外研版七年级下册英语 Module 11 写作能力提升练 习题课件0_第1页
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1、安徽外研版七年级下写作能力提升练 Module 11Body language安徽外研版七年级下核心素养:通过谈论不同国家的人所使用的不同的肢体语言,了解了不同国家的文化,理解、尊重彼此的风俗习惯。本模块以“Body language”为话题,要求学生了解各地风俗习惯,能简单介绍不同国家的接待礼仪以及不同场合的行为规范。假设你是陈夕,你有个美国笔友叫Mike,他想了解中国的一些礼节。请你根据下面的提示内容,用英语给Mike 写一封电子邮件。提示内容:1. 第一次见到别人的时候要微笑,并握手。2. 说话的时候不要离得太近。如果太近,会使人觉得不舒服。3. 参加聚会不要迟到。要求:1. 按照正确的

2、格式来书写。2. 不要逐词翻译。3. 词数为80 左右。【写作指导】1. 人称:第一、二人称。2. 时态:一般现在时为主。3. 思路构建:介绍风俗引出话题,描述中国风俗习惯.you wanted to know some customs in China. Let me tell you.描写风俗习惯的细节In China, when we meet others for the first time, we usually.When you talk with them, dont.Remember not to.介绍风俗总结发表看法I hope I can help you.Please

3、enjoy yourself if youcome to my country.Dear Mike,Hows everything going?In your last letter, you said that you wanted to know some customs in China. Let me tell you.In China, when we meet others for the first time, we usually smile and shake hands with them. When you talk with people, dont stand too

4、 close to them. That may make【精彩范文】them feel uncomfortable. Remember not to be late when youre invited to a party.I hope I can help you. Please enjoy yourself if you come to my country.I am looking forward to your letter.Love,Chen Xibow, kiss, smile, visit, nod, hug, touch, hold, polite【单词积累】1. shak

5、e hands 握手 2. nod ones head 点头3. each other 互相;彼此 4. touch noses 碰鼻子5. in fact 事实上6. smile at sb. 对某人微笑7. personal space 个人空间【短语积累】1. We Chinese oftenwhen we meet visitors. And sometimes we当我们遇到访问者, 我们中国人经常。有时我们。2. Thats because 那是因为。3. Remember (not) to do sth.记着(不要)做某事。【句型积累】4. In some places, it

6、is polite to , but in other countries it isnt polite to在一些地方,是礼貌的,但是在其他国家,是不礼貌的。在不同的国家,人们互相问候的方式不同,恰到好处的问候方式令人愉悦。握手是最流行的问候方式之一。在美国、英国等一些西方国家,人们初次见面的问候方式是握手,但家人和亲密朋友之间的问候方式是拥抱或吻面颊。在日本,人们初次见面的问候方式是互相鞠躬。在俄罗斯,人们见面时通常亲吻三次。在印度,人们通常把手合在一起并且点头。请你根据上面的文字材料,以“Different countries, different greeting ways”为题写一篇

7、80词左右的英语短文。Different countries, different greeting ways_Different countries, different greeting waysPeople in different countries greet each other in different ways. If you greet people in a right way, you may make them happy and they may think youre polite. In America and Britain, people often shake hands when they meet for the first time. Friends and family members often hug or kiss the cheek. In Japan, people_usually bow to greet each other. In Russia, people usu


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