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1、大学英语课堂缺失(qu sh)了什么? 云南师大外国语学院(xuyun) 侯云洁共八十一页缺失一:人本的课堂(ktng)关注学生个体差异不够师生互动交流不够学生认知与情感结合不够共八十一页人本主义(rn bn zh y)理论(Humanistic Theory)Humanistic approaches emphasize the importance of the inner world of the learner and place the individuals thoughts, feelings and emotions at the forefront of all human

2、development. 强调(qing dio)人的内心世界的重要性,将人的思想、情感和情绪置于人的整个心理发展的前沿地位。共八十一页人本主义(rn bn zh y)卢梭的自然主义、杜威的“以儿童为中心”每个人都有积极发展自己潜能的内在动力,认为人的行为的重要力量。关注经验对人的影响强调自我意识对人的行为的决定作用。罗杰斯:情感和认知是人类精神(jngshn)世界中两个不可分割的组成部分,教育的目的就是要培养情智合一的人。有效的教育必须帮助学生发展积极的自我意识,促进个人潜力的充分发挥。认知学习和体验学习有意义学习和无意义学习共八十一页学习者认知与情感(qnggn)因素1、动机 8、自我界定

3、 15、性别2、兴趣态度 9、抑制 16、焦虑3、学习信念 10、人格4、冒险能力(nngl) 11、学习风格5、竞争性 12、学习策略6、文化认同 13、语言学习潜能7、移情 14、多元智能差异共八十一页缺失二:建构的课堂输出活动为中心的体验学习不够学生个体经验与新知识学习结合不够学生发散和批判(p pn)思维训练不够共八十一页建构主义理论(lln)(Constructivist Theory)Individuals are actively involved right from birth in constructing personal meaning, that is their o

4、wn personal understanding, from their experiences. In other words, everyone makes their own sense of the world and the experiences that surround them. In this way, the learner is brought into central focus in learning theory.个体从自身经验背景出发对客观事物的主观理解和意义建构(jin u),重视学习过程,反对现成知识的简单传授。共八十一页The implications

5、for language teaching It is very important to take account of the learner as an individual, actively involved in constructing meaning.The development of thinking and its relationship to language and experience become a central focus of learning.共八十一页Care should be taken to match the requirements of

6、any task to the cognitive level of which the learner is capable.We can see the application of Piagets nations of assimilation and accommodation to learning a new language.共八十一页建构主义知识观知识的学习是在行为活动(hu dng)或经验中建构的,是逐步显现的、情境化的。学习观学习就是知识建构、解释世界和建构意义,是经验的和重视过程的。教学观教学反应多种观点,是发散性、归纳式样的师生角色观教师是合作者、促进者学生是知识建构者

7、、运用工具的主动探索者(做中学)师生关系平等、和谐协作 。司显柱 (2011)多元互动大学英语教学模式建构-建构主义视域 ,外语学刊2011、1。共八十一页The implications for language teaching (1)Every learning experience should be seen within the context of helping learners to develop a sense of personal identity and relating that to realistic future goals.Learners should

8、be helped and encouraged to make choices for themselves in what and how they learn.It is important for teachers to empathize with their learners by getting to know them as individuals and seeking to understand the ways in which they make sense of the world, rather than always seeking to impose their

9、 own viewpoints.共八十一页The implications for language teaching(2)Language teaching should base more on psychology than on linguistics.Language teaching should consider affective aspects of learning.Language teaching should be concerned with treating the learner as a whole person, and with whole-person

10、involvement in the learning process.Language teaching should see the importance of a learning environment which minimizes anxiety and enhances personal security.共八十一页“Four Pillars”共八十一页learn to know:学会求知(qizh), or learn to learn(学会学习)-Be able to learn by oneself-Be able to learn the things you need

11、in your life and work共八十一页learn to do:学会做事(zu sh)、动手-Be able to put what you learn from books into theory (把知识转化成能力)-Be able to do the things of your own in life(自己动手做的能力)-Be able to show yourself 学会展示(zhnsh)自己、推销自己的能力共八十一页learn to live together:学会共同生活(shnghu);与人相处 -Be able to get along well with th

12、e people around you 学会(xuhu)与身边的人合作-Be able to get along well with the people of different backgrounds将来能与不同文化背景的人交往共八十一页Learn to be:学会做人(zurn),学会发展、生存 -Learn to be a qualified citizen具备做一个普通公民(合格公民)的基本素质-Learn to pursue the correct way of life (have right outline of life and value)寻求正确的生存之道 (人生观、价值

