




1、Chapter Sevenof Medical TermsSimple SuffixesNoun-forming Simple SuffixesAdj-forming Simple Suffixes Diminutive SuffixesNoun-forming Simple SuffixesSee the textbookAdj-forming Simple SuffixesSee the textbookDiminutive Suffixesdroplet frontlet fledgeling suckling weanling muscleSee the textbookAnatomi
2、c andPhysiological Suffixes-cele (L. -cl), belly, hollowblastocele, -cele 5blAstEusi:l囊胚腔;腔-cyte (Gr. kytos) cellphagocyte 5fAEJsaIt食菌细胞;吞噬细胞-cyte (Gr. kytos) cellleukocyte 5lju:kEsait白血球, 白血细胞-cyte (Gr. kytos) cell红血细胞, 红血球erythrocytei5riWrEusait-cyte (Gr. kytos) celltrophocyte 5trCfEusait营养细胞, 滋养细
3、胞-esthesia (Gr. aisths(is) + ia)a condition of feeling, perception, or sensationaesthesia i:s5Wi:ViE知觉, 感觉, 感觉力, 知觉-esthesia (Gr. aisths(is) + ia) a condition of feeling, perception, or sensation麻醉剂, 麻药anesthetic 7Anis5Wetik-genic (Gr. -gen (birth, growth, production)+ ic)causing, forming, producing
4、; produced by or formed from致病的, 病原的, 发病的 pathogenic 9pAWEdVenIk-genicpyogenic 9paIE?dVenIk生脓的,化脓的-genicpyrogenic 9paILrE?dVenIk*9pI+高热所产生的 (不全)-genic物(质)的carcinogenic kB:sInE5dVEnIk-genesis (Gr. -genesis)formation; the production or procreation (发生,形成,生成)anogenesis 7C:EnEu5dVenisis发生;官发生学形成; 器-gene
5、sis (Gr. -genesis) formation; the production or procreation(发生,形成,生成)odontogenesistE5dVenisis牙发生-genesis (Gr. -genesis) formation; the production or procreation(发生,形成,生成)肿瘤生成; 瘤诱发oncogenesis 7CNkE5dVenisis-poiesis (Gr. poi(ein) + sis)the making or production of (产生,生, 造,生成)hemopoiesis 7hi:mEupCi5i:s
6、is血细胞生成(作用), 血生成, 造血-ptosis (Gr. ptsis + -osis)a prolapse or downwarddisplacement of anan orans(下垂,脱垂,脱落)-ptosis肠下垂enteroptosis 7entErCp5tEusis hepatoptosis hepEtEp5tEusis肝下垂hysteroptosis 7histErE5tEusis下垂-ptosis肾下垂nephroptosis 7nefrCp5tEusis胃下垂gastroptosis 7AstrCp5tEusisodontoptosis 牙脱落tEp5tEusis-a
7、lgia (Gr. lgos + ia)pain, painful condition (痛,疼)-algia胃痛; 胃神经痛 gastralgia As5trAldViE神经痛neuralgia njuE5rAldViEcardialgia 7kB:di5AldViE胃灼痛, 心痛-odynia (Gr. odyn + ia)a se of pain (疼痛 )pleurodynia 7pluErEu5diniE胸膜痛, 肋肌痛痛hysterodynia 7histErEu5diniE-cele (L. -cl)hernia, protru, distention,swelling, tum
8、or (疝,突出,(肿大 ),-cele (L. -cl) hernia, protru,distention, swelling, tumor (疝,突出,彭出 ,肿大 )diaphragmatocele daiEfrE5mAtEsi:l膈疝-cele(L. -cl) hernia, protru, distention, swelling,tumor (疝,突出,肿大 )encephalocele en5sefElEusi:l脑突出, 脑膨出-cele (L. -cl) hernia, protru,distention, swelling, tumor (疝,突出,彭出 ,肿大 )art
9、hrocele 5B:WrEsi:l关节肿大-eia (Gr. -kstas + ia)a condition of dilation, exten, ordisten胃扩张gastreof anan (扩张,膨胀)ia7Astrek5teiziE(=gastreis)-eis = -eia (Gr. -kstas + ia)a condition of dilation, exten, ordistenesophage管扩张of anan(扩张,膨胀)is i7sCfE5dVektEsis n.食-eis (Gr. -kstas + ia) a conditionof dilation, e
10、xten, or distenof anan(扩张,膨胀)deeis di:te5lektEsis膨胀不能, 萎陷过度-emia (Gr. haima, haimat + ia)a specified condition of the blood (血症 )血糖过高hyperglycemia haIpElaI5si:mIE白血病leukemia lu:5ki:mIEsepticemia septI5si:mIE败血症贫血, 贫血症anemia E5ni:miE-iasisa condition, formation of, presence of(病症、形成、有) cholelithiasis
