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1、Unit 4 My family Story timeWarming upThis is 你的好朋友是谁呢?告诉我们吧!This is Hes This is Shes Bobby是如何介绍Tina的呢?This is .Shes my TinaBobbyThis is Bobby. Hes my brother.Tina 该如何介绍Bobby呢?Family 一家人Bobbys FamilyfathermotherThis is myBobby的家里还有谁?Whose family is this (这是谁的一家人)? A. LiuTaos B. Mikes C. Wang BingsWat

2、ch and chooseWhose family is this ? ( 这是谁的家庭?) A. LiuTaos B. Mikes C. Wang Bings.What is Mike doing?( 迈克在什么?) A. playing (玩) B. eating (吃) C. introducing his family to his friends (向朋友介绍家人)Watch and choose看动画,记住Mike的弟弟妹妹是谁!Watch and rememberWatch and rememberWho is Mikes brother? (迈克的弟弟是谁?) Watch an

3、d rememberA. B. C. 2. Who is Mikes sister?TimA. B. C. Helen从书上找出依据并大声读出来。再看动画,想一想Mike如何介绍家人的。Watch and thinkWatch and thinkTry to sayThis is my family.介绍家庭的开场白怎么说呢?This is my father.Try to sayThis is my mother.This is .Hes my . Tim brotherThis is .Shes my .Helen sister Try to sayMike 是如何介绍自己的呢?This

4、is me.这是我。Listen and sayRead time1. 跟读光盘。Unit4 My familyThis is my family.This is my father.This is my mother.This is Tim. Hes my brother.This is Helen. Shes my sister.This is me!跟读课文Read time2. 自读课文。注意模仿哦!Act the story假如你是Mike,你会介绍你的家庭成员吗? 1. 先说开场白.2. 注意Hes、Shes3. 最后介绍自己.Learning Tips(小贴士)My family我的家庭里还有谁?grandpa 爷爷grandma 奶奶My family你会帮我介绍吗?This is my grandpa.This is my grandma.Do you have a sweet family? Show it to us!你也有一个甜蜜温馨的家吧,向我们介绍吧! Consolidation 2.你能够加上自己的语言就更棒!如:Hello, Im This is my family.结束语I love my family等。Learning Tips:(小贴士)1.丰富的表情和动作会帮你加分哦!What is a fami


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