behn (16401689) changed markedly during the 1680s, as she turned from writing plays to writing prose narratives. According to literary critic Rachel Carnell, most scholars view th

8、is change as primarily motivated by finanl considerations: earning a living by writing for the theatre became more diculthe 1680s, so Behn tried various other types of prose genreshe hope of finding another lucrative medium. In fact, a longstolary scandal novelt she wrotehemid-1680s sold quite well.

9、 Yet, as Carnell notes, Behn did not repeat this approach in her othrose works; instead, she turned toriting shorter, more serious novels, even though only aboulf of these were published during her lifetime. Carnell arguest Behn, whose stage productions are primarily comedies, may have turned to an

10、emerging literary form, the novel, in a conscious attempt to criticize, and subvert for her own ends, the conventions and ideology of a well-established form of her day, the dramatic tragedy.Carnell acknowledgest Behn admired the skill of such contemporarywriters of dramatic tragedy as John Dryden,

11、andt Behns own comicstage productions displayed the same partisanship for the reigning Stuart monarchyt characterized most of the politically oriented dramatic tragedies of her day. However, Carnell arguest Behn took ie with the way in which these writers and plays defined the nature of tragedy. Asp

12、rescribed by Dryden, tragedy waped to concern a heroic man whois a public figure and who undergoes a fallt evokes pity from theaudience. Carnell pos outt Behns tragic novels focus instead on the plight of little-known women and the private world of the household; even in her few novels featuring mal

13、e protagonists, Behn insists on the importance of the crimes these otherwise heroic figures commithe domestic sphere. Moreover, according to Carnell, Behn questioned the view promulgated bymonarchist dramatic tragediech as Drydens:t the envied“public” political idealpassive obedience to the nations

14、kingought to be mirroredhe private sphere, with family members wholly obedient to a male head of household. Carnell sees Behns novels not only as rejecting themof patriarchal and hierarchical family order, but also as warningtinsisting on such a parallel can result in real tragedy befalling the memb

15、ers of the domestic sphere.According to Carnell, Behns choice of literary form underscores thedieren takenbetn her own approach to crafting a tragic story andthe dramatic tragedies, with their artifil distinction bet页码:2/22n the非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝he politic:点睛英语ogue of passespublic and private sphere

16、s. Behns novels engageher era by demonstratingt he good of the nation ultimay moren the good of the public figures who rule it.The passage is primarily concerned withtracing how Behns view of the nature of tragedy changed over timeexplaining one authors view of Behns contribution to the development

17、of an emerging literary formC. dierentiating betn the early and the laiterary works of BehnD. contrasting the approaches to tragedy taken by Behn and by DrydenE. presenting one scholars explanation for a major development in Behns literary career:D:题干问文章主旨,文章介绍文学评论家Carnell的观点,他认为AphraBehn放弃戏剧转向小说的原因

18、是要戏剧的本质,所以选择E:scholarsexplanationdevelopmentBehnscareer.2. The passage suggestst Carnell sees Behns novels featuring maleprotagonists as diering from dramatic tragediech as Drydensfeaturing male protagonistshat the formerA. dct these characters as lessn heroicheir public actionsB. emphasize the cons

19、equen sphereof these characters actionshe privateC. insist on a parallel betn the public and the private spheresD. are aimed at a predominantly female audienceE. dct family members who disobey these protagonists:B:题干问的是描述男主人公,Behn的小说同于戏剧悲剧的地方在哪,定位到文章第二段“even in her few novelscommithe domesticsphere.

