1、P2 Topic (2014 May-Aug)本文近 50 个话题,为 2014 年 1 到 4 月题库中的话题加上 5 月份出现的新题,可以覆盖 5 到 8 月出现的所有 P2 题目,排除了已淘汰的话题。由于题目较多,我将题目分为二等,供各位烤鸭参考:标红的:5-8 月的高频话题,时间不够的烤鸭可以重点准备此类题目。标紫的:5-8 月中出现的频率不高,但仍有出现的。属于二级戒备。:所有话题的参考范文皆为本人口语的修改下的原创内容,归雅思小助手淘宝(有,不得或倒卖。一经发现,保留事者的权利。参考范文使用方法:首先熟读一遍范文,了解素材所讲内容以及大意。然后记住其中的并自己试着复述。不断强化,以
2、达到给出一个话题可以流利说出的效果。参考范文的长度基本都可以达到在表达流利的情况下,说到考官为止。注意:由于雅思反越来越严重,经搜集的考场信息显示,尽管Topic 可以百分百命中,但是里面涵盖的小问,一个 Topic 会有好几种问法。文中题卡总结的小问参考,并不是最终的题卡,强烈建议1在考场上碰到准备过的题目不要盲目乐观,仔细看题卡,回答时尽量将之前准备的素材稍作调整以涵盖提卡上的所有问题文中一些高级词汇和俚语我都做了中文解释,方便大家理解,大多数还附上了简单词语的替换,如果觉得的童鞋可以应用简单词汇哈目录.5喜欢的团体6重要的信7建筑.8. .9积极改变.10忙碌.11励志经历.12童年.
3、.13中国制造.14家中老物件15遗忘16公园17智者18故友19讨厌的.20有趣动物21异地文化22攒钱购物23饭店24.25运动26喜欢读的书27喜剧演员282陪伴老人29离家远行(离家之地)30一节课31.32课程335-8 月新题喜爱的外国.34去过的城市35买来不怎么用的东西36中肯建议.37与别人的东西.38帮助邻居.39童年室内. .40国外名人.41第一个. .42家庭庆祝.43我国的一个法律44一种花45第一次想去的国家46小语种47一个有问题的设备48安家之地49朋友的成功50工作有趣的人51亲近的家人52纪念品53学校朋友54童年学校55.56安家的房子573附录:按相同
4、素材归类..4.25.国外9.40.课程重要的信喜欢读的书课程中国制造忙碌 励志经历名人小团体积极改变 运动艰难时光家中老物件公园智者 陪伴老人遗忘故友 讨厌的野生动物异地文化攒钱购物饭店建议帮助邻居 亲近的家人课程喜剧演员离家远行城市 第一次想去的国家买了闲置童年国外名人第一个 家庭庆祝法律一种花小语种有问题的设备朋友的成功 学校朋友童年学校安家之地4Well, talking about a ben
5、efil networkwebsites I want to share with you but the spel one.website), I supe I have bunch ofould like toroduce to you now is a quiteActually it is an English geographical website, called “nature”. You know, I adore geography andnature very much so I joined the geography assotiony university when
6、I was a freshman.Later thefavorable.of thishis web ite, ittionrodumended it to me, sayingt it is extremelysome knowledge of spel nature phenomenon, liketornados and typhoons. Compared with just hitting the books(俚语看书学习 reading books), Ithink the contentshis website are more vivid. Moreover, recently
7、 it focuses on some out ofthe ordinary weather (俚语不寻常的 unusual 放在 weather 前). You know, because of thesed a threat(威胁) to human beings. Thishuman behaviors, the greenhouse effecwebsite predictst if human beings dont give their best shot(尽全力去做 try their best) to tackle(处理解决 deal with) this problem, t
8、he icebergs in Arctic will melt in several years. Maybeit will give rise to(cause) the frozen weather and heavy storm to the world. Sohe future,his website, Icities like New York may be buried by snow! As for the frequency for me to logthink it maybe 2 days a time.As far as Im concerned, I be ve thi
9、s website is very benefil. You know, I have got acquawith(了解熟悉 knew) some geography knowledge through it. Moreover, I reckon everywho has spotted(看 watched) it will commence to contemplate(思考 consider) what we can do to protect our environment.his way, it is quite thought-provoking(引人深思的).In a nuts,
10、 I think this website is wormendation.5assoWell, talking about a group I adore, I guess I have bums I wanna share with you, but thee.onsored by a renowned multinationalone I would like toroduce to you now is a quitRecently, I participated in a business comcompany( 知名外企 famous foreign com competition
11、 was writing a marketing prosa group member. The misfor thealfor a large shopmall and applying oureahe malls. As for(至于 talking about) the teammates, I had 5 members. Theybusinewere all my buddies(俚语朋友 friends) but they came from different collagesy university.was an expert in(精通 good at) a differen
12、t part, for example, you know, English,Everytheoretical knowledge, communication skills and sol relationships.his way, we could runlike a company. The requirement of the competition was stringent(严格的 strict) and the proswas pretty strenuous(费力的艰辛的 tough). I remember duringt time, every member wasbur
13、ning the candle at both ends(俚语形容辛苦) and burning the midnight oil(俚语形容挑灯夜战). Espelly for the final, we were quite painstaking(艰辛的). I remember one of my members wore a cumbersome(笨重的 heavy) cartoon costume to canvass(招揽 attract) thecustomers. Others were busy inconcept to the judges.eracting with co
14、nsumers and I was explaining our marketingBut finally, we became champion of this competition. I think our group is desirable and I adorethem very much. You know, we could seek common pos while reserving differen. Theymade me feel teamwork was quite indispensable(必要的 nesary) and I wouldnt makesometh
15、ing of myself(俚语获得成功 succeed) in future withoooperation.In a nuts, I was lucky to be a member of this group.6Well, talking about a letter I have received, I guess I have bunch of letters I wanna share with you,but the one I would like toroduce to you now is a pretty spel message.When I was a sophomo
