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1、商务综合英语课程教案授课时间第周星期第节授课方式理论课讨论课实验课习题课其他(请打)授课题目(教学章、节或主题) :Unit 10customer serviceTeaching objectives and requirements(教学目的、要求 ):Students arerequired to1 Master economic vocabulary in customer care and service;2 Be familiar with ways of dealing with customer complaints;3 Get to know some best techniq

2、ues for dealing customer complaints;Learn the skills of dealing customer complaints.课次课时6安排Teaching highlights and difficulties(教学重点及难点 ) :Highlights:grasp ways of dealing with customer complaints.master economic vocabulary in customer care and service.Difficulties:understand the various methods to

3、solve customer complaints.express themselves more freely on the theme after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking andwriting activities;Time allotment( 教学时数 ) :6 PeriodsTeaching method( 教学方法 ) :Group DiscussionExemplification and demonstration ;Task-based teachingTeams-based C

4、ooperative LearningReferences( 参考书目 ) :1.科顿,法尔维等编,体验商务英语综合教程4,体验商务英语改编组改编,高等教育,2012.62.马斯库尔,海特勒著,体验商务英语教师用书4,体验商务英语改编组改编,高等教育,2012.83.蒋景东著,常用商务英语词典,XX大学,2012,5.4.(英)帕金森 编著,牛津英汉双解商务英语词典,华夏,20111方法及手教学基本内容段IITeaching procedureStep 1Starting up:(20 minutes)1)Write CUSTOMER SERVICE in big letters on the

5、 board. Ask Ss, in threes, to brainstorm briefly -what they understand by this term.-what their own organisation or educational institution does in this area.There is this definition of customer service quoted at the beginning of the Business brief on page 85all the activities involved in making it

6、easy for customers to reach the right parties within the company and receive quick and satisfactory service, answers and resolution of problems. This relates mainly to situations where things have gone wrong.Customer service is also used in a neutral sense to talk about normal dealings when customer

7、s are buying products or services. Ss may refer to both these senses in their brainstorming sessions.Ss working in business will have something to say about customer service, whoever their customersare, whether business-to-business or business-to-consumer. It could be interesting to see how those wo

8、rking for government organisations view their customers and what they understand by customer service. In the case of educational2) Students are asked to figure out the meaning of the quotation:Ask Ss to look at the quotation. Can they think of other queuing situations that can be annoying (such as s

9、upermarket checkouts, buying tickets)? Do they have particularly bad incidents to recount?Please talk about what irritates you and about the place of customer care in a companys success. Discuss the different points in both exercises in pairs. Say that there is some overlap between the items, for ex

10、ample unhelpful and indifferent service personnel. The main idea is to encourage Ss tothink of specific incidents they have encountered, even ones of too much customer care, eg. The waiter who asks 3 times during a meal if everything is alright.Audiolingu al andcommunica tive methodStep 2 listening:

11、 improving communications (50)Task AAbout Harrods哈罗兹(英国著名百货公司)Harrods is a large upmarket department store on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge,London. TheHarrods motto is Omni Omnibus Ubique, which means All things, for all people everywhere and refersto its claim that absolutely anything can be bough

12、t there. it is particularlyfamous for the range ofgoods available in the seasonal Christmas department and the food hall. The present owner is an Egyptian, Mohamed Fayed (whose son Dodi was killed in the same car crash as princess Diana). He bought the store in 1985 for 615 million.Task BListen and

13、decide the statements True, False, or Not Given1 false (it is about exceeding customer expectations)2 false (they expect a level of service that is better than other retailers)truetruenot given (the speaker says nothing about how often feedback is given)6 false (they are given a certificate from the

14、 chairman and5o in vouchers to spend in the store)2课程教案 (续)教学基本内容方法及手段Script 10. 1 (I = InterviewerSA = Sarah Andrews)I At Harrods how do you define good customer service?SAGood customer service here at Harrods is about exceeding our customers expectations.Pair workErm the customers expectations her

15、e at Harrods are generallyhigher than most other retailerswiith the aid ofand most other Department Stores, in that they may visit one of our competitors like erm a foodmulti-mediaretailer or another Department Store and they would expect to get a general level of customerfacilityservice. In Harrods

16、 they expect to be bowled over with the service that they receive. They expectourstaff to gothe extra mile at every given opportunityand to receive something quiteexceptional. Weactually set erm a minimum level of service, a framework that all of our staffAudiolingualwork towards, that when they joi

17、n the business we train them on these seven steps to exceptional andservice, then going forwardwe mystery shop which is basically we have erm real Harrodscommunicativecustomers that we recruit andgo and test the Departments and experience the service and report methodback to us what theyve experienc

18、ed. And if our staff get 100% they get a Certificate from the Chairman, they get 50 worth of vouchers to spend in the store and they get, you know, high recognition within their Departments and obviously if we have consistent poor performers that arent meeting that minimum level of service then we,

19、we would manage their performance.Task CListen to 10.2 and complete:Example answers1 establish/build consumer loyalty2 are the same as those available in other stores/are no different from those in other outlets3 likely lose their customers/not build customer loyalty and their customers may move to