20、”,这话是说Behn很少有关于男主人公的小说,即使有也就是在强调这些人在家庭犯下的罪,所以选择B:consequenactionsprivate sphere.3. The passage suggestst Carnell beves Behn held which of thefollowing attitudes about the relationship bet public spheres?n the private andA. The private sphere is more appropriaten is the public sphere as thesetting fo

21、r plays about political events.B. The structure of the private sphere should not replicate the hierarchical order of the public sphere.C. Actionshe private sphere are more fundamental to ensuring the goodof the nationn are actionshe public sphere.D. Crimes committedhe private sphere are likely to ca

22、use tragedyhepublic sphere rathern vice versa.页码:3/22非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝:点睛英语E. The private sphere is the mirror in which ies aecting the public sphere can most clearly be seen.:B:题干问Carnell认为Behn对私人领域和公共领域的态度是么,定位到文章第二段“Moreover, according to Carnell,obedient to a male head of household”,这话是说Carnell

23、的观点是,Behn质疑所谓的家庭也要和公共领域一样做到完全服从户主,所以选择B:privatenot replicateordublic sphere.4. It can be inferred from the passaget the “artifil distinction”refers to theA. practice utilized in dramatic tragedies of providing dierent structuralms for the public and the private spheresideology of many dramatic trage

24、diest advocate passive obedience onlyhe private sphere and nothe public sphereconventiont drama ought to concern eventshe public sphere and t novel ought to concern eventshe private sphereamption made by the authors of conventional dramatic tragediest legitimate tragic action occurs onlyhe public sp

25、hereapproach taken by the dramatic tragedies in dcting male and female characters dierently, depending on whether their roles were public or private:C:题干问根据文章可以推测出“人为区分”是指么,定位到文章第二段“According to Carnell, Behns choice of literary formbetn the publicand private spheres.”,这话是说Behn选择小说是为强调自己和戏剧悲剧作家的同,区别

26、在于小说是写私人领域,而戏剧是写公共领域,所以选择C: conventiondramapublicand novelsprivate6.逻辑阅读For moren fifty years, many evolutionary biologistsitedt earlyfish such as Eusthenopteron developed limbs as a result of the need to dragthemselves across short distanwhen their watery habis dried upduring periods of drought. Ho

27、wever, new fossil evidenuggestst thishypothesis is incorrect. Fossilized remains of Acanthostega, a primitive fish, revealt even though the animal had rudimentary limbs, it could not walkon land. Acanthostega lackedles, whieanst its limbs couldntsupport its weight; furthermore, its ribs were too sho

28、rt to prevent theanisms chestfrom collapsing once the animal left water.Which of the following would most strengthen the authors argument?A. The fossilized remains of the Acanthostega are the earst known evidence of early fish.页码:4/22非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝:点睛英语B. The modem descendants of Acanthostega ar

29、e not able to dragthemselves across short distanon land.C. Biologists have foundt some aquatic species can suc themselves across land even though these species do notsfully dragsessles.D. Any animal wicollapsed chestis not able to survive longenough to travel even a short distance across land.E. Som

30、e evolutionary biologists be Acanthostega.:Dvet the new fossils are not from原文大意:许多生物学家假设很久以前的鱼长出四肢是为在陆地上移动很小的距离,但是作者认为最新化石表明即使有四肢也无法在陆地上移动,一是因为没有脚踝能支持身体重,二是因为骨太短能防止上岸后胸腔塌陷。:题干要求选出最可以支持作者结论的选项。可以发现作者的观点和第二个原因之间有逻辑项D填补这个逻辑,那就是胸腔塌陷是否一定会无法在移动,选。7.短篇阅读Few mathematical constructs seem as conceptually sim

31、ple ast ofrandomness. According to the traditional definition, a number is random if it is chosen purely as the result of a probabilistic mechanism such as the roll of a fair die. Id their ground breaking work regarding complexity and thelimiions of formal systems, mathematins Gregory Chaitin and A.

32、N.der this last claim more of throwing a fair die three times: first, 1, 6,Kolmogorov force us toConsider twosibleand 2; second 3, 3, andw let us construct two three-member setsbased on the results. Though the first set 1,6,2uitively seems more randomn the second3,3,3, they are each as li

33、kely to occur, and thusacco Thishe accepted definition, must be considered equally random.e result prompts Chaitin and Kolmogorov to suggest the needfor adard of randomness, onet res on theernal coherenceof the set as oped to its origin.1. Which of the following best describes theanization of the pa

34、ssageas whole?A. A concept isroduced; a traditional definition is put forward; a thoughtexperiment is described; a new definition is proed; the traditional definition is amended as a result.B. A concept isroduced; a traditional definition ipported byauthorities; a thought experiment is described; th