16、re, I joined the drama club of our university and I was elected to be at time, I was totally green(俚语新手 novice) on acting.e in a drama. You know, atHowever, my father, who is a professor in a film academy, is pretty wise and kind. I just turnedto(向。求助 seek help to) him. Att time, my father just read
17、 the script(剧本) andyzedthe role with me. He also gave me a demonstration(示范) and told me what I could do when Iot the dialogue at the stage. Duringt day, I aced the play(俚语完成地很好 succeeded infthe pay). Five days later, I received a letter from the drama contestanization. It saidt I hadalready been el
18、ected to be the best actresshe competition and I was prized with some cash! Iremembert I was on the top of the world(俚语形容极度高兴 extremely delightful) atttime. Moreover, I told this good news to my parents as soon assible and I wined and dined(俚语宴请) them till lateo the night.As far as Im concerned, I b
19、e ve this message is extremely significant(重要的 important) forme.ly, acting was a tall order(俚语极度之事 difficulty) for me but finally I overcame it.This letter best exemplifiedt I could make something of myself(成功 sucs). Secondly, myfather had given his best shot(尽全力 tried his best) to help me and this
20、letter was the best present to pay him back(回报)In a nuts, this letter is quite memorable.7Well, talking about a fashionabuilding I have visitedhave bunch of constructions Ie to you now is the Library of mywanna share with you. But the one I would like touniversity.Actually it is the main library of
21、our universiw, I am studying in a coastal city, and thein close proximity to(距离。很近 near)main librarys just by the seaside! Also, I tmy dormitory so it is quite convenient for me to get there. As for the exterior(外部) of this library, you know, unlike other buildings, it is about 6-storeies high. I th
22、ink it is quite contemporary(现代化的 modern), instead of being gray stone, is a bright, white faade(外观) wimoderndesign. Also, you know, it is a well-equipped(设备精良的) library! It provides a wealth of(很多 many) books and all the resourare at your disal(任你使用). You can easily check outany books you want. Mor
23、eover, It consists of several parts, such as opened and closed stacks(书库), a catalogue room(目录室), a photocopy room, a computer lab and multi-media classrooms. These high-technology amenities(便利设施 facilities) offer a variety of functions for readers. As far as Im concerned, I adore this library very
24、much. You know, it is like a haven. Every time I study his library, I feel tranquil and serene(平静的 peaceful). The quite atmosphere makes me concentrate on my study. Moreover, when I feel a little tired, I just go to the resting area tooverlook(眺望 look)the sea. The g and dynamic to hit the books.eous
25、 scene recharges my battery, making me more vibrantIn a nuts, I be ve the main library is the most memorabuilding for me.8An advertisementWell, talking about an attractive commerl(商dvertisement) I have spotted(看 dvertisements but the one I want towatched), I supe I can remember bunch of iroduce to y
26、ou now is a quite spel one.It is an advertisement about running shoess for when I spotted it, frly speaking(坦白来讲 to be candid), I cant remember it clearly, but I supe it was maybe 3 years ago when Iwas still a high school student. At t time, I spotted it during the prime time(黄金时间) of a(连续剧). You kn
27、ow, the hero of this advertisement used to be a couch po o(俚语常坐沙发看电视的人). You know, every day he was just glued to the tube(俚语看电视 just watched TV ) But later, brand-new( 崭新的 new) Nike running shoes appeared. Thishomebody(宅女宅女) seemed to be captured by the glamorous shoest he just steppedout his place
28、 and started to jog! He quiiked the breeze on his face. He had run through manyast, hes like(他说 hes recharged my battery,high-rise buildings, rivers and finally reached the peak of the mountain.said), Nike shoes, give me aitive life attitude and youthful heart. Imaking me more vibrant and dynamic to
29、 face my daily routines. Just joe, justt.As far as Im concerned, I think this commerl is awesome. It is quite realistic. You know, therewere many homebodies like the hero sitting on sofas to spot it and the audienthoughttthe hero was just like themselves! Also, I be ve the slogan was quite motivated
30、, so I rememberatt time, I came to the store and bought one at the drop of a hat(俚语马上 right away)., I be ve this advertisement is stimulating(有趣的In a nutseresting).9TOPIC2:最近改变Well, talking about a recent transformation(改变 change)there are bunch of changesou now is a quite spel one.ng jogging(晨跑 mor