20、other retailers10. 2 (I = Interviewer SA = Sarah Andrews)IDo you think companies generally pay enough attention to customer service?SA I think companies, er retail companies are recognising erm more recently the importance of good customer service. Erm, its very important to retailers to have custom

21、er loyalty. It is difficult in these days to have a point of difference to the product that you offer because most of the things that arc available also here in Harrods are available elsewhere er, in London or in the UK it is no longer unique to Harrods, so we have to make the difference with great

22、customer service, which means that when the market may be tough, our customers continue to come and shop with us because they know they are going to get a great experience. I think there are. There are some companies that have not yet recognised that and I think they pay for that with a transient cu

23、stomer that doesnt, stick with them and may move from one retailer to another dependent on whats on offer. I think its hugely important.And is new technology helping in the improvement of customer service?SAI, I think that er there is new technology available to erm measure customer service, Marksan

24、d Spencer for example, have a, a unit at their till points that when customers pay they can, they can press different buttons and say whether they were happy with the service they received today, erm, personally, and for here at Harrods Im not sure how effective that is. I believe the most3effective

25、 thing is to get real customers feedback on what they experience and really look at theretention of our genuine customers, so, how many of our customers here in Harrods, that, thatpossibly own a Harrods credit card come back and shop with us on a regular basis and for methats the absolute best test

26、and measure of what level of service we are deliveringto ourcustomers.Task DPlay and ask Ss to take notes on how the speaker thinks technology can contribute to improved customer service and whether she thinks this is useful for Harrods. You may need to play the recording several times.Sarah mention

27、s a new device at another store, which monitors customer service by having customers press buttons to indicate their levels of satisfaction, but she isnt sure how effective this is and she doesnt think it would be useful for Harrods. The other technology she refers to is that related to store cards.

28、 Through these they can monitor how often customers return to the store and this, she thinks, is a good way of getting feedback on how satisfied customers are.Task E10. 310. 3 (I = Interviewer, SA = Sarah Andrews)ICan you tell us how you prepare your staff to give the best customer service?SA We hav

29、e a set of standards here in Harrods that we call sell the experience. So to sell the experience of Harrods erm, we have seven steps that erm, we work through which starts from the customer arriving in the Department until they purchase their goods and leave. The first step is to welcome our custome

30、rs within one minute of entering the Department, so our customers are treated as guests in our home of Harrods and when they walk into the store or into the Department they are greeted in some way. So that may be a smile, that may be a more formal good morning or good afternoon, or it may simply be

31、eye contact.The second stage is to approach customers at an appropriate time and initiate a conversation. Sowe train our staff to erm, monitor customers behaviour and look for an appropriate time to go andstart a conversation with the customer. Some customers may look like they are happy browsingand

32、 dont want to be interrupted, some customers may give signals that they have spent a longtime at a particular rail possibly looking for sizes, which is an indicator that The next stage is forus to ask questions to establish our customers needs, which is a very important part of the service process.

33、Erm our staff are uained on how to ask the right questions to really ascertain what the customer is looking for.The next stage is for them to use their product knowledge and to select items to meet those customer needs. So its very important that they listen to the answers when theyve asked the rele

34、vant questions and then to use their knowledge to match the customers needs with the products that we offer.The next thing we ask them to do is to highlight the features and benefits to customers, so this is about talking about the product, this is a beautiful painting madam what a wonderful shade o

35、f red the dress is made in and its to really talk about the product and really focus on the real beautiful features and benefits of what the customer is looking at.The next thing we do is to offer related products to maximise the sale or service. So this is where a customer a gentlemen is buying a s

36、hirt, maybe we will introduce a matching tie, or a matchingsuit, so that the customer can get the whole experience of Harrods. Then we ask our staff to introduce the Harrods card. We believe the Harrods card is a big benefit, both to the store and to our customers, so its important that our staff in

37、troduce those benefits to each and every customer4that shops in the store.And finally to make sure that we finish the whole process very well, the staff are encouraged to thank customers and invite them to return.Go through the seven steps with ss and ask them to try to predict what the missing verb

38、s might be.Play recording 1o. 3 and ask Ss to complete the seven steps.WelcomeApproach, initiateAsk, establishUse, select, meetHigh lightOffer, maximiseThank, inviteTask FPut Ss in pairs and give them time to prepare their dialogues. Circulate, monitor and assist. Ask Ss to practise their role plays

39、 in their pairs before asking some of the pairs to perform their role plays for the rest of the class.Step 3Discussion & Vocabulary: handling customer complaint (30 minutes)Discussion:Ss look at suggestions for ways of dealing with customer complaints and draw up a list of the best techniques for do

40、ing this.Get Ss to work in threes. Half the threes in the class are As, and the other half are Bs. The As discuss the list of ways of dealing with customer complaints for Group A and the Bs those for Group B. Say that each group has to decide on the five most useful suggestions in its particular lis

41、t.Ask the student to look at and discuss each list separately, choosing five points from each list. Ask the student to explain the reasons for their choice. Then ask the student to choose the six most important ones from the ten he / the has selected and, again, to explain the reasons.Ss took at wor

