



1、 德国留学2022申请书优秀示范 德国留学2022申请书 Dear _, The presentation of environmental problems in the media was what initially sparked my interest in environmental studies. In school, I have always enjoyed geography and natural sciences, which led me to take the Geography Concours General, a particularly challengi

2、ng exercise. I pursued my interest in taking this study further by selecting books from the recommended reading lists for courses on the environment, published on university websites. I particularly enjoyed Flannerys comprehensive account on global warming in The Weather Makers as well as Heat, how

3、we can stop the planet burning by Monbiot for its daring propositions on how to cut carbon emissions. The Politics of the Environment: Ideas, Activism, Policy by Neil Carter proved to be an excellent complement. For an extended project, a requirement of the OIB, I worked in a group exploring carbon

4、capture and storage as a solution for reducing carbon emissions. Researching such a controversial matter taught me to be patient and careful when selecting my sources. It also led me to contact Dr Ferey of the Lavoisier Institute in Versailles, a leading specialist in the field of microporous solids

5、 whose work I had first learned of in Science et Vie, one of the periodicals I receive regularly. Interviewing him was a particularly stimulating experience. More than this, our conversation made it clear that his teams discoveries can only find concrete uses through the type of approach I wish to s

6、tudy, combining sciences with knowledge of economic, social and political factors. To understand what working on environmental problems is really like, I devoted three weeks of my summer holiday to a work experience placement at the French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the

7、 Sea. I was asked to write a synthesis and analysis of an European Commission report, concerning the implementation of water monitoring programmes throughout the European Union. This job helped me to develop my ability to extract the essential information out of extensive administrative documents an

8、d law texts and to manage my time carefully. I also learnt about the complex management of natural resources and became very interested in methods used in the evaluation of the ecological status of different water bodies. My work ended with an oral presentation, a task which led me to apply the pres

9、entation skills taught at school in front of a professional audience. I enjoyed this exercise for its challenging aspect and the positive feedback I received, which gave me enormous satisfaction. Daily discussions with my mentor, on subjects as various as the importance of a rivers hydromorphology t

10、o aquatic life, the intricate workings of administration and our shared passion for cinema provided me with a more human and social experience of the workplace. In addition to my academic interests, I also have a part-time job teaching English to younger students. I find this to be a challenging but

11、 rewarding task, which has helped me develop my ability to explain things in a clear fashion. I am also a member of my schools football team and play tennis on weekends. I think that living in Shanghai and travelling throughout Asia with my parents has made me a more open-minded individual. Having b

12、een taught in a bilingual and bicultural school, I have learned to approach problems from different perspectives and thus reach a more objective overview. Hence, I am convinced that pursuing my studies in the UK, with its diverse population and internationally recognised universities, is the next lo

13、gical step in my intercultural education and an excellent investment for my future professional career in the environmental sector. Yours sincerely, 留学德国不同阶段申请要求 一、高中留学要求 在国内读完初中二年级的学生,就可以开始进行升学的准备了,不过正式的申请,需要等到了毕业以后才可以提交,还要出示自己的GPA成绩单,要在3.0分左右,而且要有合格的毕业证。 对语言没有强制的要求,但是建议大家咋国内经受德语的培训,确保自己能够跟得上学习,一年的

14、学习费用简略在18万元左右,没有保证金的要求,可以直接前往德国,家长可以陪读。 二、预科留学要求 迎接的高中毕业生,是没有办法直接申请本科的学习的,只能够先进入预科经受专业的过渡学习,不过大家该满足的要求是一样都不能少的,需要完成学业出示证书,而且GPA要达到3.0分以上。 对语言也会有一定的要求,要出示500个小时的德语学习的证明,如果德福考试达到四级还可以免读语言班;一般的学校还会设置有入学的考试,通过考试才可以正式入学。 三、本科留学要求 想要直接入读本科,学生必须要出示本人在211高校中读完一个学期的证明,或者双非学校中读完三个学期的证明,通过考核是可以直接进入相关阶段学习的,当然GP

15、A要有3.0分以上。 还要通过APS的考核,而且确认自己的德福考试在四级以上,目前跨专业的申请在德国高校中的审核是比较严格的,所以大家在准备的时候,还需要确认自己的背景符合要求。 四、硕博留学要求 在读的学生也可以提交申请,只要能够出示证明个人专业能力的证明即可;一般还是兼职完成本科的学习以后再提交,尔德福德考试分数,也要有四级以上,达到五级会更有竞争力。 博士的入学会更重视学生的成果,大家能够展示出自己独力工作和科研的能力,有现成的成果会更有竞争力,对学历没有要求,但是德语能力要合格。 德国留学交通出行攻略 一、车票种类 单次票主要是短途票和票,前者那只能够乘坐一次,不可以换乘,但是价格;后

16、者有时间的规定,在一定时间内不限制换乘的次数,超时则作废。 套票有日票、周票、月票和年票,天票和周票比较适合游客,在规定时间内乘坐不限制次数;月票和年票则是留学生的常见选择,及时缴费以后,可以自由刷卡乘车。 二、公交 乘坐公交车,一定要记得上车后河下车前打票,这样才算是完成了整个坐车的流程,并且下车的话,一定要记得按铃,不然实际很有可能会直接开过站不停。 公交还有很贴心的无障碍设计,如果有轮椅或者婴儿车要上来的话,司机会打开折叠平台,这样上下车都不会遇到什么困难,设计特别的人性化。 三、地铁 路线四通八达,由于是在地下,也不用担心会遇到堵车的问题,并且站点一般都设置在重要的枢纽点,这样能够更大程度上满足乘客的需求,缺点是高峰期人会比较多。 地铁文化也是德国的一道风景线,大家可以看到,不同


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