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1、As the author pos out below, the sucs of science has less to do wiparticularmethodn win essential attitude of the scientist. This attitude is essentially oneof inquiry, experimenion and humility before the facts. Therefore, a good scientistis an honest one. True scientists do not bow to any authorit

2、y but they are ever ready to modify or even abandon their ideas if adequate evidence is found contradicting them. Scientists, they do place a high value on honesty.正如作者在下面的文章中指出的那样,科学的成功与其说取决于特定的方法,不如说与科学家的基本态度更有关联。从根本上来讲,这种态度是一种探究、实验、尊重事实的态度。因此,一位优秀的科学家是一位诚实的科学家。真正的科学家不屈从任何,假若发现了与他们的见解相的足够证据,他们就会修正

3、甚至放弃这些想法。科学家作为人,也许不比其他人更加诚实,但在他们的职业之内,科学家确实极为重视诚实。Science and the Scientific Attitudeby Paul G. HewittScience is the body of knowledge about naturet represents the collective efforts,insights, findings, and wisdom of the human race. Science is not something new buthad its beginnings before recorded

4、history when humansdiscovered reoccurringrelationships around them. Through careful observations of these relationships, theybegan to know nature and, because of natures dependability, found they could make predictions to enable some control over their surroundings.科学是关于自然地知识总体,它 代表了人类的共同努力、洞察力、成果和智

5、慧。科学并不是什么新的东西,在有文字记载的历史以前,当人们最初发现了在他们周围反复出现的各种关系时,就有了科学的开端。通过对这些关系的仔细观察,人们开始了解了自然,而由于自然的可靠性,人们还发现他们能够作出,从而有可能在某种程度上控制他们的周围环境。Science made its greatest headway in the sixteenth century when people beganasking answerable questions about nature - when they began replacing superstition by a systematic s

6、earch for order - when experiment in addition to logic was used totest ideas. Where people once tried to influence natural events withandsupernatural forbecause of the, they now had science to guide them. Advance was slow, however,erful opition to scientific methods and ideas.科学在 16 世纪取得了最伟大的进展,因为这时

7、人们提出了有关自然地可以回答的问题,开始以对自然规律的系统代替了, 而且除了运用逻辑外,还运用实验来检验各种观点。以前人们曾试图用巫术和超自然的力量来影响自然事件,而现在有了科学来指导他们。然而由于对科学方法和科学的强有力的,进展是缓慢的。In about 1510 Copernicurevolved about the sun. He universe. After years of hesiggestedt the sun was sionary andt the earthrefuted the ideat the earth was the center of theion, he p

8、ublished his findings but died before his bookwas circulated. His book was considered heretical and dangerous and was banned bythe Church for 200 years. A century after Copernicus, the mathematin Bruno wasburned at the stake - largely for supporting Copernicus, suggesting the sun to be astar, and su

9、ggestingt space was infinite. Galileo was imprisoned for popularizingthe Copernican theory and for his other contributions to scientificcouple of centuries later, Copernican advocates seemed harmless.thought. Yet a在 1510 年前后,是不动的,地球绕着旋转。他驳斥了地球是宇宙中心的观点。经过多年的犹豫,他了自己的成果,但他没等到自己的著作广为流传便了。他的著作被认为是的,被查禁了

10、200 年之久。在要原因就是他支持之后一百年,数学家被在火刑柱上主,认为是一颗恒星,空间是无限的。因普及的他对科学的其他贡献而遭到。然而,两个世纪之后,哥的鼓吹者似乎就无害了。This happens age after age. In the early 1800s geologists met with violentcondemnation because they differed with tesis account of creation. Laterhesame century, geology was safe, but theories of evolution were c

11、ondemned and theteaching of them forbidden. This most likely continues. At every crossway on theroadappot leads to the future, each progressive spirit is oped by a thousand mened to guard the past. Every age has one or more groups ofellectual rebelswho are persecuted, condemned, or suppressed at the

12、 time; but to a later age, theyseem harmless and often essential to the elevation of human conditions.这种事情一个时代接着一个时代发生。19 世纪初,地质学家们因同创世纪有关创世的叙述相左而遭到强烈谴责。同一世纪的晚些时候,地质学安全了,但关于进化的理论却遭到谴责,被讲授。这种情况很可能会继续下去。“在通向未来的每一个路口,每一个具有进步的人都会遭到受命过去的千名的。”每个时代都有一批或几批叛逆的在当时遭到、谴责或,但对后一个时代来说,他们便似乎无害了,而且对于改善人类的状况往往还是必不可少的