11、 7kEulili5WaiEsis胆石病-lysis (Gr. ly +sis)a breaking down, loosening,ition, detaent (分解、溶解 )化学分解, 化学溶蚀 chemolysis ke5mClEsis-lysis (Gr. ly +sis) a breaking down,loosening,解、溶解 )红细胞溶解, 溶血ition, detaent (分erythrocytolysis i7riWrEusai5tClisis-mala(Gr. malak + ia)the softening or softness of a tipathologi
12、cal (软化 )e, oftencerebromala脑软化 皮肤软化7seribrEumE5leisiEdermalaxia 7dE:mE5lAksiE- megaly (Gr. megal + y)an enlargement of a part of the body(肥大,巨大 )cardiomegaly 7kB:diEu5meEli心肥大肝肿大hepatomegaly 7hepEtEu5meEli-paresis (Gr.) slight or瘫 )plete paralysis (轻微hemiparesis 7hemipE5ri:sis轻偏瘫, 偏身轻瘫-penia (Gr. p
13、enia)a deficiency, lack (缺乏,减少 )血小板减少(症)thrombocytopenia 7WrCmbEusaitEu5pi:niE erythrocytopenia i7riWrEusaitE5pi:niE红细胞减少; 红血球减少pancytopenia 7pAnsaitE5pi:niE各类血细胞减少,全血细胞减少症-phasia (Gr. phasis + ia)a manner of speaking, usually one t is disordered (话,语)dysphasia dis5feiViE言语症-philia (Gr. philein+ ia)
14、a tendency towards an action or activity, an abnormal liking orappetite for a thing (亲和力,偏好 )hemophilia 7hi:mE5fi(=haemophilia)血友病-phobia (Gr. pho fear or dread of) + ia)(恐惧(症),(症))homophobia hEJmE5fEJbIE对的憎恶(或恐惧)gamophobia AmE5fEubiE恐惧症monophobia Eu5fEubjE(症), 孤独独居bacteriophobia bAk7tiEriE5fEubjE细菌
15、-phobia (Gr. pho(恐惧(症),疾病) + ia) fear or dread of(症))pathophobia 7pAWE5fEubiEheterophobia 7hetErEu5fEubiE异性症hemophobia 7hi:mEu5fEubiE, 血液-plasia (Gr. plasis + ia)a condition of formation or development (增生,形成 )hyplasia 7haipE(:)5pleiViE增生, 增殖; 细胞增生(现象)neoplasia 5ni(:)Eu5pleizVE, -ViE瘤形成-plegia (Gr.
16、plg() + ia) paralysis, stroke (瘫痪,麻痹 ) quadriplegia kwRdrI5pli:dVIE四肢麻痹,四肢瘫痪肌麻痹, 肌瘫痪myoplegia 7maiEu5pli:dViE facioplegia 7feiFiEu5pli:dViE面神经麻痹, 面瘫-(r)rhagia (Gr. rhag(as) a fluid discharge of exty (流量过多 )+ -ia)sivemenorrhagia 7menE5reidViE过多leukorrhagia 7lju:kEu5reidViE过多-rrhea (Gr. rhe(in) + -ia)
17、a fluid discharge of (流,排出 ) gastrorrhea AstrE5ri:E胃液过多dermatorrhea 7dE:mEtE5ri:E汗过多, 汗溢腹泻diarrh(o)ea 9daiE5riE-rrhexis (Gr. rhxis + -sis)a rupture of a part of the body (破裂 ) hysterorrhexis 7histErEu5reksis破裂肝破裂hepatorrhexis 7hepEtEu5reksis-sclerosis (Gr. sklrs + -osis) morbid hardening (硬化症, 硬化 )
18、arteriosclerosis B:7tiEriEu7sk5rEusis动脉硬化(症); 闭塞性动脉硬化angiosclerosis 7AndViE7sk硬化5rEusiscerebrosclerosis 7seribrEusk脑硬化5rEusis-schisis (Gr. skhzein + -osis)a cleft or cleavage (裂,裂开,分离 )merorachischisis 7mirEurE5kiskisis部分脊柱裂, 脊柱不全裂,-spasm (Gr. sp(n) (to push, pull, wrench, convulse) + -ma)convul(痉挛
19、)glottidospasm 5lCti声门痉挛bronchospasm 支气管痉挛pAzmkE7spAzmenterospasm 5entErE7spAzm肠痉挛-stenosis (Gr. stensis + -ia)an abnormal narrowing of a duct orc(狭窄 )laryngostenosis lE5riNEusti5nEusis喉狭窄urethrostenosis juE7ri:WrEsti5nEusis狭窄-centesis (Gr.)surgical puncture to withdraw fluid (穿刺术)abdominocentesis A
20、b7dCmi腹腔穿刺术arthrocentesis 7B:WrEsen5ti:sis关节穿刺术pleurocentesis 7pluErEsen5ti:sis胸腔穿刺术thoracentesis 7WC:rEsen5ti:sis胸腔穿刺术n5ti:sis-clysis (Gr. klysis)washing ()coloclysis kE5lCklisis结肠, 灌肠pleuroclysis pluE5rCklisis胸膜腔术-desis (Gr. desis) binding, stabilization, fu arthrodesis B:5WrCdEsis关节固定术(固定)-ectomy