31、ning running)I want to share with you, but the one I would like torActually, the change ist I have started to do tevery day. You know, I used to be a homebody(语看电视 watched TV) every day, being a cMoreover, I didnt like to do any outside spor宅女). I was just glued to the tube(俚 o(俚语 指整天躺在沙发上看电视的人). ug
32、ht it was a drophe bucke(t 俚语形容不重要 was not important). But a mongo, one of my buddies(朋友 friends) suddenly diedbecause of overstrain(过度劳累 overwork)! Doctors saidt if he keptng exercise itwouldnppen. I started to realizet it was nesary to boost my physical quality andt. So I just got it rolling(俚语开始做
33、某事 started it).jogging was the easiest way to achieveEvery day I just get up quite early, approximay 6 oclock. After waking up one of my roommates,we just set up to jog the park nearby. We all enjoy the morning breeze on our fa. When wethe roadside vendors(路边摊). After 4feel a little tired, we just s
34、top to have a breakfasmonths exercise, I feel less tired and unwelln before! It is amazing!As far as I concerned, I feel this change is extremely significant. I realize the benefit ofngexercise. You know, jogging makes me feel a youthful heart and aitive life attitude. Moreover,jogging recharges my
35、battery, making me more vibrant and dynamic(有 face my daily routine.的 energetic) toIn a nuts, I be ve this change is quite favorable for me.10P3:生命中比较忙的经历Well, talking about a busy experience for me, I guess I hof airs I want to share withspel one.you, but the one I would like toroduce to you noWhen
36、 I was in high school, I attended the 1500our university held a large sports meet(运动distance running match. Att time,ry class had to participate in it. However,no oney class appd to take p rthistance running. As the class, I justtook this responsibility to challenge this tall order(俚语苦差事 difficultie
37、s) on behalf of my class.However, I was definiy not a running expert so I was quite afraidt I wouldnt cut themustard(俚语达标 reach the standard). So those days I have given my best shot(尽全力 triedmy best) to practice before the match, yet I still didnve much confidence. Frly speaking(说实话 To be cand d),
38、it is a quite strenuous(艰苦的 tough) experience for me to practice.Everyday after class, I just w nt to the playground to runeast one hour until I was exhausted.Fortunay, my classmates were extremely kindt they just encouraged me to insist. Moreover,some of my sworn followers(俚语死党 friends) even came t
39、o the track to practice with me. So Ibecame more vibrant and dynamic(有好)的 energetic). Finally I aced the match(俚语发挥的很As far as Im concerned, I am quite grateful to this busy experience.the habit of running, quite a wholesome(健康的 healthy) lifestyle. Ily, it forced me to buildd boosted my physiquedram
40、atically! Secondly, it made me realize the importance of the support of my buddies(俚语朋友 friends).In a nuts, this experience is quite memorable for me.114. 一个积极的经历Well, talking about aitive experience for me, I guess I have bunch of airs I want to sharewith you, but the one I would like toroduce to y
41、ou now is a quite spel oneWhen I was in high school, I attended the 1500 meters long distance running match. Att time,our university held a large sports meet(运动会) and every class had to p rticipate in it. However,no oney class appd to take parthe long distance running. As the class, I justtook this
42、responsibility to challenge this tall order(俚语苦差事 d fficulties) on behalf of my class.However, I was definiy not a running expert so I was q ite afraidt I wouldnt cut themustard(俚语达标 reach the standard). So those days I have given my best shot(尽全力 triedmy best) to practice before the match, yet I st
43、ill didnve much confidence. Frly speaking(说实话 To be candid), it is a quite strenuous(艰苦的 tough) experience for me to practice.Everyday after class, I just go to the playground to runeast one hour until I was exhausted.Fortunay, my classmates were extremely kindt they just encouraged me to insist. Mo
44、reover,some of my sworn followers(俚语死党 friends) even came to the track to practice with me. So Ibecame more vibrant and dynamic(有好)的 energetic). Finally I aced the match(俚语发挥的很As far as Im concerned, I am quite grateful to thisitive experience.ly, it forced me tobuild the habit of running, quite a w
45、holesome(健康的 healthy) lifestyle. Id boosted myphysique dramatically! Secondly, it made me realize the importance of the support of my buddies(俚语朋友 friends).In a nuts, this experience is quite memorable for me.126. 童年A childhood giftWell, talking about an awesome(极好的,good) gift in like) a host of gad
