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1、1 绪论大题Q1: Please describe the basic characteristics of infectious diseases.A1: There are four basic characteristics of infectious diseases:Presence of pathogens: all infectious diseases are caused by their specific pathogen.Infectivity: the infectious diseases can be transmissible to other peaple th

2、rough some pathways.Epidemiological features: such as age, sex, season; imported or endemic; sporadic, epidemic, pandemic or outbreaks.Post-infection immunity: after the infection, the bodys can form the specific immunity to the pathgen that causes the infectious disease.Q2: Please describe the mech

3、anism of tissue damages caused by pathogen.A2: 1. Direct invasion, the enzymes secreted by pathogen can cause cytolysis, tissue necrosis and inflammation.2. The actions of toxins and cytokines, the toxins and cytokines could resulting in septic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, DIC etc.

4、3. Immunopathogenesis, include immunosuppression, T-cell destruction, immune complexes. The immunopathogenesis happened more than the other two mechanism, but in most of the case, we could see more than two mechanism.Q3: Please list the therapeutic methods for the infectious dieases.A3: 1.General an

5、d supportive treatment. 2.Etiologic (specific) treatment. 3.Symptomatic treatment. 4.Rehabilitation therapy for sequelae. 5.Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.Q4: Please list the routes of transmission of infetion disease and give an example for each one.A4: Air, droplets, dusts: e.g. meas

6、les, diphtheria.Water, food, flies(fecal-oral infection): e.g. typhoid, cholera.Fingers, utensils (contact infection): e.g. shigellosis, influenza.Arthropods: A. Biologic: intermediate hosts, e.g. mosquitoes in malaria, chiggers in scrub typhus. B. Mechanical: passive transfer. e.g. flies in amebias

7、isBlood, body liquid transmission Such as HBV, HIVVertical transmission: mother to babyHorizontal transmission: othersQ5: Please list the roles of pathogens and immune response in infection process.A5: 1. Role of Pathogens in Infection Process: Invasiveness: adhesion, penetration ability. Shigella V

8、irulence: toxins, enzymes, and histolytic ability. E. histolytica Infection dose: minimal dose that can cause an infection. S. typhi Variability: change in structure of the pathogen to evade from host immunity. Influenza virus2. The Role of Immune Response in Infection Process:Differentiation betwee

9、n protective immunity and allergy.Protective immunity: beneficial / Allergy(anaphylactic reaction): harmful Nonspecific immunity: A. Natural barriers: external (skin, mucous membrane, cilia), internal (blood-brain barrier).B. Phagocytosis: monocytes, macrophages, and granulocytes.C. Humoral factors:

10、 complements, lysozyme, interferons ( ), cytokines Specific immunity: Immune respond to specific recognizable antigens. A. Cell-mediated immunity: Important in intracellular infections by viruses, fungi, protozoa and certain bacteria.B. Humoral immunity: Different kinds of antibodies (immune globuli

11、ns, A D E G M) and their functions.1. In 20th century, fall in the incidence of communicable diseases in developed countries due to factors below, except:A. Immunization B. Antimicrobial chemotherapyC. Improved nutrition D. Better sanitation and housing E. Health education2. Which is not a kind of p

12、athogenecities in infection process?A. Invasiveness B. Virulence C. Quantity D. Direct damage E. Variability3. Which is not belong to the immune responses in infection process?A. Route of exclusion B. Phagocytosis C. Humoral factors D. Specific immunity E. Natural barrier4. Which is the mechanism of

13、 tissue damage in infection?A. Direct damage B. Action of the toxin C. Immunity mechanism D. Location in the body E. A, B and C 5. Which is not the metabolism change in infection?A. Higher proteins catabolism B. Acceleration of glucolysis C. Hyperkalemia D. Higher anabolism E. Dehydration6. The deve

14、loping process of acute communicable diseases includes following periods, except:A. Incubation period B. Chronic period C. Prodromal period D. Symptomatic period E. Convalescent period7. Which is not the basic characteristic of infectious diseases?A. Presence of pathogens B. Infectivity C. Epidemiol

15、ogical features D. Sequela E. Post-infection immunity8. Who discovered tubculosis bacilii?A. Alexander Fleming B. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek C. Joshua Lederberg D. Robert Koch E. Leonardo da Vinci9. During the process of the infection, which appears first in the blood?A. IgM B. IgG C. IgA D. IgD E. IgE

16、10. The essential elements of epidemiological process include:A. Sources of infection B. Routes of transmissionC. Population susceptibility D. Climate and environment E. A, B and C11. The sources of infection include:A. Patients B. Subclinical infection C. Carriers D. Infected animals E. All above12