13、观)-Learn to live a dignified and enjoyable life过有尊严(znyn)的生活、过愉快的生活共八十一页Lewin 的心理动力场理论人的行为是环境与人的内在因素交互作用的产物。学生的认知和情感方面(fngmin)的学习成果,与他们的课堂环境感知显著相关。赵庆红、徐锦芬 (2012)大学英语课堂环境与学生课堂行为的关系研究, 外语与外语教学,2012,4.共八十一页通用英语:拓宽人的国际(guj)视野,增加百科知识、培养跨文化交际能力和人的综合素养。专门用途英语:专业交流的能力和人的学术素养。通用英语与专用英语的教学内容差别很大,而教学目标有交叉之处:提高

14、学生应用英语的能力和思辨能力。文秋芳(2014)大学英语教学中通用英语与专用英语之争:问题与对策。外语与外语教学,2014,1.共八十一页学术英语的素质教育:规范写作避免剽窃,做批判性文献综述的能力; 独立思考和分析问题的能力,以及用不同(b tn)视角观察问题和解决问题等批判性的思维能力。-蔡基刚 (2014) 从通用英语到学术英语回归大学英语教学本位,2014,1.共八十一页大学英语语言能力描述(mio sh)维度及其组成要素认知能力(语言知识):语言能力、社会语言能力、语用能力。功能能力(语言技能):听、说、读、写、译。策略能力 (元能力):学习策略、自我学习能力社会能力: 思辨能力、沟

15、通能力、合作能力、跨文化能力、解决问题能力、创新能力、使用信息、媒体与技术的能力。王海啸等(2014)大学英语“语言能力”框架(kun ji)的建构外语与外语教学,2014,1. 共八十一页1916 蔡元培 思想自由、兼容并包1978 工具性、实用性取向1998 关于外语(wiy)专业面向21世纪本科教育改革的若干意见忽略了学生思维能力、创新能力、分析问题和独立见解能力的培养。美国21世纪外语学习目标”5C”communication, culture, connections, comparison, communities.共八十一页2013年全国高校大学英语教学发展学术研讨会提出“以输出

16、为驱动,探索课程教学的创新与突破”,改变我国大学英语教学“以知识输入为核心”的教学模式,强调“以应用为主的输出”的课程教学改革。“输出是目标又是手段,是促进输入吸收的手段,以输出驱动既能够促进产出能力的提高,又能够改进吸收输入的效率(xio l)。”-文秋芳(2013)运用输出驱动理念,促进课堂教学创新共八十一页工具(gngj)功能(instrumental)、内洽功能(integrative)语言活动学生思维能力、思辨能力、表达能力语言理解记忆认知加工能力语言任务学生分析问题、解决问题能力文化教学不同价值观、思维方式和行为方 式体验,形成健全人格和广阔视野(shy)批判教学体会人类社会面临问

17、题,全球眼光、 博雅精神。共八十一页缺失三:人文人文精神、人文素养、人文价值“观乎天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化天下”-周易人类各种文化现象、精神生活、文化生活方式、人生(rnshng)价值观态度、对自然、社会和人的思想观点。共八十一页人文的教学(jio xu):挖掘文本隐性信息品位文本语言质疑文本权威从文本到生活共八十一页How to teach and build humanistic, constructivist class with humanity learning? Renew and build the repertoireTeacher knowledgeTeaching s

18、kills and techniquesReflective journal and action research共八十一页Reading TeachingPre-readingWhile-readingPost-reading共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页Function of pre-reading-Pre-reading (combined with lead-in) Cognitive preparationPsychological preparationEmotional preparation共八十一页Pre-reading a

19、ctivitiesPictures talkingStory telling (teachers or students stories)Asking and answering questionsGames and quizDiscussions共八十一页Aims of while-reading-While-readingReading strategies(skills) trainingWriting discourses learningReading interest stimulationReading habits cultivationlogical thinking abi

20、lity共八十一页While-reading activities1)Predicting 2)Retelling or reorganizing 3)Describing 4)Comparison 5)Classification 6)Elaboration 7)Evaluation 8)Jigsaw reading 9)Matching 10)Problem-solving共八十一页Function of post-reading Deep comprehension of the textUse of new languageInteraction with the writerCrit

21、ical thinking ability共八十一页Post-reading activities1)Simulation,2)Discussion 3)Presentation 4) Debate共八十一页语篇教学 Discourse Teaching 第一个层面是文本体裁分析(Genre Analysis)。比如有四种体裁:记叙文、说明文、论说文和议论文。每一种体裁都有一定的逻辑结构模式。教师(jiosh)对学生进行一定的文本示范分析,能使学生尽快把握文章的大意。共八十一页第二个层面是文章的顶层结构 (Top-level Structure),这是对文本的初步宏观布局掌握。教师可以让学生尽

