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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业6A unit7 Protect the EarthStory time Phrase(词组)课本基础知识积累拓展讲解节约用水: (1) 救了我性命: (2)节约用钱: 2.喝水: 喝橙汁: 喝一杯牛奶: 3.用水来洗东西: 用水来浇花: 用铅笔写字: 4.浪费水: (1)浪费时间: 再利用水: 6.节约能源: 许多资源: 大量资源: 7.来自煤炭和石油: 8.在地球上: 9.使用太多的能源: 10.用木头来做桌子: 砍伐太多的树木: 12.有助于保持空气清新: hel

2、p do something 有助于做某事help somebody 帮助某人(宾格)13.使用太多的塑料: 使用塑料来制作包和瓶子: 15.纸袋和塑料瓶: Story time Sentence (句子)水是有用的。 解析:水是不可数名词,放句子开头直接用单数形式表达,后面的动词用单数形式。常见的考点:如果是可数名词放开头,那么一定要用复数形式。例:熊猫很可爱。: 这些桌子是有用的。: 名词语法蛋糕很好吃。 牛奶对我们的身体好。 类似名词的用法:吃苹果: 摘香蕉: 喜欢狗: 红色的裙子: There be 句式还记得吗?在许多地方没有太多的水。 解析:there be 句式翻译成: 有 河里

3、有许多水。: 桌上有许多书。: 我们学校有12个班级。: 注意和have的区别。我有许多书。: 我的妈妈有长头发。: 3.我们不应该浪费水。 解析:should 作为一个情态动词,后面加动词原形,否定句在后面直接加个not。例句:他不应该打游戏。 我们应该保护地球。 4.我们大多数的能源来自煤炭和石油。 解析:most of 表示中的大多数。后面跟不可数名词的话,动词就用单数(三单),后面跟可数名词复数的话就跟复数形式(普通动词原形)。例:我们中的大多数都是学生。 大多数的水不是干净的。 他们中大多数来自中国。 5.我们不应该开太多的车因为小汽车使用很多能源。 解析:because 表示因为,

4、后面跟着句子。他今天不开心因为他妈妈不在家。 6.我们不应该砍伐太多的树木。 7.数目有助于保持空气清新。 太多的塑料对地球有害。 解析:太多的塑料是个不可数名词的短语,后面的动词用单数。注意名词例:树木对地球有好处。 水对地球有好处。 9.我们不应该使用那么多的塑料袋。 too many + 可数名词复数too much + 不可数名词解析:同样是注意名词的数,这个句子中,虽然出现了plastic,但是并不是强调plastic,而是plastic bags,所以是可数名词复数形式。例:我们不应该浪费那么多的能源。 我们应该看很多的书。 巩固练习( ).Look! There are too

5、many _ in the river.A.fish B.plastic C. rubbish D.water( ) 2. We _ use too many plastic bags.A. should B.shouldnt C.can D.dont( ) 3. Trees help _ the air clean.A.keeping B. for keep C. keep D. keeps( ) 4. Dont use _ plastic , Mum.A.too many B too much C. much too D many too( ) 5. We can use water _t

6、hings.A.to clean B cleaning C. clean D. cleans( ) 6. Coal is _ useful energy.A.an B a C. / D the( ) 7. There _ too much water on the farm.A.isnt B. arent C. werent D.wont( )8. Do you know the news? Yes, Mike _ me _ it yesterday.A.told, about B.tells, for C. says, about D.said ,about( )9. There are a

7、 lot of oranges _ the trees.A.in B. at C. on D. of( )10._ a nice poster!A.How B whats C.what D. how is( ) 11. _ comes from trees.A.Coal B wood C. water D. Rubbish( ) 12.most of energy comes from coal and oil. A us B our C we D they( )13. There is not too coal or oil on Earth. A many B much C a lot D

8、 a lot of ( )14. Reading in bed is _ for our eyes.A.good B bad C. useful D.beautiful( )15. We can _ after school.A.walks to home B.goes home C. walk home D. went home用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Dont _(throw)rubbish anywhere.2. The students are _ (plant) trees on the hill now.3. Nancy usually _(use) paper bags a

9、nd glass bottles.4. we have three lessons this moring. The _(two) one is English.5. _(do) your mother go to the supermarket yesterday evening?6. Water is useful for us. We use water _ (wash) clothes.7. Rubbish _(make)the streets dirty.8.Mike would like _( play) computer games with us .9. _(protect)

10、the Earth, we can reuse many things.10. Mike and Helen _(be)in Japan last summer holiday.阅读理解Mary is an English girl. She likes watching basketball matches, but she doesnt have much money to buy tickets(票). She has to watch the matches on TV at home when she has no homework. She must(必须)go to school

11、 from Monday to Friday, so she misses a lot of interesting matches. There will be a big basketball match in the afternoon tomorrow. Mary wants to watch it very much. But her father doesnt think(认为)its good. Because it is Friday, Mary must have lessons.( ) 1. Mary comes from the US.( ) 2. She often w

12、atches the basketball matches on TV.( ) 3. Mary misses a lot of matches because she has not much money .( ) 4. She goes to school from Monday to Saturday .( ) 5. Her father doesnt think its good to watch basketball on Friday, because Mary has lessons that day .Mr. King lived in a small town, but he

13、has a job(工作)in a big city, so he moved(搬到)there with his wife(妻子)and his children last Tuesday.On that day Mr. King took his new car out of the garage (车库) and washed it. A neighbour (邻居) came and looked at the new car for a minute(分钟). Then Mr. King turned(转身)and saw him.“Thats a new car, Is it yo

14、urs(你的)?” the neighbour (邻居) asked.“Sometimes(有时),” Mr. King said. “When there is a party in town, its my daughters(女儿). When theres a football game, it belongs to (属于) my son(儿子). When I washed it and it looks very nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs(需要)gas (汽油),its mine(我的).”(

15、 ).There are _ people in the story.A.three B four C. six D.five( ) 2. Mr king worked in _,A.a small town B.a big city C.the garage D. the gas station ( ) 3.When Mr King was washing the new car, his neighbour came to ask him _. A.if(是否)the car is new . B. what car it is C if the car is Mr. Kings. D.

16、how much is the car( ) 4.”Sometimes” in the story means that _. A.When there is a party in town, the car belongs to his daughter. B.When theres a football game, it is his sons.C.When the car looks very nice and clean, it is his wifes. D.When the car wants gas, it belongs to him.( ) 5.What do you thi

17、nk of Mr. King? He is _. A.sad B. happy C. serious (严肃的) D. humorous (幽默的)Cartoon time Phrase(词组)课本基础知识积累拓展讲解做一个项目: 做作业: 做家务: 2.做一个海报: 做海报: 做红花: 3.告诉他们关于它: (1)讲一个故事: (2)讲故事: 4.开始绘画: (1)让我们开始吧: 5.让我画地球: (1)让他们工作: 6.看上去好看: 7.树上的一些香蕉: (1)树上的一些猴子: 8.不应该乱扔垃圾: 9.在学校门口: Cartoon time Phrase(词组)Boby和Sam 正在做一个项目。 句子改写:否定句: 一般疑问句: 特殊疑问句: 时态改写和句子


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