21、 (Gr. -ektom + y) the surgical removal, exci除术 )阑尾切除术(切除术,截appendectomy 切除(术)n5dektEmIhysterectomy hIstE5rektEmI扁桃体切除术tonsillectomy tRnsI5lektEmI-gram (Gr.)a drawing, record, piece of writing (记的东西 )录,tachogram 5tAkCrEm血流速度(描记)谱心电图electrocardiogram-graph (Gr.)a macine or instrument for making or for
22、 reproducing or transmittingsomething written or drawn (方式 )thermograph 5WE:mErB:f仪或自记温度计, 温度器-iatry (Gr. iatreia + y)branch of medicine; a type of medical treatment or healing (医疗术,医治法 ) podiatry pEu5daiEtri脚病学psychiatry sai5kaiEtri学,治疗法-meter (L. metrum) an instrument used量仪 )easuring (测spectromet
23、er spek5trCmitE分光计, 分光仪,光谱仪, 光谱分析仪cephalometer 7sefE5lCmitE头测量器(量活人头颅的仪器)-metery (Gr. metr(on) + y)the pros, art, or science ofmeasuring something (测量、度量 )spectrometry spek5trCmitri n.能谱测定(法), 度(光)谱术光频,-pexis (Gr. pxis, also pexia, pexy)a surgical fixation or a neutralization(固定 )splenopexy 5spli:nE
24、7peksi脾固定术-plasty (Gr. plast + y)a surgical shaor molding, i.e.,plastic surgery (整形外科, 外科修补术,修复术 )皮成形术, 植皮术dermatoplasty5dE:mEtEplAsti-plasty (Gr. plast + y) a surgical shaormolding, i.e., plastic surgery (整形外科, 外科修补术,修复术 )手成形术, 手整形术 cheiroplasty 7kairE5plAsti cheiloplasty 5kailE7plAsti唇成形术-plasty (
25、Gr. plast + y) a surgicalshaor molding, i.e., plasticsurgery (整形外科, 外科修补术,修复术 )rhinoplasty 7rainE5plAsti鼻成形术-rrhaphy (Gr. rhaph() + -y)a suturing in place, surgical repair of (缝合,修复,固定,修补 ) hysterorrhaphy 7histE5rCrEfi缝合术,固定术cardiorrhaphy 7kB:di5CrEfi心脏修补术, 心肌缝合术-scope (Gr. skop(ein)a mechanism or i
26、nstrument for observing or viewing with the eye (观测仪器 )ophlmoscope Rf5WAlmEskEJp检眼镜,眼底镜microscope 5maIkrEskEJp显微镜endoscope 5endEJskEJp内窥镜,内腔镜-scopy (Gr. skop(ein) + y) the art or pro observation in a manner, by means of ans ofinstrument, or fromradioscopy reidi5Cskrspective (检查 )放射性试验检查; X光线hepatosc
27、opy 7hepE5tCsk肝检查hysteroscopy histE5rCsk镜检查(术)检查法-stomy (Gr. stm(a/at-) + y)a surgical opening (造口,开口,切口 ) colostomy kE5lRstEmI结肠造口术-tomy (Gr. tom() + -y)a surgical inci术 ) bronchotomy 支气管切开术(切入, 切开, 切开术, 切断5kCtEmicardiotomy 7kB:di5CtEmi心脏切开术,胃的贲门切开术-tome (Gr. tom) an instrument for cutting; a segme
28、nt, region (切割器具;片)dermatome 5dE:mEtEum皮刀, 植皮刀costotome 5kCstEtEum (=rib-cutter)肋骨刀, 断肋器-tripsy (Gr. tripsis) crushing (碾碎,磨碎 ) lithotripsy 5liWE7tripsi碎石术-blast (Gr. blastos)a bud or budding, particularly to an early embryonic stage, as to a primitive or formative element, cell, or layer (芽,萌芽 )ost
29、eoblast 5CstiEblB:st造骨细胞-clast(Gr. klast)breaking, destroying (破坏,破 )osteoclast 5CstiEklB:st破骨细胞-pathy (Gr. path(ein) + y)a suffering, or illness; a therapy or system oftherapy for suffering; sensitivity (疾病,法,感情 )psychopathy saI5kRpEWI; (?) sI-,疗-pathy (Gr. path(ein) + y) a suffering, or illness; a
30、 therapy or systemof therapy for suffering; sensitivity (疾病,hydropathy haI5drRpEWI水疗法kinesipathy 7kini5sipEWi运动疗法理疗(法); 自然疗法naturopathy neitFE5rCpEWi,疗法,感情 )-pathy (Gr. path(ein) + y) a suffering, or illness; a therapy or system oftherapy for suffering; sensitivity (疾病,empathy 5empEWi移情作用sympathy 5sImpEWI同情;体谅,疗法,感情
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