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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业2018上-汉译英 (答案)Unit 1 Honor她写了一本详细叙述自己在监狱中的经历的书,其中很多内容都是以前不为人所知的。(detail)She wrote a book detailing her experience in prison, much of which was unknown before. 根据报纸披露,去年该工厂的产量下降了15%, 但是该厂自己的报告却声称他们的产量大幅度增加。 (output)It was revealed by the

2、press that the output of this factory decreased by 15% last year. But the factory claimed in their own report that their output had increased greatly. 他是同龄中第一个结婚生子的,也是第一个离婚的。 (peer)He is the first of his peers to get married and have kids , and the first to get divorced. 尝尝这个饭店的点心吧,这里厨师的特色菜是法式面点。 (s

3、pecialty)Try some cakes of this restaurant. The specialty of the chef here is French pastry. 种种迹象表明民主党比共和党略胜一筹,很可能会出现40年来的第一位民主党的总统统领该国。 (an edge on/over)All signs indicate that Democratic Party gains an edge over Republican Party. A president from Democratic Party for the first time in 40 years wou

4、ld be likely to lead the country. 这位历史人物赫然耸现在1930-1933年整个人类悲剧中,他既是悲剧的缔造者,也是饱尝悲剧苦果者。 (loom)The historical figure loomed during the whole human tragedy from 1930 to 1933. He was both the creator and victim of the tragedy. 如果你有时间,可以向经理投诉,因为只有通过这种程序才能拿回你的钱。 (procedure)You can complain to the manager if

5、you have time, because only by this procedure can you get the money back. 在游行队伍中,有很多几乎都是无名的群众只想要和平,不想要战争。 (anonymous)In the parade, there are a lot of almost anonymous people who want peace only not war. 他是如此敏感的人,把朋友的疏忽错当成蓄意的侮辱。 (mistake)He was such a sensitive person that he mistook his friends neg

6、ligence for a deliberate insult. 一个乐观的人会想着他该采取什么措施才能跟上社会的不断进步,而不是阻止社会的发展。 (keep up with)An optimistic person thinks what he should do to keep up with the society, rather than preventing it from developing. Unit 2 EnergyOn a par with 汉普顿-悉尼学院就以其诚信行为制度与其军事化管理体系一样儿享有盛名。而且此法规扩展到学生在校内和校外的所活动中。并且诚信行为法规认为对

7、违规行为的包容本身就是一种违规行为。 is reputed for an honor code system on a par with military systems, and this code extends to all student activities both on and off campus, and considers tolerance of a violation itself a violation.Pose a threat to sth/sb虽然全球变暖对地球构成威胁,但是人类或许可以通过提高大气层中二氧化碳含量(值)来缓和其所导致的气候威胁。Although

8、 global warming poses a threat to the earth, humans can probably ease the climate threat brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Enough is known to do /about sth/sb对于厄尔尼诺潜在的破坏性人们已了解许多,但其现象本身却仍是令人沮丧的费解之谜。Plenty is known about Elninos destructive potential, but the phenomenon

9、itself remains frustrating mysterious.Consensus on中国就生态和环保已形成全社会共识并正在率先行动起来。“人与自然和谐相处”理念现已深入人心。Chinas society has reached a consensus on ecology and environmental protection and is now taking initiatives in these areas. The idea of “man and nature in harmony” has now taken root in the hearts of the

10、people.Allow for如果母亲节你想在网上订购鲜花,一定确保提前下单,充分考虑到递送礼物的合适时间。既不能太早,也不可过晚。If you are going to place an order for flowers for the Mother Day, make sure to plan your purchase far enough in advance to allow for adequate delivery time which must not be a moment too soon nor too late.7.Often neglected, but no l

11、ess important is .在管理方面,常常被忽略、但却很重要的就是发展规划, 即帮助员工决定他们职业生涯的未来发展方向。然而,出于种种不同原因,这种宝贵的活动经常被忽视,或被作为事后再考虑的事对待处理了。 - helping the employees shape the future direction of their careers. Yet for a variety of reasons, this valuable activity is often ignored or handled as an afterthought8. 利比亚石油产量的提高会增加全球石油供给,并

