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1、-. z.货运物流管理系统的设计与实现(VB+Access) 摘 要 现代物流作为一种先进的组织方式和管理技术,被广泛认为是企业在降低物资消耗、提高劳动生产效率以外的重要利润源泉,在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用。加快中国现代物流的发展,对于优化资源配置,提高经济运行质量,促进企业改革发展,推进中 .摘 要现代物流作为一种先进的组织方式和管理技术,被广泛认为是企业在降低物资消耗、提高劳动生产效率以外的重要利润源泉,在国民经济和社会发展中发挥着重要作用。加快中国现代物流的发展,对于优化资源配置,提高经济运行质量,促进企业改革发展,推进中国 经济体制与经济增长方式的两个根本性转变,具有十分重要

2、的意义。随着经济全球化和信息技术的迅速发展,企业生产资料获取与产品营销围日趋扩大,社会生产、物资流通、商品交易及其管理方式正在并将继续发生深刻的变革。我国流通现代化的发展,经营围广、经营品种多,要求物流组织也必须大型化,物流设施现代化、多样化、一体化, 企业竞争优势的途径之一在于成本优势。而成本优势的建立和保持必须以可靠和高效的物流运作为保证。国有大中型企业要走出目前的困境,不仅需要生产适销对路的产品、采取正确的营销策略、以及强有力的资金支持,更需要加强“品质经营”,即强调“时效性”,其核心在于服务的及时性、产品的及时性、信息的及时性和决策反馈的及时性。这些都必须以强有力的物流能力作为保证。一

3、次完整的电子商务过程包括由生产厂家将产品生产出来,通过运输、仓储、加工、配送到用户、消费者的物流全过程。其中分为以下几个方面:生产厂家将生产的单个产品进行包装,并将多个产品集中在大的包装箱;然后,经过运输、批发等环节,在这一环节常需要更大的包装;最后,产品通过零售环节流通到消费者手中,产品通常在这一环节中再还原为单个产品。人们将上述过程的管理称之为供应链物流管理。 贸易过程中的商品从厂家到最终用户的物流过程是客观存在的,长期以来人们从未主动地、系统地、整体地去考虑,因而未能发挥其系统的总体优势。供应链物流的地域和时间跨度大,为此,我们这次毕业设计特此开发了物流。关键词:货运物流,商品交易,供应

4、链物流管理Freight logistics management systemAbstractModern logistics as a means of the organization and management of advanced technologies are widely recognized as enterprises in reducing material consumption, improve labor productivity outside important source of profits in the national economy and so

5、cial development plays an important role. Accelerating the development of modern logistics in China for optimizing the allocation of resources, improving the quality of economic operation, and promote the reform and development of enterprises and promoting Chinas economic structure and mode of econo

6、mic growth two fundamental changes is of great significance. With economic globalization and the rapid development of information technology, access to means of production and marketing enterprises are increasingly e*panding the scope of social production, material flows, modity trading and manageme

7、nt methods are being and will continue to undergo profound changes. My flow of the development of modernization, business scope, multi-species management, logistics requirements of large organizations must, logistics facilities modernization, diversification, integration, enterprise petitive advanta

8、ge lies in the way of cost advantages. And the cost advantages of the need to establish and maintain reliable and efficient logistics operation to ensure. Medium-sized state-owned enterprises to e out of the current difficulties need not only the production of marketable products, the adoption of a

9、correct marketing strategy, and strong financial support, but also the need to strengthen the quality management, which stressed that timeliness, the core lies in the timeliness of services and products timeliness, the timeliness of the information and decision-making feedback timeliness. These must

10、 be strong logistics capabilities as a guarantee. Is a plete e-merce process includes products produced by manufacturers will be through transport, storage, processing, distribution to users, consumers throughout the logistics process. Which is divided into the following areas : the individual manuf

11、acturers will produce products packaging, and a number of products focused on large bo*es; Then, after transportation, wholesale and links in the chain, usually requires greater packaging; Finally, the flow of products through the retail chain to consumers, the product is usually further back in the

12、 chain for individual products. It will be known as the supply chain management process logistics management. Trade process from manufacturers to end-users of modities logistics process is an objective e*istence, it has never been active, systematic, integrated manner to consider, and thus unable to

13、 play its overall advantages of the system. Supply chain logistics geographical and time span large, and for this reason we developed the graduate design hereby logistics management system.Keyword : freight logistics, modity trading, supply chain logistics management系统模块分析:运单管理模块:功过运单管理模块可以新增加运单业务,同

