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1、Life Of Pi1 Ang Lee(李安)Ang Lee is the famous international Chinese director,he has directed serveral films such as “PushingHands”,“Eating Men and Women”, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, “Lust,Caution”,and”Brokeback Mountain”,for which he has became the first Chinese director who won the best direc

2、tor Academy Award .22022/7/1732022/7/17Please enjoy the pictures of three famous movies by dirctor Lee2000Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon(卧虎藏龙)42022/7/1752022/7/1762022/7/17 Film SynopsisThe son of a zookeeper,Pi has a special knowledge of animal behavior and a fervent love of stories.When Pi is sixte

3、en,his family emigrates from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship,along with their zoo animals bound for new homes.The ship sinks.Pi finds himself alone in a lifeboat,his only companions a hyena,an orangutan,a wounded zebra,and Richard Parker,a Bengal tiger.Soon the tiger has dispatch

4、ed all but Pi,whose fear,knowledge,and cunning allow him to coexist with Richard Parker for 227 days while lost at sea.When they finally reach the coast of Mexico,Richard Parker flees to the jungle,never to be seen again. 72022/7/17From my point of view,Life of Pi tells us a story about belief and h

5、umanity.Pi had several kinds of religions believes in his childhood:Hinduism,Christianism and Islam.He tried to find his God and searched for the meaning of life.But after his fathers lesson of blood,he began to doubt his belief and found life no longer interesting.Since their ship was swallowed by

6、sea,his attitude towards life and his belief in God was completely changed.82022/7/17The ship they took experienced a similar type of the Titanic sinking.Pis family members were all dead.He luckily fell on the lifeboat and survived,and there were other creatures in the same boat,a hyena,a zebra with

7、 an broken leg,a chimpanzee,as well as an adult Bengal tigerRichard-Parker.92022/7/17In the first 3 days,the hyena killed the gorilla and the zebra,then the tiger killed hyena.102022/7/17Pi knew that he cant beat Richard,so he made the final choice to get along with Richard in the face of drift life

8、.In 7 months,he collected water,fish and shrimp,and used all the sea survival skills to feed the tiger,also to let himself do it.112022/7/17Of course,the drift also encountered storm,sharks and a variety of exciting and bloody scenes122022/7/17When he was desperate,he found an island,unluckly,it is

9、the cannibal island.They met a kind of magical animal,meerkats.132022/7/17After a short stay in the cannibal,Pi left with the tiger in panic and again began drifting until he was rescued in Mexico beach.At the same time,the tiger Richard turned to the forest and disappeared without looking back.1420

10、22/7/17Although he was rescued finally,we cant imagine how lonely and desperate he was when floating on the endless ocean for several months,no people,no hope,and no future.The tiger was his enemy,but also the only one who can company him.I want to show you some pictures of the movie,you can know ho

11、w lonely but beautiful the ocean is.152022/7/17162022/7/17172022/7/17182022/7/17The light is from glowing jellyfish.192022/7/17Every frame is fantastic,I think thats why I love the movie so much.202022/7/17There are some meaningful things the story wanted to tell us.212022/7/17All of life is an act

12、of letting go,but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.人生也许就是不断的放下,然而令人心痛的是,我都没能好好地与他们道别。I must say a word about fear.It is lifes only ture opponent.Only fear can defeat life.我必须说恐惧,它是生活唯一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life,then,we are turly experiencing what life is off


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