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1、期中测试卷(6()分钟10()分)好开始计时第一局部听力(30分)一、听录音,根据所听短语的先后顺序,将其汉语意思用ABC排序。(1()分).()做蛋糕()建家庭图书馆()做生日卡片.()许多年前()二十年前()五年以前.()在田地里()在炉火上()在一个小村庄里.()努力学习()谈论()好主意.()放风筝()步行上学()骑自行车二、听录音,判断你所听内容与图意是(T)否(F)相符。(5分))1. A. Where did you live ten years ago?How did you go to school five years ago?)2. A. Who ate a hambur

2、ger for dinner yesterday?What did you have for dinner yesterday?)3. A. What are these big books?B. Where are the books about art?()4. A. Have you got a blue T-shirt?B. Have you got a small one, please?()5. A. What did he do last Sunday?B. When did he go home yesterday?四、听录音,补全句子。(5分)1.1 watched TV w

3、ith my grandma lastThis green bag is nice and.Darning had eggs and milk for.Its to ride a bike.Mr Wang doesnt now. He is old.()5.想知道他们在操场上做什么,可以问:What do they do in the playground?What did they do then?十一、根据表格内容,写句子。(10分)例: Amy cant play football.亨play table tennisWplay footballswim庭)ride bikesplay

4、basketballAmyoQooLinglingQSamDarningQTom1. Lingling2.Sam.3.Darning.4.Tom.听力材料一、1. team 2. coffee 3. really 4. wheel 5. cake 二、1.1 skipped with the girls.This dog helps him.We go to school at 7 oclock.He can play football well.He can be a good goalkeeper.三、1. What time does school start?This little g

5、irl cant walk.Theres a programme about dogs.Can you catch the ball?.1 get up at half past seven.四、l.Can you control the ball?.Can we have a dog, please?.This old man cant sit down? Who can help him?. What time does your school start?. What time did the bell ring?五、1 .You can play football well.cant

6、do it at all.This man is blind.Her mother helps her.Do you do exercise every morning?答案一、1. A 2. B一、1. A 2. B3. A 4.C 5. B二、3 241二、3 241三、1. A 2. B三、1. A 2. B3. A 4. B 5. A四、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A四、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A5.A五、I. well 2. cant 3. blind 4. helps 5. exercise 六、1-5 A AC AC610AABBA五、I. well 2. c

7、ant 3. blind 4. helps 5. exercise 六、1-5 A AC AC610AABBA七、1-5 DBCCC八、CEADB九、1. You can catch the ball well.Dogs are very useful.Their mother helps him.期中测试卷一、选出不同类的一项。(5分)()1. A. radioB. telephoneC. ladyD.TV()2. A. sandwichB. breadC. emailD. cake()3. A. eatB. newspaperC. goD. look()4. A. libraryB. ea

8、syC. heavyD. nice()5. A. hamburgerB. differentC. hardD. big二、按要求完成以下各题。(10分)l.eat (过去式).different (反义词).give (过去式).bring (对应词).drink (过去式).study (近义词)earn (过去式).radio (复数).we (宾格).dancer (动词形式)三、根据汉语提示补全句子。(1()分).There is a tree in front of the(房子).Mary is (读,看)a book now.She was a good (小学生).We has

9、 som e(蛋)and vegetables for dinner.Mr Li likes Chinese(食物).四、选择填空。(20分)()1 .This black bag is nice. But its.A. heavy B. yellow C. happy()2.Where are the books English?A. at B. aboutC. for()3.This small box is light. It5! be for you.A. heavy B. easy C. big( )4.These pencils are new, but those are.A.

10、old 氏 young C. short()5.Where can you find out the books about sports?A. In the library. B. At the zoo C. You can.( )6.What you have for breakfast yesterday?A. do B. did C. does()7.一What did she have for dinner?一She eggs and sausages.A. have B. has C. had()8.Yesterday I went to the zoo and animals.A

11、. see B. saw C. seeing()9.We were thirsty and hungry.So we apples and water.A. ate; drank B. eat; drink C. ate; drink()10.Did your grandma learn English?A. Yes,she didB. No,she didC. Yes,she does.五、句型转换。(10分)l.Its small for her.(变成一般疑问句)2.1 can find out about the weather in this newspaDer.(就戈U线局部提问)

12、3.He studied very hard.(变否认句)4.She made a cake yesterday.(就划线局部提问)5. had for lunch he sandwiches(连词成句)六、从n栏中选出I栏各句的相应答语。(10分)In the library.She had hamburgers.C. No, there werent.D.Yes, he is.E.Yes, I did.In the library.She had hamburgers.C. No, there werent.D.Yes, he is.E.Yes, I did.()1.Did you lea