14、时可以管理所有运单业务,如新增加、查询运单、修改运单和删除运单。客户管理模块:对物流管理系统的客户信息进行管理,通过这个模块可以新增加客户、查询客户信息、修改客户信息和删除客户信息。结算管理模块:通过结算管理模块,对物流管理系统的业务单据做结算管理,在这个模块中,可以查询结算单据、逐条浏览结算单据、全部浏览结算单据、打印结算单据、汇总结算单据、打印汇总结算单据。系统管理模块:在系统管理模块中,可以对物流管理系统中的车站信息和品名信息进行设置,包括新增加信息、修改信息和删除信息,已经对用户密码修改的设置功能。 退出系统模块:退出物流信息管理系统。 目 录 字摘要Abstract引言1第一章概述1

15、 1. 1管理信息系统概述11.2可行性分析1物流管理系统的分析1业务流程分析11.3数据库系统设计3 1.4测试方法简介51.4. 1白盒法5黑盒法5测试步骤5 1.5开发工具的选择5第二章编程环境的选择92.1关系型数据库的实现92.2二者的结合(DBA)9第三章Windows下的VisualBasic编程环境简介10 3.1面向对象的编程103.2实现菜单选项103.3实现工具栏103.4帮助113.5关于版本11 第四章使用2003实现关系型数据库124.1数据库的概念124.2新建一个数据库124.3修改已建的数据库124.4实现数据库之间的联系12 4.5数据库设计12第五章物流系

16、统分析与各功能模块设计155.1物流管理系统系统分析155.2系统模块分析155.3各功能模块设计16 总结23参考文献24致25附录代码清单26 容简介 六层结构,采用钢筋混凝土全现浇结构设计。建筑面积4100,占地面积700,地质资料:属类建筑场地,余略。基本风压:w0=0.35KN/M2(地面粗糙度属B类)本设计主要分为两大部分:第一部分为建筑设计。建筑设计是在总体规划的前提下,根据任务书的要求,综合考虑基地环境,使用功能,结构施工,材料设备,建筑设计及建筑艺术问题,解决建筑物的使用功能和空间的安排。依据建筑物的概念,建筑方针的原则,完成了拟建宿舍楼以下几方面的设计:建筑总平面设计,建筑

17、布局,基本单元设计,公共部分设计,空间组合设计,屋面设计,建筑立面设计及建筑防火设计等等。第二部分为结构设计。结构设计由框架设计,楼梯设计,板设计和基础设计等组成。该建筑的抗震设防烈度为6度,抗震等级为2级,可不考虑水平地震作用对横向框架的影响。竖向荷载作用下,横向框架力计算采用弯矩分配法,而力组合比较了竖向荷载组合和竖向荷载与风荷载组合时对框架梁,柱产生的不利影响,取两者中较大值对框架梁,柱进行截面设计。 文件组成及目录 word文档:一 、工程概况1二、框架结构布置及计算简图3(一)梁柱尺寸3(二)计算简图3三、荷载计算5(一)恒荷载计算及计算简图5(二)活荷载计算及计算简图8(三)风荷载

18、计算及计算简图9四、力计算9(一)恒荷载作用下的力计算9(二)活荷载作用下的力计算15(三)风荷载作用下的力计算19五、力组合22(一)梁力组合22(二)柱力组合25六、截面设计27(一)梁截面设计27(二)柱截面设计29七、楼梯设计31(一)楼梯板计算31(二)平台板计算33(三)平台梁计算34八、结束语36九、致37十、参考文献38 cad图纸:(共17)建筑设计说明屋顶平面图标准层平面图底层平面图正立面图侧立面图剖面图详图结构设计总说明柱平面配筋图基础平面布置图一五层梁配筋图六层梁配筋图一五层板平面配筋图六层板平面配筋图楼梯大样图一品框架配筋图 详图 摘 要可编程序控制器在工业自动化中的


20、下:在入路口的各个方向附近的地下按要求埋设感应线圈,当汽车经过时就会产生涡流损耗,环状绝缘电线的电感开始减少,即可检测出汽车的通过,并将这一信号转换为标准脉冲信号作为可编程控制器的控制输入,并用PLC计数,按一定控制规律自动调节红绿灯的时长。关键词: PLC(可编程序控制器); 三菱F*2N;传感器探测;交通灯。 AbstractThe variable procedure controller is in industry automate the position is e*tremely important, e*tensive application in each professio

21、n. Along with the development of science and technology, the function of the programmable controller is increasingly perfect, plus smallscaled turn, the price is low, the credibility is high, the application that is in modern industry is more out standing. The city transportation light control adopt