17、. Which is used for the passive immunization?A. Antityphoid vaccine B. BCG vaccine C. Measies vaccine D. Antitetanicum serum E. Diphtheria anatoxin13. Which method is not the procedure of laboratory examination of infectious diseases?A. Smear and isolation of pathogen B. The identification and susce

18、ptibility test of pathogenC. ELISA D. Flow Cytometry E. Fluorescent immuno-assay14. Which is the transmission route of pathogen of infectious diseases?A. Air B. Water and Food C. Insect and soil D. Contact E. Above of all15. Which is not the rule of therapy of infectious diseases?A. The most importa

19、nt therapy is the essential combined treatmentB. The special therapy of infectious diseases is etiological treatmentC. The maintain therapy of the important organs is very importantD. Rehabilitation treatment is not necessary for infectious diseasesE. TCM is also useful for infectious diseases16. Wh

20、ich statement about infectious diseases is not right?A. Invasiveness is a kind of pathogenecities in infection processB. Pathogen carrier is one kind of sources of infectionC. ELISA can be used to diagnosis the infectious diseasesD. TCM is not useful for infectious diseasesE. To cut the transmission

21、 route and protect the susceptible population can prevent the spread of infectious diseases17. The common symptoms and physical signs of communicable diseases include:A. Fever B. Eruption C. Toxemic symptoms D. Reaction of mononuclear phagocyte system E. All of above18. Which kind of communicable di

22、seases cant transmitted by blood?A. HBV B. AIDS C. Poliomyelitis D. Malaria E. HCV 19. According to the morphology, the classification of rash is not include: A. Maculopapule B. Vesicle C. Urticaria D. Rose spot E. Petechia20. The measures of prevent communicable diseases are include:A. Control the

23、sources of infection B. Interrupt the routes of transmissionC. Protection of the susceptible D. Avoid the iatrogenic infection E. A, B and C2 肝炎大题1. Describe the significance of serology diagnostic index during hepatitis B infection(1)HbsAg+acute or chronic hepatitis or carrier急性慢性肝炎或无症状携带者(2)antiHB

24、s+recovery from HBV infection or vaccination 康复或接种疫苗(3)HbeAg+infectious病毒复制,有传染性(4)antiHbe+antibody increase and antigen disappear,在抗体升高抗原消失时,表明趋向好转(5)antiHBc IgM+acute hepatitis or chronic hepatitis active stage急性肝炎或慢性肝炎活动期IgG+having been infected, recovery phase or chronic hepatitis感染过,恢复期或慢性肝炎2.

25、How many phases of the icteric hepatitis? And what about these phases clinical manifestation?Answer: 3 phases Prodromal phase,Jaundice phase,Convalescent phaseProdromal phase: sudden or insidious onset, lasting 3-7d constitutional symptom: malaise, fatigue, mild fever some time, dark urine gastroint

26、estinal symptoms: anorexia, nausea, vomitingJaundice phase: jaundice appeared and peak level often in 2 weeks after the onsetother symptoms subside after jaundice; tender liver palpableConvalescent phase: symptoms and jaundice gradual resolution , liver return to normal size3.Whats the treatment of

27、viral hepatitis?1 Basic principles of management: guideline for daily living, physical activity , food and drink intake of the patientssupportive and symptomatic treatment2 Hepatic function protective agentsAnti-virus therapy:most important treatment for hepatitis B、acute and chronic hepatitis CHepa

28、titis B indication: HBVDNA 105copies/ml for HBeAgHBVDNA 104copies/ml for HBeAg+;ALT 2ULN, or biopsy G2S2Drugs: interferon-(typical or pegylated) or nucleotide analoguesHepatitis C indication: HCVRNA+drugs: interferon-(typical or pegylated) +ribavirin3 traditional chinese medicine4.Management for liv

29、er failure: basic supportive therapytreatment of complications: Bleeding, infection complication, encephalopathy, renal failure5 Hepatic transplantation4. What should we back-check and what are the significances when we come across a HBV patient?HBsAg found in serum and other body fluid not infectio

30、us itself suggesting current infection and infectivityAnti-HBs a protective antibody to HbsAg an indicator of past infection and immunity to HBV reinfection suggesting non-infectiousHBeAg suggesting HBV replication and high infectivity negative when pre-C mutation but with high level of replication

31、useful for evaluation of anti-HBV therapyAnti-HBeantibody to HbeAg HBe seroconversion HBeAg(+) (-)and anti-HBe(-) (+)HBcAg existing in the core of virion a marker of replication and infectivity5. What are the clinical manifestations of acute icteric hepatitis?There are three phases of acute icteric

