



1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 夏日荷塘一年级 外面下着雨,我很想去莫愁湖玩一会儿。和妈妈磋商了一下,妈妈勉强允许了。我们撑着伞,逐渐地走到了公园门口。我加快脚步一下就冲了进去。 Its raining outside. Id like to go to Mochou Lake for a while. After discussing with her mother, she reluctantly agreed. Holding our umbrella, we walked slowly to the gate of the park. I quickened my pace an

2、d rushed in. 今天的公园更加宁静,草地上只有圆圆亮亮的小水珠躺在那儿,看不见抖瓮的老人们,也听不到那嗡嗡的抖瓮声。 Todays Park is very quiet. There are only round and bright water drops lying there on the grass. The old people cant see the shaking urn, and they cant hear the buzzing shaking urn. 我们沿着一条从未走过的湿淋淋的石子小路,走到了一大片荷塘边。站在桥上,哇!好美的荷塘!大大的荷叶一片连着一片

3、,像一把把深浅不同的绿色大伞,荷花已经不像刚开的时候那样繁茂了,有的含苞欲放,有的花瓣已经谢了,只剩下了饱满的莲蓬。突然,一只心爱的鸭子展现在荷塘里。它的头上像顶着一顶红帽子,黑色的羽毛闪闪发亮,两只脚蹼在水中划来划去,安闲自由地犹如在找好吃的东西。咦?这些水泡是从哪儿来的?“快来呀!妈妈”我加紧叫来了妈妈,我们留心地查看了一会儿,揣摩可能是一只龙虾吧!就在我还不解不解的时候,妈妈大叫一声,“看,一只乌龟!”怅然我晚了一步,乌龟已经溜进深水里了。一阵凉风吹来,荷叶上的雨水哗啦啦地响着,原来是一片荷叶上的水又传到另一片荷叶上,他们正在玩嬉戏呢! We followed a wet stone p

4、ath that we had never walked before, and came to the edge of a large lotus pond. Standing on the bridge, wow! What a beautiful lotus pond! The big lotus leaves are connected one by one, like a big green umbrella with different depths. The lotus is not as lush as it was when it was just opened. Sudde

5、nly, a lovely duck appeared in the lotus pond. Its head is like a red hat, black feathers are shining, two flippers are rowing in the water, and it seems to be looking for delicious food leisurely. Why? Where do these blisters come from? Come on! Mom I called mom, we carefully observed for a while, guess it might be a lobster! Just when I was confused, my mother shouted, look, a turtle! Its a pity that Im late. The tortoise has slipped into the deep water. A cool wind blows, and the rain on the lotus leaves clatters. It turns out that the water on one lotus leaf is trans


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