22、快抓住文章的主题句,使中心含义(hny)能得到进一步的理解。Mind-mapVisual organizer共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页共八十一页第三个层面是段落的逻辑组织模式 (Logical Patterns)。根据段落句与句之间的逻辑,可以有10种模式:时间、空间、举例(j l)、对比、过程、因果、转折、递进、罗列、解释。学生掌握了不同逻辑结构,不仅能迅速解读文本,还能把这个能力迁移到写作当中。共八十一页第四个层面是句子与段落的衔接 (cohesion and coherence)。比如有指代(zh di)、替代、省略、连接和词汇手段。掌握了衔接手段,有助

23、于推理课文内容,还能促进作文的衔接连贯。共八十一页阅读教学的层次(cngc)和策略InferencingPredictingAssociatingSummarizingAnalyzingSynthesizingAppreciatingEvaluatingMonitoringRead beyond the linesRead between the linesRead the lines共八十一页A Process Approach to writing teaching1. Help student writers understand their own composing process;

24、2 .Help them build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting; 3. Give students time to write and rewrite;4. Place central importance on the process of revision;5. Let students discover what they want to say as they write;6. Give students feedback throughout the composing proc

25、ess (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention.7. Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers;8. Include individual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composition.共八十一页A Process Approach to

26、 writing teachingIn other words, writing process involves three stages: planning, developing and revising. Under each stage, there are several activities and techniques. If teachers help with students with each stage of writing and teach students the activities and techniques helpful for each stage,

27、 students will learn not only about the topic, which traditional writing teaching approach focus on, but learn how to create a good piece of writing.共八十一页1. Prewriting or Planning Stage1) Brainstorming: students can work by themselves at beginning, following their impulse, thoughts and interests, jo

28、g all the loose ideas about the subject, then work together with other students, with interaction, students could be inspired by each other, then jot down all the ideas in an informal list. 共八十一页For example, writing about sports, after brainstorming, students may note down:fun at sportsexercise comp

29、etitiveness, jogging for fitnesshard work and paintime and money to spendThe aim for doing brainstorming is to get students think freely and put down all possibly ideasthat come to their minds.共八十一页2) Self-exploring: To create a good piece of writing, all possible resources should be utilized, read

30、books, search the media and internet, talk with knowledge people, talk it over with other friend.3) Self-Questioning: Writing embraces active thinking, based on some ideas about the subject, student writers may ask themselves some questions relating to his or her life. 共八十一页For instance, if it is ab

31、out television, What role does television play in my life? In the lives of my family and friends? What programs do people on campus watch most, and how do those programs affect the way they think about other things?What positive and negative effects television have on peoples lives? Does television

32、make life more interesting? Even before drafting, in order to have a creative writing, ask Who will read it? What do my readers know already? What thought my readers might not know? Self-questioning can be used either before brainstorming or before drafting, it will make the writing more personal an

33、d creative.共八十一页4) Mapping or drawing a subject-tree:Smoking1.bad for health- cause lung cancer-bad for non-smokers 2.expensive-waste of money 3. pollute the air -indoor smoking-smoking in public places 4. dangerous-cause fire 共八十一页5) Free writingFree writing is a technique to stimulate the writers

34、inner thoughts, intuition and sentiments. Writers write without stop, not worry about grammar, cohesion etc, only write about the ideas coming into the mind. In the free writing, a limited time is assigned, so that the writer has no chance to stop, to look back, all they need to do is put all ideas

35、on the paper. It helps students finding out their own feelings and inner thinking about the topic. Its function is like mapping and drawing a subject-tree, however, since all the sentences are there, the next step is to narrow, broaden or edit. In addition, free writing motivates the writers, helps

36、the writers when they feel blocked. Four points should be taken into account when you do free writing.共八十一页Write nonstop about a subject or project on a computer screen or on a piece of paper for about five to ten minutes.Do not worry too much about spelling, grammar, punctuation, coherence and eleg

37、ance or anything else.Focus on formulating questions, ideas and inspiration that can be combined into complex ideas at a later stage.After the session, read back through your work and underline questions, ideas, and passages that seem especially useful.共八十一页6) OutliningAfter all the ideas are identi

38、fied or explored, a more detailed plan is needed. Outlining will display the main structure and supporting details selected from brainstorming, mapping and free writing, it is a necessary step to shape the first draft, also the fundamental step to formulate the final writing product. It may include