32、hepatitis. Firstly, in prodromal phase, the onset of the disease is sudden or insidious, lasting 3 to 7 days, with consititutional symptoms such as malaise, fatigue, mild fever and dark urine, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms such as anorexia, nausea and vomiting; the serum ALT level rise deeply

33、. Secondly, in jaundice phase, the patient may feel better, but jaundice appears and often reaches the peak level in 1 to 3 weeks, lasting 2 to 6 weeks, with other symptoms subside after jaundice such as palpable tender liver and elevated serum bilirubin. Thirdly, in convalescent phase which often l

34、asts in 1 to 2 months, symptoms and jaundice gradually resolve; liver returns to the normal size; serum ALT and bilirubin decreased.1.Which one is not the clinical manifestation of severe hepatitis? (E)A.Deep jaundice B.Prolonged prothrombin time C.FeverD.Toxic abdominal distension and ascites E. He

35、patomegaly2.Which one is not the characteristic of hepatitis E? (D)A.Usually cannot lead to chronic hepatitis B. High fatality rate in pregnant womenC.Fecal-oral transmission D.Not very common in China E.Common in adults and cause deep jaundice3.Which one is not the common complication of severe hep

36、atitis? (A)A.Thrombopenic purpura B. Hepatic encephalopathy C. Gastric bleedingD.Hepatorenal syndrome E.Hepatobilary infection4.Which one is not the common clinical manifestation of acute hepatitis? (E)A.“Flu-like” symptom B. Dark urine and jaundiceC.Continuous fever D. Nausea and vomiting E. Hepato

37、megaly5.Interferon can be applied to treat: (E)A.Acute hepatitis B B.Chronic hepatitis CC.Chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C D.Chronic hepatitis BE.Acute and chronic hepatitis C and chronic hepatitis B6:Which is not RNA virus in hepatitis (B)A.HAV B.HBV C.HCV D.HDV E.HEV7:what is not founde

38、d by common examnation in the blood serum (C )A.HBsAg B.HBeAg C.HBcAg D.anti-Hbe E.anti-HBc8:which usually reaulted in the icteric hepatitis in the children( A)A.HAV B.HBV C.HCV D.HDV E.HEV9:Which is the mark that usually suggests the acut severe hepatitis (C )A Elevated levels of serum bilirubin B

39、ALT elevatedC. prolonged prothrombin time D Serum albumin decreased E r-glutamyltransferase GGT increased10: which is most contagiousin the course of Hepatitis A ( B)A.The incubation period B.B. jaundice pre- period C.C. jaundice period D.D. Recovering period E.E chronic period11.Which type of hepat

40、itis is transmitted through digestive tract? (A)A.hepatitis A B.hepatitis B C.hepatitis C D.hepatitis D E.autoimmune hepatitis12.which reason is not caused for chronic hepatitis? (A)A.hepatitis A B.hepatitis B C.hepatitis C D.hepatitis D E.autoimmune hepatitis13.which people is usually infected by h

41、epatitis A in the epidemic area? (E)A.old people B.women C.adult D.smoker E.children14.Which one is wrong about hepatitis C?(B)A. single positive strand RNA virus B. it can be prevented by vaccinationC. it means being infected when anti-HCV is detected in serumD. virus RNA can be found in serum E. m

42、ost transmitted by blood15.Which one is not the characteristics of hepatitis C? (A)A. often heavy type B. hepatitis symptoms are relative light C. chronic hepatitis C is most common D. can easily progress to hepatic cirrhosis E. have strong relation with liver cancer16 which of the following markers

43、 of hepatitis B virus can reflect the infectivity and actively complication of HBV? (C)A.HbsAg B anti-HBs C.HbeAg D anti-HBe E anti-HBc17 which of the following gene type of hepatitis virus is DNA? (B)A.hepatitis A B.hepatitis B C.hepatitis C D.hepatitis D E. autoimmune hepatitis18 In recent years,

44、which of the following is the early diagnosis of hepatitis A? (A)HAV-IgM B.HAV-IgG C.HAV-RNA D virus isolation in animal inoculationE The antigen of HAV isolated in stool of patients 19 the only one sero-marker of HBV which has the function of protection? (C)A.HbsAg B HbeAg C. anti-HBs D anti-HBe E

45、anti-HBc20 which of the following clinical type is not included in virus hepatitis? (E)A.acute hepatitisB.chronic hepatitisC.severe hepatitis D.icteric hepatitis E.drug caused liver damage 21.Which of the followings has a protective effect on the human body? (A)A. Anti-HBs B. Anti-HBc C. Anti-HBe D.

