unt4 Hobbies (story time)_第1页
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1、盐城市神州路小学 杨军Unit 4 Hobbies (Period 1)Unit 4 Hobbies (Period 1)盐城市神州路小学 杨军I can say the names of different hobbies.我会说不同的兴趣爱好。I know how to introduce the others hobbies.我知道如何去介绍他人的兴趣爱好。I know how to introduce my hobbies.我知道如何去介绍自己的兴趣爱好。Learning aims此张用电子白板一个一个拉出来. Hobbies vocabulary 爱好词汇表跟读爱好词汇,感受词汇特点

2、动词ingFollow the video你能说出一些这样的爱好词汇吗?Try to say( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Watch and tick看动画勾出你看到的爱好danceclass riceread stories(story的复数形式)watch filmsillplay the piano pig apple no此张让学生用电子笔勾出来danceclass ricewatch filmsillplay the piano pig apple noread stories(story的复数形式)此张用电子白板功能

3、把pi a no 移动到单词piano上.What are their hobbies?MikeYang LingLiu TaoSu Hai Su Yang dancing drawing reading swimming playing the piano watching films playing basketball playing football playing table tennis Read and match此张反馈由学生用电子白板连线Tip: 用 圈出人物, 用 画出爱好。Tip: 用 圈出人物, 用 画出爱好。此张反馈由学生用电子白板画和圈此张反馈由学生用电子白板画和圈

4、此张反馈由学生用电子白板画和圈此张反馈由学生用电子白板画和圈 Reading timeDo you have any difficulties?还有什么不会的地方吗?小组合作学习: 1.独自朗读课文,找出不会的词 2.四人小组讨论,互学互助 3.组长写下解决不了的词(纸上) Reading time Reading time Reading time Reading time I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well , but I am not good at football . I like dr

5、awing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.Tip:介绍自己和他人时一定要自信、大方哦!This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes playing football too. He is good at it. He also likes playing table tennis.This is Yang Ling.She is my friend too. She likes reading stories. She has a lot of books. She also likes pla

6、ying the piano.Here are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins. Su Hai likes dancing. Su Yang likes watching films. They both like swimming.Rule(规则): 仔细听题,作出选择“A”or“B” Have a challenge(挑战) 老师这有几道难题, 敢挑战吗?1. Can Liu Tao play football well ? 2. Can Mike play football well ? A.Yes, he can. B. No, he cant.A

7、.Yes, he can. B. No, he cant.be good atAB擅长He is good at football.=He can play football well.“A”or“B”Liu Tao_playing football,too. A. like B. likes“A”or“B”Tip:第三人称单数+动s Yang Ling likes_. A. reading B. read“A”or“B”Tip:like+动名词(动词ing) Su Hai and Su Yang_like swimming. A. all B. both“A”or“B”Tip: both 都

8、(用于两者) all 都(用于两者以上)01Read after one.(跟一个学生读) .02Read together.(齐读).03Read by yourself. (自己读)Tip :1, 选择一个喜欢的方式读一读,并互相评价。2,注意帮助读书有困难的同学。 Reading time Writing time根据图片和课文完成填空AA/B两项,任选一项完成 Writing timeA/B两项,任选一项完成 Writing time根据图片和课文完成填空 Writing timeIm_.I like_and_.I usually _.I am good at_.用几句话介绍一下你的爱好BA/B两项,任选一项完成学生反馈可以用拍照上传功能( 爱好让我们的生活丰富多彩!)Homework:读story time 3遍,并试着背诵。说说你或者你朋友的爱好,并试着写下来。Write 4 or 5 sentences to describe you or your friends hobbies . (用四到五句话描述你或你朋友兴趣爱好 ) Hobbies_ likes _ and _.He/She like _. _and _ like _._ likes _.HobbiesI like _.I like _


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