46、gets(玩意 things) but the one I w one.It is a kind of checker(西洋棋 board game), created in a western country so Im sure yoood, I should say I adore(喜爱oduce to you now is a quite spelopoly”(强手棋). I reckon it was originallyt. I heart monopoly enjoys a superbrepuion and large following(享誉盛名追捧ed) all over
47、the world.was widelyymemory, my father gave it to me as my 10-year-old birthday present 12 years ago. You know, therule of this game was quite simple. You toss the dice(掷) to move forward, occupying thelayers stop on your land, they have to sou(t 俚land and building the hos. When any oth语付钱 pay) as t
48、he rent You will win after othlayers go brupt. Occaally, I played“ Monopoly” with my(俚语父母 parents) and buddies(俚语朋友 friends) duringkends.At , I was green(俚语新手 notice)on this game so it often slipped through my fingers(俚语错失某事的机会 missed the chance) to win. Later, I commenced to get some knack of(俚语掌握诀
49、窍 master the skills) this game like trading with others and calculate the probability. I still remember the feeling when I won the game, I was on cloud nine(俚语十分高兴 felt on the top of the world)!As far as Im concerned, I think this gift is extremely important to me. You know, this checker hascultivat
50、ed some business sense for me and made me get acqua ed with the basic businessm. It made me takeerest on business and I am determined to be a businessmanhefuture! Moreover, I have a blast(形容玩得很爽 enjoyed it) every time I play this game. It recharges my battery, making me more energetic.13folks7.生产在本国
51、的产品Well,talking about a domestic product, I guess I have bunch of th but the one I would like to talk is a quite spel one.to share with you,Actually it is Le-produced by the domestic brandu know, it enjoys a largeed) in China. A vast sum offollowing and a superb repuion(受到追捧 is widefolks(大量的人们 many
52、peoptablet PC(平板电脑)e ve it is one of the market.y memory, one of my best buddies(俚语朋) justmended it to me. I havechecked the price on themerce websosts approximay 2000 RMB. You know,compared with IPAD, it is much cher. Mos many advantages.ly, is a prettybig volume, about 32GB. You know I adore trave
53、lling so Im able to put enough movies in it to killmy time during the course. Secon ly, it is not so cumbersome(笨重的 heavy) like Ipad 3, I think. You know, I like to read e-books lying on the bed and it is quite comfortable for my arms to lift it.Moreover, sometimes the system is lted(死机 is breaking
54、down)even though many appsare open. Although is some downsides, it is tolerable for me.As far as I am concerned, I be ve it is quite benefil. You know, it offers various(很多 many)functions for the users I can use it to watovies, listen to music, surf theernet, take photosand so on! Moreover, it is mo
55、re affordable compared with itsernational competitors.In a nuts, I will definiy support Le-pad, the domestic electronic products.148. 家中老物件Well,talking about an old appliancy puess I have bunch of things I want to sharewith you, but the one I would like to talk is a quite spel one.Id like to talk ab
56、out my Sony CD p ayer, which was produced by one of the most remarkable(卓越的,非凡的 best) electronic products manufacturershe world. With the strend ofthe CD players 10 years a o, youn sters(年轻人 young people) tended to own a CD player to appre te the awesome music of their favorite musi ns. Similarly, I
57、 had a strong craving(强烈渴望 I was eager to buy) for buying a fancy CD player. The time I saw an optimal (理想的as in a shopmall when I was around 12 years old. It is an elliptical-shd(椭decent)圆形状的) CD player wiwesome black exterior and two large loudspeakers (扩音器). Moreamazingly, when it was playing the
58、 music, it would emit light(发光) in coordination with themusic playing. By saving money for over 3 months, Iast obtained this luxurious product. AfterI placed a CD inside of it, the diminutive(小的 small) LCD would display the track information. Iremembert thesong I chose was a pop song named As long a
59、s you love me sang by aband called Backstreet Boys. I was on cloud nine(俚语形容极度高兴 extremely happy) and immersed in( 沉浸于) the bliss of the melodic songs when I was lying on my couch, kicking back and relaxing.As far as Im concerned, I dont want to buy a new one because ispanied us for somany years. It
60、 can often help us to recall the hilarious(欢快的,happy) past days. Moreover, asthe popularization of thechange a new oneernet, I have already reduced the frequency to use it so it is no use to15In a nuts, I be ve this old CD player is quite memorable for me.9. 你忘记带的东西/忘记做的事Well, talking about somethin
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