35、e implications of the experiment are discussed.C. A concept isroduced; a traditional definition is considered and rejected; a thought experiment is described; a new definition is proed.页码:5/22非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝:点睛英语D. A concept isroduced; a traditional definition is calledo question; athought experi

36、ment is described; the implications of the experiment are discussed.E. A concept isroduced; authorities are calledo reevaluate a definition;a thought experiment is described; the implications of the experiment are considered and rejected.:C:根据文章主旨,文章首先介绍随机这个概念,对应选项C中:conceptroduced;然后再详细展开,并且说这个定义的足

37、,对应选项C中:traditionalconsidered and rejected;接着举介绍掷骰子实验,对应选项C中:thought experiment;最后说要有基于内在统一的新定义出现才可以:对应选项C中:new definition。2. Consider each of the choiseparay and select allt apply.Which of the following is an inference madehe passage above?The results of the same probabilistic mechanism will each b

38、e as likely as the other to occur.According to the traditional definition of randomness, two numbers should be considered equally random if they result from the same probabilistic mechanism.C. Dierent probabilistic mechanisms are likely to result in similar:B:注意这是一道单选题,而是一道针对每个选项是否正确的选择题。A选项够严谨,若是按照

39、传统定义则为正确,若是按照新定义则为错误,所以能选;B选项符合传统定义,只要是从随机机抽选出来的都是随机的;C选在dierentmechanisms,原文没有比较同的随机机。es.8.长篇阅读Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to thesuering of the industrial workerhe England of the 1840s. What is mostimpressive about the book is theense and painstaking eort m

40、ade by theauthor, Elizabeth Gaskell, to convey the experience of everyday life inworking class homes. Her method is partlyary in nature: the novelincludech features as a carefully annoe reproduction of dialect, theexact details of food priin an account of a tea party, an itemizeddescription of the f

41、urniture of the Bartons living room, and a transcription (again annoed) of the ballad “The Oldham Weaver”. Theerest of this record is considerable, even though the method has a slightly distancing eect.As a member of the middle class, Gaskell could hardly help approaching working-class life as an ou

42、tside observer and a reporter, and the reader of the novel is always conscious of this fact. But there is genuine imaginative re-creation in her accounts of the walk in Green Heys Fields, of tea at the页码:6/22非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝:点睛英语Bartons house, and of John Barton and his friends discovery of the st

43、arving, for a similarlyfamilyhe cellarhe chapter “Poverty and Death.”convincing re-creation of such famis emotions and responses (hich are more cruln the material details on which theere reporter is apt toconcentrate), the English novel had to wait 60 years for the early writing of D.H. Lawrence. If

44、 Gaskell never quite conveys the sense of full participationt would compley authenticate this aspect of Mary Barton, she stillbrings to these scenes anuitive recognition of feelingss its onsucient conviction. The chapter “Old AliHistory” brilliantly dramatizes the situation oftearly generation of wo

45、rkers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers. The account of Job Leigh, the weaver and naturalist who is devoted to the study of biology, vividly embodies one kind of response to an urban industrial environment: an anity for living thingsrdens, by its very cont

46、rast with ivironment,o a kind ofcriness. The early chaptersabout factory workers walking out in spring o Green Heys Fields, about Alice Wilson, remembering in her cellar thetwig-gathering for broomshe native villaget she will never again see, about job Leigh,ent on his impaled insectscapture the cha

47、racteristic responses of a generation to the new and crushing experience ofindustrialism. The other early chapters eloquently portray the the instinctive cooperation with each othert was already important tradition among workers.opment of ing an1. It can be inferred from examples givenhe last paragr

48、aph of thepassaget which of the following was part of “the new and crushingexperience of industrialism” for many members of the English workingclasshe nineteenth century.A. Extortionate food priGeographical displacementHazardous working conditionsAnation from fellow workersDissolution omily ties:C:根

