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1、 团队协作培训Work Teams:An Introduction 作家Michael Novak在描写篮球队时说,队员们以一定的游戏方式、节拍和较高的速度运动着,我们不能只看到一个一个的球员,而应看到的是整个球队的活动。 The author Michael Novak,in writing about basketball teams,says that they move in patterns,in rhythms and at high speed.He says dont look at one individual only,but at the team acting toge

2、ther. 培训目的/Learning Objectives组织中的任务团队特点/Explain the popularity of work teams in organization任务群体与任务团队的区别/Contrast work groups with work teams 建立高绩效团队/High-performing work teams 内容/Outline什么是团队?什么是群体?/Definition:-Work teams; Work groups公司团队与任务群体/Company work teams and work groups胜利团队特征/Characters of

3、 successful work teams演练/Exercises 任务团队与任务群体比较Comparing Work Teams and Work Groups (图示1/Figure 1)任务团队/Work Teams 任务群体/Work Groups 集体绩效 目的 信息分享Collective Performance Goal Share Information 积极的 协作 中立的有时有负作用 Positive Synergy Neutral(Sometimes Negative)个人的和共同的 责任 个人的Individual and Mutual Accountability

4、Individual 互补的 技巧 随机和变化的Complementary Skills Random and Varied经过共同努力,实现团队协作A work team generates positive synergy through a coordinated effort 北京枫华世创企业管理顾问 Topgains management Consulting Co.,Ltd.任务群体/Work group 群体主要是经过信息分享、做出决策,来协助群体成员完成他本人的本职任务。A group that interacts primarily to share information

5、and to make decision that will help each group member perform within his or her area of responsibility. 任务团队/Work Team团队经过集体的协调努力任务,进展积极的协作A group that engages in collective work that requires joint effort and generates a positive synergy. 传统管理的弊端Some Areas of Weakness Traditional Management Styles1

6、、指挥与控制/Dictatorial & Controlling2、从上而下(完全或大部分)/Top down(Completely or mostly)3、短少反响机制或无人听/Lack of feedback mechanisms(or not listened to)4、重阶层而非才干/Hierarchical,not meritocracy5、不恰当的解释/Inadequate explanations6、短少可度量的目的/Lack of measurable goals 7、模糊的时间限制/Vague time limits8、责任与权益不对等(或不充分)/Responsibilit

7、y,but(or inadequate)authority 团队与传统部门相比的优点 Advantages:teams over traditional department1、灵敏性/Flexibility2、有助于对变化的环境做出反响Responsiveness to changing environments3、组建、开展、重新定位以及解散速度快Speed of assembly,deployment,refocusing,and disbandment4、任务称心/Job satisfaction胜利团队的特点Characteristics of successful work tea

8、ms高效团队Effective Teams1、明确的目的Clear goals4、一致的Unified commitment5、良好的沟通Good communication3、互置信任Mutual trust7、高效的指点Effective leadership9、外部支持External support8、内部支持Internal support6、谈判技艺Negotiating skills2、相关技艺Relevant skills1、明确的目的/Clear goals 了解目的/Understand goals 置信其价值及重要性/Believe worthwhile and impo

9、rtant 2、相关技艺/Relevant skills 拥有技术技艺/Possess technical skills 拥有与他人一同任务的性格/Possess personal characteristics for working with others3、互置信任/Mutual trust 置信他人的耿直、特点和才干/Believe in integrity,character,and ability of others. 4、共同承当Unified commitment 团队的认同/Identify with team 为团队目的奉献/Dedicate to teams goals

10、为实现团队目的而心甘情愿/Willingness to apply self to achieve goals 5、良好的沟通/Good communication 沟通才干口头与非口头/Ability to communicate(verbal and non-verbal) 反响/Feedback 6、谈判技艺/Negotiating Skills 面对和处理不同情问题的才干/Ability to confront and reconcile differences7、高效的指点/Effective leadership 目的分类/Classify goals 提高团队成员的自自信心/In

11、crease members self-confidence 培育、辅导与指点者、控制者/Coach and facilitator vs director and controller 8、内部支持/Internal support 培训、绩效评价体系、鼓励方案、人力资源支持/Training,evaluative performance measurement systems,incentive programs,and supportive human resource systems. 9、外部支持/External support 配备所需资源/Provision by manage

12、ment of required resources回想与问题讨论Review & Discussion Question 1、如何了解团队协作在诸如美国、加拿大等这样一些高度个人主义的国家中如此迅速普及?/How do you explain the increasing popularity of work teams in the countries,such as the United States and Canada,whose national cultures place a high value on individualism? 2、他宁愿单独任务还是成为团队中的一员?为什

13、么?/Would you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Why? 3、为什么在建立高绩效团队中,信任是如此重要?Why is trust so important to developing high-performing work teams?4、组织中什么时候个人单独行动,能比团队协作获得更好结果?/When might individuals,acting independently,outperform teams in an organization?1、分成四五人的小组/Break into teams of four or

14、five2、每个团队成员参与团队后分享他/她人的一个胜利的阅历/Each person in the team is to share a positive experience he or she has had while participating on a team. 3、完成第二步后,每个团队成员分享他/她人的一个失败的阅历/After step 2 has completed,each person on team is to share a negative experience he or she has had while participating on a team. 4

15、、分析以下问题的回答:Team members should now analyze the shared responses.假设有的话,团队成员在描画一个胜利阅历时,他发现有什么共同特征?一工人失败阅历呢?What common characters,if any,did you see when team members described a positive experience?A negative experience?他的团队将从阅历分享中获取什么来设计团队?或者来提高团队的效率?What implications can your team draw from these shared experiences for the design of team?For making teams more effective? 团队建立步骤 /Stages of team development 鼓励、委派、授权/Motivation,delegation,and emp


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