39、the main idea of each paragraph with topic sentences and key words for supporting details. It also has an opening and conclusion, at the same time, it is subject to change when drafting.共八十一页2. Writing or Drafting StageWith the results of prewriting and the rough (or formal) outline close at the han

40、d, students may start the drafting stage. During this stage, as the ideas have already come up in the prewriting, students will develop statements and fill in the details according to the outline. It is suggested that non-stop writing is good to keep track of thinking, checking the spelling of the w

41、ord in the dictionary will derail the writers train of thought. At this stage, the writer should concentrate on producing a flow of ideas in language that is reasonable, clear and readable. When composing, if there are any points or words you feel uncertain about, mark them, go back to work on them

42、after the completion of the first draft. It is good to make room or leave margins for additions and changes. Sometimes you have problems to find a suitable title, just leave it, after you complete the draft, a good title will come out naturally based on the writing you have done. 共八十一页During the par

43、agraph writing, some writing principles should be maintained in order to have a good piece of writing. Three principles are important: a controlling idea in each paragraph; all sentences supporting the main idea; paragraph ideas organized coherently and logically. There are also some techniques to w

44、rite a sound paragraph, for example, using pronouns to link ideas, repeating important words or phrases to link ideas; using appropriate transitional expressions to make your thoughts flow smoothly from sentence to sentence (moreover, furthermore, and, but or nevertheless, then, still)共八十一页When comp

45、osing each paragraph, the writer should link ideas from one paragraph to the next. Besides, opening and closing paragraphs are important to hold readers attention, thus it is worth spending time constructing a good opening and closing paragraph.共八十一页3. Revising or Editing StageAfter the completion o

46、f the first draft, it is good to put it some time and distance between you and your paper to clear your mind.When you return to your draft, be prepared to reread it carefully several times and to make changes in content, word choice, and sentence structure. As you revise, you will probably have to a

47、dd details. You will undoubtedly have to change words, substituting more precise language for generalities that will puzzle the reader. You will want to shift sentences from one place to another, or to shorten or expand or combine them. Often you may find yourself reorganizing parts of your paper co

48、mpletely.共八十一页Think of a title for your paper. If you have a title already, look at it carefully and revise it, if necessary. It should suit your thesis and should engage the readers attention without being too general, too long, or too cute.Revised drafts can get mess. Whenever yours gets too messy

49、 to read easily, rewrite it as a new draft. Writing habits and skills vary, but most writers need to do at least two drafts, professional writers and good students writers nearly always do more.共八十一页Suggestions for self-editing: Pay careful attention to clarity as you revise. Many sentences will req

50、uire radical changes to make your ideas easier to understand. Start by fixing the problems you marked in your first draft. Then address any questions readers may have raised. Thereafter, you should check every draft slowly and thoughtfully for errors. Mark your sentence boundaries clearly with perio

51、ds or other end marks. Look out for troublesome verbs, vague pronoun references, and misspelled words.共八十一页Suggestions for peer editors: It is always good to give praise as well as suggestions. When you are editing the writing, you are not expected to find every problem in your classmates writing. B

52、ut you do have an understanding of challenges faced by your classmate in finishing this writing assignment. When responding to the peer editing questions below, be sure to consider each of the following: You are offering suggestions as a coach, a helper and a friend; your suggestions should encourag

53、e rather than discourage; be specific, saying good idea doesnt help the writer much.共八十一页An editing checklist:Is the composition a description of a person?Does the composition use vivid or clear descriptions? Can you form mental picture of the person being described?Is the paragraph organized in a s

54、patial order?Is there a topic sentence in each main paragraph? Please underline it/them.Are supporting details clearly supportive to the topic sentence?Does the writer use the vocabulary or expressions learned in the textbook?Mark any grammar, punctuation, or usage errors that you find.Mark any word

55、s, expressions or phrases you like, and explain why.Mark any unclear phrases, words, and write your suggestions for improvement.List any other comments that you think will help the writer improve his/her writing.共八十一页Final Revising and Proofreading After self-editing and peer editing, the writer wil

56、l do the final revising. Students may not agree peers suggestions, however, it is necessary to check all the small details for the refinement of the essay. When it is completed, proofreading is needed to avoid mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization. During this stage, both stu

57、dents themselves and peers can take the job, so that they learn to proofread writings and teachers can be freed from spending much time on correcting students mistakes. If there are any mistakes related to grammar and word use, teachers may underline them and leave them for students to correct by th

58、emselves. It is suggested that teachers attention should be put on the contents and structure, appreciate the meaning of students writing rather than finding mistakes.共八十一页ConferencingConferencing refers to a private meeting between the teacher and each individual student. It is important for teachers to talk face to face with students about their writing, pointing out their strength and weak


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