49、据文章最后一段,织布工和自然主义者Job Leigh看到被穿的昆虫非常着急,可以推测出织布工厂会造成十分,对应选项C中:Hazardous working conditions。2. It can be inferredt the author of the passage bevest MaryBarton mighve been an even better novel if GaskellA. concentrated on the emotions of a single characterB. made no attempt to re-create experienof which

50、 she had no firsndknowledgeC. made no attempt to reproduce working-class dialectsD. grown up in an industrial city页码:7/22非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注osition as an outsider淘宝:点睛英语E. managed to transcend h:E:根据文章第二段最后一,如果Gaskell可以在描述中加入足够多的参与感,Mary Barton会显得加真实。再根据文章第二段第一,知道作者Gaskell是中产,所以写 Mary Barton时总有局外人的感觉。结

51、合起来知道,如果作者Gaskell可以自己的地位,有参与感地描述工人阶级,Mary Barton会是一本好的书,对应选项E中:transcend outsider。3. Which of the following best describes the authors attitude towarditionGaskells use of the method ofuncritical enthusiasmUnresolved ambivalenceQualified approvalResigned acceptanceMild irriion:Cary recordary Barton?:

52、根据文章第一段最后一,这样的描述好处是巨大的,虽然这种描述方让读者感觉心距离变远。“好处是巨大的”对应选项C中:approval,“虽然这种描述方让读者感觉心距离变远”对应选项C中:Qualified。4. Which of the following is most closelyogous to Job Leigh inMarry Barton, ast character is describedhe passage?A. An entomologist who collected butterflies as a childA small-town attorney whose hob

53、by is nature photographyA young man who leaves his familys dairy farm to start his own businessA city dweller who raises exotic plants on the roof of his apartment buildingE. A union:Eanizer who works in a textile milder dangerous conditions:根据文章最后一段第二话,知道Job Leigh是织布工,也是专注于生物学的自然主义者,工业化让他变得对活着的东西从喜

54、欢到偏执。再根据文章最后一段第三话,知道Job Leigh对被工业化害死的昆虫非常担忧。可以从他是织布工的职业推测出他在纺织厂工作,对应选项E中:works in a textile mill,推测出他的工作环境很还可以从他总是看到昆虫被工业化的机所,对应选项E中:under dangerous conditions。,9.逻辑阅读Anaerobic glycolysis is a pros in which energy is produced, withoutoxygen, through the breakdown of muscle glycogeno lactic acid and页

55、码:8/22非本店,无新服务持续新,欢迎关注淘宝:点睛英语adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy provider. The amount of energyt can be produced anaerobically is a function of the amount of glycogen presentin all vertebrates about 0.5 percent of their muscles wet weight. Thus the anaerobic energy reserves of a vertebrate are

56、proportional to the size of the animal. If, for example, some predators had attacked a 100-ton dinosaur, normally tor, the dinosaur would have been able to generate almost instantaneously, via anaerobic glycolysis, the energy of 3,000 humansatum oxidative metabolic energy production.The passageggest

57、iont the total anaerobic energy reserves of avertebrate are proportional to the vertebrates size is based on which ofthe following amption?A. larger vertebrates conserve more energyn smaller vertebratesB. larger vertebrates use less oxygen per unit weightn smaller vertebratesC. the ability of a vert

58、ebrate to consume food is a function of its sizeD. the amount of muscle tie itebrate is directly related to its sizeE. the size of a vertebrate is proportional to the utilize:Ety of energy it can:本文是关于无氧糖酵解产生能的过程,且提出动物体积越大,所产生的能储备也就越多。以恐龙为,说明其遭遇所能产生的能之巨大。题干中问the total anaerobic energy reserves of a

59、vertebrate are proportionalto the vertebrates size”这一论点是根据哪一条假定推断出来的,通读选项难得出E。10.短篇阅读What makes a worker ant perform one particular task ratherFrom the 1970s to the mid-1980s, researchers emphasizedn another? ernal factorswithin individual ants, such as polymorphism, the presencehe nest ofworkers of

60、 dierent shs and sizes, each suited to a particular task. Other elements then considered to have primary influence upon an ants career were its ageit might change tasks as it got olderand its genetics.However, subsequent ant researchers have focused on external prompts for behavior. In advocating th


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