22、s programmable to make the tool contain high credibility, the maintenance convenience, the method of using is simple, the in general use strong etc. characteristics, this te*t uses the design that the programmable controller of the Mitsubishi F*2N control intersections conveyance light e*plains the

23、programmable controller hardware software. Resolve the good highway transportation light control problem will is guarantee the transportation contain preface, safety, fast movement of important link. But the transportation signal beacon control systems have now are all the single and fi*ed cycle tim

24、es controls, cant carry on regulating the control according to the actual transportation condition enough. The programmable preface controller of the Mitsubishi series and spread the feeling technique to carry out the intelligence signal control toward the transportation light. Can use as follows th

25、e project controls the transportation situation on road: the creation spreads the feeling machine to probe into the vehicle quantity the hour of control the transportation light is long. In a specific way and as follows: The at go the into the underground of the each the direction neighborhood the o

26、f the street corner the to lay the to respond the coil the according to the trequest, the be the automobile to the pass by the will produce the to flow the to e*haust, the wreath the form insulates the electricity the feeling of the electric the wire to start reduce, can immediately e*amine pass of

27、an automobile, and convert this signal control importation that is the programmable controller for the standard pulse signal, counteract the PLC to count, long by the hour that the certain control regulation regulates the traffic lights automatically. Keywords:PLC( Programmable Logical Controller);

28、Trapezoid; diagram; Instruction In proper order function diagram Transportation light本课题主要研究容按照城市交通控制的需要,本文讨论了用PLC实现正常时序、急车强通2种控制方式,通过传感器与PLC完成对交通异常状况(滞留或堵车)的判别及处理。 正常时序控制对路面进行控制.南北方向红灯时,东西方向绿灯.绿灯闪3秒紧接着黄灯闪2秒,变红灯.南北方向红灯直接变绿灯.东西方向红灯时同理. 急车强通时,发送信号给交通灯让其对来急车方向的交通灯进行绿灯畅通. 急车强通信号受急车强通开关控制;无急车时,信号灯接正常时序控制

29、;有急车来时,一律强制让急车方向的绿灯亮,使急车放行,直至急车通过为止。交通滞留的异常情况,在路口与路尾设置两个传感器进行检测车流量.交通路段车流量繁忙时,传感器起到勘测车流量的存在与通过的作用。当一方车流量过大的时候,PLC要对控制这一路段的信号灯进行调控,让滞留或堵车的一方绿灯时间加长,直到交通畅通为止这种工作的好处是避免了交通堵塞造成的不必要的麻烦与事故,对交通的控制进行很方便,很便捷。 目 录 字第1章 绪论 1.1引言 4 1.2课题研究背景.4 1.3现代城市交通灯控制现状.5 1.4本课题主要研究容.6第2章 PLC功能简介 2.1概论.7 2.2可编程控制技术的发展及趋势10

30、2.3主要用途.13 2.4可编程控制器的特点.13 2.5可编程控制器的组成.16 2.6PLC的工作原理.17 2.7主要功能.19第3章 交通灯控制电路的设计 3.1 PLC正常时序.223.2I/O地址分配.22 3.3控制要求.23 3.4设计方案.24 3.5运行程序语句表. 38 3.6运行效果.40第4章 总结.40参考文献. 41致 . 42 民俗文化旅游现状及营销策略探讨(字)摘 要:城是座具有三千多年悠久历史的文明古都。博大深厚的文化气息世人瞩目。民俗文化更是源远流长,以胡同四合院为中心的民俗文化线路受到中外游客的追捧,但目前由于管理不到位等原因,尚存在伪民俗、定位不当等

31、影响民俗旅游资源使用及开发的因素,制约民俗旅游的发展,本文将从开发、营销策略等角度来思考民俗旅游资源的利用。 关键词: 民俗文化旅游;旅游资源的开发;胡同游 ;民俗营销Statu And Marketing Strategy Of Beijing Folk TourismAbstract:Beijing is an ancient city which has a long history and properous civilization over 3,000 years.The profound culture of beijing attract worldwide attention

32、. Beijing folk custom culture what make hutong culture as the central line is well-established, receives the Chinese and foreign tourists to pursue on.But recently,for the reason of bad management,there appeared some phenomenon like staged folk culture, unsuitable market location e*erte bad inffulen

33、ce in developing and e*ploring folk culrure tourism resource.This article focus on the devoloping, government management and other ways to think how to make full of use in Beijing folk culture tourism and the marketing stratages. Keywords: Beijing folk culture tourism;devoloping of tour resource; Fo