12、终将能有助于调节(诸如汽油)精炼成品的价格。(Augment)An increase in Libyan oil output would augment global supplies and could eventually help to moderate prices for refined products such as gasoline.10.虽然我们将在此课程的学习过程中阐明多媒体的概念,但是很难对其下一个严谨的定义。因为有许多不同的理解。(sth is hard to pin down)Although we will clarify it in the course of

13、this study, multimedia is hard to pin down to a rigid definition because there are a variety of interpretation.Unit 3 Beautiful Mind他在25岁时就凭自己的首部作品在文坛一举成名。他的作品内容深奥,语言简练,把文学理念引领到一个新的方向。(burst ontoscene) He burst onto the literary scene with his first work when he was 25. His work pushes literary thin

14、king in a new direction with profound ideas and brief language. 没有什么可以引起库里的注意,唯有篮球可以充分发挥他的想象力。他对篮球的理解给我们带来了无尽的快乐和享受。(engage) Nothing but basketball could engage Cooleys attention and give full play to his imagination. His insight into the basketball brings us endless happiness and enjoyment.要想成功,你必须

15、有效地去影响你的同事、你周围的人。而能够成功地影响他人的程度则取决于你的品格以及你能为此而为的炽热程度。(in which; exert influence on)To be successful, a man must exert an effective influence upon his associates and upon people around you, and the degree in which he accomplishes this depends on the personality of the man, the incandescence of which h

16、e is capable.人的生活质量是与其为求卓越而付出的辛劳成正比的,与他们所选择的奋斗领域无关。(commitment to)The quality of a persons life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. 活着就是幸福的,很多事情都不用特别在意,比如谁的车好,谁的房子大。(be obsessed with)We are lucky to live in this world, and we shoul

17、d not be obsessed with too many things, such as who has a better car or who has a bigger house.在学校,有些学生无视他们的老师,他们拒绝服从命令及做任何工作,可能这些学生根本就不知道正确答案。 (thumb nose at)In school, some students thumb their nose at their teacher. They refuse to obey orders or do any work. Maybe these students do not know the c

18、orrect answers.有些人可能对金钱的认识不够而且自律能力也不够好,所以他们常常无法忍住无节制地买东西。因此,最重要的一点是,他们必须要认识到理性消费的重要性。(rational)Some people may not have too much awareness about money and self-discipline: they often cannot help stopping buying things without a limit, so the most important point is that they have to realize the impo

19、rtance of rational consumption.就像许多具有超前思维的预见者所预言的那样,云已经成为了一种像水、电话和电那样不可缺少的现代实用工具。(visionary)Justasmanyforward-thinkingvisionariespredicted, the cloud has become a modern utility like water, phones, and electricity. 这些法官对正义和公平抱有旁人难以理解的绝对信念。在美国,拥有对总统嗤之以鼻的法官被认为是有利于民主的。(faith in,thumb ones nose at)These

20、 judges faith in power of justice and fairness is extreme. In the United States, judges whothumb their noses atpresidents are thought to be good fordemocracy.来自各阶层的人们平时忙于他们世俗的事情,但是现在他们都来听音乐会并且最后同他们平时不会混同在一起的人融为一体了。(be preoccupied with, mingle with )People from all walks of live are preoccupied with

21、their own mundane concerns, but now, they come to hear music and end upminglingwith a lot of people they may not mingle with ineverydaylife.Unit 4 Ethics & competitiveness一个不容逃避的事实是:在就业市场中女性求职者明显处于劣势,而性别歧视则可能是她们求职失败的原因。(there is no escaping this fact that.)There is no escaping this fact that female