13、rn music?( )2.Is he your grandpa?()3.Were there any buses here?()4.What did she have for lunch?()5.Where can you find out the books?七、阅读短文,判断正T误F o (10分)Jack and Lisa are good friends. They live far from school. They went to school by bus before. It took them about 30 minutes. There was only one bus

14、 in the town. But now they go to school by car. Sometimes they walk to school because they like walking. It takes about 50 minutes.( )1 .They live near the school.( )2.They went to school by car before.( )3.It takes about 5() minutes to walk to school now.( )4.Jack and Lisa are good friends.( )5.The

15、re were lots of buses in the town before.八、书面表达(25分)介绍一下你的新书包。要求:语言通顺,书写工整,不少于40个单词。答案一、CCBAA二、1. ate 2. same 3. gave 4. talk 5. drank 6. learnlearnt/learned 8. radios 9. us 10. dance三、1. house 2. reading 3. pupil 4. eggs 5. food四、15A BBAA 610 BCB AA五、1. Is it small for her?Where can you find out ab

16、out the weather?He didnt study very hard.What did she do yesterday?He had sandwiches for lunch.六、EDCBA七、FFTTFAn Look at my a new schoolbag. My mother gave it to me. It is pink. It has got three pockets. I can put my books and pencilbox in it. It has got a panda on it. Its nice. I like it very much.期

17、中测试卷一、选出每组中不同类的一项。()1. A. sausage()2. A. e-card()3. A. bread()4. A. dictionary()5. A. sportB. hamburgerB. computerB. lunchB. libraryB. gameC. milkC. e-mailC. dinnerC. bookC. toy二、看图片,写单词,将句子补充完整。1.Her mother was a2.She/s got an4There are many trees in theten years ago.from Ann.It s easy with a三、单项选择

18、。)1. This email is Chinese food.A. for B. about C. fromhard in his class.)2. John was a good boy. HeA. studied B. did C. was)3. Please)3. Pleaseback the basketball tomorrow.A. make B. have C. bring)4. Thank you forme a present.A. gave B. give C. giving)5. This kite has got a dragonit.A. in B. on C.

19、about四、判断以下句子和图片是否(F)相符。)1.)2.)3.)4.)5.Look at this bird. It/s small and nice.I can make a E-card.They had some sausages yesterday.There are lots of food.He went to work by car many years ago.五、选词填空。use, talked, take, wear, drank1. Our teacher about his life ten years ago.2.1 a green sweater.He a bo

20、ttle of milk yesterday.You can my dictionary.want to my toy to my school.六、问答对对碰。()1. Have you got a kite?()2. Where are the books?()3. Can you help me?()4. What did Wang Lin eat yesterday?()5. Does Linda like China?He had some fish.Yes, I have.Theyre in the room.Sorry, I cant.Yes, she does.七、根据对话内容

21、,选择合适的句子填空。Jenny: Lucy, your sweater is very nice.Lucy:1. TOC o 1-5 h z Jenny:2?Lucy: She bought it in a big supermarket.Jenny: My sweater is broken. I want to buy one.Lucy:3.Assistant:4?Jenny: I want a sweater.Assistant: This red sweater is very beautiful. _5.Jenny: Great! Izll take it.八、阅读短文,选择正确答

22、案。My sister Linda was a pupil ten years ago. She was good at math. But now she is a Chinese teacher. She always works hard. She is a good teacher. She likes reading books and singing. She often goes to the library.Can I help youLets go to the supermarketMy mother bought it for me last SundayYou can

23、try it.Where did she buy it?She likes to eat hamburgers. But yesterday she didnt have any hamburgers. She had noodles and some milk for breakfast. She had fish, meat and vegetables for lunch. She had some chicken for dinner.()1. Linda was a ten years ago.A. teacher B. pupil C. nurse ()2. Linda was g

24、ood at.A. English B. Chinese C. math()3. Linda teaches in a school now.A. English B. Chinese C. math ()4. Linda likes.A. singing B. swimming C. watching TV( )5. Yesterday Linda ate for lunch.A. a hamburger B. some chicken C. some fish19/25第二局部笔试(70分)五、判断以下每组单词画线局部的发音是(T)否(F)相同。(10分)六、射掉一个多余的气球(用x表示)

25、,将剩余气球上的字母组成单词,并写下来(首 字母己给出)。(12分)()1. waitemail()2. warmhard()3. drawsaw()4. meatbread()5. wearnear()6. herethere()7. gjrlbirthday()8. foodlook()9. playtoday()10. flowerhow七、单项选择。(8分)()1. The world A.change()2. There are no bananas apples on the table.A. andB. orC. at()3.1 gave a kite _my little si

26、ster.A. inB. forC. to()4. Mr WangEnglish at school.A. teachesB. teachC. teaching()5. Shea book five years ago.A. writesB. is writingC. wrote()6.1 like_ in the library.A. to workingB. workingC. worked()7. Thank you forus clean the classroom.A. helpingB. helpsC. to help答案一、15 CBABC二、1. field 2. dancer