34、lk_custom Marketing 拟南芥中几个热相关miRNAs的响应热处理的表达分析(6300字)摘 要:人类的生存和发展离不开自然界中的植物,了解植物适应温度变化的分子机理对作物种质创新具有重要的理论和实际意义。miRNA作为生物体基因表达的重要调控元件,在植物适应外界环境和生长发育的过程中起着重要的调控作用,然而对植物体与热胁迫相关的miRNA还不是十分清楚。本研究通过生物信息学和RT-PCR的方法分析热相关的miRNA的转录表达,为进一步了解miRNA在温度胁迫的生物学功能奠定基础。关键词:拟南芥;胁迫;miRNASeveral Heat-related miRNAs In Ar

35、abidopsis Response to The E*pression of Heat TreatmentAbstract:Inseparable from human e*istence and development of plants in nature, to understand plant adaptation to the molecular mechanism of temperature change on crop germplasm has important theoretical and practical significance. miRNA gene e*pr

36、ession in vivo as an important regulatory elements in plant adaptation to the e*ternal environment and the process of growth and development plays an important regulatory role, however, heat stress on plants associated with the miRNA is not very clear. In this study, bioinformatics and RT-PCR method

37、 to analyze the transcription of heat-related miRNA e*pression of miRNA in order to further understand the biological function of temperature stress basis. Keywords:Arabidopsis thaliana;Stress;miRNA 小型便携式皮带输送机的设计(含零件图和装配图)(任务书,论文说明书字,幻灯片ppt,cad图纸)摘要本次毕业设计是关于皮带输送机的设计,首先对输送机的做了简单的概述;接着分析了输送机的选型原则和计算方法

38、,然后根据这些设计准则与计算选型方法按照给定参数要求进行选型设计;接着对所选择的输送机各主要零部件进行了校核。最后对输送机的主要部件进行了分析。普通型带式输送机由六个主要部件组成:传动装置,机尾和导回装置,中部机架,拉紧装置以及皮带。在皮带输送机的设计、制造以及应用方面,目前我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距,国在设计制造带式输送机过程中存在着很多不足。关键词:带式输送机;选型设计;驱动装置;主要部件Small portable belt conveyor designAbstract:This graduation project is about the leather belt conv

39、eyers design, first has made the simple outline to the conveyer, Then has analyzed conveyers shaping principle and the putational method,then acts according to these design criterion and the putation shaping method according to assigns the parameter to request to carry on the shaping design;Then to

40、conveyer each main spare part which chose has carried on the e*amination.。The popular belt type conveyer is posed of si* major ponents;The transmission device,the airplane tail and leads the installment,middle rack,tightening device as well as leather belt. In the leather belt conveyers design, the

41、manufacture as well as the application aspect, at present our country and the overseas advanced level pared still had the big disparity, the home have many insufficiencies in the design manufacture belt type conveyer process。 Key words: Belt conveyer;Shaping design;Drive;Major ponent小型便携式皮带输送机设计要求带式

42、输送机连续单向传动,载荷变化不大,空载起动,输送带速度允许误差5%。室工作,有粉尘。两班制工作,每班按8H计算,使用期限10(每年按250工作日算)年,在中小厂小批量生产。原始数据:1.输送物料:袋装大米。2.物料特性:&#; 宽度:300mm&#; 每袋重量:50kg。3.工作环境: 室。4.输送系统及相关尺寸:&#; 运距:10m 。&#; 运输速度:0.45 。&#; 滚筒直径:120 。 脱落酸与水稻种子萌发的关系(6200字)摘 要:针对杂交水稻易穗芽性状来自亲本的特性,本研究选用穗发芽率差异显著的杂交水稻亲本金为材料,分别选取浓度10 mg/L、20 mg/L 、60mg/LABA

43、对三个不同杂交水稻种子进行研究容包括:种子萌发率和发芽率测定、种子萌发时胚芽长、胚根长、和侧根数测定,结果表明:经脱落酸处理后,10 mg/L浓度表现为明显的促进发芽增根作用,而其他浓度均表现为抑制发芽, 60mg/L抑制效果最显著,为建立优良的杂交水稻制种栽培模式提供配套措施。关键词:杂交水稻种子;脱落酸;萌发;侧根数ABA of the relationship between seed germinationAbstract:Rice is easy ear buds *ingzhuang characteristics from parents, this study used sig

44、nificantly different sprouting rate of the principal amount of hybrid rice parental materials were selected concentration of 10 mg / L, 20 mg / L, 60mg/LABA the three Different varieties of hybrid rice research, including: for determination of germination rate and germination, seed germination germ