46、 DNA polymerase E. Dane particle22.What kind of Viral hepatitis is transmitted by the mother-to-infant most commonly? (B)A. Hepatitis A B. Hepatitis B C. Hepatitis C D. Hepatitis D E. Hepatitis E 23.The diagnosis of severe hepatitis is most importantly based on (D)A. vomiting frequently B. jaundice

47、deepen rapidly C. toxic abdominal distension and ascites D. PTA less than 40% E. fever24.The main reason of early liver ascites is (D)A. Portal hypertension B. Hypoproteinemia C. increase of hepatic lymph fluid D. Sodium retention E. Spontaneous peritonitis25Which of the following indication appears

48、 earliest in the serum of a patient with hepatitis B? (C)A. Anti-HBc B. HBeAg C. HBsAg D. Anti-HBs E. DNA polymerase26What is suggesting the HBV replication and high infectivity? (E)A. HBV DNA in serum B. HBeAg C. Anti-HBcIgM in serum D. HBcAg in liver E. All of the above27. Which of the following r

49、esult indicates the most infectiousness of hepatitis B? (D) A. HBe+,Anti-HBc+ B. HBsAg+,Anti-HBc+ C. Anti-HBs+,Anti-HBe+,Anti-HBc+ D. HBsAg+,HBeAg+,Anti-HBc+ E. Anti-HBs+,Anti-HBc+28. Which one of the following is correct about hepatitis E? (A)A. Anti-HEV IgM+ can confirm the diagnosis B. HEV is sin

50、gle positive string DNA virusC. mainly spread by blood communication D. carriers have no infectiousnessE. does not spread prevalently or eruptly29. Which is correct about anti-HBs and anti-HBc? (D)A. both are autoantibody B. both are protective antibodyC. anti-HBs is autoantibody and anti-HBc is pro

51、tective antibodyD. anti-HBs is protective antibody and anti-HBc is not protective antibodyE. anti-HBs is not protective antibody and anti-HBc is protective antibody3 囊虫病大题1. Please list the common types of brain cysticercosis.Ans: There are cerebral type, ventricular type, subarachnoid type and mixe

52、d type.2. Please describe common clinical manifestations of cerebral cysticercosis.Ans: Epilepsy: caused by cysticerci obstructed in the cortex near motor center. It can be manifested as major epilepsy, minor epilepsy or epileptic state and its usually the first noticed by the patient.Intracranial h

53、ypertension symptoms: vomiting, headache or visual disturbances.Neurosis: caused by inflammation of cerebral tissue due to cysticerci and manifested as dizziness, hallucination or dementia.3. Please describe the sources of cysticercosis infection.Ans: Allo-infection: healthy person intakes food cont

54、aminated by tapeworm eggs. Auto-infection: Endogenous: when patient with cysticercosis vomits, gravid segments regurgitate to stomach and cause re-infection. Exogenous: patient with cysticercosis intakes food contaminated by his own stool.4. Please list the key points in diagnosis of cysticercosis.A

55、ns: Epidemiological history: Intaking of raw or half-cooked pork in an endemic area.Clinical manifestations: Onsets of epilepsies, intracranial hypertension symptoms or neurosis. CT, MRI or palpation to discover nodules suspect of cysticercosis.Laboratory findings: Acidophil increase in blood routin

56、e; tapeworm eggs in stool smear; specific IgG in serum or CSF.5. Please describe appropriate treatment of cysticercosis.Ans: Drug therapy: Oral administration of albendazole or praziquantel. Doctors should notice that patients must be hospitalized during the therapy. Epilepsy and increased intracran

57、ial pressure should be controlled at the same time. Patients with ocular cysticercosis should not take any drug until the eye disease is controlled surgically. Surgical treatment: Indications for surgery are ocular cysticercosis, single-loci cerebral cysticercosis and patients with complication of C

58、SF obstruction.1. Whats the pathogen of cysticercosis? (C)A. Larva of Taenia saginatus B. Taenia saginatusC. Larva of Taenia solium D. Taenia solium E. Hymenolepis(膜壳绦虫)2. The larva of Taenia solium live in many tissues of human body. Which will cause the most severe symptoms? (C)A. Subcutaneous tis

59、sue B. Muscular tissue C. Brain D. Spinal cord E. Eye3. Which is NOT the characteristic of subcutaneous or muscle cysticercosis? (E)A. Nodules under skin are 0.51.0cm in diameter. B. More frequently found in the trunk.C. Up to hundreds of nodules can be found. D. Nodules can arise one after another.

60、E. Nodules have obvious adherence to the surrounding tissues.4. The most common type of brain cysticercosis is: (A)A. Cerebral type B. Ventricular type C. Subarachnoid type D. Spinal cord type E. Mixed type5. Which is NOT clinical manifestation of subarachnoid type of brain cysticercosis? (E)A. Head


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