42、ds related to customer service and some common idioms, using them in context. Tell Ss to look through the sentence parts. Ask them to match them as a quick-fire activity. Point out the pronunciation of rapport with its silent .tVocabulary:task Acomplaints-e)rapport-d)reassure-a)standards-b)products-

43、c)Task BAsk Ss to work on matching the idioms in pairs. Circulate, monitor and assist. With the whole class, do a round-up of the answers and explain any difficulties. 1c 2d 3f 4e 5a 6b 7gTask C.Do this as a quick-fire activity with the whole class. Explain any difficulties.1 get to the bottom of th

44、e problem2 pass the buck53 ripped off4 slipped my mind5 talking at cross purposes6 it was the last straw7 got straight to thepointStep 4Reading: Customers first (50 minutes)The message for this or any other yearThis passage is about the decline in standards of customer service in the UK and why cust

45、omersshould be a company s first priority.In the passageA. Read the article and answer:Q 1. What customer service problems did the author have?2. What examples are given of poor customer service by British utilities?3. what answer does the author give to the question: why is customer service importa

46、nt?4. Why is customer service difficult to implement?It took weeks to sort out the problems with his new printer-scanner-copier. He couldnt get through to the Powergen 24-hour helpline and had to call them from work.Not turning up at the appointed time. Falsely claiming to have rung the doorbell and

47、 foundno one in.Customers are the most vital part of any business, they are its reason for existing and they are the people upon whom all success depends. Keeping them satisfied is the most important thing a company can do.Competition may force a company to move jobs to low-wage countries (thus havi

48、ng fewer people on hand to give good customer service). The bigger a business is, the more widespread its suppliers and customers become and delivering good service to them becomes more difficult. You may have to invest in IT systems to keep track of orders.B1 He says the opposite of this in lines 4

49、o to 5o.2 He makes this pointin lines 5i to 57 by lamenting the fact that some companies have cut back6on their customer service training.3 He makes this point in lines 79 to 84 By saying that outsourcing is not on its own responsible for deteriorating customer service, he suggests that it is one ca

50、use.4 He doesnt make this point. He says in lines 84 to 90 that the fact that some companies seem to believe this is a problem.5 He makes this point in lines 73 to 76.Ask Ss to discuss in pairs any examples of good and bad customer service they have experienced and then to report back to the class.L

51、anguage review: Gerunds_Ss study gerund formation and the way that gerunds are used. Ss then use them in drawing up guidelines about customer service.A Go through the gerunds in the Language review box with the whole class. Refer back to Exercise A in the Starting up Section where this is mentioned,

52、 even if Ss havent done this.Get Ss to look at the article on page 87 in pairs and find gerunds. Circulate and assist. a) But making a profit. (line 96) ; Carrying this out. (line 129)b) including not turning up at the appointed time and then claiming to have rung the doorbell (line 46 to 49) ; I am

53、 not attacking outsourcing as such. (lines 79 to 81)c) without jamming (lines 15 to 16) ; about cutting costs. (lines 77 to 78) ; a way of providing the same goods. (line 131 to 133)B1 b2 a3 d4 c5 e6 fPossible answers. Ss may suggest others.Check your Ssown ideas for improving customer service. 1 re

54、turning2 giving3 doing/undertaking/commissioning4 organising/running5 drawing up/establishing/setting up6 drawing up/establishing/setting7 checking/examining/monitoring8 dealing79 ensuring/making sure10 learningStep 5Skills: Active listeningSs look at listening skills in the context of customer serv

55、ice. They listen to interviewswithsatisfied and angry customers and learn some key expressions.With the whole class, ask about the points here. Invite comments and encourage discussion. Divide the class into pairs or threes. Circulate, monitor and assist. Note language points forpraise and correctio

56、n, especially in relation to this topic.With the whole class, praise good language points from the discussion and work on three or four points that need improvement, getting individual Ss to say the correct forms.10.4 Ask Ss for their suggestions. Invite comments and encourage discussion. Some inter

57、esting cultural issues should emerge here.10.4Conversation 1It was just before Christmas.OK.I went into this wine store and bought two bottles of red wine. I bought them because they were promoted as wine of the month, so I thought they must be good. When l tried one of them, l found the wine was mu

58、ch too sweet, like fruiit juice almost.Fruit juice?Yes, Really! I offered a glass to my neighbour, who was our guest. She took one sip and asked me if 1 had anything else!So, what did you do?AWell, I took the bottles back to the store and complained about the wine. The salesman didntargue. He took t

59、he bottles back and told me to choose another two bottles. I ll look for some at thesame price, I said.Dont do that, he said choose any two bottleslike.I choseyou two whichwere quite a bit more expensive and thanked him. I always go to that store for my wine nowbecause I like the way they treat thei

60、r customers.Conversation 2I flew to Spain recently with my family and I was really impressed with the level of customer service we received. We were flying with a relatively cheap, no frills airline and they didnt promise much-no meals for example, but what they did promise, they delivered.Really?Ye


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