22、job hunters are obviously disadvantaged on job markets, and sex discrimination may be the recipe for their failure of employment.当今,年轻人中最热的议题莫过于如何找到一份有前途的工作和如何做到经济上的自立。(nothing is more.)Nowadays, nothing is more talked about among the young than how to have a promising career and how to support them

23、selves financially.当事人没有在合同中订立,事后又没有书面仲裁协议的,可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。( in the absence of )The parties concerned may bring the action directly before the peoples court in the absence of an arbitration clause in the contract or in the absence of a written arbitration agreement concluded afterwards.过去的几年里,网络媒体如雨后

24、春笋般崛起,其巨大影响不再局限于经济、技术等领域,随之而来是社会、文化、伦理道德、人类生活等方方面面的急剧变化。(spring up)In the past few years, Net media has sprung up like mushrooms, whose impact has been to penetrate not just economy, technology and the like, bringing with it dramatic and rapid changes in every respect of society, culture, ethics, an

25、d human life.我们在这里聚会,建立我们之间的桥梁即自由、正义、尊严及人权之桥,这些桥梁将超越所有文化、种族及宗教的差异。(transcend)We meet here to build these new bridges between us bridges of liberty, justice, dignity and human rights which transcend all differences in culture, race, and religion. 黑龙江真正需要做的,是找到重振经济的途径。软环境开发被认为是其关键。(reinvigorate)WhatHe

26、ilongjiangshoulddoinsteadistofindwaystoreinvigorateitseconomy. Theexploitationofsoftenvironmentissuggested to be thekey.我生而庸碌,上天却总是赐予我美好的东西. 但因置身世俗社会,我们的活动又被赋予了世俗特性。(be endowed with)Born mediocre and unambitious, I have always been endowed with great things. But confronting with the secular society,

27、 we were endowed with much secularity.简言之,我认为现在时机已经成熟,应该认真审查各种根本性的政策问题,审查为了解决这些问题可能需要进行的结构改革。(take a hard look at)In short, I believe that its time for us to take a hard look at fundamental policy issues and at the structural changes that may be needed in order to strengthen them.她带着东方价值观,力求将其保持下去,并

28、成功了。她认为每一代人都要将其保存下来发扬光大。(perpetuate)She carried with her the values of theeastern countries,soughttoperpetuatethem, and succeeded. She thought that every generation must keep it alive and flourishing.到了我们该认真考虑保护一些古建筑的时候了,很有可能这所教堂的某些部分的年代甚至要早于12世纪。(In all probability)Time has come to take a hard look

29、 at the conservation of historic / ancient buildings. In all probability, parts of thechurchdatefrom even earlier than thetwelfthcentury. Unit 5 Politeness因为女性常常从亲近和支持的角度思考,所以她们极力保持亲密关系。(in terms of)Since women often think in terms of closeness and support, they struggle to preserve intimacy.别让她在你们之

30、间挑拨她就是太嫉妒了。(make mischief)Do not let her make mischief between (among) you. She is only too jealous. 在美国,性骚扰是一个频繁出现、或许是让你觉得特别的问题,部分原因是由于在你的国家可能没有类似的法律。 (strike)Sexual harassment is an issue that frequently arises in the U.S. and that may strike you as peculiar, in part because your country may not h

31、ave similar laws. 地方和媒体都大力反对政府修建另一座核电厂的计划。不过政府最终会达到它的目的。 (get ones way)There is a considerable measure of opposition both locally and in the media against the governments plan to build another nuclear power plant. But the government will get its way in the end. 婚姻法改革联合会由一组杰出的英国男性领袖们为着手实现Doyle的改革计划所创

32、立。(set about)The Divorce Law Reform Union was founded by a small group of prominent British male leaders who set about effecting Doyles reform plans. Or : The Marriage Law Reform Union was founded by a group of outstanding British male leaders who set about fulfilling Doyles reform plan.1912年4月15日的清晨,当时世界上最大的远洋客轮泰坦尼克号撞到了冰山后沉没。后来的调查表明至少有20人次有过这场灾难的不祥预感。(turn up)In the early morning of April


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