45、length, radicle length, and lateral root number determination, the results show that: After ABA treatment, 10 mg / L concentration showed significant Promote the role of germination by root, while other concentrations are e*pressed as inhibition of germination. 60mg / L inhibited the most significan

46、t effect, for the establishment of good cultivation mode hybrid rice seed production to provide plementary measures. Key words:hybrid rice seed; ABA; germination ; lateral roots本研究目的本文研究设想使用三个不同浓度的脱落酸分别三个杂交水稻品种进行浸种处理,统计其发芽率、萌发率、胚芽长、胚根长、和侧根数,分析总结ABA对水稻种子萌发的一些影响。 工程概况*办公楼位于市区,建筑层数为8层,总建筑面积7050 。该工程为钢筋

47、混凝土框架结构。建筑平面为一字形,受场地限制,宽度14.4m,长度61.2m,底层层高为4.2m,其它层层高为3.5m,室外高差0.3m。框架梁、柱、楼面、屋面板板均为现浇。 设计资料 (1) 气象资料该地区年平均气温为20 。冻土深度1.4m,基本风压0.45kN/m2,以西北风为主导风向,年降水量1000mm。 (2) 地质条件该工程场区地势平坦,土层分布比较规律,地面绝对标高为黄海高程57.1m。(3)框架为二级框架(4) 抗震设防7度抗震。 材料柱采用C30,纵筋采用HRB335,箍筋采用HPB335,梁采用C30,纵筋采用HRB335,箍筋采用HPB235。基础采用C30,纵筋采用H

48、RB335,箍筋采用HPB235。 工程特点本工程为8层,主体高度为33.4m,为高层建筑。高层建筑结构的结构型式繁多,以材料来分有配筋砌体结构、钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构和钢混凝土混合结构等。其中混凝土具有强度高、耐久、易于成型等特点。钢筋具有高强、较好的延性性能。综合起来钢筋混凝土具有强度高,抗震性能好和良好的可塑性。高层建筑中,常见的结构体系有框架结构体系、剪力墙结构体系、框架剪力墙体系和筒体结构体系,高层建筑随着层数和高度的增加水平作用对高层建筑机构安全的控制作用更加显著,包括地震作用和风荷载,高层建筑的承载能力、抗侧刚度、抗震性能、材料用量和造价高低,与其所采用的机构体系又密切的相关。不

49、同的结构体系。适用于不同的层数、高度和功能。因为本次设计是高层办公楼设计,要求有灵活的空间布置,和较高的抗震等级,故根据实际情况决定采用钢筋混凝土框架结构体系。 目 录1. 绪 论11.1工程概况.11.1.1设计资料.11.1.2材料.11.3 本章小结22. 结构设计2.1框架设计32.1.1工程概况32.1.2设计资料32.2荷载计算.62.2.1恒荷载62.2.2活荷载72.2.3梁自重72.2.4柱自重82.2.5墙自重82.3 竖向荷载作用下框架力分析82.3.1 横向框架力计算82.3.2恒荷载作用下框架的梁端剪力及柱轴力计算182.4抗震验算20(毕业设计)2.4.1荷载计算2

50、02.4.2水平地震力作用下框架侧移计算23 2.4.3 横向框架柱的侧移刚度D值242.4.4 横向框架自振周期252.4.5 横向地震作用计算262.4.6 横向框架抗震变形验算272.4.7 水平地震作用下,横向框架的力分析282.5 力组合322.5.1 竖向与地震组合跨间最大弯矩322.5.2 柱力组合342.5.3 框架梁力组合372.6 截面设计392.6.1 承载力抗震调整系数 392.6.2 横向框架梁截面设计392.6.5 柱截面设计432.6.6 节点设计482.7板的计算522.7.1 设计资料522.7.2 楼面板522.7.3 双向板的计算522.7.4 单向板的计算572.8楼梯设计592.8.1 设计资料592.8.2 底层楼梯设计592.8.3 标准层层楼梯设计622.9 基础设计672.9.1 设计资料672.9.2 B柱基础的设计:673 构造要求723.1 梁的构造723.1.1 截面尺寸723.1.2 梁的纵向钢筋733.1.3 梁的箍筋763.2 柱的构造783.2.1 柱截面尺寸783.2.2 柱的纵向钢筋793.2.3 柱的箍筋80 4结 论83主要参考文献84附录85 容简介现拟建宿舍楼一栋,总建筑面积约4513.32平方米,建筑总高度为21.9米,共7层,设计使用年限为50年,拟建宿舍楼所在地土为


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