13、。The enormoucs of science has led to teral beft scientists havedeveloped and ate employing a method - a methodt is extremely effective ingaining,anizing, and applying new knowledge. Galileo, famous scientist of the 1600s, is usually credited with being the Father of the Scientific Method. Hismethod

14、is essentially as follows: a problem. Guess an answer.Predict the consequenof the guess.Perform experiments to test predictions.Formulate the simplest theoryanizes the three main ingredients: guess,prediction, experimentale.科学的巨大成功导致人们普遍产生了这样一种信念,即科学家们已经制定出来并正在运用着法一种在获取、组织和应用新知识方面

15、极为有效地方法。17 世纪的著名科学家学方法之父。他的方法主要如下:通常被认为是科1、确认一个问题2、猜测一个3、这一猜测的4、做实验以检验这些5、用公式表达能概括猜测、和实验结果这三大要素的最简明的理论Although this cookbook method has a certain appeal, to has not been the key to most of the breakthroughs and discoveries in science. Trial and error, experimen ion without guessing, accidental disco

16、very, and other methodsaccount for much of the progress in science. Rather n a particular method, thesucs of science has more to do with an attitude common to scientists. Thisattitude is essentially one of inquiry, experimenion, and humility before the facts. If a scientist holds an idea to be true

17、and finds any counterevidence whatever, theidea is either modified or abandoned. In the scientific spirit, the idea must bemodified or abandoned in spite of the repuion of theadvocating it. As anexample, the grey respected Greek philosopher Aristotle saidt falling bodiesfall at a speed proportional

18、to their weight. This false idea was held to be true for more n 2,000 years because of Aristotles immense authority. he scientific spirit, however, a single verifiable experiment to the contrary outweighs anyauthority, regardless of repu ion or the number of followers and advocates.尽管这种菜谱式的方法有一定的,但它


20、吹者。Scientists must accept facts even when they would like them to be different.They must strive to distinguish betn what they see and what they wish to see -for humanitys capacity for self-deception is vast. People have traditionally tendedto adopt general rules, befs, creeds, theories, and ideas wi

21、thout thoroughlyquestioning their validity and to retahem long after they have been shown to bemeaningless, false, oreast questionable. The most widespread amptions arethe least questioned. Most often, when an idea is adopted, particular attention isgiven to casest seem to support it, while casest s

22、eem to refute it aredistorted, belittled, or ignored. We feel deeplyt it is a sign of weakness tochange out minds. Competent scientists, however, must be expert at changingtheir minds. This is because scieneeks not to defend our befs but to improvethem. Better theories are made by those who are notg

23、 up on prevailing ones.科学家必须接受事实,即使在他们希望事实不同时也必须如此。他们必须竭尽全力把他们看到的同他们所希望看到的区分开来因为人类具有极大地自欺能力。人们一贯倾向于彻底询问其是否正确,便采纳一般的规则、信仰、信念、观点,而且在它们被证实是毫无意义的、错误的或者至少是可疑的之后,能长久地抱住它们不放。流传最广的假定是最少受到怀疑的。当某种观点被采纳之后,人们特别注意的往往是那些似乎是证实这一观点的事例,而似乎是驳斥它的事例则被歪曲、贬低或忽视。都深深感到,改变看法是一种软弱的表现。然而,有能力的科学家必须改变看法。这是因为科学所追求的并不是的信念改进的信念。只有

24、那些不迷恋于流行理论的能创造出更好的理论来。Away from their profes, scientists are inherently no more honest orethicaln otheople. Butheir profesthey work in an arenat puts ahigh premium on honesty. The cardinal rule in science ist all claims must betestable - they must be capable,east in principle, of being proved wrong.

25、 Forexample, if someone claimst a certain procedure has a certain result, it must inprincipesible to perform a proceduret will either confirm or contradictthe claim. If confirmed, then the claim is regarded as useful and a stepfurther knowledge. None of us has the time or energy or resour-stone tote

26、st everytoclaim, so most of the time we must take somebodys word. However, we musvesome criterion for deciding whether ones word is as good as anothers andwhether one claim is as good as another. The criterion, again, ist the claimmust be testable. To reduce the likelihood of error, scientists accept the word onlyof those whose ideas, theories, and findings are testable - if not in practice then atleast in prin


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