27、 3. email 4, dictionary 5. heavy三、1-5 BACCB四、l.T 2. F 3. F 4.T 5. F五、1. talked 2. wear 3. drank 4. use 5. take TOC o 1-5 h z 六、1.B2.C3. D4. A5.E七、1.C2.E3. B4. A5. D八、1.B2.C3. B4. A5. C20/25期中测试卷一、单项选择。()1. We didnt enough food.A. have B. had C.has()2. There any telephones.A. are B. were C. werent()3

28、. She cooked a fire.A. in B. at C. on()4.一 are they, Lingling?They are my grandparents.A. Who B. What C. Whose()5.Is this your grandpa?一Yes,is.A. he B. this C. it()6. What did she havelunch?A. forB. fromC.about()7. She_ ifs delicious.A.sayB.sayingC.says()8. Theyin a small house three years ago .A. l

29、iveB. livedC. lives()9. Tonight mymum_ cook soup for me.A. willB. wereC. liked()10.Did your dad learn _foreign languages?-Yes, _did.A. some, IB. any, heC. any,I()11. We can take themChina.A.for B. toC. in()12. It got two pockets.A. is B.has C. was()13.1 them in July last year.A. meetB. meetsC. met()

30、14. My father to work at eight oclock every morning.A. goesB.goC.going21/25()15. Til home at seven oclock.A. was B. am C. be二、根据图片完成句子。(1()分)二、根据图片完成句子。(1()分)1. He worked in the2. Amy had fish and.3.1 ate three for dinner.Tve got an from Darning.Linglings grandma in lots of cities.三、选择合适的答语。A.They a

31、re dictionaries.B.They are about art.C.Look! Its on Shelf D.D.Thals a good idea.E.OK. Here you are.(C )1. Where is the English book?(D )2. Lefs go to the zoo.(A )3. What are these big books?( E )4. Please pass me that book!(B )5. What are the books about?四、读一读,完成对话。将选项写到题后横线上。A.I didnt study!B.So wh

32、at did you do on Saturday?C.Really? Why?D.Did you have a good weekend?E.Then we had lunch at Pizza Hut.Tony: 1.DSusan: Yes, I did. But I feel a little tired.Tony: 2.BSusan: Well, on Saturday morning. I played tennis with my roommate, Jenny. 3._E_ And we visited my parents in the afternoon. On Sunday

33、 I stayed at home.Tony: 4.CSusan: Because I studied all day for our English test (测试).Tony: Wait a minute! Do we have a test today? 5.A I just played computergames the whole weekend.五、按要求改写句子。We had some food then.(改否认句)22/25My grandma learnt English .(改一般疑问句)China, take, you, the, to, bag, can(.)(连

34、词成句)They are my grandparenls.(对划线提问)Does your mother go to work at seven oclock?(否认回答)六、阅读理解。(A)Yesterday was June 1st. My father and I went to the beach in Dalian. We went to the beach by bus. We arrived there at ten twenty-four. It was sunny. There were many boys and girls. Some of them were swimm

35、ing and some of them were playing games. My father taught(教)me how to surf (冲浪).At first, I was afraid. After thirty minutes practise, I could surf. I was very tired, but I was happy.()1. They went to the beach on.A. June 3rdB. July 1stC. July 3rdD. June 1st()2. They arrived at the beach at.A. 10:00

36、B. 10:24 C. 12:24D.12:10()3. How did they go to the beach?A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By train. D. By boat.()4.What are the boys and girls doing?Some of them were swimming.They were happy.Some of them were playing games.A and C.23/25()5. The best title of the passage is.A. The beach in Dalian B. June

37、1stC. A day on the beach D. How to surf(B)LiYing likes English very much. She works hard. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dancing? No, she doesnt. But she likes drawing and singing. He

38、r parents likes her. And all the teachers and her friends like her, too.根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)。()1. LiYing likes English.()2. She watches TV every evening.()3. She reads Chinese every morning.()4. All the teachers like her.()5. LiYing likes drawing and dancing.七、写作以“My Travel”为题,描述一个你曾经去过的地方,写一篇4()单词左右的小 作

39、文。24/25答案一、15 ACCAC 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 BBCAC二、1. fields 2. noodles 3. hamburgers 4. email 5. danced三、1 5CDAEB四、1 5DBECA五、1. We dicing have any food then.Did your grandma learn English?You can take the bag to China.Who are they?No, she doesnt.六、(A) DBADC (B) TFFTF七、My TravelIt was sunny and warm today.

40、 I went to the beach near my home with my best friend Jim. It took us twenty minutes to get there by bike. We walked on the beach, played games, swam in the sea and built up a sand castle. We didnt go home until 5:00 in the afternoon. Although we felt tired, we were happy because we really had a goo

41、d time.25/25()8. Its big for you carry(搬).A. too; tooB. to; tooC. too; to八、看图,用单词的适当形式完成句子。(1()分)get sing go have makeAmy a cake last Sunday.Mum is going to shopping tonight.Sam up early(早)in the morning.4. Mike likes very much.5. Lingling wants to some bread.九、按要求改写句子。(10分)She could read and write.

42、(改为否认句) She read write.Ill buy a new bike for you.(改为同义句)Ill(N)He lived in Hangzhou last year.(对画线局部提问) he last year?This green bag is big. Its light.(合并为一个句子) This green bag is.I had two hamburgers forlunch.(对画线局部提问) for lunch?十、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(10分)(建议用时:4分钟)Im Lucy. My old bike is broken. I cant ride

43、 it to school now. So my mother bought a new one for me today. Its small but beautiful. Its blue. Its my favourite colour. It has got a big basket(篮子).I can put my bag in it. I can ride my new bike to school from Monday to Friday. Im very happy.()1. Lucys old bike is.A. niceB. brokenC. small)2. Her

44、bought her a new bike today.A. fatherB. brotherC. mother()3. Lucys favourite colour isA. blueB. yellowC. green)4. Lucys new bike has gotA. basketB. bagC. book)5. She can go to school now.A. on foot 十一、小作文。(1()分) Lucy的连衣裙小了, 买连衣裙的对话吧!B. by taxiC. by bike妈妈想给她买一个新的。请写一段Lucy和妈妈在商店提示:售货员sales assistant要

45、求:语句通顺,语法正确,不少于40个单词。听力材料: 一、1. make a home library, make a cake, make a birthday cardfive years ago, twenty years ago, many years agoin the fields, on a fire, in a small villagetalk about, study hard, a good idearide a bike , fly a kite, walk to school二、1. My grandma didnt have a telephone many yea

46、rs ago.I live in a big city now.Ten years ago, Mr Zhang was a driver.These arc all books about music.My brother had two sandwiches for dinner yesterday. 三、1.1 lived in Shanghai.had fish and chips for dinner yesterday.Theyre dictionaries.Try this white one, please.He studied at home.四、1.1 watched TV

47、with my grandma last night.This green bag is nice and light.Darning had eggs and milk for breakfast.Its easy to ride a bike.Mr Wang doesnt work now. He is old. 答案:一、1. B AC 2. CB A 3. ABC 4. B AC 5. BCA二、l.F 2.T 3.T二、l.F 2.T 3.T4. F 5. F三、1. A 2. B 3. A4. B 5. A四、1. night 2. lightbreakfast 4. easy 5

48、. work五、l.T 2.F 3.T 4. F 5. F6. F 7.T 8. F6. F 7.T 8. F9.T 1(). T六、1. x idea 2.x ask3.x filmx card 5. x study 6.x easy七、l.CB点拨:否认句中or连接两个并列的成分。C点拨:“给某人某物应为give sth. to sb.。A 点拨:在一般现在时中,主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。C点拨:由时间状语five years ago可知动词用过去式。6.B点拨:like后跟动词的-ing形式,即动名词。A 点拨:介词后跟动词的ing形式,即动名词。C八、1. ma

49、de点拨:由时间状语last Sunday可知,应用make的过去式。go点拨:be going to结构后跟动词原形。gets点拨:在一般现在时中,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人 称单数形式。singing点拨:like后跟动词的-ing形式,即动名词。have点拨:“想干某事应为wanl to do sth.。九、1. couldnt; or 2. buy you a new bike3. Where did; live 4. big and light5. What did you have十、1. B 2.C 3. A 4. A 5. CH一、范文:Lucy: Mum, my d

50、ress is small.Mum: Lets buy a new one.Sales assistant: Can I help you?Lucy: Yes, I want a dress.Sales assistant: How about this one?Lucy: Its nice. But its too big for me.Mum: Look at that dress. Its pink.Lucy: Oh, its nice. I like it.Mum: OK. Well take it.期中测试卷(60分钟100分)好开始计时:第一局部听力(4()分)、听录音选出你所听到

51、的单词。(10分)()1.A. teamB. themC. tea()2.A. catchB. coffeeC. control()3.A. reallyB.hungryC. badly()4.A. wellB. willC. wheel()5.A. chickB. cakeC. take二、听录音为以下图片排序。(10 分)三、选出你所听到的句子。(10分)()I. A. What time does school start?B. When does school start?()2. A. This little girl can walk.B. This little girl cant walk.()3. A. Theres a programme about dogs.B. Theres a programme about cats.()4. A. Can you control the ball?B. Can you catch the ball?()5. A. I get up at half past seven.B. He gets up at half past seven.四、听录音,根据所听内容,选择正确的应答语。(5分)()l.A.Yes, I can.B. Yes, I was.()2. A


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